The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2473 The utmost benevolence and justice

The discussion of the Warring States Period of Yika Planet made Li Yun and Xiaoxing unexpectedly discover that there may be some mysterious connection between the people of Yika Planet and the people of the former universe mother planet, and they couldn't help but become more interested in Yika Planet.

Because they thought, if there really is a situation like cosmic mapping, then would there be an energy channel between Ika and the former cosmic parent star?

If that passage still exists, can I use that passage to map back to the original world?

If, with Li Yun and Xiao Xing's current abilities, they could recreate Li Yun and Xiao Xing on the home planet of the former universe through such a passage, wouldn't they be able to stand at the pinnacle of life in the former universe?

Of course, this does not have great appeal to Li Yun and Xiaoxing, because they are now in the late to peak period of the fifth-level civilization era, and will soon enter the sixth-level civilization era. Then What’s the point of going to the fourth-level civilization era to become king and dominate?

The two of them thought this way just to confirm their thoughts and to see if they could use such a passage to go back to the pre-universe era. After all, they came out of an accident there, and there were still many things they couldn't let go of. It’s normal to feel homesick...

"Sir, according to Xiaonu's estimation, that energy channel should no longer exist, but we can definitely create it!" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"Oh?!" Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Just like the mirage phenomenon does not occur many times in nature, in order for such a spectacle to appear, it requires the cooperation and mutual influence of multiple conditions to finally appear a mirage for a short period of time. However, on Yika Star, , various cosmic conditions should be relatively complete, and there is a basis for the synthesis of mirages. As long as we study the entire process, we will be able to discover what kind of basic conditions create it. By then, with our ability, we will be able to combine various It shouldn't be a problem to combine the conditions to create an energy channel!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"It makes sense! If it is possible to create such an energy star channel with the energy factor of Yika Star, then it is more likely to be created with the energy of our neutrinos and positive particles. After all, the level of energy factors we now have Much stronger than them!" Li Yun agreed.

"That's right! However, we still lack knowledge of its principles. We must carry out investigations after we get there to understand what is going on." Xiaoxing sighed.

"It doesn't matter. It can be said that our journey to the universe has just begun. We don't know how many things in the universe we will be exposed to yet. We will talk about it when we are almost done and want to go back..."

"That's what the adults said!"

Countless light curtains popped up from the small stars, and on these light curtains, many flying fleets appeared. They were the Xuanling spaceship fleet that left the Xuanling world!

Although they have been flying for a while, they are still within the monitoring network laid out by the asteroid, so so far, the asteroid is still able to monitor them.

Of course, the most eye-catching ones are the two alien fleets. Now, due to the continuous monitoring of them by the monitoring network, the high-energy information collected is becoming more and more comprehensive. At the same time, because they are getting closer and closer to the Xuanling world, Recently, the high-energy information burst out during its flight has become more and more obvious. Therefore, the monitoring network has been able to analyze this high-energy information into a relatively smooth flight curve!

The so-called relatively smooth means that as more and more points are observed on this flight route, these points can be connected, which becomes a smooth flight curve.

However, due to the large jumps in the information at these points, after being forcibly connected, this curve will have many bumps and undulations, so it can only be said to be relatively smooth.

As for why there are ups and downs, on the one hand, it is related to the fact that there are not enough high-energy information points. On the other hand, the two fleets are not flying at a uniform speed, and there are many speed changes or pauses in the middle. situation, this is understandable.

Because it is not always smooth sailing during an interstellar voyage, there will be many unexpected situations encountered in the process. These unexpected situations can be vividly summarized as cosmic weather. That is to say, in the universe, the weather is also changeable, sometimes it is ice and snow, Sometimes it’s stone rain, sometimes it’s hot weather, sometimes it’s endless smog…

It is really not easy for a fleet to shuttle through such changeable cosmic weather!

This shows how important a qualified captain is!

The difficulty of flying along the way can be seen from the density of the flight curve. Without a good captain and a good spaceship, the risk will increase infinitely. Sometimes, a seemingly inconspicuous oversight can lead to serious consequences. It's possible that the entire voyage could get into trouble.

Of course, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have a deep understanding of this, so after they built a highly protective spaceship for the Xuanling people, it was for this reason that they had to train the captain for them. However, during the training process, The highly realistic simulation training is enough, but the time for actual flight control is still insufficient, which is their concern.

The two of them looked at the flight routes of those spaceships, and while discussing, Ling Daozi continued to give various tips and guidance to those in the Xuanling World. This made those people extremely shocked and delighted!

Of course, what shocked him was that the fleet had flown very far away, and Ling Daozi could still give them guidance. This made him even wonder if Ling Daozi had followed the spaceship!

However, the fact still made them happy. Of course, Ling Daozi would not leave with them. After flying for several months, Ling Daozi's voice finally disappeared completely. The last words left behind were to guide the way forward. It's up to them to go on by themselves...

At this point, each fleet has no way out. They can only bite the bullet and rely on their own abilities to fly...

"Sir, we can't see them now!" Xiaoxing said.

"After seeing you for thousands of miles, we will finally say goodbye! We have done our best to benevolent and righteous, and there is no need to worry about them anymore!" Li Yun sighed.

"Of course! We have given them enough benefits, and they should be satisfied!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"We can't control whether they know they are satisfied or not. We just need to have a clear conscience! Now it seems that within the scope of our monitoring network, this interstellar space is quite peaceful, and there is no particularly harsh environment. So, what follows? The distance is the real test for them." Li Yun said.

"Indeed! However, Xiaonu has solved many problems for them in advance. For example, he has marked the dangerous star fields and stars that may appear in each channel, reminding them to bypass or avoid them, and also asked them to They have to remain invisible the whole time, etc..."

"Very good! If we add the portal, I believe their survival probability is still quite high. It can be said that after this diffusion action, the life in the Xuanling World will be distributed to many places in this corner of the universe. This pair This is a great thing for the development of the universe!" Li Yun said.

"It seems that the adults are quite optimistic! The little slave thinks that many of them may be delivering food to others, but I still hope that they can turn the bad luck into good luck!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This... no matter what, we can still receive their information, right?"

"Yes! Xiaoxuan will send us messages regularly. Moreover, as our monitoring network continues to expand, our monitoring scope will become larger and larger, and we will receive more and more detailed information!"

"That's good! If we really find that they have been eaten by others, we will rescue them later!" Li Yun said.

"no problem!"

After several months of flying, those fleets have begun to break away from the monitoring network and completely stay away from the Xuanling World. This also means that if the Xuanling World falls apart, the energy waves that erupt will have minimal impact on them. , because the distance is far enough!

This made Li Yun and Xiaoxing finally feel relieved and began to consider whether to communicate with Gu Cheng.

"Sir, the two fleets are getting closer and closer now. It seems necessary for us to have some communication with Gu Cheng so that he can prepare in advance." Xiaoxing suggested.

"According to their current flying speed, it should take about three years to get here, right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"About! Three to five years! However, if Gu Cheng is locked by them, he will definitely not be able to fly with them. After all, there is no spaceship. It is almost impossible to reach a flying speed close to the speed of light with just his physical body!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, it seems that he must be prepared in advance, otherwise, it will be too late to talk about it by then..." Li Yun agreed.

"Hehe, it seems that Xiaonu's chess game must be stopped. Let's earn his three demands first!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Let him not be in a hurry to accept the Giant Transformation Technique first!" Li Yun reminded.

"I understand, little slave!"

At all levels, the situation of the national war chess between Ling Daozi and Gu Cheng quickly changed. In the previous confrontation, Ling Daozi always tolerated, maintained the balance of power with the opponent's camp, and even missed countless opportunities to win. This Let Gu Cheng gradually become paralyzed, feeling that Ling Daozi's chess skills were just like this, so he concentrated on building his own camp and preparing to form a large army to attack the city.

Just as his confidence began to swell again, news came that Chu, a country he controlled, suddenly fell to Ling Daozi!

"How unreasonable?! King Chuzhuang is so courageous that he dares to openly oppose himself like this. It's really a life-threatening situation!" Gu Cheng was furious.

He immediately sent out his army, preparing to punish the Chu State and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!

From a geographical point of view, Chu State is a big country, located on the edge of the two camps. It was originally a battleground for both sides. Gu Cheng spent a huge amount of manpower and material resources to capture it. Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi did not know how to use it this time. He was easily surrendered by any means, which made Gu Cheng furious...

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