The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2409 The useless strategy

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed and became energetic!

It seems that this person must be a senior figure in the Immortal Army, and he actually holds the Tongxing Jade Card in his hand. Now there is something going on!

As soon as the door opened, the crowd followed Wuyongzi and Shen Yu into the Xianjun station. They found that there was no one everywhere, but Wuyongzi's immortal sense swept away and immediately discovered where the people were. He immediately took them to the main hall and brought the people there. Ku and his gang caught him!

"You?!" Tuku was shocked and screamed.

Wuyouzi ignored him of course. Shen Yu alone was enough to deal with these people. He took a step forward and hummed: "Countless people outside are anxious, but you are here eating and drinking, betting, and saying that you violated the rules." How many fairy rules!"

When Tu Ku saw this posture, the middle-aged man taking the lead and the person speaking, he knew something was wrong!

Because these two people are shining with immortal light and full of Taoism, they are definitely not something he can deal with. Moreover, he still has some impressions of these middle-aged people. They should be the Great Immortal Lord Wuyongzi of Lingzhi Mountain. He used to attend banquets with King Shou. I've seen him before, and I don't know why he suddenly came here today. It's really unlucky...

In addition, he also saw Wuyongzi holding the popular jade medal of Xianting in his hand, which was similar to the role of the imperial envoy of Xianting. He couldn't help being frightened, his knees softened, and he knelt down in Wuyong with a "plop" In front of the disciple, he kowtowed repeatedly and said: "Your Majesty, the Great Immortal, I have eyesight but cannot recognize Mount Tai. I have not come to greet you from afar. Please forgive me for my great sin!"

Tulu and others did not expect that a great immortal came. This was what they had been thinking about in their dreams. Unfortunately, in this situation, if the great immortal became angry, their lives would be in danger. They quickly Then he knelt down behind the toku and begged desperately for mercy...

Wuyouzi asked curiously: "Do you know me?"

"Yes...yes! The younger one is a subordinate of King Shou. One year, he followed him to participate in the Panlong Fairy Peach Club, and he once met the Great Immortal Lord!" Tuku quickly tried to build relationships, especially pointing out his relationship with King Shou.

When Wu Yongzi heard that he was from King Shou, his expression softened a little. However, he hated these people who neglected their duties the most. He hummed: "People from King Shou should set an example. You only bring people here to eat, drink and have fun. If you don’t report such a major incident in the fairy world, and you don’t personally conduct a thorough investigation, do you still have the nerve to station here?”

"Ah?! Great Immortal Master Mingjian! I have reported the situation a long time ago and even sent people to investigate..." Tuku exclaimed.

"How come it took half a year for Xianting to find out about the report? What about the results of sending people to investigate?" Wu Yongzi said angrily.

"The Great Immortal Lord is unaware of something. An abnormality occurred in the middle and lower immortal worlds more than half a year ago.

Xiao Xiao has already reported the situation in detail, and reported it almost every day, but there has been no response from the boss. No wonder Xiao Xiao! As for sending people to check, who knows that none of them have returned. Originally there were a thousand troops stationed here, but now there are only more than 20 people left here. If even the small ones are checked, maybe there will be more people here. There is no one anymore..." Tuku cried with tears and runny nose.

Wu Yongzi and others were shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that the Xian Army was the same. A thousand people had disappeared and only about 20 people were left. If something happened to them all, the loss would be too great!

Compared with the immortal army, my situation seems to be better. As a result, everyone has no intention of blaming these immortal armies anymore...

"Are you telling the truth?" Wuyongzi snorted.

"Your Excellency, the Great Immortal, everything I said is true! If I say anything in panic, I will let thunder strike from the sky!" Tuku swore.

Such an oath is extremely effective in the Xuanling world, so basically everyone believed Tuku's words.

"Okay, if that's the case, just follow me down to investigate..." Wuyongzi said.

Tu Ku was startled and said in shock: "What? Go down and investigate?!"

"Yes, don't you want to save your brother?" Wuyongzi said.


Tuku thought in his heart. He had regretted it for a long time. If he had known better, he would not have coveted this lucrative position. Now if something big happened, his life might be lost here!

This is the principle behind good fortune and misfortune.

There is a saying that makes sense. Everything in life seems to have already been marked with a price. If you overextend your blessings too much at the beginning, you will definitely be punished more severely in the future. And if you are used to enduring hardship first and enjoying last, , maintaining a simple life style can make people feel refreshed and free from too many desires. In the future, they can live leisurely, enjoy themselves, and enjoy happiness...

Tuku is not a person without responsibility. Although he has become very greasy now, the blood in his bones is still there. Moreover, with so many brothers missing, he cannot be indifferent in his heart.

"No! No no! Of course I want to save those brothers! It's just that I couldn't leave because of my responsibilities before, but now that the envoy has given orders, I am willing to follow the Great Immortal to check below!" Tuku said loudly! .

"You don't regret it?"

"No... no regrets!"

"Okay! Seeing that you still have some blood, I won't punish you this time. I will wait for this investigation to see if you can get away with your crime and make meritorious service!" Wu Yongzi said.

"Yes! The young one must go forward bravely, go through fire and water, and save others in fire and water, on the edge of the cliff..."

"Stop! Lead the way to the teleportation array!" Wuyouzi interrupted.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Tuku had no choice but to obediently lead Wuyongzi and Shen Yu toward the teleportation array. The others wanted to follow, but Wuyongzi waved his hand and stopped him, saying, "You can just wait here. If we don't come back in three months, , notify Immortal Court immediately!"

"Yes! I wish the Great Immortal great success!" Everyone sang in unison.

The three Wuyongzi came to the teleportation array area. Wuyongzi had also been here before, so they carefully inspected the formation and found that there was nothing wrong with the formation. However, he still had some worries in his heart.

"Did those people all set off in the teleportation array here?" Wuyongzi asked.

"Yes!" Tuku responded.

"The teleportation array that hasn't come back recently?"

"No! Not one!"

"After starting here, where will the next formation be?"

"Storm Island!"

"Storm Island... Well, instead of taking the teleportation array this time, we will take my flying boat to Storm Island!" Wuyongzi said in thought.

"What?!" Tuku was shocked and screamed!

"The teleportation array allows your men to send an empty message over in three days, but we are going there in a flying boat first. I want to see if any accidents will happen when the teleportation array gets there..." Wuyouzi hummed, his eyes Flashing cunning eyes.

He had begun to suspect that this passage was unsafe, and that it might be controlled by someone, otherwise it would not always be possible to go there without returning. Therefore, since he came to check, he had to investigate secretly, and he must not be tampered with.

Shen Yu praised: "Master's plan is very clever! The other party will never think that we will go directly through the layer domain, maybe they are waiting for us at the teleportation array!"

"Well, along the way, we can also take a look to see if anyone is trapped in the layer domain. If there is, we can learn a lot of things if we rescue them and ask them!" Wuyongzi said proudly.

Hearing the conversation between their master and apprentice, Tuku was extremely impressed. It seemed that Jiang was still too old to be brave, and he was sure to find out the truth about this incident. He couldn't help but feel refreshed!

He quickly followed Wu Yongzi's plan and ordered his subordinate Tulu to send an empty teleportation array out in three days.

The three of them quickly boarded Wu Yongzi's flying boat and set off towards the layer domain...

This realm is located between the sixth-level immortal world and the seventh-level immortal world, which is the junction of the middle-level immortal world and the upper-level immortal world. The situation is extremely complicated, and there are many kinds of dangers hidden. It is basically impossible for people who have not reached the level of earth immortals. pass.

Even if you are an Earth Immortal or above, a Heavenly Immortal or a Golden Immortal, if you accidentally fall into an unknown dangerous place, you may be killed. This is already known to everyone in the immortal world. No wonder Tuku heard Wu Yongzi said that he wanted to fly there by himself. Shocked!

However, he quickly realized that Wuyongzi was the Great Immortal, and these risks were nothing to him. Therefore, as long as Wuyongzi or even Shen Yu followed closely, there would be no big problem.

Wuyongzi's flying boat is quite unique. It looks very much like a person holding a head on his shoulders. It is euphemistically called "Zhizhou", which is the iconic flying boat image of Lingzhi Mountain.

After Zhizhou entered the realm, he seemed extremely calm. He was not afraid of the violent wind here at all. These winds did not exist all the time, but they would blow from time to time. Some people were unlucky and would be in danger when encountering the wind. If you can't resist it, you will be blown away, and most people will fall into the muddy forest below!

Tuku looked at the endless muddy forest below, trembling all over, his heart racing, how could he calm down?

But when he saw Wuyongzi and Shen Yu sitting in front of the cabin making tea leisurely, they couldn't help but feel ashamed, and they quickly went over to drink tea...

"Master, there are indeed many bones in the forest, but they should be from a long time ago and not formed recently..." Shen Yu said.

"Yes, there is nothing unusual so far, but we must not take it lightly. Our Zhizhou must also be as invisible as possible..." Wuyongzi said.

"Yes! Master!" Shen Yu responded.

His thoughts moved slightly, and he used his immortal consciousness to control the invisible system of the flying boat, making the color of the flying boat's appearance closer to the surrounding environment. At the same time, the light in the cabin became darker and darker, and finally turned into complete darkness!

Of course the three of them were not affected inside and could still observe the outside world. After flying all the way, they successfully arrived at Storm Island in three days!

This Storm Island is indeed worthy of its name. The wind is howling in a large area around it, but the area in the middle is magically motionless and full of vitality!

When this passage was originally built, the people from Immortal Court accidentally discovered this place. After investigation and confirmation of safety, they decided to build a teleportation array relay here.

It would be difficult for an ordinary flying boat to pass through the winds outside, but these strong winds could not stop Zhizhou, and it soon descended on Storm Island...

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