The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2415 I was fooled after all

Of course, Gu Cheng was unwilling to admit defeat. The previous inconsistent bet forced him not to easily admit defeat and come back again. He had to fight to the end in every game!

He carefully analyzed the situation. Although Qi controlled many countries, the more it controlled, the more its management ability was tested. If the management ability could not keep up, it was entirely possible for these countries to split off again, and what he had to do was, Just to make this splitting process faster.

Therefore, he sent many sharp-tongued people to go deep into these countries to serve as lobbyists, find the original monarchs, and encourage them to launch coups and restorations, and said that Qin would definitely help them and be their strong backing...

This move seems simple, but it is still effective. The kings of several countries were brainwashed by those people and launched coups. However, Qi State quickly reacted and suppressed these people, and Qin State agreed Their help was not realized, which greatly reduced their persuasiveness, and subsequent attempts to brainwash them had little effect...

However, Qin State took advantage of the buffering time of Qi State's civil strife to finally regain its national strength. The army's combat power was stronger than before. The most important thing is that Qin State's domestic food production has been fully restored, and its logistics supply is extremely smooth, making the front line more powerful. The army can fight with confidence!

In addition, the Qin State also invested huge manpower and material resources in improving weapons and designing new battle formations. At the same time, it also promulgated a policy to encourage soldiers to fight, that is, to let soldiers kill more enemies and claim the merit by carrying the enemy's head. , military exploits can also be hereditary...

In this way, when the Qin soldiers fought, they were like wolves and tigers, with red eyes. The purpose was to get the opponent's head. Some powerful soldiers had more than a dozen enemy heads hanging on their bodies, just like tigers. He rushes forward to kill, causing the enemy to be so frightened that he flees without a fight...

The previous alliance dedicated to dealing with the powerful Qin collapsed like paper in front of such a Qin army, retreating steadily...

At this time, the Qi State put down the civil strife and began to expand again. The territory finally bordered the Qin State. The two sides started fighting over how to defeat the other side.

Through this period of fighting, the Qin State also controlled many surrounding countries. Therefore, the one hundred and thirty-six countries on the chessboard now formed two camps and began to confront each other!

However, although it is said to be a confrontation, the situation between the two sides is actually relatively clear, because the Qin camp has 20 countries, while the Qi camp has 116 countries, which already has an overwhelming advantage.

Gu Cheng was very helpless when he saw this situation. Although the chessboard he laid out was the one he was most familiar with, and he had expanded to twenty countries in the shortest time, the problem was that Ling Daozi didn't know what method he had adopted, and he actually found it on the same chessboard. He annexed all other countries within a short period of time, and developed from a small and weak country. This situation can only make him extremely confused.

In the past, Gu Cheng would have definitely given up, but now he has decided to fight until there is only one soldier left before giving in. Although this is a bit rogue, who told the two sides to make an unequal bet from the beginning?

If Ling Daozi were to do something shameful, wouldn't his reputation in this life be in vain?

But now, although Qin has a strong army and strong horses, it is facing great pressure. Not only is there external pressure, but there are also many domestic conflicts.

The camp headed by the Qin State was actually suppressed by force. Under the militancy, the productivity of other countries was extremely depleted. The able-bodied men were removed from the army. No one farmed or recuperated. The people may only have enough food to eat themselves, while the army We must rely on Qin for our food and grass.

Fortunately, Qin's agricultural production has developed extremely well in recent years.

Not only can he supply his own army, but he can also supply the army of the controlling country. This makes Gu Cheng feel relieved. As long as the army is not in chaos, Qin will not be in chaos.

As long as the Qin Army has no problems, he believes that it is basically impossible for the Qi Army to defeat the Qin Army.

It was just the shortage of food that hindered his expedition expansion plan. If he wanted to make a comeback, a miracle would be necessary.

At this moment, he got a piece of good news, that is, some of the original monarchs in Qi's camp decided to secretly help Qin because they were dissatisfied with the rule of Qi's monarch, and their method of helping Qin was exactly what Gu Cheng had done best. The one who welcomes them is to sell large amounts of Qi's grain and grass to Qin at low prices, and sometimes even give it directly to the Qin army without paying for it!

Gu Cheng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that just when he was about to doze off, someone came to give him a pillow. The more good things like this, the better.

Of course, with his demeanor as a chess master, he was cautious and had some doubts about this matter. He went to check the grain and grass of Qi in person. It turned out that they were all genuine grain and grass, without any hidden poisons, and of high quality. Even the Qin State himself It is impossible to produce such good grain and grass.

Such large amounts of high-quality grain and grass are shipped in large quantities every day, which makes Gu Cheng almost numb with excitement!

If this rate continues, Qin will no longer need to produce its own grain and grass. As long as it has good relations with those people, it will be able to continuously obtain cheap grain and grass. And Qin will not need so many people to farm, and they can fully enrich the army. , making the army stronger!

And those who helped Qin hoped that the powerful Qin army would defeat Qi and help them recover.

Before Gu Cheng's idea was implemented, the people of the Qin State implemented it first. The reason was that due to too much cheap and high-quality grain and grass, it was basically unprofitable for the people of the Qin State to farm, or even a huge loss. The more they planted, the more they lost. The more powerful.

Under such circumstances, even the stupidest people know that they should stop farming and engage in other industries, even if they are doing a small job, selling grain and grass, opening a small shop, or joining the army. obtain greater benefits.

As a result, Qin's original relatively complete agricultural system was completely destroyed by these cheap grains, and people changed careers one after another...

A large number of fields were abandoned and even occupied by people to build houses. The real estate industry developed rapidly, housing prices became higher and higher, and the taxes paid to Qin also increased significantly. This made Gu Cheng happy again!

This is an accident. In fact, a large amount of cheap grain and grass seems to be nothing, but this wealth will be transformed. Now, through a magical transformation, it has entered the real estate industry. As a result, Qin’s fiscal revenue has increased. Of course, Can be used to develop the army!

Gu Cheng quickly promoted the real estate industry and increased his income through land sales and taxes. He was very busy.

In the Qin army's camp, twenty countries are now developing real estate industries. Houses, streets, and landscapes are becoming more and more spacious and beautiful. There are not many fields left, and the people have almost forgotten even the skills of farming. After being wiped out, they all ran to engage in more profitable industries or join the army, which gradually restored their national strength and accelerated their development!

Gu Cheng was in extreme excitement every day. In addition to traveling between various beautiful towns and accepting the cheers of the people, he organized the generals of the Qin Palace and planned how to organize the army, how to attack Qi State, how to attack Huanglong...

Just when his expedition expansion plan was about to be completed, those who delivered food suddenly disappeared!

No one will send cheap food and grass anymore! All border trade is also closed!

Moreover, fires broke out in warehouses storing grain and grass in various places in a short period of time, resulting in the loss of large quantities of grain and grass...

"What's going on? So careless..."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, a large amount of food and grass will be delivered in a few days!"

"Yes, then let it burn!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that our Qin State is now so powerful that we can even burn grain and grass for fun..."

"Who makes our army strong? Those people just want to join us..."

"That's right..."

The people of Qin were used to living a good life, but they didn't even bother to put out fires...

When Gu Cheng heard the news, he was a little confused!

His mind was racing, but he still couldn't understand why those people stopped sending food and grass. Did they not want to return to the country?

For those monarchs, restoration of the country should be what they desire most.

"Put out the fire now!"

"Contact those people immediately and send food quickly!"

“Look how our fields are doing!”


Gu Cheng's orders came one after another, but he already vaguely felt in his heart that he seemed to have been deceived by Ling Daozi!

He quickly led the Qin army generals to check various countries in the controlled area, and the results surprised him!

The agricultural system that the Qin army relied on for development has completely collapsed. A large number of fertile fields have now been turned into houses. Because there are too many houses, many of them are uninhabited and have become ghost towns.

But now a large number of farmers have crowded into the capital cities of various countries, engaged in the equipment refining industry, entertainment industry, commerce, and of course the real estate industry!

Capital cities in various countries now look particularly luxurious and glorious, with tall buildings and spacious streets. Many people have some money in their pockets, so the original desire to eat, drink and have fun has been developed by businessmen. Every day, they indulge in delicious food, music, Among beauty dances and various other entertainment projects, there is a tendency to entertain yourself to death...

Many people have become fat because of their indulgence in good food and lack of work. With a round belly, it is impossible to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Moreover, obesity, laziness, boredom, lack of sleep and other problems have brought many side effects. , the health of these people is getting worse and worse, which makes countries pay more for treatment, which indirectly boosts the medical industry!

The more Gu Cheng looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong. He used to feel very happy when passing through these towns, but now he found that his head was as big as a bucket!

"It's over, it's over! Ling Daozi is so amazing!!!" Gu Cheng screamed repeatedly in his heart.

He knew that after Qi cut off cheap food and grass and closed the border, it was useless no matter how strong the Qin army was. Even if the army went to war at the fastest speed, it would not be able to grab enough food and grass to maintain the operation of such a huge army. It is impossible for Fang to provide any more support to the army now. On the contrary, it has become a major burden to the army...

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