The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2431 The power of the universe begins to grow

Ling Daozi's words were like the sound of bells and cauldrons hitting these weapon refiner masters. Everyone seemed to have some understanding, depending on their personal spirituality.

In particular, Ling Daozi mentioned the concept of using the power of heaven, earth and nature instead of using human power and the power of weapon spirits to drive treasures. Masters such as Ya Xi, Zhui Mengzi, Feitian, Shi Zhong and Zong Lin were able to Seeing a new direction in the art of weapon refining greatly touched their hearts!

Some people at the scene even seemed to suddenly enter a state of enlightenment and began to meditate and adjust their breath...

This situation also shows that there are really many geniuses in the immortal world. What many people lack is just opportunities. And now, Ling Daozi has become the one who brings them opportunities. What he casually said may become the beginning of a new era. A key to their Taoist path points them to the direction of development...

When the Holy Emperor saw such a scene, he felt infinite emotion in his heart. With Ling Daozi's Taoist realm, he could definitely become the Great Immortal among the Great Immortals in the Immortal World, but he was only a human race in his sixties, and he was also Li Yun. A little slave!

If such a thing were told, no one would dare to believe it.

"Li Yun...where are you? What are you doing? Although you didn't show up, I must thank you, because you not only became my supporter, but also cured my poison and sent Ling Daozi to Xianting. Preach scriptures and guide us to build the Xuanling spaceship. Without your help, maybe no one here would know that the end of Xuanling is coming..." the Holy Emperor said silently in his heart.

Of course, Li Yun didn't know everything that was happening in Xianting now, but he believed that Xiaoxing could handle these things well, so he eliminated all distracting thoughts and stepped up his practice in the special space of Tianyun World!

The time extension of this special space has reached an outrageous level. One day in the outside world can last ten thousand years here!

Of course, such a level requires the support of huge energy, but what Li Yun and Xiaoxing lack most now is energy. A steady stream of star power is introduced into the Tianyun world to support the normal operation of this special time and space.

Li Yun can not only practice his body and skills here, but also study all the results of the think tank. His brain has almost begun to operate in sync with the think tank, and his thinking and calculation abilities are gradually approaching the level of the think tank!

This is an extraordinary achievement, because the calculation speed of the think tank is close to the speed of light. Now Xiaoxing's level has certainly reached the level of the think tank. After this period of intensive training, Li Yun has also begun to improve rapidly, approaching this extreme level...

Countless think tank results are flowing towards Li Yun like the Yangtze River, turning into a light path composed of countless light points. If this information cannot be processed and digested in time, then Li Yun's brain will most likely be injured by these huge torrents!

But Li Yun's brain works extremely fast. He reads, understands, organizes and stores all these materials and results. There is almost no stagnation. If there is, it only takes a little more time to solve it. Therefore, you can see that, After those surging light points entered Li Yun's mind, they naturally found their own place and arranged themselves, and gradually faded away from their dazzling light and settled down...

This means that they have been digested by Li Yun and become part of Li Yun's wisdom!

Li Yun can be said to be multi-tasking like this. Almost every ray of his consciousness is interpreting information, and he also practices his body and skills. The efficiency is staggering!

It is precisely because he now has such ability that he can so smoothly turn the results of the think tank into his own...

Since his speed of interpreting the think tank is much higher than his speed of cultivation,

Therefore, he first understood the many achievements of the fifth-level civilization era that Xiaoxing had achieved during this period, such as neutrinos, positive particles, dark matter particles, dark energy, etc., and then went back to guide his own cultivation. This reduces many risks and improves the efficiency of cultivation...

He even incidentally understood the special energy particles cultivated by the sleeping power in the underground, so that he could know himself and the enemy.

For Li Yun, his foundation is absolutely perfect. All he lacks is time and hard work. For example, his acupuncture points are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and they are growing every day. However, due to the short training time, , far from being able to develop the potential of these acupoints, which limited his combat power.

The acupuncture points of the powerful person sleeping underground are only a very small part compared to Li Yun. However, since this powerful person has cultivated the abilities of most of his acupoints to a higher level, if Li Yun directly encounters the acupoints before strengthening his training, If you go up to him, you will definitely lose.

But it is different now. In this space, one day is equivalent to ten thousand years. This extension is extremely incredible. It greatly makes up for Li Yun's weakness in cultivation time.

In the past five years in the outside world, Li Yun has spent an extremely long time in this special space. His cultivation has been advancing step by step, patiently tempering his body and practicing various techniques. I have reached the point where I can do whatever I want...

A super genius is not scary in many cases. The scary thing is that some super geniuses don’t think they are geniuses, so they adopt the most stupid and hard-working method that outsiders look like. They cultivate and think steadily. That is the most effective way. scary.

Because genius often comes from talent. Innate factors do give a person the possibility to become a superpower. However, if a genius does not work hard, is too ambitious, and thinks that it does not matter if he is lazy, he can easily grow up with his talent. You are totally wrong if you think what others think you are. Without hard work and pain and struggle, it is impossible to transform talent into actual ability.

Geniuses who have not matured are just the objects of ridicule among everyone. If you want to live up to your talent and become a powerful person, you must work harder than ordinary people and be more ruthless to yourself!

The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. In the special time and space of Tianyun world, a cosmic-level power is gradually growing up. He exudes incomparable confidence. He can cross the chasm that countless people can't reach with just a raise of his hands and feet. His eyes The light from it can reach the extremely deep and distant starry sky...

Li Yun has begun to grow into the self he imagined. It feels good to be free and spontaneous. You can do whatever you want...

Sometimes, this will give people the illusion that they have become the creator of the world. The entire world, all matter, and all life are created by themselves. Some people may directly expand and become arrogant. To the point of being arrogant, but Li Yun is different. He still has a deep sense of awe for heaven, earth, and the universe. He understands that only by complying with the heaven, earth, and universe can he create infinite possibilities!

Of course, if one day I can create a universe, that would be a different matter...

Li Yun's wisdom has reached an extremely high level. Various thinking results are constantly colliding in his brain world, bursting out new sparks of thought. This process never stops, just like the operation of a think tank...

While thinking and practicing, Li Yun also used a ray of spiritual consciousness to understand the changes in the outside world, and found that Xiaoxing's control of the fairy world was simply subversive. Except for the personnel and materials of the major forces, all other personnel and supplies were transferred to Xingyun Castle by him, without exception!

The remaining power territories are like isolated islands. They can only survive by themselves. It is extremely desolate...

Although they are all big forces, they used to be at the top of their respective fairy-level ecological chains. However, after the lower levels were suddenly removed, it doesn't matter whether they are the top or the middle or lower levels. It is impossible for one big force to have all the needs. They can all be satisfied internally. They all rely on various network relationships to export products and services and import the products and services they need. But now countless external networks have been cut off at once, leaving only other big forces. , but this is far from meeting their respective needs, so their living conditions suddenly fell into a low ebb, let alone any development.

Li Yun felt helpless at Xiaoxing's radical approach, because he also knew that the alien signals were getting closer and closer, and the risks in the Xuanling world were increasing and accelerating!

Perhaps only an approach like Xiaoxing's can save the people of Xuanling to the greatest extent.

Now that he has left this matter to Xiaoxing, Li Yun doesn't want to worry about it anymore. Thinking that the aliens are getting closer and closer, he also has a greater sense of urgency. Although the years and months in this special time and space are long, It's very boring and lonely, but if you want to have greater confidence and stronger strength when facing aliens, you must endure it and continue to practice...

From the signal analysis, the time for aliens to arrive near the Xuanling World may be five years later, but it does not rule out that they have super-light spaceships and can lock onto the Xuanling World, so the time may be shortened again, so , every day that follows is very important!

For Li Yun, for every extra day in the outside world, he can gain 10,000 more years of training time, and his strength may be greatly improved. By then, he will have greater confidence. Therefore, while Li Yun continues to practice patiently, Begin to transform the starry sky array on the periphery of Xuanling World.

This starry sky formation was built by Xiaoxing. Even Li Yun didn't understand how he made it at first, but it's different now. Li Yun's wisdom is much closer to that of Xiaoxing and the think tank. Look at this starry sky formation again , you can find many problems.

Because Xiaoxing was built in a hurry, there are still defects in many places. In Li Yun's view, if he can see the defects at a glance, aliens may also discover them quickly, so he wants to hide them Extraterrestrial observation must make up for these shortcomings...

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