The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2416 Almost Empty

However, if an army has no rear support and no supply of food and grass, is it possible to win the war?

Even someone as powerful as Gu Cheng doesn't think so.

He immediately checked the remaining grain and grass in the country and found that grain and grass losses in various places were serious. The remaining grain and grass might only be enough for each country for a month!

"One month?!" Gu Cheng's heart completely sank to the bottom of the sea...

"What should I do? Do you just want to admit defeat? No, it's impossible!"

Gu Cheng has never been a person who gives up easily. Many times, he has survived from desperate situations and successfully reversed the situation.

In times of crisis, Fang showed his true colors as a hero. Based on information from various places, Gu Cheng took many measures, such as controlling all grain and grass, mainly supplying it to the army, and implementing a rationing system for the people. Everyone must receive grain according to the quota. ; demolished the house, returned it to the fields, and ordered the planting of crops with a short growth period; immediately organized a large army and launched an attack on the neighboring cities of Qi. The main purpose was not to capture the city, but to rob food...

These methods look good, but there are problems when they are actually implemented!

Those people were accustomed to living a good life some time ago, and their physical condition has deteriorated. Now that the rationing system has been implemented, their stomachs cannot be filled at all, so they will drink a lot of water to pretend to fill their stomachs. After a period of time, edema disease It started to become popular. Many people were fine one moment, but may suddenly collapse and die the next moment, or collapse after hitting something...

Many people died, and plagues and diseases came...

It is also a good idea to demolish houses and return them to farmland. Unfortunately, it is not easy because houses are very expensive to buy and are important assets of the people. If you want to demolish them, you will encounter many nail-biting households. They would rather die than give in!

Many of these nail households are not ordinary people, but people who hold official positions in the military and state, or are wealthy businessmen with backing. In fact, if you think about it, there are few people who can enter the real estate industry without a few pounds. of?

Only then did Gu Cheng discover that the Qin army, which he had thought was like a piece of iron, had actually been corrupted by money. There was collusion between government and businessmen, and collusion between military and businessmen. In officialdom and the army, no one would be embarrassed if he did not have a few houses. Speak up...

As a result, it was difficult to implement house demolition measures. Even if they were demolished, they would start with some people who had no background and no background. This aroused public resentment and people began to change...

These news made Gu Cheng feel more and more desperate. Fortunately, there was still good news, that is, the powerful Qin army still played an important role!

Although those generals were corrupt, they also knew the horror of having no food in the army and in the country, so they fought tooth and nail to attack the cities of Qi. Under their strong attack, they finally captured many cities and gained a lot of gains. Lots of food and fodder!


At this time, the tension faced by the Qin State was finally eased, and Gu Cheng was so excited that he burst into tears...

In any case, after surviving this hurdle, Qin’s future is still promising!

However, he was still too happy because the problem soon came. After eating the food and grass snatched from Qi State, both the horses and the people had diarrhea. Although it was not fatal, one of them had diarrhea. Does the army still have fighting capacity?

Gu Cheng was stunned for a moment!

I had always been cautious before, but I didn't expect that I would be tricked this time. The reason was that the people of Qi were very determined to resist the Qin army and even made heavy sacrifices. Therefore, no one thought that the people of Qi would poison their important food and grass.

In addition, the Qin army was short of food, so after grabbing the food and grass, they started eating regardless of everything. How could they care so much?

Gu Cheng quickly ordered military doctors to treat diarrhea. However, the problem was that there was a shortage of medicine in the country. Because edema among the people was getting more and more serious, and the plague was prevalent, all the medicine had been diverted, and there were very few left in the army.

The condition of the Qin army's diarrhea was difficult to cure, their combat effectiveness was sharply reduced, and it was impossible to attack the city again, and a large-scale plague began to break out in the twenty countries in the Qin army's camp, and everyone was in danger for a while...

Gu Cheng knew that the situation was over, so he finally gave up the first game out of desperation!

"Brother Gu's tenacious and unyielding spirit really makes me admire him!" Ling Daozi complimented.

"You?! What tricks did you use to conquer so many countries so quickly?" Gu Cheng asked loudly.

"Hehe, this is purely an accident. I'm just new to national war chess. Maybe I got lucky..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Impossible! If you are lucky, you may be able to conquer one or two countries, but to conquer more than a hundred countries, do you think it is possible to conquer just by luck?" Gu Cheng snorted.

"Maybe my little brother's method is more suitable for those countries in the national war chess..."

"Oh? What exactly is your method?" Gu Cheng asked curiously.

"Brother Gu, you won't forget, right? We are still competing! Do you think it is possible for me to tell you what I did?"

"This... every time the national war chess is restarted, the situation in those countries will change, so your set may be suitable for the situation just now, but it will definitely not be suitable for the situation after the restart!" Gu Cheng said.

"That's not necessarily true! Who stipulates that the national war chess is different every time? What if it's still the same? Then my little brother's approach can guarantee another victory, but Brother Gu will be in danger..."

"You...Okay, don't worry, I will definitely win the next set!" Gu Cheng said loudly.

"I wish Brother Gu immediate success!"

"Humph..." Gu Cheng was speechless.

He can't figure out the details of this Ling Daozi at the moment. Did he get lucky in the game just now because the blind cat caught the dead mouse, or was it due to his strength?

If he did it with strength, that would be terrible!

I'm afraid that even the top master in the Evian tribe is no match for him. As for whether other masters on the Yika planet can defeat Ling Daozi, it's doubtful...

Gu Cheng began to wonder if Ling Daozi was from the Yika planet, because when he saw Ling Daozi playing chess, he didn't look like someone who had just come into contact with the national war chess, so it was very likely that he was a master on the Yika planet. That would be who?

Tongyun? Kunxiang? Cong Fei? Yibiao? cursor?

I have studied the chess records of these super masters, but I can't find anyone whose style Ling Daozi resembles...

Gu Cheng was extremely shocked and had already treated Ling Daozi as his number one enemy, so he went all out in the second set and used all his tricks...

Ling Daozi seemed to have changed his style in the second set, playing slowly, not in a hurry to expand, and sometimes waiting...

Time passes slowly like this...

In the blink of an eye, five years have flown by!

In the past five years, Wu Youzi's flying boat has been spinning around in a distorted space and time, and it still can't find the north, but the middle and lower fairy worlds have already undergone earth-shaking changes!

Except for the forces directly or indirectly controlled by the major immortals in the Nine-Level Immortal Realm, everyone else, whether they are immortals or cultivators, were all taken into Xingyun Castle and joined the army of cultivators!

All mortal empires have also moved into Xingyun Castle, and everyone has been transformed by soul warriors!

In the process of this great advancement, countless sects, large and small sects, and cultivation families disappeared, and all materials were transferred to Xingyun Castle, including scraps.

The middle and low-level fairy worlds were almost emptied out as if one layer had been removed from the sky. The remaining forces found themselves completely isolated, as if they were living on an isolated island. They didn't know what their fate would be tomorrow.

They have lost contact with the Nine-Level Immortal Realm for many years. They rely on the information from the Immortal Machinery Department every day to learn about the Immortal Realm information such as the Taoist Competition. Their lives are becoming increasingly difficult...

Yes, after losing nearly 80% of their population and land, these original big forces found that the foundation for their survival was also disappearing. They had to work on their own to obtain more resources to maintain the operation of their forces, and even if In this way, the days are still getting worse...

They also thought about escaping from the fairy world, but how easy is it?

The realms between the various levels of the Immortal Realm are extremely dangerous. Without the cultivation level of Earth Immortal or above, or the protection of high-level treasures, it is difficult to get through by one's own abilities.

In the past, people relied on the passages opened by the Immortal Court to travel between different levels. After the middle and lower levels of the Immortal Realm were blocked by small stars, it was no longer possible for people to escape to other levels.

In order to escape from the fairyland to the secondary interface or the lower realm, in the past, it was also necessary to pass through the fairyland's direct passage or sneak through the passage.

But now these two channels have been completely blocked!

Under such circumstances, if you want to escape from the immortal world through your own abilities, you must reach the level of cultivation above the earthly immortal, that is, above the intermediate immortal.

This kind of people are not absent in the lower immortal world, but they are fewer, and there are more in the middle immortal world. However, the current situation in the middle and lower immortal world is that 80% of the people in the middle and lower immortal world have entered the Universiade Palace, and the remaining two people are all immortals in the upper immortal world. It is impossible for those Immortal Lords to ignore their direct or indirect influence. In the minds of these people, the Immortal Lords will come to them sooner or later. Therefore, most people do not want to escape. After all, they can still live their lives.

There are also a small number of people who want to escape and have the ability to escape, so there is an undercurrent of escape. After some people above the level of Earth Immortal are well prepared, they select a certain secondary interface and start their escape!

However, this escape operation is not a collective escape, but an individual escape. It is extremely scattered, and almost every secondary interface has someone choosing it.

The main reason why these people choose this way is because they originally came from that secondary interface, or their skills are very close to that secondary interface and feel familiar.

In their opinion, they can't stay in the fairy world for the time being, so they should first go to the friendly secondary interface to hang out for a while, and then come back when the situation in the fairy world recovers.

This wishful thinking was very good, but what these people did not expect was that when they left the fairyland for a certain distance, they were almost all attacked without exception. After being caught by a light net, they fell into a coma and woke up. At that time, we have arrived at Xingyun Castle!

After they came into contact with the world of Star Fortune Castle, they joined in without exception...

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