The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2337 Pindao has a feeling

"Wo..." Everyone was in an uproar!

Ling Daozi's words shocked them!

Can Xingyun Castle hold the entire immortal world? Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Although this battle fort looks quite big, Nian Hu, Hua Yu and others still can't believe that it can reach such a capacity.

"Xiao Yun really wants to save everyone?" Hua Yu said in shock.

"Save them if possible! In fact, the folded time and space we have deployed may save many people..." Ling Daozi said.

"Oh? Can folding time and space save people?" Nian's father asked curiously.

"Of course! The folded time and space is now under our control. No matter who or what comes in, they can't get out. Since they can't get out, they can be rescued by us. Think about it, if the Xuanling world collapses now, How many things will enter inside?" Ling Daozi reminded.

"Oh my god! I'm afraid it's the vast majority!" Nian's father exclaimed.

"Yes! There will definitely be countless things entering the starry sky under the influence of huge force. When the time comes, we will control the folding of time and space and suck them all into it. Once these things enter, they will not be able to come out again, and they will also be affected by this time and space. Protection, waiting for our rescue..." Ling Daozi explained.

Everyone was extremely shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that Li Yun and Ling Daozi were so forward-looking in doing things. One thing seemed to have nothing to do with the outcome, but in fact the foreshadowing had been laid...

"What if...this folded time and space is destroyed by that superpower?" Miaoyinqin said worriedly.

"This possibility is also possible! After all, the folded time and space has covered the entire Xuanling World. That person must be very powerful. It is possible to break through part of the folded time and space and leave here, and then some things will suffer! However, our folding Time and space are relatively independent, and destruction of one part will not affect other parts, so most things can still be preserved..." Ling Daozi said.

"I see... It's very valuable to be able to save most of the people, and it's understandable to lose some of them..." Miaoyinqin sighed.

"If such a big event really happens, it's impossible without paying a price. So, if you want to preserve your own power, it's better to enter Xingyun Castle in advance..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and Nian said anxiously: "That's right! I have thought of this a long time ago! As long as I return to the fairy world this time, I will be the first to come in with my clan members!"

"I won't be left behind!" Hua Yu Xiansheng quickly agreed.

Huang Yimiao was startled and said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, what should I do? My power is in the spirit world!"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to the spirit world!" Ling Daozi said.

"It'll be okay? You mean..."

"Even if the fairy world collapses, the spiritual world will not be much damaged. There will be a darker period at most, but it will be fine after entering the folded space."

"Are you sure?!" Huang Yimiao said in surprise.

"Of course! Those secondary interfaces and the lower realm are actually subsidiary parts of the fairy world and do not belong to the super powerful body. Therefore, once a disintegration event occurs, these interfaces will be affected by the huge impact of the fairy world and be destroyed. When pushed out, collisions with each other are inevitable, but most of them will enter the folded space. As for the spirit world, of course they will also be impacted by some celestial bodies. If the celestial bodies are smaller, people in the spirit world should be able to handle them. If It's a larger celestial body, let our Universiade Palace deal with it, and nothing will happen..." Ling Daozi said proudly.

"I see! But aren't you all in the fairy world? How can you deal with things in the spiritual world?" Huang Yimiao asked curiously.

"Don't forget that we started in the spirit world. The Universiade Palace has been arranged in the spirit world for a long time. Anyone or anything who wants to destroy the spirit world cannot escape our monitoring!" Ling Daozi said confidently.

"So, I will be fine even if I hide in the spirit world?" Huang Yimiao said with bright eyes.

"Yes, but the spirit world will eventually come to Xingyun Castle, that's for sure!"

"Oh..." Everyone was completely stunned!

If these words did not come from Ling Daozi and Li Yun, but from someone else, then everyone would definitely think that this person was crazy. But from Ling Daozi's mouth, everyone felt that this matter was almost a certainty, and there would be no What has changed!

Huang Yimiao reacted and couldn't help but said happily: "It seems that I don't have to go back to the spirit world. I only need to stay here. Then I can see my own Huang Taixian Palace!"

"It can be said... look at Xingxue Yi, whether they can go back depends on whether they can seize the opportunity..." Ling Daozi changed the subject.

Everyone quickly looked at the light screen and saw the constellation in the screen flying blankly in a fourth-level folding space. Everyone inside frowned and turned into a bitter face, a little at a loss...

The reason for this is that they found that while flying, they seemed to suddenly come to a new starry sky. Everything was different from the original starry sky, and the information previously obtained by the astrology instrument was also declared invalid and had to be re-established. Start new collection and analysis.

They often feel more and more excited as they get closer to the deputy, but at the next moment, they suddenly fall into the abyss, because the distance from the deputy suddenly widens, and they don’t know why...

The constellation instrument has been flying for a long time, and it is constantly approaching the assistant instrument every time. However, everyone is not sure now. They are worried that the previous situation may occur in the next moment. If it falls into another starry sky, that means All previous efforts were wasted.

Master Shanhui used his eyes to observe the starry sky from time to time, hoping to find some signs and provide useful information for Taoist Priest Tianxuan and their judgment...

Others also kept scanning with their celestial consciousness, but they found that the celestial consciousness was of little use in the starry sky, because the starry sky was too vast, and their celestial consciousness could only see places not far from the constellation. Basically, what The harvest and consumption are huge, which is not cost-effective. It is better to save the energy for emergency use.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan, Zhenjun Dongxia, Bodhi Zen Immortal and others kept analyzing the information collected and thinking about how to break the situation. Now, they finally found another clue, that is, the starry sky they are in now and the relationship between them. It turns out there are differences again, mainly in the passage of time and the distance in space!

Compared with how one's own body feels about time, time becomes shorter and distances become shorter. For example, one feels that a day has passed, but the asteroscope records only about three hours. The distance has also shortened almost simultaneously...

After a period of hard thinking, Taoist Priest Tianxuan suddenly realized something and blurted out: "I understand!"

Jiutian Xuannv's wonderful eyes lit up and she asked urgently: "What does the Taoist Master understand?"

"This starry sky has been cut into many small spaces by foreign enemies. The passage of time and spatial distance in each space will change. The purpose is of course to confuse people trapped in these spaces!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said.

"This..." Everyone was startled.

They are quite familiar with Taoist Priest Tianxuan's inference, because Xingxuyi has traveled through many spaces along the way, and the time and space in each space are different, so that now they can't even understand where they are and what time they are in. None of them knew anything.

However, the starry sky is originally an extremely void place. In such a place, countless small spaces are divided, and different times must be set in each small space. Such an operation is beyond their imagination and feels extremely difficult. understand.

Seeing that no one agreed with his inference, Taoist Master Tianxuan had no choice but to continue: "We have passed through many small spaces along the way. These spaces are all recorded by the astrology instrument and have formed a three-dimensional figure. Let's take a look!"

He raised his hand, and a light spot appeared in the cabin, gradually expanding...

I saw light spots passing by, forming rays of light, glossy surfaces, and light bodies... one after another. After a while, nearly a hundred three-dimensional spaces of light and shadow had been formed here, which were so densely packed that it was dazzling to see.

"We have passed through so many different dimensions?" Jiutian Xuannv asked in surprise.

"That's right! These spaces are next to each other and intertwined with each other. There is no pattern at all, but..."

"But what?!"

"In general, these small spaces can be divided into four categories. The time and space changes of each category are similar, but the differences between different types of spaces are larger. Therefore, we often find ourselves as if we suddenly came to another A starry sky is actually from one type of space to another type of space!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan explained.

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar and couldn't help but feel refreshed!

It's good to know the reason. It's much better than knowing nothing at all. Generally speaking, what people are afraid of is the things they know nothing about. Because they don't know anything, they can imagine it as the most terrifying thing for them. Things will scare you to death.

However, as long as people understand something about that thing, even if it is really scary, people will no longer feel extremely afraid. On the contrary, they will try their best to deal with it.

True Lord Dongxia said excitedly: "Taoist Priest, if we can find the changing laws of these spaces, we should be able to find a way out of them and get rid of their siege, right?"

"Well, that's the truth, but..."

"but what?"

"If this starry sky is full of small spaces like this, no matter where we go, we are always traveling through different small spaces, what's the point?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said.

"This..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but chin up slightly, feeling that what Taoist Master Tianxuan said was right.

"Pindao has a feeling..."

"How does it feel?" Zhenjun Dongxia asked urgently.

"We seem to have been tricked by foreign enemies!"

"You're kidding?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes! In fact, it is not easy to enter from one small space to another. To find the junction between two small spaces and successfully pass through it requires not only precise observation and calculation, but also a bit of luck..."

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