The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2312 Putting a robe on the mysterious world

"If I had known earlier, we wouldn't have had to worry about this in vain!" Hua Yu Xiansheng sighed.

"Senior, I don't know. It's not easy to take the star power energy by force. Don't think that it only takes two hours. In fact, the energy in it is unimaginable. I have to spend a day to convert it all, and then I have to continue. Absorb, so I don’t have time to chat with you at all..." Li Yun explained.

"What? You transformed all that energy?!" Everyone was shocked.

Through the light screen, they had already known from Taoist Master Tianxuan and Master Jueyuan how much energy was taken away from them, but they did not expect that Li Yun would absorb and transform all of that energy. This sounds simply terrifying!

"It would be a waste if the energy is absorbed and not converted, and it will also affect the next absorption, so it must be converted and utilized no matter what." Li Yun said.

"Kaiming, Tianxuan and the Holy Emperor didn't know that you were doing all this, and the purpose of doing this was to protect the fairy world, so they suspected that it was done by foreign enemies. As long as we explain all this to them, the fairy world should not Don't panic anymore..." Mr. Nian said loudly.

"Senior, do you think they won't panic after we explain it to them?" Li Yun teased.

"This...if they really know that the immortal world is actually transformed by a super power...I'm afraid they will be even more panicked!!!" Nian's father suddenly said.

"Yes, that must be the case!" Hua Yu agreed.

"That's right..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

They knew that if people in the immortal world knew this secret, they would be frightened to the point of confusion just like them just now, and they would not know what to do.

Li Yun said: "Yes! When I first discovered this secret, I was shocked. Then I made a video to demonstrate the consequences of this person's awakening in the fairy world..."

After saying that, the picture on the light screen changed, and what was played was the horrific scene of the entire fairy world turning from heaven to hell in an instant after the superpower awakened in front of him. Countless boulders were seen smashing down from the sky, and long-lasting waves were heard. The long fireball flames turn the interface you are on into a terrifying sea of ​​​​fire!

The powerful earthquake caused huge changes in the interface. Mountains collapsed, floods surged into the sky, and the earth cracked... The places that used to rely on for survival now turned into man-eating beasts, swallowing up all the creatures born here!

No one is immune!

Even the immortals in the fairy world,

Facing such a terrible disaster, they were helpless. Except for a few powerful men, many immortals were pressed tightly by the power of heaven and earth. In the end, they were also buried under seas of fire, floods, and huge rocks. They could not even find a place for reincarnation...

Xiaoxing's demonstration of this scene was more grand and exquisite, and the details were more profound, allowing the people in the cabin to see the terrible consequences of this person's awakening very clearly. Everyone was deeply shocked!

Yes, after this person wakes up, every move he makes, even a small yawn, a casual wave of his hand, a shake of his body, can cause irreparable damage to the entire fairy world, and countless creatures will be wiped out.

After he woke up completely, the entire Xuanling World was completely in a state of disintegration. Few people could survive such a mass extinction event. Except for a few powerful ones, almost all living beings were buried in this ruins of the starry sky. among…

"It's over, it's over... It seems we'd better not go back..." Nian Jue was stunned and murmured.

Previously, what he was most worried about was not being able to return to the fairy world, but now he has made a 180-degree turn and doesn't want to go back.

"Yes, yes, the elder is right! We'd better not go back!" The White Tiger clan members all agreed.

"How unreasonable?! What will happen to our tribesmen if we don't go back?!" Nian's father cursed.

"Yes..." The White Tiger tribe member suddenly realized.

"Ancestor, let's send them a message quickly, asking them to leave the fairy world as soon as possible and come to Xingyun Castle!" Nian Lun had an idea and said quickly.

"This... it depends on whether the luck will come in or not!" Father Nian sighed.

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at each other...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Of course I welcome your people to come to Xingyun Castle! It's just that things haven't reached this desperate level yet, so there's no need to worry."

"Little luck, what else can I do?" Nian's father asked anxiously.

"This is why I created nine energy vortices and nine light beams..."

"Oh? What's the use of this? And now these vortexes and light pillars are gone?" Nian asked curiously.

"They are actually just things that happened by the way after I adopted new methods. They were not my intention. Recently, through adjustments, I have finally eliminated them!" Li Yun said.

"I see! So, they disappeared at the same time earlier because of your adjustment?" Nian asked.

"That's right! We could have eliminated them earlier, but in order to give those two hundred immortals a chance to show off, it was a little late."

Miaoyinqin asked from the side: "Yunzun, what new method did you adopt? Is there any salvation in the immortal world?"

"First of all, we have to make it clear that the powerful man will wake up sooner or later. It is difficult to stop it. All I am doing now is to delay his waking up as much as possible. So, from a long-term perspective , the fairy world will definitely disappear, it just depends on how it disappears..." Li Yun sighed.

"Oh my god..." Everyone exclaimed and took a breath of cold air!

Thinking that the fairy world where they were born and raised will disappear after a period of time, and that the process and results may be extremely tragic, everyone's hearts can't help but sink, sink... almost to the bottom...

"Can Yun Zun's new method help him sleep longer?" Miao Yinqin asked urgently.

"It should be possible. In fact, the previous method of forcibly extracting star power worked well, but it was too obvious and caused unnecessary panic in the fairy world. In addition, this method will make it impossible for me to take care of other things. Of course, this is not me The desired result." Li Yun said.

"I wonder what Yun Zun's new method is?" Miaoyinqin asked with interest.

"My method is to put a thin layer of clothing on the Xuanling World, and then use this robe to absorb energy. This is both stable and can control the quantity, and will not cause panic among people in various interfaces." Li Yunyu said Shockingly.

"What? You mean... put a robe on the entire Xuanling world?!" Miaoyinqin opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief.

Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it!

"It's true! Now I've done it, so from today on, I don't have to spend time extracting star power energy, and I will have time to talk to you about it." Li Yun said leisurely.


Everyone was amazed, their admiration for Li Yun in their hearts was like a torrential river, endless...

"Xiaoyun, what does this robe look like? Let me see it quickly!" Nian's father said excitedly.

"The robe is just a figurative term. In fact, it is the layer of light curtain. The Xuanling world you just saw was faintly covered by a layer of light and shadow, that's it. Of course, if we don't tell the truth, I believe no one will find out. , because a living star like the Xuanling World itself has light and shadow like this..." Li Yun explained.

"Then if we go in and out, will there be any impact?" Mr. Nian thought.

"No, unless I control it, it will be the same as before. Just like now, you can see this shuttle passing through the light curtain..."

As Li Yun said, a shuttle appeared on the light screen, flying like lightning...

"Lightning Shuttle?!" Mr. Nian screamed.

"Ancestor, is this lightning shuttle the same one as Wen Qing's?" Nian Lun asked.

"Of course not! From the looks of it, this must be the authentic one. It's strange, the authentic lightning shuttle should be in the Immortal Palace, who could be driving it? And it's actually flying towards the starry sky?" Nian's father said curiously.

"Yes, it is too courageous! Doesn't it know that it will be destroyed if it flies into interstellar space without energy?" Nian Jue shouted.

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and said: "This shuttle flew out of the Immortal Palace when the Immortal Palace was in chaos. Now it has reached the position of the light curtain. Looking at its direction, it is estimated that it will come to us in a while. We will see it then. You’ll know just by looking at it.”

"What? Flying out of the Immortal Palace? Who could it be?" Mr. Nian asked suspiciously.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, feeling that this matter was quite mysterious. Did everyone miss any important information when the Immortal Palace was in chaos?

Hua Yu Xiansheng suddenly thought of something and asked quickly: "Xiao Yun, since you have eliminated those energy vortices and light pillars, why do the stars change?"

"The reason for the changes in the stars is related to this light curtain. In fact, in addition to collecting energy, this light curtain can also protect the mysterious world from being easily discovered by outsiders." Li Yun explained.

"People from the outside world? You mean, people outside the Xuanling world?! Is there really such a thing?!" Hua Yu was shocked.

"That's right! Think about it, since the fairy world was born from one person's giant transformation technique, where did this person come from? He must have come from other worlds. Maybe he traveled here, maybe he was hunted down by someone. At this point, some other accidents may have occurred. In short, he must have been injured, so he was undergoing recovery treatment in this body interface. Due to the haste, he did not even have time to hide, so that his subsequent formation could be found from the starry sky. The world of immortality is actually just one person! What do you think will happen if his enemies find out?" Li Yun asked.

"Oh my god..." Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, feeling bad!

It seems that the crisis in the Xuanling world is both internal and external. From an internal point of view, we must prevent this person from awakening. From an external point of view, we must also guard against this person's friends or enemies. If they find out the clues, they will definitely If you wake him up or attack him, the unlucky ones will definitely be the billions of creatures in the Xuanling World!

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