The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2311 Do you see it?

"Brush" "Brush" "Brush"...

The light curtain in the core cabin is constantly changing, and many pictures that have never been seen before appear.

Li Yun said: "The origin of this matter needs to be discussed after we made this major discovery. Take a look, what is the thing in front of you?"

Mr. Nian and others quickly looked towards the center of the core cabin, where the largest light curtain was flashing...

"Looks like a big rock!"

"It seems like a large meteorite in the starry sky..."

"Isn't it a pile of meteorites?"

"Even if it is a stone, it should be a very beautiful stone. It looks so beautiful in the starry sky!" Saraswati praised.

"Take another look..." Li Yun said.

I saw the picture gradually getting closer, and everyone stared closely, feeling that there seemed to be a huge error in their previous judgment, because the stone began to show its huge side!

"Wow, this should be a continental mass!" Mr. Nian yelled.

"Yes, maybe it's a very big star, and it's a life star!" Hua Yu Xiansheng agreed.

"Yes, this star looks ever-changing and full of vitality. I believe there must be many types of life!" Miaoyinqin said.

"Why does it look a little strange..." Nian Lun said suddenly.

Li Yun asked: "What do you think is weird about it?"

"Yun Zun, most stars are either like a whole big stone, or round or arc-shaped, but this star looks a little irregular, with too many edges and corners. I don't know what it is. How it was formed..." Nian Lun said.

"You see it has too many edges, and sometimes that's because it is, but sometimes it's just the angle at which it's viewed..."

Li Yun said, slowly turning the screen to let everyone see more clearly...

"Eh?!" Mr. Nian suddenly shouted!

"Senior, what did you discover?" Li Yun teased.

"This continental mass seems to be made up of many stones, with obvious layers!" Nian's father said thoughtfully.

"Levels? I wonder how many levels can senior see?"

"This...first floor, second floor, third floor...sixth floor, seventh floor...nineth floor, tenth floor!!!" Mr. Nian said loudly.

"Ten floors... Yes, if the floating island at the top is also considered a floor, then it does have ten floors." Li Yun agreed.

"The tenth floor? The floating island above? Is this continent our fairyland?" Hua Yu Xiansheng interjected.

"Fairy world? Yes, no wonder some places look familiar!" Mr. Nian exclaimed.

Nian Jue, Nian Lun, Miaoyinqin and others all had their eyes lit up. They felt that this scene should really be the fairy world!

"You finally figured it out!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Oh my god! How far are we from the fairy world to see its full picture?!" Miaoyinqin said in astonishment.

"That must be very far away..." Hua Yu Xiansheng said in disbelief.

"Fortunately, it's not very far. However, if instead of our Xingyun Castle, we use the Heaven and Earth Disk, even if it flies at full speed, it will take about a year to reach here." Li Yun said .

"What?! One year?!" Everyone was shocked!

"Of course, the premise is that it has sufficient energy reserves. Otherwise, if it doesn't fly halfway, it will be in a dilemma due to lack of energy, which will be troublesome!" Li Yun teased.

"It's over, it's over, what do we do? How do we go back?!" Nian Jue said in shock.

"Why are you panic?! With Xingyun Castle here, why are you afraid that you won't be able to go back?!" Father Nian snorted.

"But...but..." Nian Jue mumbled, his face turned pale with fright.

He didn't expect that he was so far away from the fairy world. With the speed of heaven and earth, he would have to fly at full speed for a year to get here. So wouldn't he be hanging alone in the interstellar space at this moment, with no store in front of him or a village behind him?

This situation is different from when he led the soldiers of the White Tiger tribe to the interstellar space to hunt giant birds and beasts, because the so-called interstellar space is actually not far from the fairyland, and they can travel back and forth using the tribe's flying boat. Moreover, they have already learned about that starry sky. They were extremely familiar with it and even bought a star map. They knew exactly where the terrain was and what reference objects there were, so they dared to hunt beasts in the starry sky.

But now, he felt that when he came to this Xingyun Castle, it was as if he had boarded a pirate ship and was suddenly dragged to an extremely remote place. Now he was in trouble!

The other White Tiger clan members were also frightened and confused, not knowing what to do.

But Nian Lun said happily: "Haha, my father is really rare. With Yun Zun, no matter how far you fly, you don't have to worry about not being able to come back!"

"But now that we are so far away from the fairyland, do we have enough energy? What if we encounter an interstellar storm?" Nian Jue asked quickly.

"Of course it's enough! If you encounter an interstellar storm... I believe Yun Zun will have a way to deal with it!" Nian Lun said with confidence.

Li Yun smiled and said: "You have confidence in me, but if there is an interstellar storm, we'd better avoid it now. In fact, we have already avoided several interstellar storms along the way!"

"What? Several?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Interstellar storms are the most worrying thing for those who fly in the starry sky. This is often because there are almost no signs of interstellar storms, and sometimes they are encountered suddenly while flying.

Flying in the starry sky is different from interfaces such as the fairy world. Since the starry sky is almost a vacuum and extremely vast, it is difficult for the flyer to grasp the outside world through immortal consciousness. The range that the immortal consciousness can sense is extremely limited. Vision, therefore, maybe an interstellar storm is blowing dozens of miles away, but the flyer has no idea about it, and can easily be swept away by the storm, and he doesn't know where he went.

These storms are not necessarily caused by wind. Sometimes they may be a large piece of water vapor, a large piece of ice, a large piece of strange fire, a large piece of meteorite...

If the flying boat fell into such a storm, it could be said to be a narrow escape, and the chance of survival was extremely slim.

In the past, the three people from the Soul Clan who came from the Soul World encountered an interstellar storm when they approached the Xuanling World. As a result, the person who took the body of Shiyue was separated from the other two and fell into the spirit world.

Their powerful soul power was also weak in the interstellar space. They were separated as soon as they were separated. There was no way to do it. Fortunately, they all saved their lives.

But now Li Yun says that Xingyun Castle has avoided several interstellar storms along the way. Doesn't this mean that everyone is very lucky? Otherwise, I don’t know where it is now.

"Yes, there are indeed several of them! This is because we discovered them in advance, so we can avoid them calmly. But..."

"But what?!" Nian Jue asked urgently. He was the most anxious now.

"We were in a hurry before, so we took the initiative to avoid those storms, but next, we may take the initiative to get closer to those storms..." Li Yun said.

"What? How can that be done?!" Nian Jue said in shock.

"Little luck, don't do it!" Mr. Nian also said.

"Senior, don't worry! We are approaching the storm mainly to obtain the materials in it. These materials should have existed in the starry sky for a long time. They must contain many secrets about the universe. If we can study the secrets from them, we can Deepen your understanding of this universe. In addition, these materials are generally of high quality and are natural fine products with high value and cannot be missed." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Nevertheless, those storms were so shocking that many flying boats fell into them and never returned. It would be even more impossible for an individual to survive if they were involved..." Nian's father said in shock.

"Don't worry. With the current capabilities of Xingyun Castle, even if all those storms hit us, nothing will happen. What's more, with our control level, we won't let such a situation happen." Li Yun said.

"This..." Nian's father was speechless when he heard this.

Here, everything is controlled by Li Yun. The most he can do is make suggestions, and the rest is appreciation or concern.

Hua Yu Xiansheng and others also looked at each other, feeling that their lives were now in Li Yun's hands. If Li Yun manipulated them randomly, they would have no choice but to be buried with him. This situation really made them feel a little frustrated...

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and changed the subject: "You have now discovered that the star in front of you is the fairy world, but this angle is not what I want you to see. Why not take a closer look at what it looks like now..."

As he spoke, the picture on the light screen slowly rotated again, rotated... and finally stopped!

"Wo..." There was suddenly an uproar in the core cabin!

Everyone's eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, and their whole bodies were trembling...

"Did you see it?" Li Yun asked.

"Look...I can tell..." Mr. Nian's teeth chattered, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, which made people feel sore.

"Okay! Just see it! That's why I created those nine energy vortices and nine beams of light!" Li Yun said loudly.

"Yun Zun... is the immortal world really... a person?!!!" Miaoyinqin asked in a trembling voice.

"That's right! This is a superpower. He transforms into a giant here and receives the star energy from the surrounding sun, moon and stars for treatment and recovery. The time has been extremely long. No one knows when he will wake up. In order to try his best to To delay the time for him to wake up, I had to first use the method of forcibly extracting star power to reduce the amount of star power projected into the fairy world, so as to prolong the time for him to wake up." Li Yun explained.

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

"However, the method of forcibly extracting star power energy took up too much of my time, and you have also seen that this method of forcibly extracting star power energy was soon discovered by Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Master Jueyuan, and caused a stir in the fairy world. They panicked and thought that a foreign enemy was coming, so they called on people from all major forces to go to the Immortal Court to support them and formed a huge Immortal Army..." Li Yun continued.

"Haha, even we feel that the fairy world is about to end. It turns out that it was you who controlled it..." Mr. Nian said with a grin.

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