The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2273 Entering the Level 5 Civilization Era

"However, isn't the prince's military order aimed at the insect plague in the demon world and the demon world?" Shi Kan asked.

"That's true, but since Li Yun has passed through the Demon Realm, it should be fine!" the prince said.

"No! In any case, the prince must first go to the demon world to take a look. If the insect plague in the demon world has indeed been extinguished by Li Yun, then he can return to the court with his troops!" Shi Kan suggested.

"This... what the master said makes sense! However, my father's safety is much more important than the safety of the demon world, right? What's more, Li Yun went to kill the insects?"

"Having said that, it seems a bit inappropriate for a leader who is going on an expedition to return to the court before completing the military order. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the prince if he is investigated in the future!" Shi Kan said.

The prince couldn't help being stunned when he heard that. Shi Kan was right. Returning to the Immortal Court without completing the military order would definitely fulfill the truth. If his father's situation was not as serious as he thought, his hasty return this time would actually cause him to have trouble. If you are dissatisfied, you will lose more than you gain.

"Prince, I'd better go back by myself first!" Shi Kan sighed.

"That's fine! Then I wish you a safe journey, Master!"

"Thank you!"

Shi Kan also quickly left with his disciples.

The prince was in a daze for a while, but he didn't expect that Shi Kan was also gone. Wouldn't it be troublesome if there were any epidemics in the army in the future?

He sighed, and after discussing with your king, he finally made up his mind to lead his army to the Demon Realm to see the situation. If the insect plague had been eliminated, he would return to the Fairy Realm through the passage in the direction of the Demon Realm.

The prince's immortal army quickly gathered and headed towards the Demon Realm, while the Demon Realm was handed over to the reinforcements that came later...

The movements of King Fu and Prince were naturally monitored by Xiaoxing, but Li Yun did not want to give them any hints to avoid getting too involved in the cause and effect.

For the Xuanling world, since the barbarian rebellion in the West 100,000 years ago, the accumulation of causal relationships has shown a linear upward trend. The entropy increase phenomenon is extremely obvious. The evolution seems to have reached a new height now. At this time, How to deal with the causal relationship is very important. If you are not careful, you will not only get yourself into a quagmire, but may also cause the entropy value of the causal relationship to rise faster. At that time, Li Yun will not be able to resolve such a terrible problem if he asks himself. entropy value, because that requires a lot of energy.

Many times, the entropy value of some interfaces rises too fast, and even the law of heaven cannot resolve it. In the end, it only ends up with nothing but chicken feathers on the ground. No matter who intervenes, there will be no good results.

In the view of Li Yun and Xiao Xing, it is better to let the past causes bear fruit at the current stage and resolve them naturally, and then solve most of them first. As for the future, on this basis, the new results will become new causes. Due to their own It is being monitored all the time and it is not difficult to resolve.

To resolve some causal relationships that have to be resolved, it naturally requires the accumulation and creation of energy. Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing are still working methodically in the interstellar space, studying...

At this moment, they were staring closely at a light curtain, with a look of astonishment on their faces!

An experimental site appeared on the light screen, and this space was filled with a layer of light mist, like a gaseous curtain, which looked quite mysterious.

But it was not the gaseous curtain that caused the two people to be shocked, because this was originally arranged by Xiaoxing. On this gaseous curtain, tiny ripples were appearing one after another, as if something was hitting the curtain. And thus causing these ripples…

The experimental space is airtight, and there is nothing but the gaseous curtain. Little Star is absolutely sure of this. So, what is hitting the curtain?

"Sir, this gaseous curtain is the positive particle cloud developed by Xiaonu, and the effect is pretty good!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Positive particle cloud? Are these particles all normal elementary particles?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Yes! These basic particles are the basic substances that make up the mysterious world in front of us, and even the visible world of the entire universe. We call it positive matter! All positive matter is made up of these basic particles according to different arrangements and combinations. Constructed! It can be said that including ourselves, we are all composed of such basic particles!" Xiaoxing said.

"Wow! This is a huge breakthrough! It is not easy to decompose matter into such a basic form. I'm afraid it consumes a lot of energy, right?" Li Yun looked at the curtain and said in shock.

"Of course! To obtain such a curtain, the energy consumed is enough to sustain our 30 billion soul power army for a month!"

"Wo..." Li Yun was stunned, extremely speechless at Xiaoxing's prodigal behavior.

At the same time, it suddenly dawned on me. No wonder I couldn't understand this curtain just now. It turned out that it was beyond my understanding!

Although I have studied matter and life to an extremely deep level, and can even extract the life energy of many species, but in any case, it is impossible to reach the level that Xiaoxing said, because this curtain has already predicted that Xiaoxing will The research on stars has reached the lowest level and the most original part of this world!

The curtain in front of us can be transformed into any material through the continuous arrangement and combination of particles. It can be said that it is the origin of this positive world!

Absolutely priceless treasure!

Xiaoxing said: "Sir, don't feel bad! Getting such a curtain is of great benefit!"

"Tell me…"

"First, it means that we have reached the ultimate peak stage of level four civilization!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Not bad!" Li Yun agreed with this point.

Whether a civilization reaches its ultimate peak depends on whether it can understand the origin of that civilized world. If it cannot even understand the origin of the world, how can it be the ultimate?

"Second, it can help us discover and collect dark matter particles. In addition to providing us with more amazing energy, these particles are also an extremely powerful weapon!" Xiaoxing said.

"Dark matter particles? Could it be that the little ripples on the positive particle cloud are caused by dark matter particles?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes! Whether in interstellar space or on various interfaces, dark matter particles are actually around us, but we can't feel it. These particles have extremely strong penetrating power and can penetrate almost all positive matter. Including our bodies. Their speeds are fast or slow. Fast because they are slightly closer to the explosion site, and slow because they are quite a long distance away from the explosion site. They are not even affected by the gravitational field and can Keep flying forward until you encounter a positive particle cloud like this one!" Xiaoxing explained.

"Oh? What will happen after encountering the positive particle cloud?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Because the positive particle cloud is composed of the most basic particles of normal matter, this particle has a strong holding capacity like water. No matter what material particles it is, it will be captured by it, including dark matter particles. When dark matter particles pass by When the positive particle cloud enters, it will react with the elementary particles in it, which means it will be captured by the elementary particles!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Wow..." Li Yun exclaimed and his eyes lit up.

"Hey, now this positive particle cloud has captured many dark matter particles! These particles are indeed full of energy and are still causing trouble in the basic particle space, but there is no way to escape!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

He created another light curtain, which was exactly what a basic particle in the positive particle cloud looked like when it was magnified countless times.

Li Yun took a closer look and found that many dark matter particles were caught in the basic particle space. These particles could not see their specific shape at all, because they were in a state of high-speed rotation, and only their running trajectories could be seen.

"So these are dark matter particles!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Yes, if there were no basic particles of positive matter, it would be impossible for us to discover them. Because they are so fast and have extremely strong penetrating power, even our star luck gold can be penetrated by them! In addition, they are almost It does not react with the positive matter that passes by, so it can always exist." Xiaoxing added.

"Oh? What you just said is that they are faster and denser when they are closer to the explosion point, and slower and sparser when they are far away from the explosion point. What is the explanation?" Li Yun asked.

"Dark matter does not arise out of thin air. They are often produced together with the large-scale occurrence of positive matter. That is to say, when positive matter is produced on a large scale, dark matter also explodes at the same time. However, we can only see positive matter but cannot sense it. We have noticed the existence of dark matter, but just because we can’t sense it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is a survivor bias proposition.” Xiaoxing smiled.

Li Yun nodded and said: "That's true. Often invisible facts are more important. Just as we have now discovered and captured dark matter particles, this means that we have the opportunity to use the two most extreme matter particles in the world."

"Yes! This is also the third point that Xiaonu wants to say, that is, the dark matter particles captured by this positive particle cloud represent that our Universiade Palace has officially entered the fifth-level civilization era!" Xiaoxing announced proudly. road.


Li Yun was very excited, but not surprised, because he had already foreseen what Xiaoxing was going to say, so now that he heard Xiaoxing say it, he did not show any particular excitement. This may be because after reaching a certain level, people On the contrary, he seemed more calm and calm!

Not being happy for things, not being sad for yourself, not being burdened by things, not being trapped in your heart, and not being confused by others is the ultimate state of finding yourself.

Xiaoxing continued: "Now that we have captured dark matter particles, through the study of these particles, we can have a better understanding of dark matter, and of course we can make better use of it. In addition, after breaking through the dark matter particle barrier After that, we can also make contact with the dark energy that fills the universe. If successful, our ability will reach an incredible level..."

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