The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2548 Mutation and Evolution of High-Energy Particles

( ) Gu Cheng was a little confused when he heard this, and said awkwardly: "We only know that colored light can help with cultivation, but we don't know where colored light exists and how it is formed. I just heard what Brother Ling said, colored light It seems to be related to solar wind. Doesn’t the sun shine? How can there be solar wind?”

"Brother Gu doesn't know that the power of the sun is extremely huge. With it as the center, the entire Xuanling solar system, including the icy areas on the periphery, is under its care! Above the sun, in addition to the blazing fire , and there are also charged particle flows formed due to solar activity. These charged particle flows will blow out from the sun endlessly, and can blow as far as those icy areas. They are extremely powerful, if the planets in the solar system are not protected by magnetic fields. , will be mercilessly hit by these charged particle flows, and become devastated and desolate!" Xiaoxing explained.

"That's it! No wonder there are many planets in the universe that are desolate worlds. Is this the reason?" Gu Cheng said suddenly.

"The desolation of the planet is not all due to the impact of the solar wind. The problems of each planet may be different and need to be studied and analyzed one by one. But the solar wind is indeed a major factor that causes the extinction of many creatures. To resist the solar wind, a planet must have a magnetic field. Protection, if there is no magnetic field, even the atmosphere on the planet may be blown away by the solar wind!"

"Oh my god!" Gu Cheng screamed in surprise!

Unexpectedly, the solar wind was so powerful, which deepened his awe of the sun.

"Brother Ling, what about the magnetic field? If a planet becomes desolate because there is no magnetic field, can the magnetic field be rebuilt to make it a suitable place for living creatures to thrive?" Gu Cheng asked.

"Good question! The magnetic field of a planet is largely related to the activity of its core and the amount of metal material contained on the planet. If the core activity of the planet is normal and there is more metal material, then it can be constructed on the planet Create a relatively powerful magnetic field shield. When the solar wind blows to the planet, the charged particle flow hits the magnetic field shield and flows away, which will not affect the normal activities of life on the planet. If a planet has abnormal core activity, such as its If the vitality becomes weak and cannot push the planet to rotate, then the magnetic field will have a big problem. It is likely to become very weak, and the center of gravity will often shift, so that it will not be able to protect the creatures on the planet. In addition, if a planet lacks metal elements, its It is also difficult for the magnetic field to reach the level of protecting life on the planet..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"So, the inner core activity of Xuanling Gaseous One is normal, and it contains more metal elements?" Gu Cheng thought.

"Yes! Judging from the magnetic field we have observed, the magnetic field here is in extremely good condition. After the flow of charged particles blown out from the sun hits the magnetic field, most of them are pushed away by the magnetic field, and a large part of the flow of charged particles will Following the direction of the rotation of Xuanling gas and the direction of the magnetic field, these particle flows will collide with local atmospheric particles in the polar areas.

Thus, light flow and light waterfall are formed. Due to the different compositions of charged particles, the light flow and light waterfall formed after their collision are different in color, thus forming the aurora phenomenon in our eyes... Now, we have arrived at the North Pole, you can see The aurora phenomenon here is extremely powerful and is active almost all the time..." Xiaoxing laughed.

At this time, Xingyun Castle has turned its outer shell transparent, so that no matter which direction the people in the castle look, they can enjoy the amazing aurora phenomenon of Xuanling gas, and everyone can't help but marvel at it!

" beautiful!"

"This is simply the most beautiful picture I have ever seen!"

"Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"Because these colored lights are like a dream, and everyone wants to wander in such a beautiful dream..."

"You are wrong! This is not a dream, we are actually flying in it now!"

"Yes! We are just like those big birds in front of us, flying freely in the colorful light..."

"Since I came to Xingyun Castle, I feel that life is no different from dreaming..."

"That's right..."

The people in the castle were talking a lot. They were so in love with this dreamy aurora that they just wished they could live in such a dream for the rest of their lives...

As Xiaoxing said, the aurora phenomenon of Xuanling gas phase 1 is the strongest in the entire Xuanling solar system. Because its magnetic field is strong and it is close to the sun, it is blown by the solar wind very strongly. When the two sides collide, it will Producing the most spectacular auroral light streams, these light streams flow in the air like the Yangtze River, sometimes here, sometimes over there, sometimes high in the sky, sometimes low, sometimes as fast as a waterfall, sometimes as gentle as a large lake, and there are waves in the air. The sound of particle collisions is like the sound of the universe, telling all kinds of touching stories, sometimes screaming loudly, sometimes chanting softly, sometimes shouting frantically, sometimes crying...

Light and shadow flow, and colors are colorful. Here people can find the richest colored light, with many types and bright levels. There is nothing you can’t see, only things you can’t imagine. Many people have discovered for the first time that the scenery of the universe can be so beautiful. To the extent of forgetting everything…

The aurora world here is like the most natural psychedelic array. If people in it are not determined enough, it is very easy to get lost in this dreamy scenery and find it difficult to extricate themselves!

Many of the beings flying and living here are actually confused by this world and can no longer fly out of here. They have also become part of the maze and the scenery. They float and sink here, flying high and low. I don’t know. I thought they were very carefree...

Fortunately, Xingyun Castle was by no means one of those big birds locked in the aurora world. After enjoying the aurora scene, it rushed upwards, and it didn't take long to get rid of the aurora light flow and reach the outer space!

Looking back, we can find that in the Arctic region where Xuanling gas is in the first state, it is almost a world of light and shadow. The light of these light streams and waterfalls is almost fixed there, because they are constantly erupting with collisions between particle streams, thus Causing aurora phenomena…

"Sir, the number of neutrinos and cathode particles we collected in the aurora world has greatly increased!" Xiaoxing made another major discovery.

"Oh?! This is a good thing!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Yes! The strong collision between high-energy particles can promote the mutation and evolution of particles, thereby producing higher-level energy factors. This should be the main reason for the large increase in the number of high-energy particles in the aurora region." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"So, can we get more neutrinos and cathode particles through this method?" Li Yun thought.

"This move will definitely work! In the future, our neutrinos and cathode particles will no longer have to rely solely on cathode particle clouds to capture and collect them, but can be obtained in large quantities through our artificial means!" Xiaoxing said confidently. said.

"This...start research in this area immediately. It must be successful!!!" Li Yun said impatiently.

"No problem!" Xiaoxing responded immediately.

Both of them knew that this discovery was too amazing. If high-energy factors such as neutrinos and cathode particles could be produced in large quantities through artificial means, it would mean that Star Fortune Castle would no longer have to worry about energy issues!

You can fly at the speed of light and faster than light for as long as you want, because the energy pool will never be empty!

If you fight against others, you will be as energetic as you were at the beginning, and you can spend it as you like!

All offensive and defensive equipment in Star Fortune Castle can ensure normal operation, and there is a continuous supply of weapons!

This situation is just like the Sun God mentioned earlier. They don't need to worry about energy issues at all. They can use abundant energy to transform any material they want at any time, so their combat power can be fully utilized...

Xiaoxing quickly started a pilot project in this area in the think tank without any delay!

Because for a cosmic battle fortress like Xingyun Castle, no matter what time and under what circumstances, energy issues come first!

As long as the energy is guaranteed, other things can be easily solved. This is like a cultivator. Even if he has countless skills in his body, if his spiritual power is exhausted, no matter how good the skills are, he will not be able to perform them, and he will die. Very frustrated...

The Star Luck Castle now has the energy reserve of twelve standard suns, but this is still far from enough for the Star Luck Castle, which aims at the Space Battle Fortress!

Because the standard sun here refers to the Xuanling Sun, and this sun is actually very small in the Sun family. It is not an exaggeration to call it tiny.

It can be seen from the information detected by the think tank monitoring network that many suns in this universe are much larger than the Xuanling Sun, and some can be a million times as big as the Xuanling Sun!

And this is just data and information on a certain starry sky in the universe. I believe that a sun much larger than this will definitely exist.

With the scale of the Xuanling Sun, after it turns into a red giant and explodes, it will become a red dwarf at most, and it is impossible to become a pulsar or a black hole, let alone develop into a galaxy or a quasar. .

At present, the energy of Star Fortune Castle mainly relies on collecting star power, neutrinos, and positive particles. Although progress is rapid, it is still too early to reach the ideal energy state, and it will take an extremely long time. possible.

However, if high-energy particles such as neutrinos and cathode particles can be obtained in large quantities through artificial means, it will mean that the development of Star Fortune Castle will be on the fast track from now on, and its growth into a real cosmic battle fortress is just around the corner!

Moreover, if the path of neutrinos and cathode particles is successful, and corresponding breakthroughs can be made in the research of dark matter particles and dark energy, then the energy status of the entire battle fortress will advance by leaps and bounds. You know, dark matter particles And dark energy has much more particle energy than the positive universe...

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