The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2463 Parting ways


When the leaders of each fleet heard this, they couldn't help but exclaimed!

They all knew what was going on with the existence of Gu Cheng. This person was the spiritual consciousness of the powerful person sleeping underground, and they also knew that it was Ling Daozi who was helping them stabilize Gu Cheng, but now the chess game between the two sides was about to end. If he discovers something strange in the fairy world, and Ling Daozi cannot control him, then it is not certain that his spaceships will escape!

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait? !


"Leave now!"

"If you don't leave, you will be buried with the collapse of the Xuanling world!"

"That's right! It's the end of the world here, and it could end at any time. There's really nothing to miss..."

"If a gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall, he'd better leave as soon as possible..."

"Go immediately in the direction marked by Xiao Xuan!"


All fleets gave the order to escape in unison, and they all flew out quickly!

One hundred fleets chose one hundred directions, which not only avoided the direction from which the Celestial Centipede Fleet and the Mantis Fleet came, but also had their own corresponding target stars.

How did these target stars come from?

Of course, they cannot be discovered by people from the Xuanling World, but they are discovered by small stars through the observation array arranged that there may be star fields or stars suitable for the survival and development of life.

This is extremely unbelievable to people in the Xuanling world. How can people here discover star fields and stars that are tens or hundreds of light years away?

How to judge which star field or star is suitable for the survival and development of life?

Even if Xiaoxing told them, they couldn't explain the truth clearly, because it already involves the wisdom of level 4 to level 5 civilization and above, which is beyond the understanding of people from their cultivating civilization.

Therefore, Xiaoxing simply marked out the target star field and star body for them, and the principle was loaded into Xiaoxuan, so that those people can slowly study it when they have the opportunity in the future...

After a while, these fleets came to the scope of the starry sky formation. Among these people, only a few dozen people such as Taoist Priest Tianxuan had flown in the starry sky formation and had seen the power of the formation, while the others It’s the first time for them all to come here.

But the current formation is different from what Taoist Priest Tianxuan and others had seen before, because after Li Yun's repairs, it has become perfect. When flying in it, he did not feel that it was a formation, but thought it was a formation. It is moving forward in a very normal starry sky...

When these fleets were flying, they found that the stars were different from what they had seen before. Here, if you can't break the secret of the starry sky, you can only fly back and forth in the formation and never be able to fly out!

Wu Siqi on the Holy Emperor's spaceship, and Master Jueyuan on the Hedao Temple spacecraft and other star-gazing experts are experiencing the magic of folded space first-hand. Xiao Xuan is constantly explaining to them, but They all listened at a loss. It was obvious that they were completely unable to understand this special change in time and space...

In fact, let alone them, even many strong people in the fourth- and fifth-level civilizations cannot understand this special time and space. With the current abilities of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the folded space they created can completely allow countless civilizations to The fleet fell into it unknowingly, but could not get out!

"Now we are in the bottom four layers of folded space-time,

Soon we will enter the three-layer folded space-time..."

Following the reminder from Xiao Xuan's voice, the people on the spacecraft stared closely at the starry sky outside the portholes, and gradually discovered that the starry sky had undergone major changes. The most obvious thing was that the sun, the largest luminous body, had become larger. The starlight has also become brighter...

However, if it were not controlled by Xiao Xuan and only controlled by people from the Xuanling World, it would not be possible to slide from the fourth layer of folded time and space to the third layer of folded time and space so smoothly. Everyone knows this in their hearts.

As each Xuanling fleet advances, each layer of folded space-time is also opened and closed layer by layer. The advantage of this is to seal the breath of the Xuanling world tightly, preventing any leakage, so as to avoid being captured by the fairy centipede fleet. The blood-sensing baby accurately discovered the location of Gu Cheng, thus completely locking the location of the Xuanling World.

In fact, Li Yun and Xiaoxing also understood that if the arrival of this fleet was not good for Gu Cheng, then their actions actually helped Gu Cheng and gave him a chance to avoid those who came to pursue him. .

Even if these people come to help Gu Cheng, doing so will give him the opportunity to actively choose whether to accept their help. Therefore, this starry sky formation not only helps the people in the Xuanling World, but also helps Gu Cheng. , it is indeed a great achievement!

Of course, for Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the first thing they have to consider is the safety of the people in the Xuanling World, not Gu Cheng. Until now, they are still wary of Gu Cheng, otherwise they would not have decided to let him go first. The people in Xuanling World left, and he stayed to observe and control the entire situation.

If Gu Cheng wants to do harm to the people in the Xuanling world after waking up, then Li Yun and Xiaoxing will definitely take action. At that time, they can completely let go of their hands and feet to fight Gu Cheng without worrying about Xuanling. The people of the world suffer the consequences of being a fish in a pond.

Finally, each Xuanling fleet arrived at the outer layer of folded time and space one after another. Here, they found that the sun had become half the size it usually saw, just like how it looked when they first discovered the changes in the stars, and this appearance was relatively Not much has changed from usual. They know that they are finally leaving their hometown of Xuanling World!

They can't look back here, because their sight has been completely blocked by the folded time and space, so they can only chant silently in their hearts...

"Start the stealth program and all spaceships will enter stealth flight!" Ling Daozi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh..." Everyone exclaimed softly.

Unexpectedly, the invisible program would be activated so soon. It seems that Ling Daozi is much more cautious than them!

But I heard Ling Daozi say: "The operation of the stealth program does not require too much energy, so it is recommended that you run it the whole time. The reason why this program is started so soon is to prevent you from being discovered by the two fleets. .Since there will be slight breath leakage when the outer layer of folded space-time is opened, these breaths contain the blood breath of the powerful sleeping underground, which may attract their attention. Therefore, you must be even more careful and must travel in a stealth state. In the universe, try to reach your destination safely!”

"Is this so?!" Everyone was extremely shocked when they heard this!

Unexpectedly, these advanced civilizations in the universe can lock on to such a distant target by relying on blood induction. This shocked them and made them even more aware of their backwardness and weakness...

The most fortunate thing for these people now is that they have a large number of portals on hand, which can help them escape in dangerous moments. Otherwise, they really don’t know what to do...

Ling Daozi once again focused on some issues that need attention in interstellar navigation, and finally said: "Okay! I have said everything I can think of. I hope you will keep it in mind and use it flexibly! Finally, I wish you all a safe arrival in life. Star, create your own civilization era! See you later!"

"Thank you Xiaoling! See you soon!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

The first gap slowly opened, and a Xuanling fleet sailed out like a ghost, gradually accelerating, and soon disappeared into the distant starry sky like a bolt of lightning...

Then came the second fleet, the third fleet... the fiftieth fleet... the eightieth fleet... the one hundredth fleet! ! !

Li Yun, Xiao Xing, and countless people in Xingyun Castle all saw this scene with their own eyes. Their faces were extremely excited. Many people shed hot tears and secretly blessed these fleets in their hearts...

Countless moving, touching and amazing stories disappeared with their departure. Many people suddenly understood in an instant that the previous battles and evolutions seemed so insignificant in the big space of the universe, just like Competing for limited resources in a small place, fighting to the death will result in limited gains. But now looking at the universe, these fleets suddenly have an infinite future. No one knows what some of these fleets will develop into in the future. The level of civilized world may be far beyond their imagination now!

No matter good or bad, now that they have taken this first step, it is equivalent to starting a new development path. It is really wonderful!

Tuke stared blankly at the astonishing scene of a hundred fleets going their separate ways, feeling infinitely shocked in his heart!

After coming to Xingyun Castle, he finally understood the shocking crisis facing the Xuanling World, and also understood how much effort Li Yun had made to save the people in the Xuanling World, including those in the Soul World, who were now also in Xingyun Castle Only under the protection of God can we escape from this catastrophe...

Compared with Li Yun's achievements, Tuke suddenly felt that he was too insignificant, as insignificant as a speck of dust!

Without Li Yun, I am afraid that the entire Xuanling world, including the soul world, will be destroyed in an unreasonable disaster in the near future, and all living beings may be buried in it, but he is unaware of this, and even He is dreaming of dominating the universe, which makes him feel so ironic just thinking about it...

During this period of time, Tuke's mind and heart seemed to be cleansed, and he gradually realized the greatness of saving people from his original murderous nature!

Yes, Li Yun was right before, killing and poking is just a trick for the weak. Only rescue and survival are what the real strong do!

It is easy for a person to give up, because he can give up completely as soon as he closes his eyes and cuts with a knife. However, if he wants to survive and develop, he will have to go through much greater difficulties and obstacles, and he must bravely overcome them. All kinds of hardships, trying every means to put yourself on the right path. This process requires a lot of mental, physical, and more importantly, mental effort!

He must have a strong psychological endurance to be able to overcome the hardships and reach the other side...

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