The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2569 4 Super Geniuses

( ) Brother Sun in Shexian’s mouth is Sun Xiong, the leader of the Mountain Ape Tribe, Brother Bai is Baiban, the leader of the Ice Bear Tribe, and Fairy Changman is the leader of the Caiwei Fox Tribe. After hearing what Shexian said, these three people all It was a slight nod.

Although Shexian is the recognized leader here and speaks with the most weight, he has always been fair in dealing with matters. This matter involves his granddaughter, so he took the initiative to avoid suspicion, and it can be said that he handled it very well.

Of course, Shexian also knew that with him here, these people would not be able to go too far in handling the matter. Moreover, Zhang Yuan was also pulled away by him, and it was impossible to protect Zhang Lang, Wenzi and others.

Sun Xiong and the other two secretly discussed it, and Sun Xiong said: "There are all the witnesses and material evidence on this matter, and the facts are clear. Zhang Lang, Wenzi and others also took the initiative to plead guilty and did not offer a defense. They will be punished in accordance with Article 3 of the clan rules." Go mining in a real iron mine for a year!”

"Ah?!" Zhang Lang and others exclaimed when they heard this!

I didn't expect it to be such a punishment. If it were anyone else, I might be secretly happy to receive such a punishment, because working in the Zhen Iron Mine is actually not too heavy a job. The treatment of people who mine by the Zhen Yang Clan In fact, it is excellent, and it has only been dug for a year. It can be said that the punishment given by Sun Xiong and the others has already given Zhang Yuan a lot of face.

But for young men like Zhang Lang, who are all thin-skinned and tender-bodied, going mining is simply a terrible torture for them.

"Grandpa, help!" Zhang Lang shouted.

"Grandpa, you really can't dig mines. Let's try something else..." Wenzi also shouted.

The expressions of the other three people also changed drastically, and they all begged for mercy...

Zhang Yuan frowned slightly, but after thinking about it, he still snorted and turned his head...

"The penalty will take effect immediately. Temple guards should take them away!" Sun Xiong shouted.


The temple guard nearby came over immediately and dragged these five boys out...

Seeing the five people being dragged out, Sun Xiong shook his head and said to Caikui: "Xiaokui, you should also go back and take a good rest. You must be more careful in all aspects in the future!"

"Thank you, Uncle Sun! Thank you all the clan leaders! Xiaokui resigns!"

Caikui quickly left the clan temple with the group of maids. However, they did not use the ladder when they returned. Instead, they received the favor of the clan temple and used the short-range teleportation array with Elder Zexin and Elder Meiyu to return directly to the tribe...

Xinyang, Wanzhu and others were left behind.

Because Shexian wants to ask them about their situation after they go out.

Sheyang's task of collecting chaotic soil is also an important task for the Phoenix tribe. If a prophet can appear in the tribe, the status of the entire tribe will be greatly improved among the Zhenyang tribe, and its right to speak will also be greatly enhanced. Therefore, for Shexian To help Sheyang win the game no matter what.

After getting the mission of Sheyang last time, Shexian immediately sent out many groups of people to search for the Chaos Earth. However, nearly twenty years later, no one came back. Shexian was a little anxious. This time, the chiefs of the five major tribes gathered in The Hanzu Temple is mainly discussing this matter!

For the other four tribes, they are basically one with the Phoenix tribe. If a prophet appears in the Phoenix tribe, it will be of great benefit to them. Therefore, the five plan to send more people. , on the one hand, they are stepping up their search for Chaos Earth, and on the other hand, they are looking for the people sent out earlier to see how well their mission was completed, or if any accidents happened...

However, what surprised and pleased them was that Xin Yang, Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhao Jing came back today!

Just now they knew that Xinyang and others had indeed found a lot of Chaos Earth, and they were suddenly more settled. At this time, Shexian said: "A few nephews, you might as well tell us about the situation after going out. Is there anything outside now?" Variety?"

Xinyang saluted and said: "Clan Chief, our business has been relatively smooth. Not long after we went out, we met someone who owned Chaos Earth, so we exchanged the True Yang Stone with him and got a lot! Later we thought about Uncle Sheyang. Maybe I was in a hurry to use it, so I decided to come back early!”

"Oh? Is it that simple?" She Xian was startled.

"Indeed! But..."

"But what?"

"Just now the clan leader asked about the situation outside. We did find something unusual all the way back..." Xin Yang said thoughtfully.

"What's unusual?" Shexian asked urgently.

"We saw a few planets when we went out, but when we came back, we found that they were all gone!"

"It's missing?! Could it be because of the different routes?" Shexian said.

"We also thought about this, so we checked some star fields, and found that the planets where the civilized world is located are indeed missing!"

"Oh?!" Shexian was stunned.

Looking at each other, the other four people felt that the information provided by Xin Yang was a bit unusual!

Xin Yang continued: "We are worried that if other people from all walks of life go to those planets to look for Chaos Earth, they will most likely disappear with them. In that case, their safety will be problematic..."

"It makes sense! It seems that there is a reason why other people from all walks of life have not returned yet..." Shexian nodded.

"So we will speed up and return to the clan, hoping that the clan can take measures to find them as soon as possible!" Xin Yang said loudly.

"Okay! Leave this matter to us. You have retrieved the Chaos Earth this time and made a great contribution to the clan. You should be rewarded! The rewards and achievements will be given to you according to the task. Now you hurry up and give the Chaos Earth to Sheyang. Go over there!" Shexian said.

"Thank you, patriarch! My nephew takes his leave!"

"Thank you, clan leader! I'll take my leave!!!" Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhan Jing shouted in unison.

The four people turned around and walked out...

"Wait!" Fairy Changman said suddenly.

The four of them were startled and turned around quickly.

Fairy Changman looked at the four of them carefully and said with some surprise: "I remember that the last time you four juniors participated in the once-in-ten-year competition, right?"

"Yes!" The four of them responded in unison.

"Well, you performed well last time. The next time you participate should be a competition that occurs once every fifty years, right?" Fairy Changman said thoughtfully.

"Yes!" The four of them responded in unison.

"No! I see that you have made great progress in the past twenty years. With your current state, you are more than enough to participate in a competition once in a hundred years..." Fairy Changman said with wide eyes.

In fact, Shexian and others always felt that there was something wrong before, but they just couldn't explain it. Now after hearing Fairy Changman's words, they couldn't help but realize!

It turns out that this is the reason why the cultivation of these four people has increased significantly!

With their eyes, they can naturally see that the cultivation level of Xin Yang, Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhao Jing has greatly improved, and their whole temperaments have been greatly changed. Even their previously shining appearance has become quite dull. They are restrained and appear to be back to basics. Such a temperament is extremely rare among these five tribes. Even the previous elders Zexin and Meiyou did not have such a temperament.

Therefore, Fairy Changman said that they can participate in a competition level that is once in a hundred years without any problem, or even a higher level, such as a competition level that is once in five hundred years!

Because the current cultivation level of Xin Yang and others has actually surpassed the two elders Ze Xin and Mei You, and is close to the five patriarchs present...

This can still be detected by Shexian and others' eyesight and true power.

Shexian's mind was spinning. There were four other clan leaders here at this time. Naturally, it would be difficult to test the four clan members. However, in any case, the cultivation level of these four people must have been greatly improved. This is a great match for the Phoenix clan. This is a great good thing, because this is equivalent to adding at least four elder-level figures to the tribe!

He was ecstatic in his heart and said loudly: "Sister Changman, the four of them are originally talented children in our Phoenix tribe. This time they went out to practice, and the results were outstanding. It is normal for their cultivation level to be greatly improved!"

"Oh? Do you think it's normal?" Fairy Changman teased.

"I wonder what my sister means by this?" She Xian was slightly startled.

"Hmph, you know better than I do, how old are they? No matter how talented they are, they can't progress to such an extent in just twenty years! You see, the four of them are probably not much worse than us now, right? ? What kind of genius does it take to do this? At least I have never seen such a person until now!" Fairy Changman said with some envy and jealousy.

Next to them, Zhang Yuan, Sun Xiong and Bai Ban were also staring closely at Xinyang and the four of them, feeling bad!

I didn't expect that the four juniors of the Phoenix Tribe would progress so horribly, that they would catch up with patriarchs like myself in just twenty years, and I have lived at least hundreds of thousands of years longer than them!

From this point of view, wouldn’t it seem like people like me have lived like dogs? !

Moreover, although the Phoenix tribe is the leader of these five tribes, in fact, each tribe is relatively independent, and they are fighting overtly and covertly with each other. These people are all dominant in one area, and no one is willing to stay under others for a long time, so They are secretly cultivating young disciples and increasing their strength in order to counterattack.

It is inevitable for them to do this, because if a tribe is too weak, then at a certain point it may even lose the opportunity to exist independently, and it is very easy to be annexed.

Only if you have independent abilities can you preserve your self-esteem. At least you can win a place in the tribal alliance and have the right to speak!

As for whether they can counterattack and become the leader of the tribal alliance, it depends on whether the younger generation can stand out...

But now seeing the situation of Xinyang, Wanzhu and the other four people, Zhang Yuan and others are close to collapse. It seems that all their hard work in cultivating young disciples for so many years has been in vain. Four people like this suddenly appeared in the Phoenix Tribe. Super genius, how can they pursue him? !

You have to know how much effort and resources a tribe has to put in to produce a player who can compete in the 500-year competition?

Needless to say, there is only one Sheyang in the Phoenix Tribe who can compete in the Millennium Tournament, and among these five tribes, only these five clan leaders can join the ranks of the Five Hundred Year Tournament...

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