The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2259 A murder case

The news brought by Qingyuan caught Yuan Yi a little off guard. In his opinion, any news related to the Immortal Palace is of course big news and hot information that needs to be interpreted carefully.

Yuan Yi asked Qingyuan carefully about all the details of the entire incident, and finally had a more comprehensive understanding of the matter.

What made him most incredible was that the original Saint Master Wu Siqi was actually killed by a soul clan!

This incident had the biggest impact on him!

Because he had never had a good impression of Saint Master Wu Siqi. Because he had such a treasure as the Heaven and Earth Disk, and his ability to obtain information even surpassed his own, he was very favored in front of the Saint Emperor.

Many decisions of the Immortal Court are based more on the opinions of the Holy Master Wu Siqi rather than Yuan Yi who owns the Immortal Machinery Department.

However, now things have undergone a fundamental reversal. Wu Siqi turned out to be a soul clan, and the original real body Wu Siqi has been suppressed by him for too long, and he is probably about to die. In addition, the world is still in the In the hands of the escaped soul clan Wu Siqi, as a result, the Holy Emperor must rely more on the Immortal Machinery Agency if he wants to obtain information!

It can be said that the big event that happened this time is actually a good thing for the Xianji Department!

After Yuan Yi figured this out, he couldn't help but feel happy...

Recently, not only has he made a lot of money, but his status has also been continuously improved. Is it because he fell in love with the big tree of Li Yun?

I once did a research and found that people who are close to Li Yun are getting better and better. It seems that I have now been included in Li Yun's halo, and many things are getting better and better. Develop in a direction that is beneficial to you.

"Continue to follow up and report back immediately if there is any news!" Yuan Yi said immediately.

"Yes! Sir!"

"In addition, send some of the latest information from the Immortal Machinery Department to the Holy Emperor, so that he can see our information collection capabilities!" Yuan Yi said with confidence.

"Yes! Xiaonu will send it over immediately!" Qingyuan responded quickly.

At the end of the call, Yuan Yi laughed wildly in the Xianji Cave, causing the entire Xianji Cave to reverberate and tremble...

"Sir, isn't this kid crazy about fun?" Xiaoxing teased.

"He should be gloating about his misfortune. Wu Siqi's downfall is certainly good news for him..." Li Yun said.

"If he knew that Wu Siqi's real body was actually a soul clan, he probably wouldn't be able to laugh anymore." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What? This happened?" Li Yun was stunned.

"Our monitoring network has discovered this. The Holy Emperor took advantage of the opportunity of the Eight Great Immortals to hunt down the soul clan Wu Siqi and brought him into the palace. First, he searched whether there was the original Wu Siqi's soul in his body. I thought there was no such thing. I found it, so I let the soul of one of my disciples enter it and take care of the body temporarily." Xiaoxing said.

"Temporary control? You mean not to seize the body?"

"There was no body seizure! Because the Holy Emperor discovered that the body was also infected with an unknown poison and was not suitable for body seizure. This is a good thing for the original Wu Siqi soul." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's right! If the soul of that disciple took away that body, it is very likely to find its original soul, and then he can ask the Holy Emperor to help him destroy it. Therefore, Fairy Zezhang has nothing to do with that body. By applying poison, she actually saved her original master. It can be said that she has repaid her kindness somehow!" Li Yun sighed.

Speaking of which, it was precisely because he did not interfere too much in the affairs between Wu Siqi and the Holy Emperor that things like Fairy Zezhang saving her original owner happened.

Causality is a very mysterious thing. Many causes and effects are often entangled. You don’t know what kind of effect this cause will lead to, and you don’t know which cause this effect corresponds to. Therefore, if you interfere too much, It's amazing, sometimes you even get confused. If you want to do good things, you may end up doing bad things instead.

In addition, if you randomly intervene in various causal relationships without being sure, then it is very likely that these causal relationships will involve yourself. This is certainly not a very wise approach.

Now, Fairy Zezhang has finally repaid her old master's kindness and successfully joined Li Yun's sect. It can be said that she has achieved positive results. In the Universiade Palace, she has a brighter future...

"Yes! Ze Zhang did indeed save his old master's life, which is gratifying. But now his old master still has to hide in that poisoned body, trembling and frightened..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Well, it seems necessary to inform Yuan Yi about this matter, lest he think that he can sit back and relax... Although the Holy Master Wu Siqi no longer has the world, but because he is the soul of the disciple of the Holy Emperor, the Holy Emperor will certainly treat him more Trust, it is impossible to turn to Yuan Bai and be obedient." Li Yun analyzed.

"Okay! Xiaonu will send him a message to shock his heart that is about to swell..." Xiaoxing said happily.

Sure enough, Yuan Yi quickly received Xiaoxing's message and couldn't help being surprised again!

Although Xiaoxing did not directly reveal the secret of the Holy Emperor, the fact that the new Wu Siqi was still a soul clan made Yuan Yi feel incredible!

He almost thought Xiaoxing had made a mistake at first!

"Isn't it possible? How come there are so many soul races in the Immortal Palace?" Yuan Yi said in shock.

"Hey, this information is 100% accurate! As for why this is the case, rely on your clever mind and slowly think about what is going on... In short, you need to be alert when dealing with people from the Immortal Palace. Lest someone get stuck and waste our time, energy and money..." Xiaoxing snorted.

Yuan Yi was stunned when he heard this and began to think hard about this information...

At this time, the Three No matter Immortal Veins of the Eighth Level Immortal Realm is in chaos and abnormality. All forces are still arriving in a steady stream. However, the powerful Chu Huai who first discovered this place has been seriously injured, but with a larger number of people, he still occupied the area. A large area.

Of course, this area has shrunk significantly compared to the territory he occupied using Chu Kui at the beginning, to less than one ten thousandth.

However, even this territory was occupied by his force at great cost, and in his opinion, it was still very worthwhile!

Because the amount of immortal energy contained in this territory alone has exceeded the total amount of immortal veins in Chu Kui's power. In other words, even if the more than two million people under his sect move here to live and practice, it will be too much. No problem, it shows how good the quality of this immortal vein is!

Now, like the nearly ten thousand other large and medium-sized forces that have occupied the territory, he has begun to build the mountain gate formation on it, preparing to occupy it, and Xu Tu will show off...

What Chu Huai and others did not expect was that the news of this high-grade immortal vein had already reached the nine-level immortal world, and now, a large number of masters from the nine-level immortal world were coming here. For Chu Huai and others, this high-grade immortal vein Mai is simply a troublemaker. If they had known this earlier, they would have preferred nothing!

But there are not so many people in this world who have known this for a long time. Money and silk are alluring, especially in the world of cultivation. Moreover, when facing a treasure of this level, the person who seizes the treasure will not care about benevolence, justice and morality at all, but will directly attack!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom -"

"Boom boom boom boom——"

The mountain gate formations being built exploded one by one like firecrackers, creating energy waves one after another, catching many people involved in the creation of the formation off guard. Fallen people fell, injured people were injured, and the entire area was shrouded in Amidst the bloody screams, countless people screamed and ran away...

Chu Huai was affected by this terrible explosion. Since he had been seriously injured before, he was actually thrown very far away by this explosion. He was about to fly out of the Sangui area!

Then he fainted!

There were originally tens of thousands of powerful people, and the total number was probably over one million, but they all disappeared in the blink of an eye!

In fact, it cannot be said that they have disappeared, because many people died on the spot, so all that can be seen are some corpses...

"Haha, hahahahaha... I'm finally clean!" A powerful Wuxin mage from the nine-level immortal world looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Haha, these little ants actually want to get their hands on the high-grade immortal veins. They are simply wishful thinking!" Another powerful Venerable Li Xue who took action laughed wildly in agreement.

"Grrrrrrrr, I hate it when these ants want to make a fortune. How can anything be so cheap in this world?"

"Fairy White Bones is so right! If even these ants can make a fortune, then aren't we going to drink from the northwest wind?!" Venerable Li Xue praised.

These three powerful men who committed murders caused the death of tens of thousands of people and injured nearly a million people in a short period of time. They were still here talking shamelessly at this moment, which made Li Yun and Xiaoxing who monitored this scene both. Stunned!

These three people were immediately included in Xiaoxing's must-catch list!

If Master Wu Xin, Venerable Li Xue and Fairy Bones knew the consequences, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to laugh at all now...

However, their faces now show a strange excitement after committing a murder. They are so happy that they can't close their mouths. They even forgot to check their immortal veins...

At this time, a circular flying boat appeared high in the sky, which was the Heaven and Earth Disk!

Because of its relatively fast speed, it arrived here ahead of many powerful beings from the Nine-Level Immortal Realm.

Wu Siqi of the soul clan saw with his own eyes the process of these three powerful men committing murders, and was also shocked!

Unexpectedly, I am ruthless, but there are others who are more ruthless than me. With one strike, tens of thousands of lives are lost. It is like strolling in the garden...

He quickly assessed his strength and found that he was no match for the three of them now. It seemed that he would have to spend a lot of brainpower and effort to get this immortal vein.

In addition, of course he knows that there are many powerful people from the nine-level immortal world coming from behind. Therefore, these three people will face many enemies next. He can sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight, and take some of them by the way. Fisherman’s profit…

"By the way, if you want to get the advantage of being a fisherman, you have to explore this place carefully..."

Wu Siqi immediately took action and controlled the heaven and earth disk to patrol the area...

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