The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2336 I have a request

When everyone heard this, they quickly ran to the observation port to look at the stars outside. Sure enough, they found that what they saw in front of them was completely different from what they had just seen. It was as if the starry sky had changed. They couldn't help but be dumbfounded and speechless...

Master Shanhui quickly used his eyes to observe again, and found that things were just as the starry sky said, this starry sky was completely different from the one just now, and it should be in another place.

"The light here has become extremely scarce, and there are no strange changes. It is incomparable to what it was just now!" Master Shanhui said.

"Can we find the dense light just now?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked urgently.

"You should be able to see it from the way you came, right?" Master Shanhui said casually.

He immediately looked back, and after a while, he couldn't help but be stunned!

"How about it?"

"This... no! The dense light spot just now seems to be invisible!" Master Shanhui said in surprise.

"How is that possible? After Xingxueyi discovered that the starry sky had changed, it immediately stopped. It was almost a stone's throw away from its original place." Tianxuan Taoist Master asked curiously.

"But I really didn't find that place! Looking from the direction we just came from here, it looks like a different starry sky!" Master Shanhui shouted.

All the immortals were shocked when they heard the exchange between the two!

I thought I was getting closer and closer to the assistant instrument, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye I would come to another starry sky, and the distance to the assistant instrument would suddenly expand by more than eight times. What's going on?

"Where are we?"

"Can't we go back?"

"Could this be a phantom formation?!"

"Oh... it's very possible! I heard that the Star Magic Formation is an extremely powerful formation!"

"It's over, it's over..."

"Calm down! Calm down!" Taoist Master Tianxuan waved his hand.

"Taoist Priest, will this be a star illusion array?" Jiutian Xuannu asked impatiently.

"Hmph, it would be great if it was a star illusion array! With the ability of the astrology instrument, any star illusion array can be cracked. Do we still need to wander around here?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said impatiently.

He was shocked by the news, and now he was actually very unstable, and he really had no intention of answering everyone's questions properly.

As for the Star Fantasy Formation that everyone mentioned, in Taoist Priest Tianxuan's opinion, it was simply not worth mentioning and there was no need to consider it at all.

The starry sky in front of him could not be formed by the phantom formation. Based on his experience and eyesight, he could already conclude this.

In other words, the starry sky is a real starry sky, not illusory, and the problem is here, why does the real starry sky come from one place to another in the blink of an eye?

The astrology instrument only flew forward a short distance during this process, and could not achieve the effect of teleportation at all. Even if it teleported, the starry sky could not change so completely in one fell swoop.

Since the distance between him and the deputy ceremony was widening rapidly, and even the connection between the chief ceremony and the deputy ceremony had become looming, Taoist Priest Tianxuan quickly ordered Xiaosu to fly in the direction of the deputy ceremony as much as possible!

This was not a problem for Xiaosu. The speed of the astrology instrument quickly increased and it flew forward...

Everyone's mood is extremely heavy. Now everyone has fully understood that they are indeed in a big crisis. If they can't solve this maze, the consequences may be disastrous!

Zhenjun Dongxia, Bodhi Zen Immortal, Taoist Priest Tianxuan and others desperately studied the data and information from the constellation instrument, and quickly discussed...

When Li Yun and Xiao Xing saw this scene, they couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. Nian Hu, Hua Yu and others who saw this scene in the core cabin naturally ridiculed these so-called stargazers. He has been demoted to nothing!

"Haha, if they can crack the folded time and space set up by Xiao Yun and Xiao Ling, I will treat them to a drink of Xing Yun wine!" Nian's father said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"I can let them attend the concert for free! Unless they are allowed to leave, they will have no choice but to wander around there!" Hua Yu Xiansheng agreed.

"What happened just now? Why did we reach another starry sky in the blink of an eye?" Nian Jue asked suspiciously.

"This..." Mr. Nian and Hua Yu looked at each other and shook their heads.

Regarding this issue, Taoist Priest Tianxuan and others are not clear about the situation, let alone them.

But I heard Miaoyinqin say from the side: "Didn't Xiao Ling say it before? This starry sky has been folded by him several times. Since it is folded, every time it is folded, it will definitely become more complicated. I think the astrology instrument must have just changed from a The folding space suddenly ran to another folding space, so I found myself in a completely unfamiliar starry sky..."

"Hey... it sounds very reasonable!" Hua Yu Xiansheng praised.

"Gee, I'm just talking nonsense. Let Xiao Ling tell me if this is true." Miao Yinqin said softly.

Sure enough, Ling Daozi's voice came: "You are right! The Constellation Instrument was indeed at the junction of two folded spaces just now. The strange light that Master Shanhui saw was formed at the junction of the spaces. The reason why those light rays have strange shapes is because at the junction of folded space, time and space become a little distorted, and they can take any shape. The power of space also affects the travel of the light. They are actually distorted by the power of space."

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized.

"The Constellation Instrument unknowingly entered the fourth-level folded space from the first-level folded space. The time and space here are very different from the first-level time and space, and the distance has also undergone a dramatic change. It can be said that this is truly so close to the end of the world!" Ling Daozi smiled.

"Xiao Ling, I still don't understand why the distance changes so much when entering another adjacent space from one space?" Miaoyinqin asked.

"Different spaces have different rules. If they cannot directly cross from one space to another, they must act according to the rules of another space. Therefore, the astrology instrument must follow the rules of the fourth-level folded space to approach the assistant instrument. , and that space is actually far away from the secondary instrument. The constellation instrument must go around in a circle before it can approach again. In this way, the sensing distance between them becomes more than eight times the original. And if Taoist Master Tianxuan and the others can break this, If we directly find the singular point at the junction and return, the distance can be shortened by more than eight times..." Ling Daozi explained.

"So that's it...but they can't seem to find the singularity!" Melodies Qin said.

"How can it be that easy? The rules of the fourth-level folding space are too different from the first-level folding space. They didn't realize that the rules of space and time between the two were completely different. They still looked at it from the original perspective. Even if it was a singularity, it would be fine. They can't tell it in front of them, so they might as well rush over and maybe go back by chance!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Oh my god! So, they were not far away from the singularity at that time, but they just didn't see it?" Miaoyinqin suddenly said.

"Of course! It would be much better if there was Can Meng among their group, because Can Meng has the way of time and is extremely sensitive to time. He will definitely be able to find out at the first time that the time in this space is different from the original one, and the space is also different. If it’s not the same, then the singular point must have been displaced according to the corresponding proportion. As long as you calculate based on this principle, you can find out where the original singular point is." Ling Daozi said.

Mr. Nian and others were dumbfounded when they heard this. They seemed to understand but they all knew one thing, that is, people with the power of time can play a particularly important role at this time.

"It's a pity that Canmeng was left in Hedao Temple by Taoist Priest Tianxuan. For him, he also lost a good opportunity to experience it." Ling Daozi continued.

"It seems like it's impossible for them to escape!" Miaoyinqin sighed.

"Hehe, this is natural! However, since we are going to the fairy world to solve the problem of the powerful man, we will not imprison them for too long and let them go when the time is up..." Ling Daozi laughed. .

Mr. Nian, Hua Yu and others perked up after hearing this!

"Xiaoyun is really going to the fairy world?!" Nian's father said anxiously.

"Not bad! Now that we have protected the Xuanling World with the folding starry sky, we don't have to worry about it being discovered by outsiders for the time being. Therefore, we can concentrate on dealing with the super power. Of course we are going to the fairy world." Ling Daozi said.

"Great! I have a request..." Father Nian said quickly.

"What request?"

"If Xiaoyun wants to leave the fairy world by then, can I take our White Tiger clan to station in this Xingyun Castle?" Nian said shamelessly.

"This..." Xiaoxing was startled. She didn't expect that Nian's father actually wanted to take the whole family to stay on Xingyun Castle.

Before he had time to answer, he heard Hua Yu Xiansheng say: "I also want to join the forces of our Yongle Palace to Xingyun Castle and follow Xiaoyun to travel to the stars!"

"Xiao Ling, and I, Huang Daxian Palace, can't you just leave us alone?" Huang Yimiao said impatiently.

He could see the situation clearly now. The world of Xuanling was actually very precarious. Maybe one day the superpower would wake up and it would all fall apart. All living beings might be annihilated overnight. Only by following Li Only with the luck of Xingyun Castle can he save his life and property, as well as his slaves.

He could see this, and the more cunning Nian Hu and Hua Yu Xiansheng had already seen it, and they had secretly made up their minds to join the safe fortress of Xingyun Castle.

In addition, there are so many benefits to following Li Yun that they are too numerous to count. Just eating and drinking here recently has made me improve my cultivation, and I have learned countless knowledge that I could not even imagine before. The status has been greatly improved!

"Well, the adults have said that we will not sit idly by in the Xuanling World. Even if you don't join Star Luck Castle, we will still try our best to rescue some other interfaces and come in. As much as we can save, anyway, our Star Luck Castle The current holding capacity is indeed very powerful, even if you can fit all the people from the immortal world inside, it will be no problem..."

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