The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2317 Purple Smoke Realm

The most amazing thing in Xingyun Castle is the changes in Jushen Mountain.

Of course, Jushen Mountain itself is well hidden, and even the soul power army would find it difficult to discover its location.

In addition, there is not just one Jushen Mountain, but more and more Jushen Mountains, which of course has great benefits.

This is because the soul power army is relatively evenly distributed in Xingyun Castle. In the past, when the world of Xingyun Castle was still small, it was okay to share the same Gathering Mountain. However, with the expansion of the internal space of Xingyun Castle, the location of the soul power army has changed. If it is also moved outward, the path for soul power transportation will become longer, and the efficiency will naturally decrease.

As a result, Gathering Mountains began to appear in or around various soul power armies. Not only were their numbers increasing, but their scale and intensity were also increasing, reaching the point of being impregnable!

This also means that the ability of the soul power army is getting stronger and stronger. Although the number remains at 30 billion, its combat power is doubling up. No wonder Xiaoxing is full of confidence in moving large objects.

The power of this 30 billion soul power army can definitely move an interface. In addition, coupled with the continuous star power energy, any one of the two forces can achieve the effect of relocation.

"Sir, we're here! There's that continental mass in front of us!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun looked quickly, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a small landmass full of life not far away. When the sun shone, it looked particularly bright in the starry sky, which made people feel refreshed!

According to the calculation results of the monitoring network, this small land mass is as big as the lower boundary of the 108th realm where Li Yun used to be, and it can be moved as a test object.

"How to move it?" Li Yun thought.

"How about letting the soul power army try it out?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Are you sure they can?"

"Sir, don't underestimate them. Although they are still in the era of level three civilization, the people who organized them are our people from level five civilization. Under our organization, they can exert more combat power than many people from level five civilization. The power is much stronger, and moving this continent will not be a problem!"

"Okay! Then let them try..."


Xiaoxing quickly gave the order to the soul power army, which immediately made all the soul power army excited!

they know,

This is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to prove oneself. If the soul power army wants to become famous among the stars, this may be the starting point!

Everyone, whether they were resting, entertaining, or in a state of cultivation, all returned to their fighting positions after hearing the news. The 30 billion soul power army began to accumulate strength and prepare for this battle...

Feeling the high fighting spirit of these 30 billion soldiers, Li Yun was also deeply shocked!

He didn't expect that these soul warriors, who individually were nothing in the Xuanling world, actually believed that they could move a continent as big as the interface. This confidence was so powerful that it knew no bounds!

If this matter were placed in the fairy world, I am afraid that few people would have the confidence to do this, or in other words, no one would have such confidence...

Even if the group of Sky-Building Immortals ask them to move a lower realm to another dimension, I'm afraid they don't have the confidence at all.

Li Yun knew that the confidence of the soul force army was first built on the trust in himself and Xiaoxing. Along the way, their winning rate was extremely high and they only missed a handful of times. Therefore, their confidence was also constantly improving. Now, as long as they and Xiaoxing believe it can be done, they are confident that they can do it...

He was so moved that he and Xiaoxing carefully collected the detailed information of this continental mass, carefully analyzed and calculated to ensure that there were no mistakes or omissions...

In the core cabin, Mr. Nian and others saw the light curtain changing, and a beautiful little world appeared!

"Wow, so beautiful!" Miraclea exclaimed.

"This should be a living planet. I wonder what kind of life is on it?" Mr. Nian asked suspiciously, staring closely.

As he spoke, the picture moved from far to near, showing the life forms on the continent.

I saw dense long grass growing on the ground, with slender leaves, as soft as silk, purple in color, and white flowers. From a distance, it looked like a layer of purple smoke filled the ground, so soft. At the extreme, the waves reached the extreme, the beauty was extremely beautiful, the white flowers were floating in the purple ocean, like dots of scales, dazzling everyone's eyes!


Such beautiful comfrey immediately captured everyone's hearts and made them love this continent!

The picture continues to extend, and you can see that there are mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, trees, shrubs, and some relatively primitive animals. Some animals seem to be born with some special powers. However, overall it is a wild place. No highly intelligent life appears.

Everyone was discussing the things they saw enthusiastically, and felt that their eyes had been opened again. In the midst of excitement, they suddenly saw a faint white halo appear above the small world. This layer of white halo was rapidly expanding, and before long, the entire sky was filled with light. All turned white!

"Eh? What's going on?!" Everyone was startled and screamed.

"Look here, it seems Xiaoyun has done something to it!" Hua Yu pointed at another light screen and shouted.

Everyone quickly looked around and saw that what was displayed here was the entire small world. At this time, a layer of white light curtain with gleaming light had covered the whole world. The light curtain was overflowing with light and full of energy!

They had seen this scene many times, and they quickly understood that it was Li Yun's soul army who was taking action. However, this was not the case with this kind of continental mass in the past. They usually cut it first and then gradually swallowed it up. Unexpectedly, this time Li Yun didn't seem to want to cut anymore. What did he want to do? !

With curiosity, Mr. Nian and others watched the scene in front of them closely, not wanting to miss any detail.

But I saw that the energy shield was getting stronger and stronger, tightly wrapping the continental mass, trembling slightly like a giant hand grabbing matter in the starry sky...

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar and immediately understood Li Yun's intention.

Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to move the entire continental block into Xingyun Castle this time! that possible?

This small world looks as big as the interface. It weighs unknown in terms of mass, and is extremely huge in terms of size. Xingyun Castle seems to be a tiny dot in front of it. With such a small stature, it actually wants to swallow such a huge interface in one mouthful. Too unreliable, right? !

Of course, all cultivators know that this kind of thing is not completely impossible. In the world of cultivation, the size cannot be seen on the surface. It is like some space stones. Although it is small, its internal space is very large. , can hold items much larger than it.

But the premise is that you must have the strength to move those items. If you can't move them, it will be impossible to move them into the space stone. This is also where Nian and others are concerned.

Can the soul force army move this interface? Can the internal space of Xingyun Castle accommodate this interface?

Just when they were feeling incredible, they suddenly saw that the continental mass began to move and tremble slightly...


"There's a show!"

"Not bad! Good luck, work harder!"

"Do you need our help?"

Everyone was shouting.

Of course, Li Yun had no time to pay attention to this group of people. He was concentrating on guiding the soul power gathered by the soul power army. He continued to increase his power level through Gathering Mountain, and finally he could shake this interface!

In fact, so far, the soul power army can be said to have succeeded, because their power is indeed strong enough to shake the interface. However, this is not their limit. Soon, with the increase in power, the continental mass finally Being influenced, he began to move towards Xingyun Castle!

Under the law of space, the size of the continental mass seemed to become smaller and smaller under the soul power cover. With a "whoop", the continental mass suddenly disappeared!

Together with the countless small stones and debris around it, they have all disappeared!

The starry sky suddenly became empty, making people feel like they were in another world...

"Wo..." Mr. Nian and others exclaimed, feeling weak all over, as if all their strength had been taken away just now.

The picture on the light screen turned, but there was another starry sky. This was the sky of Xingyun Castle. A small world suddenly appeared in the corner of this place. It was the purple smoke interface that everyone saw just now!

"Oh my God!"

"Coming in!"

"so amazing!"

"I'm going there to see..."

"I also need to go!"

"Little luck! Little luck!!"

"No problem! If you want to go, go now!" Li Yun said with a smile.

With a thought, I moved this group of travel enthusiasts to the Ziyan interface...

Inside Xingyun Castle, there were thunderous cheers, and all the soul power armies were celebrating crazily. It was impossible not to go crazy to accomplish such a feat...

"Sir, Xiaonu has already said that moving the interface is a piece of cake!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Indeed, I feel that there is still a lot of soul power left. It seems that our soul power army still has great potential!" Li Yun agreed.

"Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. When the soul power army reaches ten million, it is a small qualitative change. When it reaches one hundred million, it is a medium qualitative change. When it reaches one billion, it is a big qualitative change! And now, our soul power army has reached three hundred Hundreds of millions, then there are infinite possibilities!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"You're blown away! If this interface is a white dwarf or a pulsar, do you think they can move it?" Li Yun teased.

"This..." Xiaoxing was startled and was speechless.

"The overall mass of this interface is not large and can be moved. However, some stars are inherently massive. Although they may be small, they are impossible to move, so we still have to be humble." Li Yun struck.

"Your Majesty is right! Xiaonu cannot make the same mistake as Yuan Yi and others. The more you know, the more you don't know, so you must not be controlled by emotions, but should deal with problems rationally." Xiaoxing Reflect on yourself.

"Okay! In fact, we are all rational enough, and it doesn't hurt to be emotional occasionally. After all, this is the first time we have swallowed a large interface, and it deserves a good celebration!"

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