The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2539 A wonderful rejuvenation

( ) When Xiaoxing brought up the picture, Li Yun and Gu Cheng both screamed!

It’s so tragic!

I saw that in the world on the back side of the planet, the entire sky was filled with thick smoke and raging fire. Countless lives were struggling in it. Many huge birds had their wings burned by the fire and fell from the sky one after another...

Due to the extremely high temperature, a wind of flames was triggered that covered almost half of the planet. Wherever this wind of flames went, it would immediately cause huge fires, and the addition of new fuel increased the power of the wind of flames. , look at it, it won’t take long for this fire to spread to the other planet and become a global catastrophe!

From the information point of view, this planet is mainly composed of earth materials, so there are not too many water resources. This prevents the fire from being effectively blocked, causing a chain reaction. The entire planet is facing a mass extinction of life!

A catastrophe of this magnitude is enough to wipe out most of the main life on this planet. It will take a long time for new life to be born and a civilized world to be created...

"Put out the fire!" Li Yun said.

"Yes!" Xiaoxing responded.

Xingyun Castle did not hesitate, and immediately circled to the back of the planet, spreading out a network of light, which soon covered the entire planet. The rain of flints all over the sky immediately changed direction, instead of hitting the ground, it was absorbed by the network of light. Come back!

The wind of flames seemed to be stabilized by the light network and no longer raged. The fires in various places were rapidly diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye until they finally disappeared completely!

Even the blazing wind smoke was sucked away. Then, a drizzle began to fall in the sky on this planet, which soon moistened and cooled the entire planet. The rain continued, moistening until the entire planet became A cool star…

The remaining transformed beings on the planet looked at the drizzle falling from the sky and couldn't believe their eyes. They all knelt down and worshiped, thanking God for sending this timely rain...

"There will be continuous aftershocks here, which will cause some new fires, but the scale cannot be very large..." Xiaoxing said.

"That doesn't matter. As for the big hole that was created... let time slowly submerge it..." Li Yun said.

"This fire has completely destroyed the ecological environment of this planet, and the food chain has also been destroyed. If they are allowed to recover on their own, I am afraid that a large number of people will die, and it will take a very long time to regain life..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"This...what can be done?"

"Sprinkle it with some Star Bar,

Only by bringing the basic life forms to life first can the advanced life forms behind them have food to eat..."

"It makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

Soon, the drizzle all over the world was filled with the vitality of Star Wine. The entire planet was changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Plant seedlings began to appear on the scorched earth, and charred wood also began to appear. New shoots have sprouted, and the water surfaces of rivers, lakes and seas are slowly recovering, and the small fish and shrimps inside are also growing in large numbers...

Seeing this scene, Xingyun Castle finally turned around and flew to the next planet...

The five living treasures couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they saw the series of operations of Xingyun Castle. They were so shocked that they were trembling all over and had nothing to say!

Everyone knows that construction is far more difficult than destruction. A small star hitting the planet can bring about a global mass extinction of life on the planet. It is necessary to restore the planet to a place where life can develop normally. However, it takes an extremely long period of time to achieve this level. If something unexpected happens again during this process, I'm afraid recovery will be far away...

However, Xingyun Castle only used a few tricks to greatly shorten the recovery time of this planet, even to the point that it has regained its vitality!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a wonderful way to rejuvenate!

In a sense, this is also a type of medicine, but it does not heal a specific life, but a planet.

Obviously, healing a planet is countless times more difficult than healing a specific life. The two cannot be compared at all.

However, Xingyun Castle's method is to take it lightly, taking away all the wind of flames, rain of flints, and hot smoke that cause life disasters, and then sprinkling a drizzle to stimulate life... Everything is settled!

Now, the five living treasures have finally seen the methods of Li Yun and Ling Daozi. When it comes to destruction, they are not convinced by anyone, but when it comes to construction, it is their obvious weakness, and they don't even have this one at all, because they are now All they wanted to do was to devour and make themselves stronger. However, after seeing the disaster on this planet and what Xingyun Castle had done, they finally fell silent...

In fact, this scene on the planet once happened in their star body, and at that time, they were just ordinary cultivators on this star body. They also lived on the star body, with relatives and friends. They have friends and enemies, and they also have their favorite things and things they like to do. But for some reason, as their skills continue to grow, their temperaments begin to change and become unreasonable. They want to devour everything and get everything. In the end, he even swallowed his relatives and friends!

They began to become crazy and unable to control their emotions. In the end, they finally swallowed everything on the planet, including the stars, and turned themselves into planet people!

At the same time, they also lost their relatives, friends, and all the things they liked, and became lonely...

What is the significance of such a result?

The people on the five planets suddenly thought of these things for some unknown reason, which made them extremely emotional, their thoughts wandering, and they were immersed in the beautiful memories of the past...

When they came to their senses, they found that Xingyun Castle seemed to be on a planet again...

"Another earth planet?!!!" Ku Rong exclaimed.

This earth planet is much larger than the previous one, and it seems quite normal, without any major disasters.

It's just that the situation on the planet has special meaning in the eyes of people from the planet such as Ku Rong, Sheng Yan, Ter Rui, Leng Shuang and Ruoshan...

"Huang Qi! Huang Qi must be here!" Sheng Yan screamed strangely.

"Not bad! I can almost smell him!" Ter Rui agreed.

"Li Yun! Ling Daozi! Get Huang Qi in quickly!" Leng Shuang screamed.

"That's right! This person almost killed us, we must pay with his blood!" Ruoshan shouted.

Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Gu Cheng looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect that before they could detect whether there was Huang Qi on this planet, the people from these planets had already recognized him!

This is easy to understand. For these planet people, they have a special sense of whether this planet belongs to the star body. If they say yes, then it must be!

Moreover, the five of them must be extremely familiar with Huang Qi. No matter how deeply he hides, they will recognize him at a glance and even smell him...

"Sir, it seems that these five living treasures have worked. We don't need to try again!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right! That's okay. We can make a surprise attack to prevent Huang Qi's soul from sneaking away..." Li Yun nodded.

"Huang Qi's planet is quite large. It can be seen that it has recovered to a certain extent. However, if it is directly collected, it will definitely cause chaos in the orbits of several nearby satellites. If a chain reaction occurs again, I'm afraid that the Xuanling Gaseous One satellite system will be in chaos, and maybe several satellites will fall into the central planet..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

While he was creating a light curtain, he was interpreting the future changes of Xuanling Gas One's satellite system. It can be seen that after the huge planet Huang Qi was suddenly removed, the satellite system did slowly become abnormal!

You must know that a satellite system is gradually formed after a long period of time. After stabilizing, it seems to be very stable. In fact, this balanced system is extremely fragile. It depends on the gravity of the central planet and the interaction between the satellites. The pull is holding it together.

When one of the satellites becomes disordered, it may affect the orbit of nearby satellites. This change is quite fatal, because there are more than a hundred large and small satellites in this system. If a satellite changes its orbit, it may cause Satellite collisions, once they collide, will trigger a planet-level catastrophe, which will then affect nearby satellite orbits. Such a chain reaction will cause the entire satellite system to fall into a complete chaos, which requires an incomparable process. It will take a long time to restore the new stable system.

Xiaoxing's interpretation of this extremely complex satellite system left Gu Cheng speechless and shocked!

In the past, such things were not within the scope of his consideration. However, after seeing this interpretation, Gu Cheng finally understood that things in the universe are actually extremely closely connected with each other. It's not related to cows, but a small whirlwind fanned by a small butterfly, after countless reactions and changes, may cause an uproar in an extremely remote place!

What's more, what about a huge change on a planetary scale?

It can be seen from the deduction that after the satellite orbit changed, the satellite system became unstable not long after. Several planet collisions occurred. Several satellites close to the central planet eventually fell down, and several others Planets were torn into pieces by the pull of other planets, triggering meteorite rains over many satellites, and even a dozen planets were thrown out under the influence of huge forces, completely breaking away from the gravitational effect of Xuanling Gaseous One. , become a wandering planet!

In the end, only about half of the original satellite system of more than a hundred planets remained. They finally slowly returned to stability under the new balancing force, but this system had long been unrecognizable and completely different from what was seen before...

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