The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2332 Conclusion

"Strange... Ursa and Sirius first appeared in the astrological chart, and then gradually changed. Recently, these two stars have a tendency to meet and overlap! What is the reason for this?" Master Jueyuan thought in his mind.

Since there are too many stars in the starry sky, it is impossible for him to have the ability of Little Star to track every star. This task can only be handed over to Xinghe Ding to gradually collect information, while Master Jueyuan himself is closely following Tracking Ursa and Sirius, two stars that have changed the most recently.

His strategy is quite correct, which shows that he is indeed outstanding in stargazing!

Knowing where your circle of competence is is a very important thing for many people.

If a person does not know how capable he is and how far his circle of competence can reach, there may be two situations, or he will shrink into his own world and reject all external knowledge and opinions, so that Extremely self-inflated, thinking that the world is like this and I am the most powerful one. Or you often try things that are beyond your ability circle. As a result, you often end up with a broken head and a loss of confidence because of your inability to do what you want.

Master Jue Yuan is obviously the kind of person who knows the scope of his abilities and has a good grasp of his abilities, so he consciously ignores a lot of information from the Galaxy Cauldron and only pays attention to Sirius and Sirius How these two stars have changed!

During this process, he discovered that the changing trends of these two stars were extremely strange. When he first discovered them, they suddenly appeared in the observation field of view. After a while, they suddenly began to get closer, and then separated widely. But recently, they have changed again and have become extremely close, even showing signs of overlapping!

Two stars become one? !

Is this the rhythm of one of the stars trying to swallow up the other? !

Master Jue Yuan was stunned by this miraculous discovery!

Thinking of the heavy pressure that the Holy Emperor has been under recently, Master Jue Yuan seems to have seen a picture of a person about to devour the Holy Emperor...

He was indeed very nervous during this period, and had been staring at the two stars. However, they never changed after they were extremely close, but maintained the same twin-star shining state, which finally made him feel relieved. …

"What is going on? Such a large-scale dramatic change in the stars in the starry sky is really rare! Such a situation has never been recorded since ancient times..." Master Jueyuan thought secretly.

He constantly retrieved information about these two stars from the Galaxy Cauldron.

Wu Siqi on the side also kept passing on the information he requested, which was collected by Tiandipan.

There is a lot of information, and it is really not easy to sort out the essential information from this complicated information. The two of them were checking it and communicating with each other...

Of course, the conversation between the Holy Emperor and Guan Chong just now was heard and seen by them. In their eyes, the star teller who boasted shamelessly in the video drama and said that he could help with calculations for money was basically a liar. , how can a real master care about such mundane things as money?

However, the play "Dragon Emperor" comes from the Universiade Palace. Behind the Universiade Palace is Li Yun. With the rise of Li Yun's reputation in the immortal world, most of the senior people in the immortal world now know about it. Master Jue Yuan and Wu Siqi Of course there is no exception.

Moreover, they followed the video all the way and found that the main clues seemed to overlap with the Holy Emperor's experience. Now, almost 90% of the core plots were identical, which forced the two of them to pay attention.

"Star Counter? This name is very strange..." Wu Siqi muttered.

"It should be a character in the play, right?" Master Jue Yuan said.

"It's possible! I'll send someone to the Xianji Department to ask..." Wu Siqi quickly issued an order.

Master Jue Yuan said: "If there is really someone in the Immortal Machinery Department who can figure things out, it should be Yuan Yi, but he has not come to the Immortal Palace recently. This is simply an attitude of staying out of the matter!"

"Master is right! Yuan Yi owns the Xuanling Immortal Treasure Record and can collect information on a large scale. He should have come to the Immortal Palace to help with such a big incident like this, but now he only cares about making a lot of money by publishing these video dramas. This incident It's basically a disaster fortune! It won't have good results!" Wu Siqi said harshly.

His relationship with Yuan Yi has never been harmonious, so whenever Yuan Yi is mentioned, he is filled with resentment.

"Now is an important time. Let the poor monk ask his opinion directly!" After Master Jue Yuan finished speaking, he carved a letter, and his immortal power was inspired...

Wu Siqi was silent for a while and asked: "Master, what is the intention of the two stars Tian Xiong and Tian Lang being separated and combined like this?"

"These two stars are both the main evil stars in the Xuanling astrology. The two evil stars separate and combine in the starry sky, which is like a battle between each other. It indicates that there will be two big figures in the fairy world for a certain purpose. Fighting to the death... However, this statement is more like the behavior of fortune tellers like Xingshuzi who take people's money and eliminate disasters for people. We despise it!" Master Jueyuan snorted.

"Then what do you think the reason is, Master?" Wu Siqi asked quickly.

"Currently information from all aspects can only reveal the changes in separation and conjunction between these two stars. However, if this situation is extended to various constellations, we can find that the situation is the same! It's just that the degree of separation and conjunction between each star is different. . It can be said that the changes in the separation and combination of stars in the starry sky are holistic, not just the two stars of Tianxiong and Tianlang." Master Jueyuan analyzed.

"This... what the master said makes sense. The stars are indeed in chaos! Even the sun is not as blazing as before, and the moon is not as warm as before. Could it be..."

"What is it?"

"The Xuanling world is moving away from the sun and the moon?" Wu Siqi said.

"Well, the poor monk has also considered the possibility you mentioned, but if it is just far away, it cannot explain why the stars are separated and combined! In fact, the positions of the sun and the moon have also changed to a certain extent. However, due to The sun and moon are both bright, so no obvious movement can be seen in the stars..." Master Jue Yuan said.

Wu Siqi was startled and said anxiously: "Master really discovered that the positions of the sun and moon have changed?!"

"Yes! The Galaxy Cauldron has recorded that the shadow changes formed by the light irradiation of the two are different from before, resulting in a certain deviation. Although they still seem to rise in the east and set in the west every day, they have shifted from their original positions. Therefore, all The astrological diagram and the moving lines of the sun, moon and stars have to be redrawn!" Master Jue Yuan said.

"Oh my God!!!" Wu Siqi exclaimed, unable to believe his ears.

He did not expect that even the sun and moon had changed. This situation was a huge shock to a person like him who had been focusing on astrology for many years!

Since Master Jue Yuan had already digested this information, he was quite calm at this time and said: "Only when the sun and moon change can we say that the changes in star phenomena are as a whole, not just a few individual stars. If this situation can be confirmed, If so, we can draw a conclusion!”

"Conclusion? What conclusion did the master come to?!" Wu Siqi was shocked and asked quickly.

"Think about it, with the power of the sun and moon, can foreign enemies be able to move them?" Master Jueyuan asked.

"This... foreign enemy can affect the mysterious world, but if it wants to affect the sun and moon, the possibility... is too small, too small..." Wu Siqi thought.

"Then what if we add Ursa, Sirius, Ziwei... these stars?"

"Then it's even more impossible! Who can move the stars in the sky?!" Wu Siqi said loudly.

"Is the way of heaven possible?"

"This... the power of Heaven's Dao is unpredictable. However, although Heaven's Dao has changed from time to time since ancient times, it has never moved all the stars in the sky. At most, it only changes the positions of a few stars. The changes always appear gradually. Of..." Wu Siqi said.

"Well said! If the way of heaven changes all the stars at once, it means that it has also changed itself! This is logically unreasonable!" Master Jueyuan praised.

"Then why are the stars moving again this time?" Wu Siqi asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't move even when it doesn't move! The stars in the sky are all moving, and we can also understand them as not moving at all!" Master Jue Yuan said in an astonishing way.

"What? Not moving at all?!" Wu Siqi was shocked!

"Yes, this is the question that the poor monk has been thinking about recently! However, there are still several difficulties with this question..."

"What's the difficulty?" Wu Siqi asked urgently.

"If the stars in the sky are not moving, then what is moving? Why is there such turmoil? The movement of the two stars, Tianxiong and Sirius, seems to be quite regular. What is this law?" Master Jueyuan asked.

Wu Siqi was completely stunned when he heard this, feeling that his thoughts had not kept up with Master Jue Yuan's rhythm...

"For example, you and the heaven and earth disk, if you don't move, the heaven and earth disk will not move either. If you move, the distance between the two of you will change, which also means that everything is moving, but at this time, it is only you who are moving. ..." Master Jueyuan said metaphorically.

Wu Siqi suddenly said: "Yes! At this time, I see that the angle of the heaven and earth has also changed. If the sky and the earth are full of stars, and I am the fairy world, it means that the fairy world has moved!"

"Yes! It should be the fairy world that is moving! Since the fairy world has moved unpredictably, when we observe the stars in the sky, we will find that they have all moved. In addition, according to the separation and reunification of the two stars Tianxiong and Sirius Look, the movement of the Immortal Realm is most likely back and forth..." Master Jue Yuan analyzed.

"Wo... Could it be that the fairy world is swaying at this moment?!" Wu Siqi said in shock.

"Undecided? That's good. Judging from the information we have obtained now, only this conclusion is the most reasonable!" Master Jue Yuan's eyes lit up and he said loudly.

"Conclusion? Oh my god...we found the conclusion!!!"

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