The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2472 Cosmic Mapping

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "After passing this level, we will have a lot of time, and we can turn our focus to the two alien fleets!"

"Where's the chess game?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Every Gucheng camp has big problems and is making internal adjustments, and they will definitely not admit defeat easily. After all, if they lose this set, they will owe Xiaonu three demands. This is what they can do no matter what. It's unacceptable, even if you rely on them, they will continue to rely on you..."

"It seems that instead of playing this national war chess, they really hit their fate... However, why do I feel that the rules and world displayed in the national war chess are quite similar to an ancient era in our pre-universe?" Li Yun said suspiciously.

"What the adults said is right! Xiaonu also discovered this!" Xiaoxing said.

"Could it be...that parallel universes really exist?" Li Yun couldn't help but ask.

The so-called parallel universe means that outside of one universe, there are other very similar universes, and what happens in one universe may also happen in another similar universe, but slightly different. It’s just different, that is to say, a person may not be living a satisfactory life in a certain universe, but maybe in another similar universe, due to different encounters and rules, his small universe may explode and his life will be extremely prosperous. !

This situation exists more in imagination. No one can prove the existence of parallel universe, but it can satisfy people's dream of changing their own circumstances, so many people are more willing to believe in its existence.

People often imagine that there are many versions of themselves in other parallel universes. Although their lives in the current universe are not satisfactory or even very miserable, in another universe, they can counterattack in life. , suppressing those who have suppressed you, you can even wake up laughing when you think about this...

From Gu Cheng’s words, we can know that the national war chess is taken from a period of history on Yika planet, which shows that at that time, there were indeed so many mortal countries on Yika planet, and they were in the complicated Warring States era. In order to survive and develop, they worked hard to develop themselves, intrigues with each other, played conspiracies, and acted aggressively. In short, they did everything they could!

This situation is quite similar to an ancient era in the pre-universe where Li Yun and Xiao Xing lived. Even the country names, world conditions, etc. are very similar. No wonder Li Yun has this question.

Xiaoxing said: "Parallel universes cannot be completely proven yet. Our current universe is very different from the previous universe. Except for the similarity between the era on Yika and the ancient era of the pre-universe, the similarities in other situations are low, especially in cultivation. Civilizations are very different, so it is unlikely that these two universes are parallel universes. If we must find an explanation, then cosmic mapping can explain this problem!"

"Cosmic mapping?" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes! Just like the red flames map the wild world, the world can be mapped in this universe, and in nature, there are also mirages. The scene of a place can be reflected through natural phenomena such as sunlight, sea of ​​clouds, and water surfaces. Refracted to another place, the wonder of a mirage appears. Since nature can achieve such magical changes, of course it is also possible to put it in the big universe! Maybe in the ancient era of the pre-universe, something happened between this universe and the pre-universe There is some mysterious connection, so that the world of that era is mapped to this universe, and it happens to fall on Yika Planet! Or it can also be the other way around, that is, what happened on Yika Planet is mapped to the previous universe At that time, besides…”

"What else?"

"The total number of mortal countries that have appeared on Yika planet has reached 999.

In the Warring States Period in the ancient pre-universe era, although there were many countries, the total number of countries that existed at the same time was not so many, and the situation was not as complicated as shown in the national war chess. Therefore, in Xiaonu's view, it is more possible It is the cosmic mapping that maps part of the Yika planet to the pre-universe! "Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this. Xiaoxing's imagination and analytical skills were truly extraordinary. Even though this matter didn't seem that important, under his analysis, it was able to be interpreted so perfectly!

In his opinion, Xiaoxing's analysis is very reasonable, almost factual!

From this incident, he can also gain inspiration, that is, his vision can no longer be limited to a small well like the Xuanling World, but should be expanded to the level of the entire universe to think about problems.

For example, the problem of blood induction that the two analyzed last time, if they can think like this early in the morning, they can quickly discover the reason why the fairy armada can lock on the Xuanling world to fly. But this time, the mirage that exists in nature Of course, the phenomenon can also be expanded to the scale of the entire universe to think about.

Some small things that happen in the mysterious world, if put into the big universe, some jaw-dropping phenomena may appear!

Li Yun praised: "Cosmic mapping is indeed very possible! However, if it is mapped from the Yika star to the mother star of the pre-universe, according to the world rules of the pre-universe, can the real world and life appear?"

"This kind of mapping is just right in this universe, because through the process of mapping, various vital breaths emerge with energy, reshaping life, creating the world, and turning it into a real world! When this information on the Yika planet When being mapped by the universe, the corresponding life seeds, vitality and various elements were brought over, and as a result, such a special era was created on the mother planet! On the contrary, this situation is unlikely It happened because the world rules of the former universe really couldn't achieve such a mapping transformation!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! It seems that we have quite a connection with Yika Star. If we analyze the situation according to this situation, we are still the descendants of Yika Star people!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Exactly! The Warring States Period on our home planet was the period in which our ancestors lived. Afterwards, we developed all the way and entered the era of scientific and technological civilization. And the seeds of life have been continued all the way!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"No wonder Gu Cheng's body is quite similar to ours. There is no problem in calling him a human race. However, a human race like his is still different from ordinary humans. Instead, he has developed to a very high level of human race. This is only possible in this universe. It’s possible.” Li Yun sighed.

"The rules of the two universes are different, and the development of the human race will also diverge, and it is normal for them to take different paths. Although the human race in the former universe was weak, it focused on developing technology and strengthened its own weaknesses. On the contrary, it was better than this one. The universe entered the fourth level civilization earlier. The important difference between the two is still longevity. People in the former universe relied too much on external forces. As a result, they neglected their own tempering and progress, making their bodies weak. Their longevity is naturally not high, and many people are more It is because he has no habit of exercising, indulges in entertainment, stays up late, eats junk food, overdraws his health, and relies on drugs and medical treatments for a long time. Little does he know that drugs are three parts poisonous. Under the long-term erosion of these poisons, no matter how good they are, My body will also collapse..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! A strong body is the greatest wealth in life. As long as a person lives healthily, he already has a huge wealth without envying others! In the previous universe, many people had no scruples in overextending their bodies to make money and enjoy themselves when they were young. , think that you can exchange money for your body when you are old, but this concept is absolutely wrong! If you don’t pay attention to maintaining healthy living habits and exercising regularly when you are young, your body’s vitality will be overdrawn, and the loss of vitality will cause It's too difficult to make up for it, it's like pursuing quick success and rapid progress during the foundation-building period. If the foundation is not solid, everything in the future will be limited!" Li Yun sighed.

"Hey, in this universe, it is possible to exchange money for a body. After all, there are life-extending pills, and there are countless possibilities for longevity. But in the previous universe, it was basically impossible to exchange money for a body. On the contrary, If you don't pay attention to physical exercise and maintenance when you are young, if you sit for long periods of time, stay up late, eat takeaways and enjoy entertainment, within a few years your body will lay the root of serious illness, which will break out at a certain time, and you can't buy it with money at that time. Return to the original good body. In addition, with the weak bodies of the human race in the past, many people worked hard to make money when they were young and did not know how to take care of their bodies. Later, they were in trouble and turned into medicine jars. They had to take many medicines every day to maintain their basal metabolism. In the last days of life, it may be a year, a few months, or even just a few weeks to a few days. More than half of their life savings will be spent on serious surgery! Many people have no money to pay for such surgery in their last days. Expensive expenses will cause some to go bankrupt, some will overdraw their children's money, and some will borrow huge debts. In short, even if they finally pass away, they will leave a lot of chicken feathers behind, causing huge harm to the entire family, making The entire family's status has declined, and the chance of turning over has become extremely small!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun felt quite emotional when he heard this. There were too many such situations mentioned by Xiaoxing, too numerous to mention. Poverty due to illness and poverty due to illness are not only for ordinary people, but also for some middle class or wealthy people. An extremely harsh level. In the previous universe, the medical forces were extremely powerful. They controlled drugs and treatment equipment, set prices at will, and controlled everything. No one dared to mess with them. Once you entered their place, you would instantly become a lamb to be slaughtered. Let him have his way...

If people want to get rid of this threat, the best way is to develop good living habits from a young age, maintain scientific exercise, and allow their bodies to form a good basic metabolic cycle, replacing fat with muscle and sweat. Entertainment, it doesn’t matter even if you don’t make a lot of money, because as long as you have a healthy and strong body, you are already a billionaire…

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