The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2316 Relocation is also a way

What Li Yun and Xiao Xing discussed was the reason why Mr. Nian, Hua Yu and others did not think of killing the super powerful man.

Because they have been following Li Yun for a long time, they have become very clear in their hearts that they are like ants whether in front of Li Yun or in front of that super power. The gap between the two sides cannot be calculated. Are you saying that they are two completely civilized people who want to kill each other? Just save it...

As the saying goes, the more you know, the more you don't know, and people will become more humble and cautious. This is the state of people like Nian Chu and Hua Yu Xiansheng now.

However, Yuan Yi, Mo Er and Fu Si were still excited about their genius ideas and continued to talk about how to find a way to put this superpower to death...

"Wait a minute, do you know that we have another purpose in controlling the starry sky?" Ling Daozi interrupted them.

"What is it?" Yuan Yi asked in surprise.

"Since we can discover this secret, people in the outside world can also discover this secret. As long as someone comes to this starry sky, or enters the orbit of the mysterious world in the starry sky, and they happen to be standing at the right distance and angle. , then they can find that the immortal world is exactly a human form! What if this person is his companion or enemy?" Ling Daozi asked.

"What? You mean...he has companions or enemies?!" Yuan Yi said in shock.

"Of course, no one appears for no reason. No matter how special a life is, its sudden appearance may mean that there are countless people like him behind it. If there is no nurturing and development of a world, so what? Is it possible for such great power to be born?" Ling Daozi said.

"This...makes sense! This person can also do such a terrifying gigantism. It's impossible to be born with it..." Yuan Yi sighed.

To be honest, such a gigantism technique is completely beyond everyone's imagination. When they discovered and learned about it, including Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they were shocked and speechless!

"So, after we control the starry sky, we fold the starry sky in time and space to interfere with the line of sight of external observation, so that people cannot easily see that the Xuanling world was formed by one person using the Gigantization Technique. This can be said to be a reflection of Xuanling It is a means of protection for the world, and therefore also causes the current changes in the stars." Ling Daozi explained.

"So that's it..." The three of them suddenly realized.

"As for the plan you mentioned to kill this person, I think at this stage, it is best not to even think about it, because if you think about it, you may try it. However, as long as you are not careful, you may try it. This person is so excited that he wakes up,

And once he wakes up, the consequences will be completely unbearable for the Xuanling world! "Ling Daozi hummed.

"This..." The three of them looked at each other, speechless.

Thinking about the video I saw earlier, I knew that what Ling Daozi said was true. That man could destroy many interfaces in the fairy world several times with a raise of his hands and feet. Even with a single breath, he could destroy the creatures in the fairy world. It is said to be an irresistible catastrophe!

Under such circumstances, stimulating him to wake up is definitely a last resort!

"Then what should we do? We can't just sit back and wait for death, right?" Fusi shouted quickly.

"That depends on the situation..."

"What's going on?" the three people asked urgently.

"Of course it would be best if we could completely control this person! However, this possibility seems very small at present, because the civilization level of this person has reached level five, which is not something that the third-level civilization of Xuanling World can deal with ." Ling Daozi said.

"What? How are the levels of this civilization divided? How big is the gap?" Fusi looked confused.

"I can't tell you clearly at the moment. The gap is just like an ordinary ant and an elephant with special powers. Can you imagine that the ant can defeat the elephant?"


"Isn't that right! Therefore, for this ordinary ant, if you want to save your life, the best way is to move and flee." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"move place?!"

"Where can I escape to?"

"There are billions of creatures in the Xuanling World. Where can such a large number of lives be accommodated?"

The three of them strongly disagreed with Ling Daozi's relocation proposal.

Ling Daozi simply stopped talking, because he knew that if he wanted to convince these three people, he would have to waste a lot of words, and silence was still the best.

In fact, these three people cannot be regarded as frogs in the well. Naturally, they know that there will be other space worlds in the starry sky. However, the largest world they have seen so far is the Xuanling World, so it is difficult for them to imagine that there will be other space worlds in the starry sky. There is such a vast world for the creatures in the Xuanling world to relocate.

These three people are so difficult to convince, and other people in the immortal world and people in the lower world are even more difficult to convince. Thinking of this, Li Yun and Xiaoxing felt that the matter was extremely difficult, and relocating so many people was indeed a huge challenge. It doesn't mean that you can do it if you want to.

Because the Xuanling world spans three levels of civilization, including primitive life, the mortal world, and the world of cultivation. Each life has its own adapted environment, culture, and rules of heaven. It does not seem feasible to relocate them all at once. Maybe, unless it is possible in Tianyun World, but the premise is that everyone believes what Li Yun and Xiaoxing said and has a strong desire to move away.

If not, then helping them relocate would be a thankless task...

However, once Xiaoxing mentioned this idea, Li Yun also perked up and felt that although this matter seemed difficult, it was another way to completely solve the problem.

In other words, in addition to completely controlling or killing the sleeping power, relocation is also a way to consider.

With the support of Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle, Li Yun has the confidence to consider this approach.

In his opinion, since the sleeping power must be in the fairy world, secondary interfaces such as the spirit world, demon world, demon world, and many lower realms can be moved into the Tianyun world in advance.

Moving an interface requires a huge amount of energy, which was something that was unthinkable in the past.

However, it is different now, because Li Yun and Xiaoxing have jumped into the fifth-level civilization era and can fully utilize the energy of the sun, moon and stars in their star field. Just like what they are doing now, they can completely control the inner interstellar space. Absorbing and transforming the absorbed star power energy, this energy is extremely huge. Moving the interface is no longer a matter of paper, but a real thing that can be done.

As long as you try more, this can definitely be done!

Li Yun and Xiaoxing are full of confidence in this point, because Xiaoxing has made great breakthroughs in research on dark matter particles and dark energy, and is making rapid progress every day. With the support of these super new energies, it is also Worry about lack of energy?

"It seems that we are really going to start trying to swallow or move large interstellar matter..." Li Yun thought.

"No problem! After we fold space and time, there is still a lot of energy left, and we can continuously absorb new energy. According to Xiaonu's calculations, moving large objects as a whole has become a reality!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"Okay! If the large interface can be moved as a whole, it will be possible to relocate the Xuanling World. At that time, we won't have to worry about that powerful person waking up!" Li Yun said excitedly.

"Sir, there is a small continental mass ahead of us that is the size of a lower realm. The life on it is in the primitive state of first-level civilization. How about giving it a try first?" Xiaoxing suggested.

"A continental mass of first-level civilization? Move to Xingyun Castle or Tianyun World?" Li Yun asked.

"According to the calculation results, the starry sky on both sides can be accommodated. However, it is a trivial matter for Tianyun, but it will take a lot of effort for Xingyun Castle..."

"Then let Xingyun Castle digest it..."


Xingyun Castle quietly speeded up and flew forward...

Because it is in an invisible flying state, can be large or small, and has its own world rules, it is difficult for outsiders to see the reality of Xingyun Castle.

However, people who are in Xingyun Castle can find that the world they live in can be said to be changing with each passing day. It is like being reborn and has become completely different from the beginning!

The starry sky here is as profound as the starry sky outside. The stars are dotted, the sun and moon cycle, and the stars and animals occasionally show up, which is an eye-opener.

The land here is extremely vast, the geography is complex, and the various topography and landforms attract people to explore and travel.

The biggest change is the place where you live and fight. The improvement of conditions makes everyone feel extremely happy, because everyone can have their own small piece of world, even a small soul insect!

Combat positions have become extremely advanced. Here, not only can you get the best protection without worrying about being harmed by external forces, but you can also practice, observe external situations, receive all kinds of new information, and communicate with each other. You can also communicate instantly, which is very helpful to improve your combat coordination ability!

In fact, each combat position is the training space and combat space for every soul warrior. If you don't want to go outside for entertainment, you can stay in it forever. Anyway, there is no need to worry about energy, there is an unlimited supply.

Under such circumstances, thousands of people join the Taoist army every day in the soul army and the soul insect army, and all kinds of Taoist intentions are flourishing, no matter how biased they are.

The training conditions of the Soul Power Army are so good that they are much better than those of the monks in the Universiade Palace. It is no wonder that their number of followers has begun to surpass those of the Universiade Palace monks!

Although they are still difficult to compare with the monks in terms of the height of their Taoism, but with such a base, over time, great powers will definitely be born, and they will be born in large numbers!

In this regard, Xiaoxing is extremely confident.

Imagine, if a worm whirlpool was composed of powerful worms who had entered the Dao, how powerful would such a worm whirlpool be?

If all the soul warriors of a soul army enter the Tao, the power they exert will be simply immeasurable...

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