The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2410 A young person

"Master, there doesn't seem to be anyone down there, right?" Shen Yu asked curiously.

"Well, why aren't there any immortal troops?!" Wuyouzi was also stunned.

A teleportation array base like Storm Island would definitely be stationed by the Immortal Army, but at this moment, when he looked around, he found that there was not even a single figure!

"Great Immortal, something must have happened to them!" Tuku said harshly.

"It's impossible to say without evidence..." Wuyongzi snorted.

In fact, when he flew here, he seemed to be making tea leisurely, but in fact he thought a lot. At first, he suspected that the accidents in the middle and lower fairy worlds were most likely caused by some premonitory activities before the powerful man in the underground awakened, such as , where major disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and wind disasters suddenly occur, this will cause serious damage to all levels, so that all communication methods are cut off!

But after looking at it for three days, I found that everything in the layer domain seemed normal, and no major disasters occurred. This showed that Wuyouzi's original deduction was obviously wrong.

Of course, because the underground power is too powerful, it is possible that there may be some catastrophic disaster but it is not visible now, so Wuyouzi is also constantly speculating.

However, he is now more inclined to believe that this incident is most likely a man-made incident!

If it is really a man-made incident, Wuyongzi believes that he can definitely detect the case, because he does not believe that anyone is smarter than himself...

"Master, wait until I go down and take a look!" Shen Yu said.

"Wait! Wait for the teleportation array to come over first..." Wuyouzi stopped him.

"Yes!" Shen Yu and Tuku suddenly understood.

The time when Zhizhou arrived here coincided with the time agreed upon by Tuku and Tulu. If the estimate is correct, the teleportation array will arrive here soon, and the situation may be resolved soon!

The three of them stared closely at the teleportation array area on Storm Island. There were dozens of teleportation arrays distributed here. The main direction was towards the seventh-level immortal army garrison, and the other was towards the next teleportation array...

If it were placed at normal times, this place must be extremely busy. The immortal light of the teleportation array is coming and going, and people and materials will be moved frequently. But now, it is quiet here, there is not even a voice, there are only some untransformed lives here. Wandering around…


A slightly harsh sound suddenly came from a distance,

The three of them were refreshed and found a fairy light flying from the seventh-level Immortal Army garrison. Since the teleportation array took the path of space, it could not be seen under normal circumstances. However, since this is the terminal of the teleportation route, the teleportation array Just as the space channel was about to be moved out, you could see the fairy light flashing, getting stronger and stronger. Finally, with a "boom", a teleportation formation on Storm Island suddenly lit up, and the light shot straight into the sky!

"We're here!" Tuku shouted excitedly.

Wuyongzi and Shen Yu also cheered up. It seems that there is no problem with the teleportation formation here, so the problem must be on this Storm Island!

What happens next?

The three of them held their breath and watched intently...

After a while, the hustle and bustle dissipated, and everything on Storm Island returned to calm, almost exactly the same as before the teleportation array arrived, which surprised the three of them!

"Impossible! Something will definitely happen!" Shen Yu shouted.

"Is it too far away for us to see clearly?" Tuku said mindlessly.

"Hmph, no matter how cunning the other party is, I will get to the bottom of it! Go down!" Wuyouzi said.

"Go down?!" Tuku was stunned!

"Of course, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs? Get down!"

Wuyongzi led the two of them out of Zhizhou and flew down to the Storm Island...

This island is not large in area, surrounded by mountains, and the middle area is a teleportation array. Therefore, it didn't take long for the three of them to see all of this place, only to find that it was really empty!

This means that not only the people and things from the seventh-level immortal world are missing, but also there are no people and things from the sixth-level immortal world. In short, everything seems very strange...

Except for the faint sound of the hurricane coming from the outside, the place seemed completely silent. Tuku had already felt chills all over his body and his heart was beating hard. If Wu Yuzi hadn't been beside him, he might not even be able to move forward.

"Great Immortal, the Immortal Army garrison is ahead!" Tuku said, pointing to a building.

Wuyouzi nodded. His immortal consciousness had already locked onto that place and found that the building was tightly closed and protected by formations...

It seems that the problem may be there!

At this moment, Wuyongzi suddenly felt something. When he looked up, his expression changed drastically!

Zhizhou is missing!

With a flash of his immortal body, he immediately came into the air, and his immortal consciousness searched frantically. However, his wisdom boat disappeared without a trace at this moment!

No matter how he searched and sensed it, he could not find any clue of its existence, and Wuyouzi's face became extremely pale...

This situation is simply too scary. Who could take away a spaceship right under his nose? !

Shen Yu and Tu Ku also flew over. After understanding the situation, they were both stunned!

Unexpectedly, just now they were making tea and chatting in the flying boat. In the blink of an eye, the flying boat had disappeared. The three of them were flying naked...

With Wu Yongzi's wisdom, he understood in an instant that all the strategies he had used before were actually in the eyes of the other party. His whereabouts were completely under his control. As long as he showed the slightest flaw, he would be caught immediately. Got it!

Who could the other party be? ! How is it possible to control one's own whereabouts? !

Wu Yongzi's mind raced and he thought of countless possibilities...

"Master, look!" Shen Yu pointed at the immortal army station on the ground and said anxiously.

With a sweep of Wuyouzi's immortal consciousness, he found that the door to the residence was opened silently, with a faint light coming from inside...

When Tuku saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright, and his fat body trembled...

What does it mean when this door suddenly opens automatically at this time? Is there really someone controlling all of this?

Wuyongzi's face was a little grim. In his opinion, if someone really wanted to deal with him, then after taking away his wisdom boat, he would have to let him in to see him.

To enter, or not to enter? !

If we go in, we may be able to find out the truth of the whole incident, but the danger is obvious. The other party can take away a high-level spaceship in the blink of an eye, and it is still under the coverage of his own immortal knowledge. It can be said that he is both sure and ruthless. I am afraid that I Nothing can be done so neatly.

If you don't go in, you may be able to avoid this risk. After all, you are not alone. There are Shen Yu and Tu Ku beside you. Even if you can protect yourself, they will probably be in danger. But to avoid risks and find out the truth, I'm afraid it won't be easy, because the other party may only give you one chance!

Wuyongzi's thoughts changed rapidly and he said: "You two, come to the space inside my body!"

"Yes!" Shen Yu and Tu Ku responded quickly after hearing this.

Wuyouzi spit out a stream of fairy light from his mouth, covering the two of them, and swallowed them into his body with a "swipe". With a sway, he came to the door of the fairy army's station, took a deep breath, and was about to step in. Suddenly a voice came from my ears: "Wait a minute!"

"Who?!" Wuyouzi was surprised.

"Ling Daozi."

"It's you?!"

"Hehe, not bad!"

"Where are you? Why don't you let me in?" Wuyouzi asked curiously.

"Don't care where I am, but you'd better not enter that door now. The people inside are extremely dangerous..." Ling Daozi said.

"Oh? Who is inside?!"

"It's still a bit difficult to judge now, but you are definitely no match for him, so you'd better run for your life..." Ling Daozi said.

"Impossible! How can I, a majestic Immortal, be unable to defeat a young man? This person is pretending to be a ghost here, and he also stole my Zhizhou. No matter what, I have to settle this debt with him!" Wu Yongzi said angrily .

"He didn't snatch your Zhizhou away, but I helped you take it away before he took it away. Now it's staying outside the Storm Island. You can see it when you go out." Ling Daozi said.

"What?!" Wuyouzi was completely stunned!

Although Ling Daozi's words were simple, the information revealed in them was enough to make him feel a little frightened. It turned out that what just happened was far from as simple as he imagined. At that moment, such a big event happened around the wisdom boat. And he didn't know anything about it? !

For a great immortal, this is a real loss of face...

"Leave now! He's coming out!" Ling Daozi reminded.

Wuyongzi's heart trembled, and without hesitation, he immediately swayed and fled to the outside!

"Haha, now that you've come, let's take care of it. Why are you leaving in such a hurry?!" A loud laugh came!

Wuyongzi found that although he maintained an attitude of escaping, he was not far away from the storm island. He quickly checked and found that a ray of light had locked him at some point, making it impossible for him to fly away!

He immediately thought about it, took a big pen in his hand, and slashed hard at the light!

"Boom!!!" The light broke in response!

The useless child was thrown out with the light burst, and he was secretly happy. Unexpectedly, he soon found that he still couldn't leave the storm island. It turned out that the immortal body was tied tightly again, and there were two more rays of light on the body...

"Haha, interesting, interesting! You have some ability..."

Wu Yongzi felt that something was not good, and immediately used all his strength to fight against the light emitted by this person. A great immortal master exerted his full strength, and his power was extremely powerful in the Xuanling world. For a time, the immortal in the sky above the storm island It was so violent that even the hurricanes that remained unchanged for many years changed, and the whole world was in chaos...

"Okay! Great! If you use a little more force, maybe you can escape!" The man shouted excitedly, actually cheering for Wu Yuzi.

Wuyongzi was extremely angry in his heart. He never imagined that he, a great immortal, would actually become this person's plaything, playing a game of chase and escape with him...

He remembered Ling Daozi's warning and finally realized that his words were right. He was definitely no match for this person. The only way to go now was to break free from his shackles with all his strength and run away quickly!

"I can't care less! I'll overdraw my life span by another ten years!" Wuyongzi was furious in his heart...

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