The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2464 Tiny body and dependent body

Survival, rescue, and development are the best ways for life to show its unique charm. In the vast world and the vastness of the universe, wouldn't it be too boring if there were not all kinds of life active in it?

Tu Ke suddenly felt that it was great to be alive. He could see such a magnificent starry sky, see life constantly fighting for survival and development, and get to know so many interesting lives...

With such a cleansed heart, he slowly fell into a deep sleep again and began to weave new dreams...

"They're gone...they're really gone..." Li Yun said with emotion.

"Don't worry, sir. Although they are gone, their whereabouts are under our control. If we want to see them in the future, there will be no problem at all!" Xiaoxing comforted.

"I hope they can all have a bright future, or at least live well..." Li Yun sighed.

Having said that, there will always be some surprises in things, and there is a certain probability of good and bad. In the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, it would be good if ten of the hundred fleets can do well, and half of them can do well. It is a miracle to live well, but it is not surprising that forty people live miserable lives!

Everything can only depend on their wisdom, hard work and luck. To be honest, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have done a lot of preliminary tasks for them, which greatly improved their chances of survival. If not, I'm afraid these fleets have not yet flown. Things will start to happen once you leave the inner interstellar space of the Xuanling World, let alone fly to star fields hundreds of light years away...

The star fields chosen by Xiaoxing for them are basically hundreds of light years away, because only in this way can they spread out as much as possible. On the one hand, they can avoid the detection of the two foreign fleets, and on the other hand, it is also conducive to the survival of the people in the area. Take root and grow in a larger area.

"Sir, the Starry Sky Formation opened and closed a hundred times just now, which will definitely leak some mysterious spirit aura. If the Immortal Centipede Fleet really uses the bloodline treasure to target Gu Cheng, then their next actions will definitely be more direct and more precise. Be purposeful!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! If we can capture such information, we can prove our inference." Li Yun agreed.

"Hey, now our monitoring network has reached a certain level and we have locked them all! It is difficult for them to escape our monitoring every move, so, their problem is no longer a problem, but we have to have a good relationship with Gu Cheng Let’s fight!” Xiaoxing laughed.

"Don't forget that there are countless Xuanling people who have not been able to join the one hundred fleets. You must be careful when dealing with Gu Cheng, in case he suddenly stops his power!" Li Yun said.

"What if we reveal to him the news about the arrival of the alien fleet? Will he cooperate with us to save people because of his scruples?" Xiaoxing thought.

"Of course it's best to do this, but we must understand the whole process of his appearance here. In this case, we will be more confident in revealing this information to him."

"Yes! According to Xiaonu, he has not fully recovered yet. Even if his strength has recovered, it is probably difficult to defeat the Mantis fleet. Therefore, he must need our help!" Xiaoxing judged.

"Indeed, we have a clearer picture of his strength now. He should have no problem dealing with the Celestial Fleet, but it will be difficult to deal with the Mantis Fleet. Without our help, his final outcome will be to be defeated by the Mantis Fleet. The fleet has been captured!" Li Yun agreed.

"So, we still take the initiative to communicate with him. In fact, Gu Cheng is now facing a big crisis. Without us, he wouldn't even be able to get this information!"


It depends on the situation. We need to face this task together! "

"Don't worry, sir. There is still time. Your task is to practice as soon as possible. The stronger you are, the better. As for Gu Cheng, we must try to delay the time and let the hundred fleets fly farther to fight with him. Showdown..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That's right! Don't worry about me. My cultivation has already passed the level of neutrino. It shouldn't be a big problem to defeat Gu Cheng. I am currently practicing positive particles. If I can pass this level, then I will be able to defeat Gu Cheng. Everything in this visible universe can be seen completely clearly!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"My slave has seen your progress. With your current cultivation level, you will have no problem facing these two fleets, but..."

"But what?"

"Your Majesty's goal must be even more ambitious, to be in line with the standards of level six civilization and ultimate civilization. After all, the visible universe only accounts for 30% of this universe, while the invisible universe, or the dark universe, accounts for 70%, of which Dark matter particles and dark energy are what adults must master, so you have to work harder!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"That's... no problem!" Li Yun gritted his teeth.

Withdrawing this ray of consciousness from discussing with Xiaoxing, Li Yun tried to calm down his mind and devoted himself to cultivation.

The Li Yun who fought with Tu Ke before was just a ray of his spiritual body, but no one at the scene, including Tu Ke, noticed it. It can be seen that Li Yun's current cultivation level has reached an incredible level.

As he said, he has now passed the neutrino level. This is not easy. The energy level of neutrinos is more than a hundred times the energy molecules on the Ika planet that Gu Cheng practiced. This also means that if Now that Li Yun has gone to Yika Star, he is almost invincible. No matter how powerful the opponent is, it is impossible to fight against Li Yun due to the low level of the skill factors they practice.

This is just like the reason why it is impossible for a Xuanshi who cultivates Xuanqi to fight against an immortal who cultivates Immortal Qi.

In the special time and space of Tianyun World, Li Yun has been practicing for an extremely long time. With his intelligence and wisdom, he devoted himself to practice and finally achieved great success!

Therefore, he was fully confident that he could face Gu Cheng, the Celestial Fleet and the Mantis Fleet. If it were not for the purpose of learning more information about the universe through them, he could have done things more directly and simply.

Now that he was so sure, Li Yun was not in a hurry. He let Xiaoxing handle the external matters while he continued to practice positive particles.

The cathode particle is even more difficult to master than the neutrino because its energy level is almost ten thousand times that of the neutrino!

In Li Yun's view, the energy span between positive particles and neutrinos is large, almost a geometric level improvement. Not only does it become more difficult to practice, but the risks are also increasing, so you can't be anxious and must practice slowly. .

Fortunately, the star veins in his body have reached an extremely high level now, and energy replenishment is not a problem at all, making it possible to cultivate positive particles.

At present, he has gone a short distance on the road of cultivating positive particles, and this short distance, to others, almost means a limit that will never be reached!

After mastering neutrinos, Li Yun could easily discover and utilize the neutrino-level energy molecules existing in the universe, just like when his spiritual body faced Tu Ke, he casually By wielding it, you can build a neutrino shield around yourself, and if others can't break through this shield, they won't know how to deal with it.

The neutrinos also played a great role in reshaping his body. Now, his original immortal body has been transformed into a neutrino body, referred to as "micro body", that is to say, the immortal energy molecules in the body It has been completely replaced by neutrinos, and the whole person's aura is completely different from before!

If Li Yun hadn't already had the experience to use tattooed clothes to completely cover his aura, I'm afraid that as soon as his spiritual body appeared in the outside world, it would immediately arouse everyone's admiration and love, and other things would not be the same. No need to do it.

Of course, Tuke is no exception. If he faced a Li Yun whose neutrino aura was completely released, he would not be able to muster any courage to take action!

Under such an aura, Tuke could only crawl at Li Yun's feet and bow his head.

The completion of the micro body is of great significance to Li Yun's next trip to the universe, because this is a body suitable for walking in the universe. If it is an immortal body, it is impossible to fly freely in the universe and must use a spaceship. Or other Zhoubao can do this.

However, having a tiny body allows Li Yun to enter and exit the universe at will, even if one person faces an extremely dangerous cosmic environment or a fleet.

The level of the micro body is at least a hundred times higher than that of Gu Cheng's Yika star energy molecule body. Gu Cheng's energy body can be called the "Yi body". Gu Cheng can walk in the universe by relying on the body. , and can also use the portal to travel quickly without being damaged, and can even transform into a vast world like the Xuanling World in this star field. It can be seen that the body is also a body suitable for space flight. People who have the body, In fact, they have the qualification to walk in the universe, and those with great ability can be called the power of the universe.

There is no doubt that Gu Cheng is a great power in the universe, but compared with the current Li Yun, he lags far behind, because Li Yun's micro body is more than a hundred times that of his body level, so Li Yun's ability is Gao was beyond his imagination.

For Li Yun, he was not aware of such a problem at first. He just focused on studying neutrinos and fully practiced them. However, after Xiaoxing reminded him, he suddenly found that he had created a miracle, that is, In a short period of time, he went from being countless times weaker than Gu Cheng to being countless times stronger than him. Even he himself would not have dared to believe such a leap at the beginning!

To achieve this goal, of course, he has a solid foundation. Here, he has Tianyun World as his backing, an entire think tank as his source of wisdom, a starry sky formation that brings him a steady stream of star power, and In this special time and space, one day in the outside world is equivalent to ten thousand years here. Every day that passes by the outside world means that Li Yun is undergoing a major transformation here...

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