The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2568 Dazu Temple

( ) However, it will still take some time for Sheyang to reach the prophet status of once in a thousand years, and this is not something that can be easily achieved, because the more advanced the competition, the fewer people will advance. From the level of once in 500 years to Once in a thousand years, only one person can break through, and among the various tribes of Zhenyang, there are nearly a hundred people who are almost at the same level as Sheyang. Although Sheyang is the most favored, the randomness of the competition is very high, and there is no telling which one will win. People who perform well on the spot will break out of the encirclement, and it often happens that they are overwhelmed by the heat!

It can also be seen from this that the Zhenyang Clan is extremely powerful. There are nearly a hundred people with intelligence similar to Sheyang. This is simply the rhythm of a group explosion. From this perspective, the Zhenyang Clan should have reached the third level. The late or peak period of civilization!

It is this collective explosion that can promote the comprehensive development of racial civilization and achieve leapfrog progress!

Li Yun once raised questions about the issue of limiting only one person to promotion, because such a rule is too rigid. After all, the topics of the competition once every five hundred years are chosen by oneself, and the content of everyone's topic choices must be very different. It is more difficult to grasp the judging criteria.

If the level of these questions is very high and the value is similar, then why does it matter if more than one person gets promoted?

Xin Yang’s explanation for this is that the competition questions are actually divided into two types: prescribed questions and optional questions. The prescribed questions account for 80% of the weight, while the optional questions only account for 20%!

Although the self-selected questions only count for 20%, everyone knows that when experts compete, sometimes the difference between victory and defeat is only a thin line, let alone 20%, so it cannot be overemphasized.

Sheyang's current topic is about how the sun was formed. This topic is huge, comprehensive, and very meaningful to the Zhenyang tribe. In order to solve this topic, he sent Xin Yang and Wan Zhu from the tribe Four young people, Guo Huan and Zhao Jing, went to collect chaotic soil to help him better complete the research on the topic.

When they were sent out, there were still about 450 years before the official competition, but now it has been about 20 years, so there are still 430 years before the time for the once-in-a-millennium competition.

"We can only stay here for one year at most. After one year, we have to rush to the Yika Star Territory, so you won't be able to see the competition you participated in..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That game means nothing to me now, so I don't care if I don't watch it!" Sheyang said.

"Indeed! However, I really want to see what the level of the top ten prophets is? Last time I heard Brother Xinyang say that three of them have reached the level of competition once in ten thousand years, and they are the smartest in the Zhenyang Clan. That person!" Li Yun said.

"Yes! Those three are famous.

He is the most admired person by all the Zhenyang tribesmen! However, they always seem to be in retreat, and I haven’t seen them for a long time! "Sheyang nodded.

"Hehe, as long as there is a place where they retreat, we can see them!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Really?!" Sheyang said in surprise.

"You can try it! It should be no problem!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

"Great! I also want to see what they look like now!" Sheyang said excitedly.

You know, these three people of great wisdom who are over 10,000 years old are also the idols of Sheyang. Everyone has the heart to chase stars. Of course, he wants to see what the current situation of these three idols is...

However, the areas they are in have not yet appeared on Xiaoxing's light curtain map, so it will have to wait a while longer...

The speed of the Phoenix spaceship began to increase, passing through the clouds and fog, flying across the sky like a big bird. Not long after, it had arrived at the central area at the junction of the five tribes. This was also the center of communication between the five tribes, so the spaceship was very Quickly stop in front of a tall building.

I saw that the building style of this building is very unique. Its appearance is a huge round ball with many luminous lines symbolizing the sun's rays. People below it are like a small ant, looking extremely small...

There is a forbidden air formation here, so everyone must climb up from below. There are eight stairs around, and each one can't be seen to the top. It's like a ladder to the sky, which makes people collapse...

The people in the Phoenix spaceship stepped out and began to climb quickly...

"This is..." Li Yun said suspiciously.

"This is the temple of the great clan! The temples of the Zhenyang clan are all of this style, but the size is a little different. Ze Xin and Meiyu brought them here to hand over the five little prostitutes to the people in the clan temple. Dispose of it!" Sheyang introduced.

"This Dazu temple should be shared by the five nearby tribes, right?"

"Yes! Our five tribes form a large tribe, which is managed by the big temple. Of course, each tribe also has its own small temple. However, since this matter involves the Ye Xiao tribe, Ze Xin and Meiyu took them with them. It is correct to deal with it here!" Sheyang said.

"I see…"

Zexin, Meiyou and others were seen climbing extremely fast. However, after a while, the gap between their cultivation levels became extremely obvious. The two elders seemed to be walking leisurely, but they were always at the front; Xin Yang, Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhan Jing were a long way behind them. When they climbed to the middle, the four of them were already out of breath and their faces were flushed; while Caikui and dozens of other young women fell behind. , all of them are soft-handed and weak-footed, almost dying...

"Oh my god, when will this climb end..."

"I just took a shower and now I'm covered in sweat again..."

"Forget it, I'll never take a bath there again!"

"Yes, I don't know who revealed the news that we were going to take a bath. Otherwise, how could those five sluts have gone there to lurk in advance?"

"Yes, there must be a traitor! You must check it carefully when you go back!"

"It's hard to say whether there is a traitor, but we can't jump to conclusions! Maybe one of us accidentally said it out on some occasion, and someone with an intention heard it?"


These young women were discussing this matter while climbing hard, and the topic turned to the reason why the news was leaked.

When Caikui heard their discussion, she changed her mind and said, "Xiaoyan, when you came back a few days ago, your face was red and you smelled of alcohol. What happened?"

"I..." One of the young women, Xiaoyan, was startled when she heard this and muttered.

"That's right, Xiaoyan, you have never drank alcohol before, how could you suddenly drink so much?!" Caikui's maid Xiao Meiqi said.

"I...I..." Xiao Yan hesitated, her face turning red from holding back.

"Okay, if you don't think it's convenient to say it, then don't say it, but don't drink so much in the future. You should know that drinking can easily cause trouble..." Caikui said.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, little maid! I will definitely not drink it again in the future!"

Xiaomei and others looked at Xiaoyan suspiciously, thinking that she was the most likely to leak the news... However, since Caikui didn't want to ask any more questions, it was hard for them to say anything else.

A group of people dragged heavy steps and finally climbed to the top. They were almost paralyzed, but they saw that Elder Zexin, Elder Meiyou, Wanzhu and others had been waiting for them in the Dazu Temple for a long time!

Caikui and others managed to walk to the temple. When they looked up, they were shocked to see the chiefs of five tribes sitting in the seats. Could it be that they had made an appointment to come here to deal with this matter? !

Of course this is not the case. The chiefs of the five tribes gathering here must have other important matters, but it happened to happen, so they dealt with it smoothly.

Zhang Yuan, the leader of the Ye Xiao Tribe, looked extremely gloomy at this time, glaring fiercely at Zhang Lang, Wenzi and others who were kneeling below, feeling that his face was almost lost by them!

These boys usually don't learn well and are always idle, but now they have gone so far as to spy on women bathing, and they have also come up with the trick of setting up formations under the water to peek. If this matter gets out, the entire Ye Xiao tribe will have to pay tribute. So shameful...

Of course Zhang Yuan would not look for the reason from himself. In fact, if he had not been too doting on Zhang Lang, Wenzi and others, and always protected them when something happened, these boys would not have developed to where they are now...

Shexian, the leader of the Phoenix Tribe, was not in a good mood when he saw Caikui and these young women walking into the temple in such a mess. On the one hand, he regretted that they were being harassed by these five little sluts, and on the other hand, he felt sorry for how weak they were. I feel very dissatisfied with my cultivation!

In his opinion, with Caikui and the others in such a state, they actually did not stay in the clan to practice hard and enhance their skills and wisdom, but sneaked out to play and bathe secretly. This time, if it weren't for Wanzhu, Xin Yang and others It was discovered that Ze Xin and Miyu rushed to the scene to rescue the people in front of them. I am afraid that when they faced these five little sluts, they were determined to kill the thieves and were unable to save themselves...

Of course, Caikui and the others looked pale and miserable now, which earned them enough sympathy points in front of the powerful men in the temple, making them even more disgusted with the five boys Zhang Lang and Wenzi!

Even Zhang Yuan felt speechless when he saw this. He originally wanted to defend them a few words, but now he is too lazy to say a word!

When Caikui saw Shexian and others, she quickly knelt down with a plop and cried: "Grandpa, uncles, they... they actually hid under the pool and watched us bathing..."

Shexian hummed: "Tell me the story in detail!"

"Yes! Grandpa! This is what happened..."

Caikui recounted what had happened, omitting Wanzhu's advance warning of course, and described the situation at the scene in a more descriptive manner, pretending to be an extremely shy girl, which made people feel extremely pitiful. Wan Zhu, Zhao Jing and others on the side laughed secretly in their hearts.

After hearing this, Shexian said: "Brother Zhang, this matter involves your two tribes and mine. We don't need to say more about how to deal with it. Let's ask Brother Sun, Brother Bai and Sister Changman to decide!"


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