The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2302 The opportunity has come

Unless the person trapped in the folded space of time and space can discover the anomaly, and has super computing power, and can calculate the time and folding degree in the space, he can solve the puzzle and escape from the prison, and he will not be affected by the chaos of time.

Now, Xiaoxing has been able to fold a layer of time and space within a certain range, which is enough to prevent the Soul Clan Holy Emperor's lightning shuttle from escaping from this interstellar space. He is still full of confidence in this point.

However, when doing this experiment, it also brought about another amazing effect, that is, the appearance of the nine light beams!

This is something that even Li Yun and Xiaoxing did not expect. It turns out that after the interstellar space is folded one layer, not only can the energy of the sun, moon and stars be fully controlled, but also, for some reason, nine new dimensions have appeared in the new time and space. An energy vortex, these nine vortices cast part of the absorbed star energy onto the land of the fairy world, forming a shocking pillar of light on each layer, which was a spectacle!

This spectacle also further deepens the people of the fairy world's understanding of the invasion of foreign enemies. In other words, the evidence is more sufficient. Previously, the foreign enemies only set up light curtains in the interstellar space to steal the energy of the stars, but now they actually cast nine beams. How can one not feel panic due to the shocking beam of light?

"Xiaoxing, can these nine beams of light be eliminated? Fortunately, the current time and space has been folded, and it may be difficult for the outside world to detect it. Otherwise, it would be too conspicuous in the interstellar space!" Li Yun said.

"Sir, regardless of whether there are these nine light pillars, the fairy world is as big as the Xuanling world, and they are still very conspicuous in the interstellar space. Therefore, the difference between eliminating these nine light pillars is not very big, but these nine The Daoguang Pillar just looks more beautiful and dazzling." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's true. Have you found the cause of the formation of these nine vortexes?" Li Yun asked.


"What is it?"

"According to the algorithm of one-layer folding of space-time, this new space-time has nine jumps. Each jump requires extremely large energy focus to achieve. Moreover, the energy level of the jump point is increasing and getting larger, so right now These nine jumping points form an energy vortex. As for why it is so coincidental that they coincide with the nine levels of the fairy world, and each level of the fairy world forms an energy vortex. This reason remains to be explored." Xiaoxing said.

"That's it!" Li Yun suddenly said.

"Yes! This is just one layer of folding. According to the algorithm of the second layer of folding, the jumping points will be doubled, and eighteen energy jumping points will be formed. Then there will be eighteen beams of light. Only People who are afraid of the immortal world will be even more scared to death!" Xiao Xing said happily.

“Of course we can’t rush into two-layer folding now.

These nine beams of light alone have caused them to panic. According to what you just said, it seems impossible to eliminate these nine beams of light. It is still a bit troublesome, and..."

"And what?"

"When the nine energy beams are projected onto the land of the fairy world, some of the energy will be injected into the ground and absorbed by the super power. Will this speed up his awakening?" Li Yun said worriedly.

"This... possibility is still there. However, since we have now achieved complete control over this new folded space, we can weaken the energy intensity of the sun, moon and stars, and steadily absorb their energy into the world of Tianyun and the stars. Yun Bao, and control the total energy projected into the Xuanling World within a certain range. In this way, even if there are still these nine light pillars, the total energy is still less, and the effect will still be better than before!" Xiaoxing thought road.

"Oh? What you mean is that I no longer need to absorb energy every day, but can absorb it from the folding space?" Li Yun quickly thought of this.

"Exactly! Absorbing every day will constrain our time and actions, and the control is not strong, and it will also cause unnecessary panic in the fairy world. Now by folding time and space to absorb, we can absorb as much as we want, and keep as much as we want. You can leave as much as you want for the fairy world, that would be perfect!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Can we start implementing it?" Li Yun asked anxiously.

"Quickly! Because our folded space-time has just been formed, a lot of data is being collected and organized. Once this task is completed, complete control of this folded space-time can be achieved. By then, as long as the energy projected into the fairy world is reduced The total amount can ensure that no excess energy will be absorbed by that super power!" Xiaoxing said.

"By the way, I suddenly thought of a question..."

"What problem do you have in mind, sir?"

"After time and space are folded, will the sun, moon and stars in the sky appear strange to people on the ground? For example, two suns? Three moons?" Li Yun thought.

"This is a good question, sir! In fact, we can now use the ground network to observe the sky from the ground. What an effect..."

Xiaoxing opened several light curtains, but it was the scene of observing the sky from different interfaces in the Xuanling world...

"Eh... I don't seem to see much difference from before?" Li Yunqi said.

"Sir, this is just an appearance, but the position and movement of the sun, moon and stars have deviated to a certain extent. Since it is only one layer of folding now, it cannot be seen clearly, but with treasures like the Constellation Yi and the Galaxy Cauldron, it is certain that You can find clues." Xiaoxing said.

"It is understandable that certain changes will occur, but why is there no mirror effect when folding occurs?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir, you want to say why there are no two suns or moons? In fact, if it is just space folding, a mirror effect will occur, and two suns and moons, as well as more stars, will appear. However, since time and space are now at the same time, Fold, so that there will be no mirror effect, but the sun, moon and stars will look relatively smaller. If folded twice, they will be twice as far away. However, because they are still the largest light source in this space and time , so it still looks about the same size." Xiaoxing explained.

"Does the...sun, moon and stars look twice as far away, or are they actually twice as far away?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"It just looks twice as far away! In fact, the actual positions of the Xuanling World and the sun, moon and stars in interstellar space have not changed at all." Xiaoxing said.

"I see. I also want to say that if we are really far away from the sun, moon and stars, then wouldn't the energy projected there be reduced by half? We won't have to work so hard to control it." Li Yun said with a smile.

"We still can't be lazy in the current situation. Look, sir, the lightning shuttle is slowly approaching us along the space we folded!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

Li Yun quickly looked around and found that the situation was just as Xiaoxing said. The lightning shuttle seemed to be flying into the outer interstellar space, but it was actually moving along a curved route. Sooner or later, if it continued flying like this, it would fly close to Xingyun Castle. The place.

"Okay! This vote is relatively big. We'd better set up a plan to avoid any surprises." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"My Lord is right! The Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan carries too much information and a lot of wealth. He must not be allowed to destroy the Lightning Shuttle..."

Both of them understand that even if a lion fights a rabbit, they must use all their strength. The Saint Emperor of the Soul Clan is the strongest among the three people in the Soul World. They must treat it with caution. The most important thing is to prevent him from destroying his memory information. , as well as a large number of items carried by the lightning shuttle.

Soon, based on the characteristics of the lightning shuttle, Xiaoxing quietly laid a net and waited for it to arrive...

At this time, the riots in the Immortal Palace have been basically eliminated. Except for the Soul Clan people who blew themselves up, everyone else has been caught. However, the Immortal Lords discovered that although they had controlled these people, their memories had been destroyed. In other words, even if you catch these people, you won't be able to find out any information.

Under this situation, they all thought that the soul clan that had taken the Holy Emperor's body had also died in the self-destruction just now, but they never thought that there was another person who had taken the Holy Emperor's body, and that this person had already swept away the Immortal Palace. , escaped into interstellar space!

During the process of hunting down the soul clan, the immortal guards such as Mi Zhi, Jiating and others were shocked to find that many treasures in the immortal palace were missing, and what was there was just a shadow!

The most terrifying thing is the wine warehouse where Panlong Xiantao Wine is stored. All the Xiang Liquor in it has disappeared!

The magnitude of this loss is unimaginable. You must know that this immortal wine is the guarantee for many powerful powers to extend their lives. Now that it is gone, we can only rely on the refined elixir. How expensive will this elixir be by then? People shudder!

But thinking that the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan had died, he should have hidden the immortal wine somewhere, so everyone started searching frantically...

Later, they also discovered that thousands of Pegasus horses in the Holy Emperor Racecourse were also missing...

The Holy Emperor and Wu Siqi were taken away, two powerful soul clans fell, a large number of soul clan servants were captured, a large number of items in the immortal palace were missing, the immortal wine was lost, and thousands of precious Pegasus horses disappeared...this A series of events made many people unable to accept it in a short period of time, and they were a little confused. It was not until some time after the riot ended that everyone gradually came back to their senses...

Seeing Enlightenment Zen Immortal and Tianxuan Taoist Priest inspecting the two bodies of the Holy Emperor and Wu Siqi, the Purple King and the Blue King suddenly realized that re-election of the Holy Emperor had become imminent, and the opportunity had come!

They quickly went over to take a look, and found that both of them had their eyes closed, their faces were pale, and they looked like the living dead.

"Abbott, how is the third brother?!" Zi Wang asked urgently.

"The situation of the Holy Emperor is a bit strange..." Enlightenment Zen Immortal said thoughtfully.

"Oh? I wonder what's the difference?" Blue King on the side asked.

"This body is different from Wu Siqi's. Wu Siqi's body is full of vitality. I have discovered that there is still a soul in it. It should be the original Wu Siqi. But after the soul clan escaped, the body of the Holy Emperor But the vitality is gradually disappearing, and there is no soul hidden in it..." Enlightened Zen Immortal thought.

"What? No soul? Doesn't that mean that the third brother has been completely eaten by this soul clan?!" Blue King said in shock.

"That's not right..." Zi Wang said suspiciously.

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