The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2301 Folding of Time and Space


"Don't run away!!"

"Catch them quickly!!!"

"Boom" "Boom boom" "Boom boom boom"

There were constant roars throughout the Immortal Palace, and a tense atmosphere permeated this formerly peaceful and peaceful palace. Countless people were shouting and besieging the Soul Clan people everywhere.

However, not only did these people run away like crazy, but they also had a tacit understanding when running away. They even ran away in different directions, making those who were following them lose sight of one thing and not concentrate on catching them...

The Immortal Lords and Immortal Guards pursued them with all their strength, and it didn't take long to catch all the soul servants who escaped. With their previous experience, they quickly sealed the soul veins of these soul clans so that they could no longer self-destruct. , of course, there are still many Soul Clan servants who self-destructed before being caught, and the scene was quite tragic...

In the process, everyone ignored that there was a ray of fairy light that escaped from the chaotic light and shadow, and it disappeared into the air before long! ! !

The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan hid in the lightning shuttle, and in the blink of an eye he was far away from the Immortal Palace and ascending to the interstellar space...

At this time, he was extremely proud. He had been prepared for this scene just now, so he sent a disciple's soul to temporarily take care of the body of the Holy Emperor to deal with the major immortals. Originally, according to his instructions, it was impossible for that disciple's soul to let people It is impossible to get close, let alone touch the body. However, the treatment plan proposed by the Enlightened Zen Immortal is too tempting. It is said that it can get rid of most of the poisons, and the detection does not require getting close, just feel the pulse, so the Soul Clan The Holy Emperor decided to take a risk and asked his disciple Soul to agree to let the enlightened Zen Immortal investigate his condition.

However, he obviously still underestimated the enlightened Zen immortal. As a result, the enlightened Zen immortal finally determined that the holy emperor was a fake soul clan member by checking his pulse, and immediately launched a surprise attack. In fact, the two soul clan members were not very good at cultivation. They were low, and their reactions were extremely fast. They originally had a chance to escape, but for some reason they were bounced back by the formation of the Immortal Palace. The Holy Emperor of the Soul Tribe was unable to save them, so in the end he had to escape first.

After giving up a group of souls under his disciples, the Holy Emperor of the Soul Tribe finally found the opportunity to escape from the Immortal Palace. This was something he had wanted to do for a long time, but he stayed until now because he was greedy for the glory of the Holy Emperor.

But looking at the current situation, he couldn't stay for a moment. Moreover, since he had already packed up all the treasures in the Immortal Palace, the harvest was unimaginable. Therefore, he left resolutely this time and no longer stayed. A cloud…

"Haha, hahahahaha... You go ahead and make trouble, I won't play with you anymore! Anyway, this foreign enemy is extremely powerful. In the fairy world, no,

And the entire Xuanling world is about to end. The end of you people has come, so I will take the first step! "The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan laughed proudly.

"My lord is wise! The fairy world is probably about to be captured by foreign enemies. We can all see those nine beams of light here!" said a pet slave.

"Really?!" The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan was startled.

"Look, sir! We can see those nine beams of light from the stars!"

The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan quickly looked out and couldn't help but scream, he was completely shocked!

From a distance, I saw nine huge light pillars stretching across the starry sky, shining brightly, colorful and spectacular!

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on?! Are these nine light pillars really an invasion from a foreign enemy? What is their role?" the Holy Emperor of the Soul Tribe screamed again and again.

"Sir, look at the extraordinary momentum of these nine beams of light. I am afraid that only foreign enemies can bring them out. There will definitely be big trouble in the fairy world! Fortunately, we left early, otherwise we would have to die with them!" The favored slave said happily.

"Yes! Such a vision must also mean that there will be a big change. I really want to see what this change will be like..." The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan sighed.

"Sir, you must not! The foreign enemy is so powerful, this change is absolutely terrible. We have not left the sky of the fairy world yet. According to Kaiming, Tianxuan and others, this interstellar space is under the control of the foreign enemy. Now, we must not stay here any longer. The best thing to do is to leave as soon as possible! Once we leave the star field of the Xuanling World, it won’t be too late for us to find a place to wait and watch..."

"Well, that makes sense! Then let's leave quickly!" the Holy Emperor of the Soul Tribe suddenly realized.

The lightning shuttle accelerated, released several huge thunder sounds, and shot out a bolt of lightning. The entire shuttle slid along the lightning for a long distance and sank into the depths of the starry sky...

Nian Hu, Hua Yu and others in Xingyun Castle were stunned by the scene of the sudden change in the Immortal Palace!

Unexpectedly, the Holy Emperor and Wu Siqi were both soul tribesmen. Such a huge change made them all stunned and speechless for a long time.

However, after they came to their senses, they immediately started talking about the matter. They were so excited that they could not control themselves. They talked endlessly...

It's not that they didn't care about the sudden appearance of nine pillars of light in the Immortal Realm, but because they had known about it for a long time, their attention was currently focused on the sudden change in the Immortal Palace.

Of course, what Li Yun and Xiao Xing saw and controlled was the overall situation. Xiao Xing had previously controlled the formation of the entire Immortal Palace through the ground network. It was his small manipulation that allowed the two people who occupied the Holy Emperor and Wu Si to Qi's soul clan could not escape and was restrained by the immortals. However, the two soul clans finally self-destructed.

After that, the two did not conduct any more control over the formations of the Immortal Palace. In their opinion, as long as there were no major riots or fights in the Immortal Palace, it would be fine, because they were worried that a major riot might stimulate the people there. As a sleeping superpower, the consequences will be disastrous!

Of course, there is another reason, and that is that the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan wants to escape from the Immortal Palace, which Xiaoxing has figured out early on.

The immobile formation also made it possible for the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan to escape. Sure enough, not long after, he was seen rushing out on a lightning shuttle, heading deep into the starry sky...

"Sir, our money-giving boy is here!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Are you sure you can catch them? They are so far away now..." Li Yun asked.

"No problem! This interstellar space has been slightly bent by us. As long as the lightning shuttle keeps flying, it will fly closer to us sooner or later. When the time comes, we can let it fly to our Xingyun Castle!" Xiaoxing said proudly! .

"Is it the entire interstellar space?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"That's not true! The energy required to bend this entire interstellar space is not small. Although we can do it now, it is not necessary. Now we are just guiding the trajectory of this lightning shuttle to let it Getting closer to us..."

"That's it! Being able to bend a piece of interstellar space means that we already have greater control over time and space. However, this is only the first step. Next, we must be able to fold space and time, and then fold it again to protect the entire planet. Get up, that would be awesome!" Li Yun said with admiration.

"Sir, the current bending of time and space is actually one layer of folding. This is exactly what Xiaonu is doing as an experiment. As long as one layer of folding can be achieved, the planet can be protected to a certain extent so that the outside world cannot easily discover it. To achieve folding of two, three or even more layers, the calculation and energy required will increase exponentially, which is still difficult, but we will definitely be able to do it sooner or later," Xiaoxing said.

"So, it is already difficult to see the Xuanling world from outer interstellar space?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"It should be like this! Our tour of the inner interstellar space is coming to an end now. Next, we can go to the outer interstellar space and see what happens." Xiaoxing affirmed.

"Okay! If we can't see the Xuanling world in the outer interstellar space, then we can rest assured!" Li Yun sighed.

Since discovering the biggest secret of the fairy world, Li Yun and Xiao Xing have devised countless ways to try to save the world. Currently, the most important thing is to absorb the energy of the sun, moon and stars to greatly delay the awakening of the super power. time.

But thinking about it carefully, this method is still a bit clumsy. First, it must be operated every day and cannot be sucked too much, otherwise it will affect the natural cycle of the fairy world. Moreover, if this operation is performed all the time, Li Yun and Xiaoxing will not be able to Leaving the Xuanling world. Second, this method is not safe, because even if a lot of energy is absorbed, a lot of energy will still seep into the ground through natural circulation and be absorbed by the superpower. Therefore, it is certain that he will finally wake up. Third, this operation has caused chaos in the fairy world. All the forces in the fairy world rushed to the fairy palace with the intention of dealing with themselves. What kind of thing is this?

Li Yun and Xiaoxing's move was to save the fairy world and the entire Xuanling world, but in the end, they had to face the result of being attacked by all the forces in the fairy world. This was certainly not what they wanted.

Therefore, for now, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have rejected the method of forcibly extracting energy. However, until there is no better method, they have to continue to use this method to make the transition, and it will not cause chaos in the fairy world. A matter of method.

However, the two of them now have a new idea. This new idea was obtained during Xiaoxing's space bending experiment!

In order to capture the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan, Xiaoxing started this experiment early on. In fact, such an experiment had been done before by the fourth-level civilization in the previous universe. However, the folding of time and space was too difficult for a fourth-level civilization. So it wasn't very successful.

But now that the think tank has entered the fifth-level civilization, and Li Yun and Xiaoxing have also gained a deeper understanding of time and space, it is the right time for them to conduct experiments on time and space folding.

After absorbing abundant energy, Xiaoxing has been able to fold part of the interstellar space. This folding not only means folding space, but also folding time. Staying in such folded space and time, Not only will the surrounding space feel confused, but the time in it will also be confused. It may pass twice as fast or twice as slowly as usual, or go around and around, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, until in the end When I come out, I won’t know what night it is...

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