The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2538 5 living treasures

( ) Seeing the Starship Ship setting off, Gu Cheng finally felt relieved and was in the mood to enjoy the food in front of him and the action of the Starship Castle...

"Sir, although the bodies of these five planetary beings have shrunk by one-third, they are still very large. The seal seems a bit awkward at that location. It is better to incorporate them into the satellite system..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's because their current position is a bit messy and looks a bit unsightly. You can organize them into a pentagon or other three-dimensional shape, so that they will become a unique scenery in Xingyun Castle. It looks pretty good from our main star..." Li Yun smiled.

"This... little slave, try it now!"

Xiaoxing quickly rearranged the five planets into a pentagon, a trapezoid, and later a ring. Finally, Xiaoxing had a sudden idea and simply changed their shapes into unfixed shapes. In the process of constant change, there are all kinds of shapes. Looking from the main star, you can find that five planets with completely different appearances are constantly changing their formations. This change process is extremely slow, but it is ongoing, making the main star People will have new perceptions every day when they look at it. Moreover, these five planets with different attributes show different colors, including blue, white, green, yellow, gold, as well as billowing clouds and whirlwinds, all over the place. The thunder and lightning are sparkling, and the appearance is very good!


“It’s so beautiful!”

"That place has become an attraction for our Xingyun Castle!"

"Not bad! Does it have a name?"

"Yes, it's called the Five Elements Constellation!"

"Five Elements Constellation? It makes sense, they are originally planets with the Five Elements attribute!"

"Not only the five elements, but also the attribute of thunder and lightning, but for the sake of convenience..."

"That's right! It's a pity that we can only watch from a distance and can't go up there for a walk..."

"Of course! No one wants to be swallowed up by them!"

"That's right..."

Hearing the people on the main planet talking about it, the people on the five planets felt really miserable. They didn't expect that the people on their own planet would turn into a piece of scenery for others to appreciate, and they were also people much weaker than themselves. , this is simply a shame!

But they also know that there must be powerful people behind these people, otherwise it would be impossible to restrain people like themselves.

It was also arranged into a landscape.

"Do you know who their backer is?"

"They seem to be called Li Yun and Ling Daozi!"

"Not bad! I also saw their images. They are two human beings in their 60s and 70s. How could they build this place and capture us here?!"

"Exactly! Aren't we afraid of the pulling power of that gaseous planet?"

"They will definitely be afraid! But they should have a way to deal with it..."

"What a tragedy. If you keep moving like this, I will be completely embarrassed!"

"This is the result of inferior skills than others. It would be nice if they didn't kill us..."

"Hey, I think back when I was killing everyone and being so powerful, these two little humans didn't know where they were hiding! Now they are riding on my head to show off their power. It's really crazy!"

"It feels like life is worse than death..."

Sheng Yan, Ter Rui and Ku Rong lamented, thinking that they had fallen from the peak to where they are now, and they were about to collapse!

Leng Shuang coldly snorted and said: "What's there to sigh about? I think it's good to stay here. The energy in the air here is very active. I feel like I can slowly recover just by breathing the air like this. I don't have to swallow anything anymore." Material!"

"Sister is right, I feel it too! If you stay here, you can recover your body even if you don't practice. You don't have to go around looking for food and worry about unnecessary risks. Why not?" Ruoshan agreed.

"Giggle, what my sister said is exactly what I want. Instead of going out to fight and kill, it's better to stay here. I'm looking for a good place to recuperate!" Leng Shuang said proudly.

"Hehe, congratulations, sister, your dream has come true! Sister, I don't want to fight and kill. To be honest, devouring those creatures is not what I want, but I have to do it in order to strengthen myself and prevent risks. I'm fine now. , being able to increase my cultivation just by breathing makes me feel particularly comfortable..." Ruoshan said with a chuckle.

When Ku Rong heard the two women talking lively, he couldn't help but snorted: "You guys are just giving us a little sweetness and you have become a wallflower! Be careful that Li Yun and Ling Daozi are trying to make us fat and strong before they attack. Then you I knew what you just said was bullshit!"

Leng Shuang was startled for a moment, then sneered and said, "If you're afraid, don't breathe. No one is forcing you. If you don't want to recover, shut yourself up!"

"You?!" Ku Rong was speechless by her, so he could only sulk there.

The conversation between the five people was about to reach an impasse when suddenly Ruoshan screamed: "Look outside! What is that?!"

Several people quickly looked outside and found that through a corner of the sky, they could actually see the starry sky world outside. It was really amazing!

Moreover, the starry sky world outside is constantly changing. Obviously, the space where people like myself are flying and moving...

"Where are they going?"

"Oh my God, what on earth is this place? How can there be so many planets and all of them are still moving?!"

"Don't you see? This is also a starry sky!"

"Why are there stars inside and outside? What is going on?!"

"I seem to hear people saying that this place is called Star Fortune Castle, a space battle fortress!"

"Space battle fort? What's the difference between it and a spaceship?"

"Does this need to be said? Haven't you seen that there are many spaceships and fleets here? The battle fortress must be a huge starry sky that can accommodate planets and spaceships!"

"That makes sense! But have you ever seen a starry sky that can move?"

"This... I didn't see it before, but now I can indeed see it!"

"Eh? What is that?!" Ruoshan suddenly screamed.

Several people quickly took a closer look and found that a planet suddenly appeared in the starry sky above. The surface of this planet was quite undulating and pitted. It seemed that it had suffered numerous major blows. However, it was still full of vitality in some places, with some strange shapes growing there. Plants are also distributed in mountains, rivers, lakes and seas...

"Planet! Earth planet!" Ku Rong shouted.

In this regard, his feeling is much more sensitive than others, because he is half made of earth material.

"It's an earth planet! How did Xingyun Castle find it?" Sheng Yan asked suspiciously.

"Who knows? Maybe Huang Qi is there!" Leng Shuang said casually.


The others cheered up, and even Leng Shuang himself was startled, feeling that this possibility was not small!

They quickly stared closely and saw that Xingyun Castle didn't seem to want to get too close to the planet. Instead, it circled it and observed it for several times, and then started to move away with a "whoosh"!

"what happened?"

"Are you leaving now?"

"At least try to attack..."

"That's right! If Huang Qi was up there, he would definitely fight back!"

"It's best to arrest him too. It's his fault that we are here today..."

"That's right!!!"

As the five people talked, they attributed the changes in their fate to Huang Qi. Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

"These five people are like five living treasures..." Xiaoxing teased.

"However, speaking of this causal relationship, there is indeed some connection. It was precisely because of the previous battle between them and Huang Qi that a series of subsequent changes were caused. Therefore, the reason why they are now captured in Xingyun Castle can be traced back. If so, it's because Huang Qi intends to devour them!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Brother Li is right! Without that battle between them, I wouldn't have been able to create a world there. If the Xuanling World didn't appear, you might be staying somewhere else now, right?" Gu Cheng smiled.

"Exactly! Without the Xuanling World, there would naturally be no us, Star Fortune Castle, and the scene of catching people from these planets! The wonder of cause and effect can be seen..." Li Yun sighed slightly.

"Haha, let's ask Brother Ling to find Huang Qi quickly and put an end to this cause and effect!" Gu Cheng laughed.

"The planet just now did not react at all to the gravitational field of Xingyun Castle, and several low-level civilized worlds have appeared on it. Obviously Huang Qi cannot hide there. Below is the second suspicious planet..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? How about this?!" Gu Cheng asked anxiously.

"Currently, there are transformed beings on this planet, but judging from the demeanor of those transformed beings, they seem to have sad faces, and they all look like frightened birds. They look interesting!" Xiaoxing said.

As he spoke, he fired countless light screens so that Li Yun and Gu Cheng could clearly see the situation on the planet.

Li Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "There seems to be a ruins of civilization there, and it looks like it was destroyed not long ago!"

The picture was immediately brought out and enlarged. Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case. In a vast area, there were ruins, broken limbs, blood, withered trees, and fires... It seemed like a scene that was unbearable to witness. Telling a creepy story...

If such a civilized world is completely destroyed, it must be a planet-level disaster, so the possibility of someone from the planet causing trouble is extremely high.

Xiaoxing immediately retrieved more information for supporting evidence. As the information from the monitoring network rolled in, major discoveries were soon made!

"Sir, this is a catastrophe caused by a star collision!" Xiaoxing said.

"Asteroid impact?!" Li Yun and Gu Cheng were shocked.

"Yes! A huge crater was found on the other side of the planet. It is currently raining flint. Apparently, after the star hit the surface of the planet, a big crater was made on the ground. After the rocks and soil were thrown into the sky, due to The violent friction with the air creates high temperatures and burns, turning into flints falling from the sky! This large-scale flint rain phenomenon will continue for a long time, and the temperature on the ground is also terrifyingly high at this time..."


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