The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2549 Is this what you practice?

( ) Li Yun and Xiaoxing can communicate without speaking at all. They can communicate at a speed close to the speed of light in their brains. Therefore, using artificial means to obtain high-energy particles is such a big deal for the two of them. In fact, it only took a few breaths to determine it, which Gu Cheng on the side could not imagine at all.

At this moment, Gu Cheng looked at the extremely beautiful aurora world below and sighed: "This world of colorful light is even better than our Yika star. If those who practice colorful light come here, It will definitely be very exciting…”

"It's a pity that this is not a solid surface. Even if they come here, they can't practice normally..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right!" Gu Cheng nodded.

"I wonder what the combat power of those who practice Caiguang is like?" Li Yun asked curiously.

"Very strong! On Yika Star, people who practice colored light are concentrated in several races, including the Donggui tribe, Tata tribe, Caibo tribe, Saha tribe...people of these races seem to be related to the energy factors in the colored light. It is quite friendly and can be practiced with twice the result with half the effort, and we Evian people have also tried it, but found that it is difficult to absorb energy factors from colored light to practice..." Gu Cheng said.

Li Yun nodded. The existence of this situation is normal and has a lot to do with the cultivator's spiritual roots, bloodline, physique, genes and other conditions. If the races mentioned by Gu Cheng are closely related to the Aurora energy factor, If they are friendly, it will be easy for them to practice.

Now both Li Yun and Xiaoxing know that the flow of charged particles in the aurora collide extremely violently with each other. The charged particles continue to mutate and evolve during the collision. Therefore, in addition to the existence of ultra-high-energy particles such as neutrinos and cathode particles in the aurora, In addition to particles, there may also be other different forms of high-energy particles. Although those cultivators on Yika Star may not be able to practice neutrinos and positive particles, they can certainly absorb other high-energy particles from the aurora. These particles may be smaller than The energy factor cultivated by the Evian tribe is even more powerful!

"I remember that the most powerful person on Yika Star, Lord Yun Duan, whom Brother Gu mentioned, seems to be from the Donggui tribe, right? He should be cultivating the colorful light factor?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! The Donggui tribe is almost the strongest race on the Yika planet. In addition to the Great Master Yun Duan, there are many other super powers. What they practice are colored light factors, and what they are good at are almost all The way of swallowing..." Gu Cheng said.

"The colored light factor does have extremely high energy. No wonder the Donggui tribe can have so many superpowers! As for the way of swallowing, maybe they absorbed the high-energy factor by swallowing the colored light..." Li Yun nodded.

"Oh? Can Brother Li really confirm that the colored light factor is a high-energy factor?" Gu Cheng asked quickly.

"This is absolutely certain! The energy level of the colorful light factor is generally higher than that of the chlorine gas factor.


"But what?!" Gu Cheng asked urgently.

"The composition of colored light factors is relatively complex and has many energy levels. Some of the high-energy factors are not so easy to absorb. If they cannot be absorbed and digested well, they are likely to have counterproductive effects! And the energy levels of most factors are at Under the Diqi factor, the number of colored light factors that can be absorbed normally is actually relatively limited. Although it is better than the Dizi factor, it is not much better..." Li Yun analyzed.

"I see...but those colorful light races have indeed produced a lot of superpowers..." Gu Cheng said with some envy.

"This situation may be related to mutation and evolution!" Li Yun thought.

"Mutation and evolution?" Gu Cheng was startled.

"Yes! When a life is in a certain environment for a long time, it will slowly adapt to that environment, and life will evolve as a result. For example, the Donggui people have been in a colorful light environment for a long time, and their spiritual roots , blood, body, and genes will gradually become adapted to the high-energy environment of colored light, which makes it possible for them to absorb the more high-energy factors and enhance their strength. Especially some of them with extraordinary talents, in the high-energy environment for a long time Under the influence of the drug, his body mutated and he got a chance to evolve, so he slowly became a superpower..." Li Yun analyzed.

Gu Cheng was extremely shocked when he heard this, and he became even more envious of the super powers of Yika Star. He quickly asked: "Then if I also stay in the colorful light environment, will I also have the opportunity to mutate and evolve?"

"Of course! With your qualifications, if you stay in an environment rich in high-energy factors for a long time, your progress will definitely be faster, but..."

"But what?!"

"I said before that the energy level of the colored light factor is relatively complex and may not be suitable for your practice. If you have found that you cannot make rapid progress in the colored light environment before, it means that you are not very compatible with its energy factor. , it is better to work harder on the Qi factor, after all, it is the energy factor that is most compatible with you, and if you practice it, your power will be purer and you can avoid many side effects..." Li Yun analyzed.

"But...if I only cultivate the energy of 氜气, it will be difficult to catch up with Great Master Yun Dian and the others!" Gu Cheng said with some reluctance.

When Li Yun heard this, he certainly understood what Gu Cheng was thinking at this time, and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, and said: "Brother Gu, don't underestimate the potential of the energy of 氜气. If you cultivate it to the extreme, it may not be much weaker than the colorful light factor." , and the skill is pure and has no side effects. However, although those who practice colored light energy factors have extremely strong combat power for the time being, they may have paid a higher price for this..."

"What price?"

"On the one hand, the energy factors in their bodies are not pure. Because there are too many types of energy factors, it may cause some adverse reactions between energy factors, which will cause certain damage to the meridians. On the other hand, multiple strands of energy are present in It will make the spiritual power more difficult to control within the body, and when it reaches a certain level, they will offset a lot of energy due to conflict, thus producing a counterproductive effect." Li Yun analyzed.

"So that's it! But why do those races produce super powers like Lord Yun Duan?" Gu Cheng continued to ask.

"There is a certain probability of the emergence of superpowers. Among all living beings, there are always people who can adapt to such a complex energy factor environment. Their bodies, spiritual roots, blood vessels, meridians and other genes have become extremely strong and can ignore colored light energy. Various side effects of the factor, and fully bring out its high-energy side! You know, we have discovered many super energy factors in the positive universe in the colored light energy factors. If those super powerful bodies can adapt to such Super energy factor, then their combat power will indeed be very powerful!" Li Yun said.

"Super energy factor? Is this the reason?!" Gu Cheng suddenly said.

"Well, to put it simply, Xiaoling and I discovered a large number of neutrinos and positive particles in the colorful light energy factor, especially the positive particles, which are the ultimate particles of the positive universe. If you can sense it and practice it, Your combat power may reach the highest level in this positive universe! In fact, you have tried to sense it before, but unfortunately you didn't sense it at all..." Li Yun laughed.

"What? When did I sense positive particles?!" Gu Cheng said in surprise.

"Brother Gu, did you forget that Xiao Ling gave you a small piece of white cloud in the Starship?" Li Yun reminded.

"That white cloud?!" Gu Cheng immediately remembered that when his soul body was on the Starship, Ling Daozi gave him a white cloud. However, the white cloud had no force at all, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not move it. , which made him feel extremely confused. In the end, if Ling Daozi hadn't woken him up, I'm afraid he would have been immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself!

"Yes! That white cloud is called a positive particle cloud, also called a Juzhen cloud. In fact, the clouds in our Xingyun Castle are all Juzhen clouds! The day you can sense the positive particles in it, you can Start practicing it!" Li Yun laughed.

"It's so?! That's great!" Gu Cheng suddenly realized and exclaimed excitedly.

"Brother Gu, please don't be immersed in the gathering cloud from now on. You must know that you are still far away from cultivating positive particles. The energy of a positive particle is nearly 100 million times higher than the energy of a X-qi factor. If you don't practice at all, If you practice positive particles without preparation, you will soon be smashed to pieces by the impact and die!" Li Yun said.

"Oh my God!!!" Gu Cheng's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he screamed.

Li Yun's words really frightened Gu Cheng!

He never expected that the positive particles Li Yun said were so powerful, so powerful that it was unimaginable!

In his opinion, the energy of the di-gas factor is already quite large, but the energy of the positive particles can actually be 100 million times greater. What kind of terrifying energy and vitality is this? !

No wonder I can't do anything about that small piece of white cloud. The energy of that piece of white cloud is countless times higher than my own...

Gu Cheng quickly thought of a question and asked urgently: "Brother Li, there are gathering clouds and positive particles in Xingyun Castle. Are they the ones you cultivate?"

Li Yun nodded.

"Oh my god... So your power level has reached the highest level in the universe?!" Gu Cheng exclaimed.

"Brother Gu's words are too exaggerated! It's not that you can reach the highest level in the universe by cultivating positive particles. In fact, Xiaoling and I have only been cultivating positive particles for a short time. Compared with some people in the universe who have been cultivating positive particles for a long time. Humans are far inferior! And..."

"And what?!"

"The people who practice positive particles are at most the pinnacle figures of this positive universe, but you have to know that there is also a dark universe in the universe, and the energy level of the dark universe is about five to ten times higher than that of the positive universe. Those who practice dark matter If people from particle and dark energy encounter us, they will most likely win easily!" Li Yun said.

"Dark universe? Dark energy?! Dark matter particles?!"

Gu Cheng is not calm at all...

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