The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2584 Sheyang ascends to the throne

( ) "Who? Who is it?! How can he know so many things? And know it in such detail?"

This question came to the minds of the eight prophets almost at the same time. When they thought of this, the eight people suddenly shuddered, feeling that they had been watched secretly for thousands of years?

And this person had been holding back for thousands of years, and finally launched the most violent and cruel attack on people like him at this time!

In a scene like this, let alone whether the eight of them can survive. Even if they can survive, their reputation will be ruined and there will never be a chance to turn around...

This person is ruthless, spicy, and strong. Who is he? !

Their eyes moved reluctantly, and suddenly they all focused on the large light screen in the center!

I saw that the beam of light shrouded in the sun seemed to be getting brighter and brighter, blooming with brilliant light, like a small sun, making everyone watching stunned...

Suddenly, the light converged slightly, and a figure walked out of it, it was Sheyang!

I saw that he had a majestic body, full of energy, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a beard on his face. He was very aura. His golden robes greatly enhanced his appearance, making him almost unrecognizable...

"Uncle Sheyang?!"

"Brother Yang?!"


Everyone was stunned, their mouths opened wide, and they stared blankly at this Sheyang. They saw that his whole body was flashing with light. These light spots were gradually integrating into his body, and even the beam of light behind him was instantly dispersed. Open, turn into bits of starlight, and pour into Sheyang's body crazily...

Not long after, all these light spots disappeared, but Sheyang seemed to have changed. The radiant state just now gradually subsided, and the whole person became calm, calm, and simple...

Dajue's, Wufu's, Baimu's, Wangxi Xi, Zi Feiyu and others saw this process with their own eyes. Their hearts beat wildly and they were all completely shocked!

From their perspective, they can certainly see that the current Sheyang is definitely not the Sheyang he was when he was devoured, because his level of cultivation has far exceeded that of the previous Sheyang, and his level of cultivation is very likely to have surpassed his own. These people, because in the end, the state of Sheyang has transformed into returning to nature. This state is exactly what these prophets pursued hard but could not obtain...

"How can it be?"

"Isn't he almost finished?"

"Why such a terrifying leap in such a short period of time?!"

"It's incredible..."

"Could it be that...that person has been staring at me from behind?

Now he comes out to expose the person who attacked him? Sheyang? ! "This thought suddenly came to Dajue's and others' minds.

Thinking carefully about everything that happened today, they suddenly felt that this was a great possibility!

Because in their opinion, the previous incident of Sheyang being devoured was most likely a ploy. He used himself as bait to lure the Wufu clan and the Baimu clan to devour him, and at the same time, he also gathered all his people into the Phoenix Tribe in advance. In the Dazu Temple, this scene was broadcast live to these high-level Zhenyang tribesmen to watch, in order to arouse their hatred towards these prophets!

Such a deep scheming, such a terrible plan, such a long wait...the final blow is fatal!

What Dajue and others did for Sheyang is simply admiration from the bottom of their hearts. It is not an exaggeration to even call it worship. People who can do this are definitely worthy of their worship!

Of course, for Sheyang to do this, there is another important prerequisite, that is, he must be able to control all of this. His cultivation skills must be able to defeat them, and he must have powerful formation capabilities to trap them. And in terms of wisdom, we must be much better than them...

Here, the so-called wisdom includes Sheyang's strategizing and long-term layout of the entire plan, long-term follow-up investigation and record keeping of each of their actions, and recent comprehensive control of this plan...

Without this important premise, it would be simply wishful thinking for Sheyang to achieve what it is today. However, after seeing the temperament and aura displayed by Sheyang now, people such as Dajue, Wufu, and Baimu felt that That’s completely certain…

It turns out that the first person of the Zhenyang tribe is not Dajue, but Sheyang of the Phoenix tribe. He is hidden too deeply!

Everyone has ignored him for so many years...

Sheyang quickly recovered and showed dazzling brilliance in the eyes of everyone who was extremely shocked. This appearance immediately suppressed all the turbulent emotions in the clan temple, and everyone's mood changed from the original panic to excitement and ecstasy...

"Sheyang!" "Sheyang!!" "Sheyang!!!"

People began to shout, cheering for Sheyang to be restored and reborn from the ashes...

Sheyang showed a confident smile on his face, stretched out his hands, grabbed the two large light balls floating in the air, held them in his hands, strode out of his cave, soared through the clouds and mist, and strolled towards the Dazu Temple. …

"Sheyang!" "Sheyang!!" "Sheyang!!!"

People shouted even more vigorously, and all the original admiration and admiration for those prophets were transferred to Sheyang. After all, it was impossible for them not to worship Wu Fu and Bai Mu after they were captured in one fell swoop.

Although it is not known whether Sheyang was responsible for catching Dajue and other prophets in the temple, but now it seems that the matter must be related to Sheyang, which makes people worship him even more.

Sheyang seemed to be strolling, but he was extremely fast. After a while, he had arrived at the clan temple. He was not affected by the forbidden air formation at all, but "swiped" directly through the invisible barrier outside and entered. In the clan temple!


Everyone exclaimed, becoming even more certain that this extremely powerful invisible barrier should be set up by Sheyang!

After Sheyang came in, he threw his hands, and the two large light balls containing Wufu and Baimu were also placed in the air, lined up with Dajue and others. Moreover, the big light balls began to show Produced information and listed the evil deeds these two men had done one by one...

"Oh my God... Shui Gu was actually swallowed by Father Wu?"

"Did Niwa Takashi be swallowed by Hakumu?!"

"The Shenqiao from the True Yin Clan also just died. It turned out that he was cut into pieces and swallowed by the two of them!"

"Yes, they just finished swallowing Shenqiaoye, and they immediately came to swallow Sheyang. They simply don't know how to write the word "death"!"

"Haha, that's right! There's nothing they can do if they want to die..."

"The prophet Sheyang is still powerful. He counterattacked and caught all these evil thieves. He also made these historical mysteries public to the world and restored peace and clarity to the world!"

"Sheyang Prophet has done so many things for our Zhenyang clan, but we don't even know about it. This shows how low-key and humble he is!"

"Such talents are worthy of our worship and admiration. They are the true prophets of our True Yang Clan!"

"That's right! You don't need too many prophets. One person like Sheyang is enough!"

"We should closely surround Prophet Sheyang and work together to create a new situation for the True Yang Clan, so that our True Yang Clan will always prosper!"

"Sheyang Prophet!" "Sheyang Prophet!!" "Sheyang Prophet!!!"

The more people talked about it, the more excited they became, and they naturally promoted Sheyang to the status of a prophet, without even having to compete.

She Xian, Zhang Yuan, Sun Xiong, Bai Ban, Fairy Changman and others followed the crowd and shouted and jumped excitedly. They were so happy that they had no idea that the situation would change so quickly. They were still fighting for each tribe before. He was troubled by the challenge letter, and was still grieving that Sheyang was devoured, but in the blink of an eye, Sheyang miraculously recovered by himself, killed all these prophets, and exposed all their crimes, and he With such amazing achievements, he suddenly rose to the status of a prophet of the True Yang Clan, high and high!

This means that not only has a prophet appeared in the Phoenix tribe, but he is also the only prophet in the True Yang tribe, and his status is extremely high!

I no longer need to worry about these challenges, and I no longer need to worry that the land of the Phoenix Tribe will be divided up. From now on, I only need to follow Sheyang, and the benefits will be far greater than I imagined...

But when Sheyang waved his hand, the temple quickly became silent.

Sheyang said: "Today everyone has seen the true face of the ten prophets of our Zhenyang tribe. They have used their devouring methods to do evil for countless years. Countless members of our tribe, as well as Zhenyin, Tianfeng, Tianhuo, etc. The clansmen of the clan were swallowed into their stomachs, turned into their food, and their essence was absorbed by them. This led to their current cultivation and skills. As long as they still exist in this world, they are cannibal demons. A major threat to all of us, what do you think we should do with them?!”

"Kill them!"

"Avenge my brother!"

"Revenge for my child!"

"Avenge my husband!"

"Avenge my wife..."

"I'm going to cut them all off..."

"I want to bite off their meat one bite at a time..."

"I will boil their flesh and bones and eat them..."

"We can't give them an advantage like this!"

"Oh? What other ways to die?"

"You can let them suffer wind blades, cold rain, ice thorns, fire and other tortures first, and then slowly kill them!"


Everyone applauded loudly for the suggestion put forward by this man, and asked Sheyang to torture the ten people first, then kill them, and finally devour them.

Sheyang sighed: "Everyone hates them and is eager for revenge. I can understand this feeling, but..."

"but what?!"

"If we retaliate against them like this, what's the difference between us and them? They use the way of devouring to devour others. In fact, they take this idea to an evil extreme and turn it into a harmful idea! Of course we cannot continue to use such evil ideas like them, but we must stop this practice!" Sheyang said.

"This..." Everyone was startled and couldn't help but think deeply.

Just listen to Sheyang continue: "The original intention of the way of swallowing is to turn waste into treasure and useless into usefulness, instead of absorbing the essence of others like them to satisfy their own personal desires..."

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