The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2414 Miraculous Expansion

After Xiaoxing came into contact with the national war chess, he discovered that this kind of chess is not based on war as Gu Cheng said, but should be based on wisdom.

Because it is filled with all kinds of strategic chess pieces. Those countries are all mortal empires. They do not have the terrifying combat power of cultivators, and there is no situation where one person can kill the whole world.

And when it comes to cleverness, Xiaoxing is second, but who dares to be first? Xiaoxing has absolute confidence in this! Except, of course, Li Yun.

Although he had just come into contact with the national war chess, with Xiaoxing's thinking speed close to the speed of light, it only took a very short time to become very familiar with this chess!

By the time the two sides started playing chess, Xiaoxing's understanding of national war chess had already far surpassed that of Gu Cheng, reaching the top!

For the first chess game, Xiaoxing just played casually, while Gu Cheng went all out to play chess, but he had no idea how good his opponent was...

In the previous action of annexing the four countries of Lu, Ji, Jiao and Liang in one fell swoop, Xiaoxing used a little trick to defeat the weak and turn Qi into a big country!

The strength here is based on the strength of the army, but in Xiaoxing's eyes, this kind of strength can be transformed as long as there are conditions. For example, the reason why Qi can win is that its geographical location is good. Its strong economic strength gives it a certain amount of room for maneuver. Without this, it would indeed be difficult to bring it back to life.

Xiaoxing's strategy revolves around the economy, and in the mortal empire, the economic foundation is agriculture, food!

As long as you control the food, you can control the fate of the mortal empire!

It is very important to realize this. Many people seem to understand it but do not understand the essence of it. But Xiaoxing is naturally different. By using this point alone, he has been able to reach the pinnacle of national war chess!

No amount of gold and silver treasures is as good as enough food. In fact, Gu Cheng also understands this, but his strategy is to open up wasteland for farming, while Xiaoxing's strategy is much more flexible. For example, there are also ways to open up wasteland for farming. , but it is not the focus, because many people in Qi are engaged in business and few are farming, so in the early stage, they also imported grain from neighboring countries at low prices through trade and stored it.

Then the moves started.

He used the personal influence of the monarch of Qi to create a trend that made people all over the country fall in love with robes made of silk fabrics. Then he naturally purchased the silk fabrics from neighboring countries at high prices, making the neighboring countries unknowingly. Start taking the bait.

They gave up agricultural production and turned to making grains. In doing so, they gave up food control to Qi!

Although they made a lot of money in a short period of time, the money cannot be used for food. Without food, no matter how much money they have, it is useless.

Finally, Qi State cut off their food routes, and these four countries fell into famine in an instant and declared annihilation!

It can be said that Xiaoxing has played a trick on controlling food...

Now, facing the powerful Chu State, in Xiaoxing's view, there is not much difference, but the tricks cannot be copied from before.

It didn't take long for the people of the Chu State to get news that the people of the Qi State liked to drink deer blood, eat deer meat, wear deerskin boots, and also liked deer antlers. In short, everything on the deer was a treasure, and a deer pulled it. If you go to Qi State, you can sell it at a very high price! Much more cost-effective than farming!

Chu State is rich in deer, so after learning this news, more and more people went to the mountains to hunt deer, and some even began to raise deer. Many people made a lot of money from this.

It makes other people extremely jealous.

As a result, deer hunting and deer raising became an emerging important industry in Chu State in a short period of time, sweeping across the country with an unstoppable trend. People's hearts were floating, many fields were barren, many people ran to the mountains, and even the army wanted to pull Even a strong man can't find anyone...

Qi State took the opportunity to quietly purchase a large amount of grain, making Chu State's warehouses almost empty!

A year later, the State of Qi cut off the food route of the State of Chu. The entire State of Chu suddenly fell into famine. Countless people fled to the State of Qi to survive. As a result, the State of Chu suddenly became a weak country and was soon conquered by Qi. Conquer the country!

The territory of Qi State suddenly more than doubled again, and its momentum became even more powerful!

"What's going on? I'm still fighting hard here and haven't conquered a country yet. How come Qi State has even conquered a powerful country like Chu State?!" Gu Cheng was extremely uneasy.

The last time Qi State annexed the four countries, the spies sent by Gu Cheng have not returned yet, and there is no letter from Fei Ge. They must have been destroyed by others, so Gu Cheng does not understand how Qi State developed.

Now, Qi State has destroyed Chu State again, and the momentum has shocked other countries, and everyone looks at Qi State in a different light.

Gu Cheng knew that if things continued like this, the situation would become increasingly unfavorable to him, and he had to get up quickly!

So, he thought of many ways, and finally lured the coalition forces into a desperate situation, surrounded them, and began to carry out large-scale killings!

This war was extremely cruel. In order to fight for a chance of survival, both sides would do anything. Every step forward had to pay an extremely heavy price, with countless casualties!

After all, the Qin State took the initiative. Therefore, as the war situation developed, the situation became more and more favorable to the Qin State. The coalition forces continued to shrink and faced the end of being massacred by the Qin Army...

At this moment, the Qin State ran out of food and grass. If this news was known to the coalition forces, it would definitely boost their morale, which in turn would put the Qin Army in danger.

Gu Cheng was indeed a master. He decided to finish his work in one battle. Each soldier only prepared three days of rations. He also killed all the war horses and monsters and turned them into food. Finally, he also killed the old, weak, sick and disabled in the army to avoid causing harm. Drag, some of them also become part of the food…

After a feast of horse meat, the Qin army launched a decisive battle under the cover of night, catching the coalition forces off guard. As a result, the Qin army completely wiped out the coalition forces and won this protracted war!

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Gu Cheng laughed wildly with pride...

"Congratulations to Brother Gu! It turns out that Brother Gu is a murderer!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Hmph, how can we conquer them if we don't kill them all?"

"It takes a strong man like Brother Gu to accomplish such an important task!" Ling Daozi complimented.

"Haha, don't think that if you talk sweetly, I will let Qi go! Although Qi's territory has expanded a lot now, in terms of military strength, Qi is still far from being able to compare with the Qin army!" Gu Cheng said proudly.

"I'm so scared...but I will persevere to the end!" Ling Daozi laughed.


The two stopped talking and continued to concentrate on running the country...

The Qin army won, but it was a tragic victory. It can be said that they killed a thousand enemies and injured eight hundred themselves. For Qin, such a victory meant that it only preserved its territory. If it wanted to return to its original state, it would naturally have to recuperate. Work hard to farm and encourage population reproduction, so that a more powerful Qin army can emerge...

However, the final decisive battle between the Qin army and the coalition shocked all countries because it was too tragic!

The coalition forces were completely wiped out, with rivers of blood and bones. The national strength of these countries was greatly reduced in one fell swoop!

Other countries have realized that the Qin army is a force of tigers and wolves. If it rises again, they are likely to be annihilated by it. Therefore, more countries around them began to quietly move to form an alliance to jointly fight against the powerful Qin.

This alliance soon discovered that although Qin was a victorious country, it did not gain much benefit. On the contrary, only 30% of the Qin army was left. The country was sparsely populated, and even the old and weak, women and children had to farm, and its national strength was also sharp. reduce.

So, they acted quickly and divided up the countries around Qin!

Qin did not expect that it had just defeated those countries, and now it would have to face new enemies, and they were a new force with strong men and horses...

Gu Cheng did not dare to lead his troops to go out to meet the enemy now, because the Qin army's combat power was greatly reduced, and going out to fight would be the same as risking death. He had no choice but to retreat and hold on. After all, defense is much less laborious than attack...

In addition, in order to save themselves, they took many measures to alienate the alliance...

Because the countries in the alliance were not of one mind, their plan to attack Qin was frustrated, and they could only harass them from time to time, which was nothing to Qin.

On the other hand, Qi State used its control over grain during this period to conquer Dai, Song, Jin, Yue, and Wu... its territory became extremely large, and what is amazing is that Qi State was in the process of expansion. , there was no damage, very few killings, more and more troops, more and more food and grass...

It is also an expansion. Qi's expansion did not arouse a great response from neighboring countries, and no country formed an alliance to specifically deal with it. The main reason was that Qi used food wars instead of using blood as Qin did. Fight hard to win.

The impression given by Qi's army was that they were here to bring food, not to kill people. For this reason alone, the hungry people who suffered from famine would line up to welcome Qi's army instead of taking up arms to fight with them.

Qi State's magical expansion method made Gu Cheng increasingly confused and shocked, because he discovered that his Qin State had not conquered a country yet, and Qi State was about to annex Qin State. The country is near!

"What's going on? How could it be so easy for Ling Daozi to annex the country? Impossible!" Gu Cheng screamed repeatedly in his heart.

This kind of situation has never been seen before on Yika Planet, not to mention it is now. For all the time Gu Cheng has been there, he has never seen anyone able to annex so many countries so quickly!

But facts speak louder than words, and Ling Daozi controls more and more countries, which makes Gu Cheng dumbfounded.

"How did he do it? How could powerful countries like Chu, Jin, and Wu surrender to him so easily?" Gu Cheng couldn't figure it out anyway.

Now he found that his defeat in this game of chess was almost certain, because no matter how strong the Qin army was, it would be impossible to defeat the coalition forces of so many countries, not to mention that the Qin State was still recuperating...

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