The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2255 Meteorite-level Xingyun No. 3

The Holy Emperor sensed danger from this, that is, Fairy Zezhang must have discovered Wu Siqi's secret, and poisoning her was just for revenge!

If this is really the case, then what happened to Wu Siqi might also happen to me, because the two people's things were somewhat similar, except that my life was better at that time, and it was the Holy Emperor's body that took away his body. So he became the Holy Emperor, which was definitely unbearable for those who took over Wu Siqi's body. It's no wonder that he has prepared so many means to deal with himself.

Although his cultivation level is slightly higher than his, it is easy to block open spears but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. Now he has been poisoned and has been infected with insect poison. Fortunately, Wu Siqi has also been poisoned, and the insect poison has been taken by Shi Zhen. As the master understood, the two sides were even.

But Wu Siqi's life is really tough. With so many people chasing him, he is still absconding. He is definitely the biggest threat to himself. How to nip this threat in the cradle is what the Holy Emperor needs to consider most. thing.

However, the incident with Fairy Zezhang once again reminded the Holy Emperor that his slaves were also a potential threat. It was time to track down these restless people!

Of course, the Holy Emperor knew that his ability to hide things from the sky was flawed, that is, his perception of the people under his sect was quite vague, and it was difficult to understand their true thoughts. And if he got too close to them, they might discover him. It was not the flaw of his master, so, like Wu Siqi, he gradually alienated himself from his disciples after taking possession of his body, thus avoiding the danger of them discovering his secret.

After so many years, everything seemed normal, which made the Holy Emperor gradually lose his vigilance and did not take much precaution against those people.

However, what happened to Fairy Zezhang suddenly made his heart arouse, and he began to reflect on how he should guard against death...

Due to the large number of people under the Holy Emperor's sect, the Holy Emperor had previously thought of a way to send them out and disperse them to various places. In this way, the number of people in the Immortal Court was already very small, so he only needed to check this small group of people first. As for the people who are scattered in various places, once they return, he can also check one by one whether their loyalty has changed.

In addition, letting the soul of one of his disciples manage Wu Siqi's body suddenly gave him a new idea. What if all the disciples of the Holy Emperor were taken away by the souls of his own disciples?

Once this thought came up, he couldn't stop it. The Holy Emperor couldn't help but secretly regret. If he had known that the original disciples of the Holy Emperor had such a terrible risk of backlash, he should have killed them all to ensure his absolute safety.

Since he did not know much about the situation in Immortal Court after the original seizure, and could only truly understand the situation through long-term contact, he did not dare to easily seize the bodies of the original slaves of the Holy Emperor.

Moreover, it is also necessary to consider that after taking away the bodies of those people, every soul must be able to control itself and everything around it. Otherwise, if one does not respond well, the secret may be leaked, which in turn will make it easier for oneself. exposed.

The Holy Emperor is an extremely cautious person. In fact, after doing such a big thing, it is absolutely impossible to be careless. Therefore, he has been enduring it and has been at peace with those slaves over the years.

But the situation is different now, because the thunder of Wu Siqi will explode at any time. Once it explodes, these slaves under the door will be the first to bite back, and the consequences will be serious.

It is necessary to seize the bodies of some powerful slaves first. In this way, if a backlash occurs, he will not be alone like Wu Siqi. Instead, he will have someone to suppress him first, so that he can have sufficient buffer time.

It doesn't matter whether you run away or fight...

The Holy Emperor was thinking secretly, and while he was planning, he was drinking and conversing with the immortals, talking loudly, and giving guidance to the country...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing swept through another star field and gained a lot.

Xingyun No. 3's energy has greatly increased during this period, and it has been upgraded to another level.

This series is measured by small stars, and its standard is very harsh, almost calculated based on the energy of a standard sun.

The so-called standard sun refers to a sun that has reached a certain level of mass but does not have the conditions to become a pulsar or a black hole. Such a sun will only become a red giant in the later stages of its life. Finally, after stripping off its outer layer of material, it will become a white dwarf or red star. Dwarf stars continue to burn for a considerable period of time.

Of course, it is not easy to reach a standard solar energy. First, the material reserves must be extremely rich, and these materials must be converted into real energy reserves in the energy bank, or used to transform the planet. All facilities on Yun-3 can meet the daily life, training and combat needs of 30 billion people.

Secondly, such a large amount of energy must have a very proper management method so that they can be stored and used absolutely safely. Otherwise, once an abnormality occurs, a chain explosion may occur, and even oneself cannot be protected!

Because, whether it is the sun or the converted energy, it is a double-edged sword. Without good management and use, problems will arise.

This is why star explosions often occur in interstellar space!

These stars, the sun, accumulate huge amounts of fuel and burn continuously, creating an extremely dangerous environment of high temperature and pressure.

As the fuel continues to be converted into energy and volatilized, the internal and external pressure of the sun will gradually become unbalanced, and eventually it will become a red giant. It will suddenly explode at a certain moment, throwing away a large amount of outer material, leaving only the core. Some heavy matter formed into dwarf stars and continued to burn...

Generally speaking, such a standard sun will also have an internal space, but it will not be too stable. Even if there is a sun family, its level is unlikely to develop to a high level.

But above the standard sun, there are many more massive suns. They gather much more fuel and can burn for an extremely long time. Therefore, the internal space will be more stable, thus providing the conditions to produce more advanced solar families. Some sun gods will even be born.

Once there are sun gods, they can play a role in controlling and stabilizing the sun, making the burning time of the sun greatly extended, thus becoming more stable and peaceful...

At this time, the Sun God is equivalent to the spirit of this big sun. With the spirit of the sun, it is like having life. It can survive and develop for a long time in this universe...

Generally speaking, the mass of the spiritual sun will be more than 100 million times that of the standard sun. This is the result of small star estimation. As for whether the result is true, continued observation, calculation and field verification are needed.

At the current stage, Xingyun 3's energy reserves are far from reaching the level of a standard sun, so its levels are all below level one. However, at this initial stage, it is also divided into a hundred energy levels by small stars.

After a lot of devouring during this period, Xingyun No. 3 has reached the initial stage of level six!

Don't underestimate this sixth level. From the perspective of people in the Xuanling world, its material and energy are so huge that it is immeasurable. It can be described as a sea of ​​energy.

But in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, this energy sea is just the beginning!

Yes, this is just a small beginning. To become a cosmic-level battle fortress, if the energy of the sun does not reach a certain standard, it is not qualified to be put on the table!

Because this is just a meteorite-class battleship at best.

In interstellar space, the standards of battleships are generally divided into nine levels: meteorite level, satellite level, planet level, solar level, companion level, black hole level, galaxy level, quasar level, and universe level.

Based on the current energy level of Xingyun 3's initial sixth level, it corresponds to the meteorite level, which is just the initial stage of the interstellar battleship.

Such a warship cannot go on expeditions in the fourth-level civilization, and can only do logistics and other tasks at most. In the eyes of people in the third-level civilization, this is simply a behemoth, and its level is completely unimaginable.

Of course, although the energy level of Xingyun No. 3 is still extremely low, its potential is unlimited!

This is because, whether it is the hull or the energy, these can only be regarded as hardware, but the combat power of a battleship more importantly depends on its software, that is, the human factor. With Li Yun and Xiaoxing, with an army of 30 billion souls, it is entirely possible for Xingyun No. 3 to become the top Star Wars fortress in the universe!

The smooth sailing of Xingyun 3 gave Li Yun and Xiaoxing peace of mind. Therefore, various construction tasks were carried out in an orderly manner, including the development of a variety of Star Wars weapons, the expansion and upgrading of internal space, and the creation of an army of souls. Improvements in conditions, etc…

In addition to internal upgrades, there are also outer upgrades, the most important of which is the transformation of the energy shield, including the upgrade of the tangible shell and the upgrade of the frigate formation.

A new layer of formation is specially added to the frigate formation, which is the idea proposed by Xiaoxing earlier. It will offset or distort the gravitational field generated by Xingyun 3 itself, making it better concealed, thus improving safety.

This formation is not simple, because at this stage, Xingyun 3 is not particularly large, and its gravitational field is still very limited. But as it swallows more and more matter and energy, the gravitational field it generates is inevitable. The earth will increase accordingly. If it really reaches the level of a standard sun, then Xingyun No. 3 is entirely likely to have a major impact on the entire Xuanling world!

At that time, it will no longer be the aura that Taoist Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal felt before, but a real huge gravitational force, whether it is people approaching it or people and things thousands of miles away. , will be attracted by it and become a huge disaster!

In fact, warships that have reached the satellite level or above are already quite powerful. If they do not deal with the gravity generated by the operation of their own material energy, they will not only expose their whereabouts, but also have a considerable impact on everything around them. Influence…

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