The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2417 8 Ancient Kings

Xiaoxing's actions were indeed fast, accurate and ruthless. In five years, nearly 80% of the population and resources of the middle and low-level immortal world were transferred to Xingyun Castle, laying the foundation for his subsequent activities in the upper-level immortal world.

At the beginning, Xiaoxing estimated that the time of the Xuanling World might only be ten years at the earliest. Now it has passed half of it, but after collecting so many people and resources, it can finally take a breath.

Looking at the game of chess with Gu Cheng, it was still progressing leisurely. This was of course what he wanted to achieve.

Because I have many things to do at the same time, and the game with Gu Cheng is just one of them. The reason why I have to play the second game slowly is to stabilize him and observe him more. Star seems very necessary.

The reason is that when she first discovered him, Xiaoxing immediately noticed that he was different!

At that time, this person was "hanging" in the realm between the sixth-level fairyland and the seventh-level fairyland. Yes, he was just wandering around. Even a great immortal like Wu Yongzi was not willing to wander in such a chaotic environment as the realm. Instead, we need to use flying boats to clear the way.

But Gu Cheng was very comfortable, and he randomly ingested some substances to replenish energy along the way, and even swallowed a lot of wind energy. This made Xiaoxing a little stunned, and realized that this person was somewhat different from the life in the Xuanling world. Something special!

The reason why Gu Cheng stayed at Storm Island was because it was more convenient to absorb wind energy, so he simply stayed here later.

Since the immortal army here had already gone to the Universiade Palace, and the teleportation array had not been used for a long time, Gu Cheng lived in the immortal army's garrison.

"Who is this person? He is so powerful, why does he not have his own power, but wandering around alone?" Xiaoxing felt a little confused.

How could a powerful person like Gu Cheng hang out in a place like the Layer Realm? Even if he is really alone, he can still have fun in various interfaces. Even interstellar travel is a good choice...

But he only stayed in the realm and did not go to the various fairy worlds to see...

After noticing such a thing, Xiaoxing immediately searched for the information found in the monitoring system, and found that there was a Gu Cheng in every layer of the fairy world. The scope of this person's activities was in each layer. Going to other places, that is to say, there are eight in total in Gucheng!

"What's going on? This Gu Cheng is weird in every way, but he is also quite powerful. What does he want to do?!" Xiaoxing was very curious.

Since Li Yun is now concentrating on his cultivation, Xiaoxing has no one to discuss with, so what he has to do is to strengthen monitoring and collect information.

Over time, Xiaoxing discovered more doubts. These doubts were exposed when Gu Cheng was practicing. The energy he absorbed came from a kind of crystal stone, and the energy contained in this crystal stone turned out to be the power sleeping underground. The energy it brings!

Xiaoxing has long measured that the energy contained in the sleeping power underground is slightly higher than the energy of chaos and immortality, but lower than the neutrino energy that Li Yun is cultivating.

And now Gu Cheng is cultivating this kind of self-contained energy, which shows that he must have some kind of connection with the sleeping power underground. For example, the two of them may come from the same place, or even the same race, or this person may fundamentally It’s the powerful man sleeping underground!

Of course, that powerful man must be sleeping now, so Gu Cheng is very likely to be a ray of consciousness of the powerful man sleeping underground!

This is a great possibility!

The reason why it is said to be extremely possible is that the powerful person sleeping underground is very likely to be performing the gigantism technique.

In order to ensure his own safety, he separated these eight rays of consciousness to monitor the world for him. If there is any change, he would immediately wake up and deal with it!

When Xiaoxing thought of this, she couldn't help but be shocked!

If Gu Cheng was not only active in the layer domain, but in all levels of the fairy world, then he would definitely have discovered the nine energy vortices and nine light beams that appeared in the fairy world at that time, as well as the strange stars now. If he felt there was a problem, Maybe they would have awakened the sleeping power underground long ago, and then the Xuanling world would be in crisis now!

Fortunately, the world of Xuanling is blessed with great fortune, and there is still room for maneuver. The main task now is to stabilize him first and see who he is!

Why is Xiaoxing still unable to completely determine who Gu Cheng is?

The reason is that after Xiaoxing had a conversation with Gu Cheng, who was active in the sixth and seventh levels of the Immortal Realm, she had some doubts about what he said.

For example, Gu Cheng mentioned that he escaped here more than two thousand years ago, which was enough to overturn all Xiaoxing's previous assumptions.

Now, Gu Cheng is worried that someone will keep chasing him here. No wonder he has to hide in the chaotic environment of the layer domain to avoid being discovered.

The layer domain is indeed a good place to hide, and Gu Cheng is very likely to come up with a good idea, which is to divide himself into eight, and hide a clone in each layer domain. In this way, even if one clone is discovered and caught , other clones can also escape!

Based on this information, it is very likely that Gu Cheng escaped from the Ika planet he mentioned to the Xuanling World, just to avoid the enemy...

And his arrival also helped Xiaoxing locate the sleeping powerful man underground, because the energy cultivated by Gu Cheng is the same as him, which shows that the sleeping powerful man underground is very likely to come from the Ika planet, as long as it comes from Gu Cheng's mouth If you get more information, you may be able to identify who the sleeping power is!

Therefore, no matter who Gu Cheng is or why he stays in the layer realm, we must make friends with him and get more secrets from him.

In addition, because Gu Cheng is extremely powerful, if the relationship with him is not handled well, it may affect his own plan, so Xiaoxing's strategy is to stabilize him, hold him back, and slowly improve the relationship...

In addition to playing chess with this Gu Cheng, Xiaoxing also played chess with seven other Gu Cheng at the same time, and communicated during the game. Even if these communications were minimal, they would bring extremely rich information to Xiaoxing. , allowing him to have a better understanding of Gu Cheng's identity, the situation of Ika Star, and even the situation of the powerful man underground...

Now, Xiaoxing has completed the transfer task to the middle and lower fairy worlds, and is preparing to enter the seventh-level fairy world to continue in-depth research on the powerful power sleeping underground.

However, Wuyongzi, Shen Yu and Tuku are still spinning around, which is a problem.

Because the Holy Emperor knew that Wuyongzi had gone to the middle and lower levels of the fairy world, of course he found out that Wuyongzi, like everyone else, was gone forever!

However, in order to ensure the completion of the secret mission of the Immortal Court, the Holy Emperor chose to suppress the news and sent people to take over the seventh-level Immortal Army garrison and temporarily stabilize those who were waiting for the news to prevent the news from spreading.

In the opinion of the Holy Emperor, if Wuyongzi is missing even when he goes to investigate, then it will be useless to send anyone to investigate, so just ignore it!

Just wait until the high-end aircraft is built and then check it out. To be honest, Xianting no longer has enough ability to control the entire situation. Everything depends on whether the high-end aircraft can be successfully built. If it cannot succeed, it will be meaningless no matter how much Xianting does. .

It can be said that the Holy Emperor has clearly seen the truth of the Immortal World, so his decision to no longer care about the affairs of the middle and lower Immortal World is both a helpless and a smart choice.

However, the Holy Emperor gave up the three Wuyongzi, but Xiaoxing did not want to give up, because Wuyongzi would have to obtain a high-end aircraft by then to pick up his subordinates in the middle and lower fairy worlds. If he is ignored now, what will happen next? There will be a flaw in the plan, and such a flaw may involve thousands of lives.

But he said that after Wu Yuzi escaped from Storm Island five years ago, he was really frightened. After boarding his own wisdom boat, he ran away like crazy, desperate!

However, he found that he got lost in his hurry!

Everyone knows that the layer realm is extremely dangerous, but it should be nothing to a great immortal like him, so he didn't care at first. After releasing Shen Yu and Tuku, he continued to fly wildly, hoping that the flying boat would see Just go to the sixth or seventh level of the Immortal Realm.

However, reality slapped him hard in the face, because he found that he might have fallen into the depths of this realm!

No matter how he controls it, the flying boat can never leave this area. By now, the flying boat has long run out of energy. It is only supported by the immortal power of the three people, so the speed has become extremely slow...

For five years, looking at this starry sky that had gradually become a bit familiar from a stranger, the three Wuyongzi began to feel a little desperate!

Although five years is nothing to a cultivator, it can be said that they have accomplished nothing in these five years. They just wander around in this realm, and you can imagine how depressed they feel.

"Master, we have been in the realm for more than five years. When will this end?" Shen Yu sighed.

"Great Immortal, please think of a way to get out of here!" Tuku urged.

Wuyouzi was speechless for a while. If he could leave, he would have wanted to leave a long time ago. Unfortunately, this realm is too weird. With his own knowledge, he still can't find the way, and it would be even more impossible for others!

Now, the only thing he can look forward to is Ling Daozi.

It was Ling Daozi who saved them last time. If it hadn't been for him, even the flying boat would have been snatched away by the weirdo, and the lives of the three of them would have been lost long ago.

"Ling Daozi...Ling Daozi...where are you? Can you find me?" Wuyongzi murmured with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Master, who is Ling Daozi? Why do you always talk about him?" Shen Yu asked curiously.

"Ling Daozi... is a genius! He ranked first in all fields of Dao will in the Dao Will Competition. He saved his master's life when he arrived at the Immortal Court. Now he is still guiding many immortals in the Immortal World to build high-end aircraft! Five Years ago, it was he who warned me in advance to be on guard against that weirdo and helped us snatch this wisdom boat. If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid I would have died long ago..."

"Oh my god! Is this so?!" Shen Yu and Tu Ku screamed in surprise.

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