The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2260 Soul Thief

Because the scene was extremely chaotic, there were countless dead people, and no high-grade immortal veins could be seen at all. Wu Siqi was also a little angry at the three people who caused the murder. He did not mean to pity the fallen people, but Master Wuxin and others. The three of them are so powerful. They just need to use their power to drive away these weaklings. Why do they want to make this place a mess?

Isn't this destroying one's own immortal veins?

In Wu Siqi's view, of course this immortal vein belongs to him, and no one can take it away!

Although he no longer has an immortal body and his cultivation level has dropped significantly, these are not problems. With his extremely powerful soul, resourcefulness, and the help of the heaven and earth, there is no problem in seizing this immortal vein.

He started patrolling the sky, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Huh? These immortal bodies can be used!"

There were tens of thousands of fallen bodies at the scene, many of them were immortals, and most of the others were strong among the low-level cultivators. Their bodies were all extremely strong. It was a pity to waste them like this.

Wu Siqi already carried a large number of souls from his disciples in his body, but he was worried that he would be alone without a body to use.

Since the number of times of snatching was very precious, Wu Siqi didn't want them to snatch the litter at will. In addition, because he was afraid of exposing the secret, he had only kept them and did not let him show his face in front of others.

This approach can be said to be the same as that of the Holy Emperor. The two actually discussed this matter and both felt that in a place like Immortal Court, there are too many masters, and someone may be able to tell at any time whether a person is a Soul Clan person or not. So they didn't use these disciple souls.

But it was different now. His identity had been exposed and he lacked helpers. It was a good time for the souls of these disciples to play their role. So, he immediately transferred tens of thousands of souls and secretly resurrected the bodies below...

With his methods and caution, he actually managed to hide the three Master Wu Xin from them.

These people were unable to help at the moment, so they were kept in the Heaven and Earth Disk by Wu Siqi, while he went around to investigate, and gradually became a little uneasy.

"'s really a high-grade immortal vein! No wonder it attracts so many people to compete for it. Once it's released, it's released..." Wu Siqi screamed repeatedly in his heart.

Immortal veins of this quality are quite rare. Generally, they can only be seen among the Great Immortal Lord level forces, and it is basically impossible for the common people to have them.

Therefore, in his opinion, this immortal vein will be taken away by someone at the level of a great immortal sooner or later, and now, he must take advantage of it first.

However, due to the decline in his strength, it is impossible for him to openly take away this immortal vein with his original identity and status as the Great Immortal Lord. He does not even have the strength to remove it, so he can only do the next best thing and sneak into its core to absorb the immortal energy...

Wu Siqi's idea had actually been anticipated by Li Yun and Xiaoxing a long time ago, because in his current situation, he had no ability to move the upper-grade immortal veins. If he wanted to get a piece of the pie, the best way was to sneak into the core and absorb the immortal energy. Take the best piece of cake.

After Wu Siqi made up his mind, he immediately began to explore the core area of ​​this immortal vein...

For other people, even other great powers in the nine-level immortal world, it is not a simple matter to detect the core area of ​​​​the immortal veins, because it may be hidden countless miles underground, and ordinary immortal consciousness cannot Discover.

The core area of ​​the Immortal Vein usually has its own pulse spirit, which can protect itself and hide and move. It is very difficult to lock its location.

For those who have immortal veins, they must find ways to trap the pulse spirit in order to ensure its long-term use. Otherwise, if the pulse spirit escapes, the immortal vein will quickly degenerate until it turns into a mortal thing.

The higher the level of the immortal vein, the higher the level of the pulse spirit. Of course, it is much more difficult to lock it. However, since the immortal world has developed for countless years and has rich experience in this area, generally speaking It is said that late-stage immortals above Daluo Jinxian can easily lock high-level pulse spirits, provided they can discover it.

Wu Siqi had an advantage in this aspect, and this advantage was of course the heaven and earth disk. He walked around in a circle, found a secret place, hid in it, and set up a formation.

Start using the heaven and earth disk to find the core pulse spirit.

As long as you find the pulse spirit, you can lock the immortal veins and absorb the immortal energy...

He searched nervously and orderly in the cave, and the situation outside was constantly changing.

At the beginning, Master Wu Xin, Venerable Li Xue and Fairy Bones walked around excitedly, but suddenly they found that the bodies of the fallen were gone, which really shocked them!

To say that they didn't even blink when they killed these people before, it can't be said that they were scared at all. However, now that these dead people suddenly disappeared out of thin air, it made them feel that the world was a bit eerie, as if those people were there. As if staring at himself in the dark, the psychological pressure suddenly increased a lot.

The expressions on the three people's faces became a little bad, and they even became cautious when speaking, let alone continue to hunt down those who were thrown to the periphery.

They suspected that someone was targeting them, so they checked the immortal veins and were on guard. Sure enough, not long after, another powerful person came here, but it was someone else from the nine-level immortal world.

None of these people are ordinary people. They are either the leader of a force, a famous lone ranger, or a team of several people. They are also very strong and are not afraid of the underworld people in the fairy world like Master Wuxin.

Therefore, after they arrived here, they quickly started a new round of territory carving up operations. On the one hand, they occupied the territory, and on the other hand, they searched for the core vein spirit in order to gain maximum benefits.

Master Wu Xin, Venerable Li Xue and Fairy Bones became even more unhappy when they saw these people coming. Fortunately, no one saw the murder they committed earlier, otherwise they might have aroused public outrage.

Suddenly, the three of them looked up to the sky in the distance, looked stunned, secretly shouted "No", hurriedly blended into the crowd, and quietly transformed...

It turned out that at this time, more than ten people came from Tianji, all dressed in the uniforms of Immortal Court Guards, and the leader was none other than Mi Zhi!

They locked onto the flight path and aura left behind by the Heaven and Earth Disk, and finally caught up here.

What surprised them was that there were many great masters from the immortal world gathered here. After asking, they found out that high-grade immortal veins had been discovered here, and these people were here to share the cake.

Maybe the people in the Immortal Palace have already learned about this news, but because Mirou and the others are guards, they will learn the news slower than other related people, so they don't know about it.

However, after learning about it, Mi Zhi finally realized why Wu Siqi from the Soul Clan wanted to go straight here.

Mi Ru looked at this place and saw that there were so many people gathered here. It was not easy to find Wu Siqi among them. Moreover, the traces of the heaven and earth disk were lost, and the breath was not found. It was obviously covered by Wu Siqi. This increases the difficulty of discovery.

He suddenly had an idea. If he wanted to find Wu Siqi, he couldn't just rely on the dozen or so people on his own. He had to use all the powerful people on the scene to find Wu Siqi together, so he said loudly: "Everyone, please pay attention!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and looked up at Mi Ru and others in the sky.

"A soul thief was discovered in the Immortal Palace and stole the Saint Master's world. He was later discovered and hunted by us. Now he has gone straight here. He obviously intends to target the Immortal Vein and is a great threat to everyone! This person must now be He is looking for the Immortal Vein Spirit. Please unite to find this person first and work together to capture him. I will definitely report your achievements to the Immortal Court and reward him!" Mi Zhi said loudly.

"Wo..." The scene was suddenly in an uproar.

"He actually went to the Immortal Palace to steal. Is this kid going to die?!"

"He even stole the heaven and earth! Oh my god..."

"How audacious!"

"You still have to compete with us for the Immortal Vein Spirit. You are simply greedy!"

"That's right..."

"No problem! I wonder what the reward will be after catching him?" someone shouted.

Mi Ru pondered for a moment and said: "The prize will be carried out according to the rules of the Immortal Palace, but I can guarantee that whoever catches him first will at least get a life-extending pill!"

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar.

The temptation of the Life-Extension Pill is indeed extraordinary. Even these great masters are tempted. Whether the immortal veins can be divided up still needs to be fought for. And if you catch a thief and you can get the Life-Extension Pill, wouldn't it be very real?

What's more, this person intends to get involved in the Immortal Vein and is the public enemy of everyone here. If you work hard to come here, but in the end the Immortal Vein is stolen by a thief, it will be a big loss!

"Okay! Let's find this person first. No matter what, we can't let a little soul clan succeed!"

"That makes sense! It's unbearable for a Soul Clan to compete with us for the Immortal Vein!"

“Search immediately!!!”


Everyone took action, and not long after, someone discovered the cave where Wu Siqi had been hiding not long ago, but it was now empty.

After hearing the news, Mi Mu came over, searched it, and confirmed: "This person must have stayed here before, because this place has the aura of heaven and earth!"

"Oh..." The people around him exclaimed softly, their eyes brightening.

It seems that this soul clan must still be here, but where will he go?

Mi Mu thought for a while and said: "It is very likely that he has found the location of the pulse spirit. He must be going to the location of the pulse spirit now. Everyone, hurry up and find the pulse spirit at the core!"

"That makes sense!"

"No! You have to hurry up, otherwise you will be in trouble if he absorbs all the immortal energy!" someone reminded.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they heard this. What they were most afraid of was that if this happened, they would only be happy in vain!

There were quite a few masters among these powers, and soon several of them came forward and began to work together to find the Pulse-initiating Spirit...

And Mi Ru and others are also using the positioning treasure to constantly search the direction of the Soul Clan Wu Siqi's movement. Everyone is nervously looking forward to...

However, the pulse spirit of high-grade immortal veins cannot be found quickly if you want to look for it. Sometimes you need some luck. Even if you find it temporarily, don't be too happy because if the pulse spirit is discovered by others, it is very likely to be found. Transfer yourself…

. m.

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