The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2256 Information Encirclement

The gravitational field mentioned here does not simply refer to the force of adsorption from the outside in. In fact, the gravitational field is by no means such a simple thing. In addition to the attraction, each gravitational field will also distort the time and space near the object. Space makes time and space somewhat abnormal.

Some extremely powerful gravitational fields can completely distort the entire space-time, and even go around it for several times, so that the matter or life falling into it will not fall onto the object that generates the gravitational field at all, but in different time and space. After going around and around, I couldn't find Bei...

This is actually the power of the cosmic fortress. If it can really reach this level, then just using its gravitational field can destroy countless targets!

Therefore, cracking the gravitational field is definitely a must-solve problem in Star Wars, otherwise we will not even be qualified to become an opponent.

This will certainly not be a big problem for Li Yun and Xiaoxing. Regarding the gravitational field, the fourth-level civilization of the pre-universe has already studied it to a deeper level. With the continuous upgrading of think tanks, the understanding of the gravitational field has increased. More profound.

To decipher a gravitational field, of course, we need to collect all kinds of necessary data and information, and then calculate the degree of its space-time distortion. With these data, we can gradually unravel the truth of the distorted space-time, and finally find out the truth hidden in the space-time. Which is the real goal!

On the other hand, to create a gravitational field to confuse the enemy, you must design it exquisitely. Sometimes, the more complicated the better, because it will confuse even your own people, but to make the enemy go astray and in the wrong place. You get stuck deeper and deeper on the road until you are completely lost!

Such tactics are extremely unfamiliar and even incomprehensible to people of the third-level civilization. This is why it has been repeatedly emphasized that there are huge chasms and gaps between civilization levels, and there is no all-round improvement and concentration of strength. It is difficult to escape the shackles of one's own civilization and enter a higher level of civilization.

Li Yun and Little The gravitational field of the Earth will become more and more powerful and complex, and how to manage its gravitational field will become an extremely important issue.

This is because, in addition to the impact of the gravitational field on external things, it will also have a huge impact on things inside the object. Every life living in it will be affected by this force field. If it is not managed well, there will be People may be directly crushed to death by gravity, and some objects may collapse or be crushed into pieces. In short, the internal gravitational field must be properly managed to prevent accidents.

In Star Wars, there are many examples of winning by destroying the opponent's gravitational field and causing abnormal operation of the opponent...

"Sir, now the operation of Xingyun No. 3 is finally on the right track!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Yes, if it weren't for Tianxuan and Kaiming's reaction prompts about the gravitational field problem, we wouldn't have noticed it. Maybe we should conduct more self-tests to discover some potential problems. The problems solved at this stage will be useful later. They are all of great value!" Li Yun thought.

"This... Your Majesty is right! The slave will immediately start the self-test process, and will not let go of any minor problems!"


"In addition, our monitoring network has basically covered the interstellar space of the Xuanling World. In other words, we can monitor everything including the entire fairy world!" Xiaoxing said loudly.

"Wo...really?!" Li Yun couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this!

This coverage speed is almost ridiculously fast.

He couldn't believe it.

"Hey, deploying a monitoring network in interstellar space can indeed achieve such high speed! On the one hand, there are basically no obstacles in interstellar space. Except for some abnormal places that need to be carefully arranged, other large areas of space can be entered without any hindrance. ! On the other hand, Tianyun's ability has reached a high level. How fast and economical it is to make these monitors. In addition, the Lord's Kamigawa Kung Fu is extremely powerful, and the light spots of divine consciousness are simply much brighter than the stars in the sky, so this The network is extending rapidly almost all the time, and now it basically covers about a small half of the entire interstellar space, and this small half of the volume is mainly the starry sky close to those interfaces, so it is completely possible to monitor them..." Xiaoxing explained.

Li Yun suddenly realized that it seemed that this network was only half completed, but because Xiaoxing consciously arranged them in the starry sky close to the major interfaces, the purpose of monitoring could be achieved.

"So, we can now observe the fairy world?" Li Yun said excitedly.

"Yes! With the ability of our monitor, we can see more details than the previous ground network. There is no problem!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"What about the ground network we deployed in Dongchen Immortal Domain before?"

"The ground network can only cover a part of Dongchen Immortal Territory now, because the number of thunder demon ants and black-veined butterflies we deployed from the stowaway passage that time was not large, but they still covered large areas such as Xianji Cave, but , with the current starry sky monitoring network, their role has actually been greatly weakened..." Xiaoxing said.

"So, with the starry sky monitoring network, we don't actually need to lay ground networks on a large scale. We only need to deploy them in some key areas?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! The starry sky monitoring network is extremely capable. The sensing ability is not only reflected in the breadth, but also in the depth. Even the underground depths that were previously inaccessible to the ground network may be sensed by it, because our monitors are not simple. Image observation, as well as various sensing methods such as radio, infrared, microwave, thermal life, etc., can detect mineral deposits, life, geological activities, etc. underground or below the water body. The light spot of the adult's spiritual consciousness is actually only used to monitor this It’s just a monitor…”

"It seems that we have achieved information surrounding each interface! But..."

"But what?"

"This encirclement still remains on the surface. It needs to be supported by transmission arrays and observation arrays to turn it into a three-dimensional information space!" Li Yun suggested.

"What you say makes sense! Our information encirclement can only achieve relatively passive monitoring at present, but if it is supported by the transmission array and observation array, it can become an information space capable of active monitoring. By then, all the information in space will not be able to escape our grasp!" Xiaoxing said angrily.

"I'm afraid we need to go to those interfaces to complete this task, and the amount of work is still huge. But regarding the current situation, we have actually taken the initiative!" Li Yun spoke highly of Xiaoxing.

This is because, no matter what level of battle or war, information has always been an extremely important link. Whoever can take the lead in information warfare will have a greater advantage. Sometimes, this advantage is even decisive. of.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing understand this very well, so no matter how much investment is required, they invest in it without hesitation, which lays a more solid foundation for their continuous success.

After the information encirclement was basically completed, a massive amount of information rolled in and was processed in an orderly manner by the think tank. It was classified according to the level of information. Only the most important and urgent information would be submitted to Xiaoxing and even Li Yun...

Despite this, the amount of information Li Yun needs to read now has also increased significantly, because there is too much information that is considered the most important by the think tank!

"Many outlets of the Xianji Department are playing the exquisite video of the Universiade Palace, triggering a buying frenzy..."

"The insect plague in the demon world and demon world has attracted unabated attention, and most people are continuing to follow up..."

"The interstellar hunting team returned in defeat, and disputes broke out among several teams. The reason was that they suspected that the other team had stolen their prey..."

"The Immortal Palace holds a grand banquet to entertain the six immortals who have returned with great honors!"

"The Soul Clan assassin is suspected to have been found in the Immortal Palace, and the Immortal Palace Guards are searching with all their strength!"

"A rare high-grade immortal vein was discovered in the eighth-level fairy world, triggering a struggle among all parties! The situation is extremely complicated!"

"Discovering traces of the Heaven and Earth Pan..."


Li Yun saw at a glance that this last piece of information was related to the Heaven and Earth Dist, and he couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Sir, we have really discovered the world!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Good thing! I just don't know which Wusiqi is controlling it now?"

"From the information, the Heaven and Earth Disk came out from the direction of the Immortal Palace Floating Island, and has now crossed the ninth level of the Immortal Realm and headed towards the eighth level of the Immortal Realm..." Xiaoxing said.

"Come out of the floating island in the Immortal Palace? Did Wu Siqi go to the Immortal Palace? Is that the soul clan assassin who is him?!" Li Yun quickly thought of this.

"This is extremely possible!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"What's your basis?"

"The Assassin of the Soul Clan has been discovered in the Immortal Palace, which explains the problem very much. Because as far as we know, the Holy Emperor and Wu Siqi are both people from the Soul Clan and are members of the Soul Clan themselves. And Wu Siqi has already assassinated the Saint. Emperor, the purpose of replacing him is that after returning to the Immortal Realm last time, he is very likely to sneak into the Immortal Palace to look for opportunities, because he is the only one who knows that the Holy Emperor at this time has been poisoned and is in a weak stage, which is a good opportunity to take action." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That makes sense!"

"And why is it said that he is a Soul Clan assassin but not an assassin? This is because Wu Siqi's current cultivation level is not high. It is actually very difficult to sneak into the Immortal Palace to assassinate, so he is very likely to be captured by mistake. In order to escape , he could only abandon his original body and transform into his original soul body in order to escape smoothly, but in this way, his true nature as a soul clan was exposed, so the information clearly stated that he was a soul clan assassin!" Xiaoxing continued.

"very good!"

"Although Wu Siqi escaped from the Immortal Palace, the people from the Immortal Palace must be hot on his heels, so now he is running all the way, even using the power of the Heaven and Earth Disk to cross the ninth level of the Immortal Realm and go to the eighth level..."

. m.

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