The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2274 A Miracle in 50 Years

Xiaoxing's words were extremely imaginative and provocative, making Li Yun's blood boil. However, he still said calmly: "Let's do it step by step. Finding dark matter particles is only the first step. If these high-energy particles can be used, That’s pretty good! As for dark energy, it is something completely different from dark matter. It is just a general term for the unknown energy that exists in the universe. Now we only know that it exists, but we don’t know what it is at all. Born, where do you come from, where do you go..."

"Don't worry, sir, dark matter has broken through, and dark energy won't be far away. The data collected by Xiaonu now shows that dark energy is at least ten times more than positive energy. It can be said to be endless. As long as dark energy can be effectively guided, , our Xingyun No. 3 does not have to work so hard to collect matter in interstellar space and convert it into energy. Instead, it can directly use dark energy to fly at the speed of light or faster than light. Of course, it can no longer worry about the support of the soul power army. Problem!"

"I also hope that we can use dark energy as soon as possible. However, haste makes waste, so just take your time. It is best to get the most extreme positive energy first!" Li Yun suggested.

"Your Excellency is right! The most extreme positive energy itself is a sign, just like the positive particle cloud. If our Xingyun No. 3 can reach the level of a standard sun, we will be able to get the most extreme positive energy. To that extent At that time, maybe we will be able to find out what dark energy is!" Xiaoxing predicted.

"It makes sense! This is quite similar to the process of discovering dark matter particles!" Li Yun agreed.

"That's right. Our Xingyun No. 3 level is now at level 18, and the rising speed has slowed down, but this is normal. Without the slow accumulation at this stage, there will be no breakthrough in one fell swoop." Xiao Xiao Xing sighed.

"Level 18 is already very good! There are still 1,500 star fields left, and maybe it can be upgraded to about three levels..." Li Yun estimated.

"It's almost the same. If you're lucky, you might be able to get one more level! But if you want to level up again, you have to get out of this interstellar space."

"What if dark matter particles can be used?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this.

"Sir, this is the direction that Xiaonu is working hard. After all, we have entered the era of level five civilization. How can we do it without using dark matter particles? If these high-energy particles exert their power casually, it is possible for our energy level to jump up. Then We don’t need to go out of this starry sky, we can get the ultimate positive energy of a standard sun!” Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! It seems that our hope rests on these particles..."

Li Yun looked at these dark matter particles that were falling into the positive particle cloud and said with great emotion.

He knew that just this small cloud of positive electrode particles,

The matter contained in it is extremely astonishing. If the energy of the dark matter particles can be utilized, the energy generated will be incredible.

"I wonder how many dark matter particles this cathode particle cloud can capture?" Li Yun asked.

"Judging from the current situation, one positive basic particle can accommodate up to ninety-nine dark matter particles. After entering it, these particles are still running at high speed, seemingly extremely chaotic. In fact, each particle has its own trajectory. These particles The particles have the same properties and repel each other, so they will not collide with each other," Xiaoxing said.

"So, if it is completely filled, this particle cloud can increase its energy value by at least ninety-nine times?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"This is the most basic! Considering that the energy state of these dark matter particles is extremely amazing, the energy value they contain is more than ten times that of normal matter particles. Therefore, after this particle cloud is filled with dark matter particles, the energy value will be It was more than nine hundred and ninety-nine times initially, or simply more than a thousand times! In other words, the energy of this particle cloud alone is enough to support our 30 billion soul power army for a thousand months. We need it! And our initial contribution is only a month’s worth of energy…” Xiaoxing said in surprise.

Li Yun was dumbfounded when he heard this, and finally smiled and said: "I originally thought you were too wasteful, but I didn't expect such a considerable harvest!"

"Hey, how can a slave do a loss-making business? The higher the level of civilization, the higher the utilization rate of materials and energy, the lower the cost, and the greater the harvest, making the gap between civilizations wider and wider. ! Although this is cruel, it is also very attractive, because only in this way, we do not have to work hard for energy, but have sufficient energy to support our research work and create a better world..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Well said! It seems that with the positive particle cloud, we can finally be like the ideal sun god without having to worry about energy! Of course, the premise is that we can use dark matter particles efficiently." Li Yun said.

"No problem! This will happen sooner or later!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"Okay! If we can do this, then a visit to the Sun Space can be put on the agenda." Li Yun said.

"Actually, with Xingyun No. 3, we can go to the solar space. However, let's wait until Xiaonu's research has the results."

"Exactly, that will be more confident. By the way, how is Sheyang's research going?" Li Yun suddenly thought of the Zhenyang people and the Miaolin people who entered the small space for research.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "There was still communication at the beginning, but later on, they communicated less and less, and they almost all fell into their own thoughts..."

"It seems that they have all encountered difficulties. No wonder they have been silent in the past few years..."

"That's good, otherwise I'll bore all the little slaves with questions!" Xiaoxing teased.

"I hope they can all gain something..."

"If it's normal, of course they can all gain something, but if it's abnormal, the consequences will be a bit serious..." Xiaoxing said.

"You mean..."

"If their ability cannot withstand such a level of thinking, and they cannot control it step by step, it may cause some harm to them. Therefore, Xiaonu has been paying attention to their situation..."

"It makes sense!" Li Yun suddenly said.

Thinking is a very energy-consuming thing, just like playing chess. If one party is not energetic enough, he may fall early and not even finish the game!

This situation happens too many times during the game.

And many people are not like Li Yun, who built the perfect Taoist platform of Jiutian Pillar at the beginning of their cultivation, so that they can fully withstand the Taoist power that will develop in the future.

They often pursue rapid progress and want to succeed as soon as possible. As a result, the foundation is not solid. In the later stages, cultivation will become more and more difficult. Stagnation is a trivial matter. Physical injuries and shortened lifespan are extremely common phenomena.

Therefore, Xiaoxing's concerns are very correct. At that time, these people were provided with three difficult problems in a small space. For them, these problems have exceeded the limit of their thinking. If they want to get the answers, they must continue to attack upwards. This is It's something that consumes a lot of energy, and you might fall down without thinking about any difficult point...

"Fortunately, in the past few years, they have been supported by the Dao Yao Dao Fruit we provided, and they are all fine. However, the absorption of the essence of Dao Yao Dao Fruit also requires personal mobilization and time. These essences are now gathered in large quantities in their bodies, and they have become It has become a hidden danger. If this continues, some people may die..." Xiaoxing said.

"Well, we can no longer serve Dao dishes and Dao fruits. If there is any abnormality, we will rescue you immediately."

"no problem!"

Since we don't know who will be abnormal now, and these people are thinking, it would not be good to interrupt them in the process, so the two of them can only prepare first.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing had entered the fifth-level civilization. Looking back at the third-level civilization of Xuanling World, they suddenly felt a little dazed.

The gap between them cannot be calculated. Li Yun has a sense of superiority. This is the feeling that high-level civilizations will have when they look down on low-level civilizations. Just like people in the world of cultivation look at people in the mortal world, they will feel that they are simply ants. , not worth mentioning at all!

And now, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have widened the gap with the Xuanling world, reaching two civilization levels!

Although the era of fifth-level civilization has just entered, you must know that once it enters, it means that the level transition has been completed. This can only be achieved after accumulating huge energy. The gap is self-evident.

The success of this step means that the civilization platform they are on is completely different. If it is unsuccessful, it means that they can only spin around on the fourth-level platform, and they may fall off one day!

Therefore, the gap between the two civilization levels is real. Li Yun and Xiaoxing are fully qualified to treat the Xuanling world as ants!

For them, if they want to erase it, they can do it, because they only need to let Xingyun No. 3 continue to devour these interfaces of the Xuanling World, and no one can resist their actions.

There is no problem in creating an interface like Xuanling World. In fact, Xingyun No. 3 is already the prototype of such a world, and it is much more advanced!

In their opinion, the Xuanling world is imperfect and has many areas worthy of improvement. If they are allowed to transform it, it can definitely become a better place.

And it only took them fifty years to do all this!

Because Li Yun didn't really start to show his power until he was about ten years old, it was also at that time that Xiaoxing reappeared and began his incredible research and growth process.

In fifty years, civilization has been raised to a large level. This is incredible!

If we look at it from the perspective of the universe, fifty years is just a blink of an eye. Many powerful people went to bed fifty years ago and have not woken up yet, but the two of them have created such a huge world. Miracle…

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