The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2430 1 gadget

Upon hearing this, Meng Zhuizi said loudly: "Speaking of my sea-fixing needle, everyone present can say that everyone knows about it, right?"



"This is a famous treasure in the fairy world!"

"Who doesn't want to own it? I didn't expect that Master Dream Chaser would be willing to exchange it today!"

"If it weren't for his lack of raw materials, it would be impossible for you to exchange so many raw materials for this treasure like him!"

"That's right..."

The reaction of the people at the scene is the best proof. Dream Chaser said proudly: "My sea-fixing needle has passed through the largest sea, the highest waves, and the most ferocious water in the fairyland. Wherever it goes, it is calm and the sea and the sky are vast..."

Ling Daozi smiled and said, "I wonder how long it has been since you used it?"

"This...about eight thousand years..."

"Where was it last used?" Ling Daozi continued to ask.

"The Lingding Sea in the Immortal Realm! It's the famous Evil Sea in the Immortal Realm. Maybe you don't know it, but there are probably very few powerful people present who don't know it!" Meng Zhuizi said loudly.


"Ling Dinghai?!"

"Oh my god, can such a sea be stable?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible..."

Everyone praised...

"Lingdinghai? I've been there before, no wonder..." Ling Daozi thought.

"Oh? Have you been to Lingdinghai?" Zhui Mengzi asked in surprise.

"Hehe, Lingdinghai is right in the middle of the first-level fairy world, but do you know what's special about the location of Lingdinghai?" Ling Daozi asked.

"Special? That's the creation of heaven and earth. It should be formed naturally, right?" Meng Zhuizi asked suspiciously.

"Well, what you said was okay in the past, but it's a bit inappropriate now."

"I wonder what's wrong?"

"The location of Ling Dinghai is the Yongquan acupoint in the center of the right foot of the sleeping power. In other words, the reason why the winds and waves are high and the situation is dangerous there is entirely due to this special location!" Ling Daozi said.

"What?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Including the Holy Emperor, True Lord Dongxia, Master Shanhui, Lord Hanshan and others, everyone looked shocked and moved!

The reason mentioned by Ling Daozi suddenly made them realize it, and they suddenly thought of many things...

Yes, since the immortal world is formed by this person, so many acupoints on his body need to be active and absorb energy for the body, so some extremely special topography will be formed. This is also the same reason why the great masters in the immortal world can use the giant transformation technique. Communicating.

Before that, people didn't know the cause of the formation of the fairy world, so they couldn't think of this problem.

Now Ling Daozi revealed the truth with one word, which made many people present feel enlightened!

"Although your Dinghai Divine Needle is of a high level, it is still difficult to stabilize Lingding Sea. Therefore, when you forcibly used it to suppress the waves of Lingding Sea, the needle spirit in it was severely damaged because it could not resist the huge force. The ability is greatly reduced! In addition to the needle spirit, the body of this needle has also been impacted by Lingdinghai's huge power. Although it is not visible from the outside, its interior has long been scarred. Therefore, most of the value of this needle has long been lost. I am not like this The amount of raw materials is already extremely favorable..." Ling Daozi talked eloquently.

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned.

Meng Zhuizi's face changed greatly. He quickly took the needle and looked at it carefully, but he could not see the inside of the needle through its appearance. In the past, it was not difficult for him to do this. It could be done through the needle spirit, but he Knowing that Needle Spirit was sleeping at this time, it was not appropriate to wake him up.

So the immortal consciousness carefully observed the needle spirit, and couldn't help but be shocked at this sight!

It turns out that the level of the needle spirit has dropped significantly compared to before, and the spirit body has been seriously injured, and it is all on his own to heal...

Meng Zhuizi could not have imagined that he had left the Dinghai Shen Needle unused for so many years after using it, and did not check the condition of the needle properly, thus causing the needle spirit's spirit body to be injured to such an extent. It is estimated that after eight thousand years, the needle spirit has already been damaged. The vitality is severely damaged and it is difficult to recover!

"Xiao Zhen...I'm sorry for you..." Meng Zhuizi suddenly felt sad and choked.

Seeing Zhui Mengzi's expression, everyone suddenly realized that it seemed that this needle was just like what Ling Daozi said just now. It had long lost its courage, so it was understandable that its value had dropped significantly.

Moreover, they further thought that the spirit of a high-end product like the Dinghai Shenzhen should be hidden very deeply, and it would be difficult for outsiders to discover the space it is hidden in. Why was it that Ling Daozi could find something wrong with the spirit of the weapon as soon as he passed it?

This can only show that Ling Daozi's immortality and vision are too high, and these so-called secrets do not exist in his eyes.

"Okay, if you don't want to sell, just give up. There are so many people behind me, I'm very busy here..." Ling Daozi teased.

"This... is for sale!" Meng Zhuizi gritted his teeth.

This Dinghai Shenzhen is so badly damaged that it is definitely not cost-effective to repair it. Moreover, after Ling Daozi's analysis just now, everyone has heard it, and the news will definitely spread. No one is stupid enough to take it over, so it will not happen in the future. Maybe it would be more effective to auction it off at a high price than to replace it with raw materials now.

"Smart!" Ling Daozi praised.

Accepting the Sea-Dinging Needle and throwing him a space stone, the deal was completed.

After this incident, everyone here put away their luck. It seems that it is impossible to get Meng Lingdaozi. It is better to set a more realistic goal. After all, they are exchanged at the original price. , this is already a great discount!

However, even so, some people got unexpected results. One of Feitian's little treasures actually got ten times the raw materials that he expected. This shocked him greatly. He was a relatively honest person, so he reminded: "Brother Ling, Did you give me too much for this water-pumping gadget?”

"I give it based on my own judgment. How much do you think it should be?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Well, if I get one-tenth of the amount you gave me, I'll be quite satisfied!" Feitian said.

"Well, the value of the same treasure is indeed different in the eyes of different people. If according to your standards, it means that your focus is mainly on the materials, workmanship, effectiveness, etc. of refining this treasure, but from From my perspective, I value your creativity in designing this treasure more!" Ling Daozi said.

"Creativity?" Feitian and the people around him were slightly stunned upon hearing this.

"The so-called creativity refers to your purpose and ideas when refining this treasure..." Ling Daozi reminded.

"That's it. I was refining this treasure because I was passing by a mortal empire that was suffering from a huge flood, and many places were submerged in the water. Then I thought, if I could refine a treasure , the water in those places can be automatically pumped to another place, such as other ditches or rivers, wouldn't it be able to help many people escape from disasters... So this gadget was designed and refined based on this idea, but, it The operation is not very smooth, and it is difficult to operate on its own, so I have been leaving it idle..." Feitian said truthfully.

"Hehe, aren't you worried that I will receive the raw materials if you say so?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"That doesn't matter, I've already changed enough raw materials anyway." Feitian also said with a smile.

"Okay, let me tell you my opinion. Although your gadget is a semi-finished product, its creativity is very valuable, and the most valuable thing about it is that you plan to use the natural power of water to realize water... Extraction from low to high!" Ling Daozi said.

" this possible?"

"Water flows from high to low, right?"

"That's right, water control usually involves digging canals to divert water away..."

“Without external intervention, how is it possible for water to flow from low to high solely by the natural force of water?”

"That's right..."

Everyone who heard it was extremely surprised and talked a lot...

Upon hearing this, Feitian argued: "When water is flowing, if it encounters an obstruction, the water surface will rise, and part of the water will flow back. Isn't this what we often see?"

"Even so, the place where you want to pump water is stagnant and still water. How can you make it flow backward?" Yasi said aside.

"Brother Ya really hit the mark! Since most of the water stagnant areas are stagnant water, the water has nowhere to go, so it will slowly rise until it flows back. But when it reaches a certain level, the water from outside will flow in again. The water accumulation remains. The purpose of my gadget is to use the backflow force generated between the high and low to drive more water to rush out and flow to the river. However, there are many problems in the actual operation process, and it is difficult to realize automatic operation. It must be supplemented by human operations..." Feitian sighed.

"Brother Fei has such an ingenious idea, it's already very good!" Yaxi still praised.

"Thank you, Brother Ya! It's just that this gadget is basically useless, but it cost Brother Ling a lot of money to exchange for so many raw materials..." Feitian said.

Ling Daozi smiled and said: "This gadget is not useless. As long as it is slightly modified, it can achieve the purpose you want!"

"Really?!" Feitian was stunned.

"Of course! Moreover, the reason why I gave you so many raw materials is to tell you that sometimes creativity is much more important than the value of the baby itself! Your creativity has actually exceeded the level of the third-level civilization era. Thinking mode, and entered the fourth-level civilization era! The key point is the word automatic!" Ling Daozi praised.

"Oh..." When the people present heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

Ling Daozi actually gave this idea such a high evaluation, which was something no one expected.

"This..." Feitian was also stunned, a little unbelievable!

Yaxi quickly asked: "Brother Ling, why do you say the word "automatic" is so important?"

"Automatically means that this treasure uses the power of heaven and earth, the power of nature, and does not require the power of manpower or equipment spirits, as well as a large number of spiritual stones and immortal stones as energy supplies. As long as heaven and earth exist and nature exists, this treasure will Isn't it great that it can work automatically? Unlike some treasures, the weapon will be completely destroyed as soon as its spirit is broken. Being able to do this means that the person who refines this weapon has discovered the mysteries of the nature of the world and made this treasure Completely integrated into nature…”

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