The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2585 Discussing Taoism in Clan Temple

( ) “The prophet’s words are right!”

"They used the method of devouring to the opposite extreme, which is why they committed so many sins!"

"Of course we ourselves can no longer use such Taoism indiscriminately!"

"Thank you prophet for reminding me!"

"That's right..."

The people in the temple suddenly realized and all agreed...

Sheyang nodded, but sighed: "Yes, it's not too late for us to understand now! You have to know that if you use the wrong Taoism, you will be punished. You only need to look at these ten people to know. In the past, they were all good. They were all elites of our True Yang tribe. They were energetic, high-spirited, and intelligent. They were idols that we worshiped and admired. However, since they misused the meaning of the Way of Devouring After that, although their cultivation realm continued to improve, their people changed! They became fierce, cruel, and murderous. They also devoured their tribesmen, devoured foreign masters, and absorbed their body essence into their own. However, What they don't know is that when a person is about to die, their bodies will release highly poisonous poisons. These poisons are collectively called corpse poisons. They will invade the body of the devourer, slowly poisoning their bodies, paralyzing their brains, and making them Their wisdom and spirit are affected, and eventually, they will slowly turn into a murderous maniac, a man-eating demon. They will devour countless people, including their relatives, friends and slaves, and then they will devour each other. In the end, there is only one person left!!!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone was stunned and screamed!

What Sheyang said really frightened them, and they could not help but tremble...

After hearing this, the faces of the Dajue family, Wufu family, Baimu family and others who were imprisoned in the big light ball changed drastically and they felt bad!

In fact, they have already felt the corpse poison mentioned by Sheyang, and are still fighting against it. However, they have already reached the Tao, and they feel that no matter what, their gains are greater than this little corpse poison. It was a lot, so I ignored it and continued to devour it.

But now it seems that the result of the Tathagata being continuously corroded by the corpse poison is that everyone eats each other, and if only you are left alone in the end, thinking about such a situation makes people shudder, so let's not forget it...

"After thousands of years of investigation, I found that in our solar space, in addition to the ten devourers appearing in our True Yang tribe, other races have also begun to have such devourers. They enjoy devouring people and eat them almost every day. While quietly devouring, some people, in order to avoid having a greater impact, mainly sneak into other races to find targets to devour. The cultivation of these people is constantly improving, and their people are also constantly being eaten. Poisoned, sooner or later, these people will devour all the people in the solar space.

Starting to enter the stage of cannibalizing each other..." Sheyang said.


"It's over, it's over..."

"What's going to happen if this goes on?!"

"Are we going to be swallowed up by others in the future?"

“This is unimaginable!!!”

"Prophet, please think of a way to catch all these devourers!"

"That's right, didn't the prophet investigate them all? If you arrest them all as soon as possible, you don't have to worry..."

"That's right..."

Everyone suddenly thought of this and quickly asked Sheyang to arrest him.

Sheyang shook his head and sighed: "No, no! What you don't know is that there is no end to catching such devourers. Even if I really catch this batch, there will be another batch soon." People appear. Can you guarantee that among the thousands of people here, there will be no Devourers in the future?"

"This..." Everyone was stunned and couldn't help but look at each other.

Sheyang is right to say that talented people have emerged from generation to generation, just like cutting leeks. After one crop is harvested, another crop will soon grow out, and there is no end to it, and there is an endless supply...

Just relying on Sheyang to deal with these devourers, I'm afraid he will never be able to catch them all, and maybe one day Sheyang misses, and it's all over!

"Besides..." Sheyang muttered.

"What are you talking about?!" Shexian, Feng Lie and others asked urgently.

"I will leave here soon..."


"Where are you going?!" Feng Lie asked urgently.

"I want to leave this solar space and travel to the outside world. Maybe... I will never come back again!" Sheyang said in shock.


"Prophet, you can't leave!"

"Yes, you must stay and protect us!"

"That's right. Now that there are so many Devourers in the solar space, what's the deal? If you leave, won't we fall into their stomachs sooner or later?"

"Prophet, you must not leave! You cannot leave..."

"Can't leave..."

"Please prophet stay!" "Please prophet stay!!" "Please prophet stay!!!" Everyone shouted...

This matter is really important to everyone in the temple. After seeing the horror of Devourers, they are extremely afraid of other Devourers that have appeared in the solar space. At this time, Sheyang is needed to protect them. How can we let him leave the solar space when the time comes?

At this time, Sheyang is like a life-saving straw they grabbed when they were drowning. They must hold on to it no matter what...

Sheyang shook his head and said: "You don't know something. According to my interpretation, this solar space will have two results in the future, and neither of these results is very good for the solar race..."

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Okay, since all the masters in the clan are here today, how about I invite all Taoist friends who have reached the level of the Millennium Competition to discuss this issue in detail?" Sheyang said.

"No problem!" The people in the temple responded in unison.

Soon, the clan temple was newly decorated and turned into a place for Taoism. Sheyang and more than a thousand other people of the Millennium Competition level sat on the Taoist platform and began to discuss Tao...

Everyone unanimously recommended Sheyang as the speaker, and Sheyang did his part at this time, because there was not much time. He had to convince everyone in the clan within this limited time so that they could all move to Xingyun Castle.

He first said: "Many tribal alliances have submitted letters of challenge to our Phoenix Tribe Alliance before. Since this is the case, I will now respond to these challenges first!"

Feng Lie and others were startled, thinking that Sheyang was going to settle accounts in the fall. They couldn't help but sweat for the tribal alliances that had issued the challenge, because the current Sheyang was definitely not the Sheyang they originally imagined. , but a super figure who has long surpassed the top ten prophets. He can flatten and round those tribal alliances as he pleases...

But I heard Sheyang say: "I was just motivated this time. I was happy to see the hunting heart. It was purely to solve the problems. In fact, many of these problems were handed down from the history of our Zhenyang tribe. Someone should have answered them long ago. , until now, we can only say that our wisdom development is still too slow..."

Those who were at the level of the Millennium Competition couldn't help but blush slightly when they heard this, but some people secretly disagreed and thought that Sheyang's words were a bit arrogant. Could he really solve those problems?

Even if he could really solve it, each question should at least take a long time, right?

It seems that we will stay here for a long time, and everyone is mentally prepared...

She Xian, Zhang Yuan, Sun Xiong, Bai Ban, Fairy Changman and others even urgently mobilized the resources of the clan to supply this clan temple discussion. With so many powerful people and such a level of discussion, of course it would cost a lot of money. Fortunately, the status of the Phoenix Tribe has been determined now and they don't have any worries, so they don't have to think too much and just focus on supply.

Four people, Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guo Huan and Zhaojing, actually entered the Dao Discussion Platform. This made many people stunned. They did not expect that the Phoenix Tribe would produce so many super geniuses. No wonder the Zhenyang Clan has reached this level. At critical moments, we need to rely on the power of the Phoenix Tribe to solve...

Sheyang looked at the first question printed on the light screen and said: "How far is it from the solar space to the outside world? The error is about a thousand miles? Everyone, in my opinion, this question itself is quite complicated. The problem…"

"I wonder what the problem is?" Feng Lie asked quickly.

"From the perspective of the person who asked the question, I think what he wants to ask more is how far it goes from the center of the sun to the outside world, because he is not sure whether the solar space is at the center of the sun, but thinks that That's why we asked this question." Sheyang analyzed.

"This...isn't the solar space at the center of the sun?" Feng Lie asked suspiciously.

"Do you think so? Have you gone through observation and demonstration? This statement itself has problems. No one can be sure whether our solar space is exactly at the center of the sun. In fact, after observation and deduction, I can already It is certain that the solar space is not at the center of the sun, but at a corner of the sun..." Sheyang said in shock.


"Is that so?!"

"Oh my's unbelievable!"

"This statement seems to be historically established, right?"

"But now the prophet says no..."

“It’s over, it’s over, if that’s the case, then the answers to many of our questions need to change!”

"That's right..."

Everyone was so excited when they heard this and talked so much that they even ignored the look of confusion that flashed across Sheyang's face...

This is because almost all of what Sheyang said was paraphrasing Xiaoxing's words. It could be said that he said it directly without going through his brain. After saying it, even he himself was so shocked that his eyes were filled with little stars. It was simply unbelievable. Believe it!

Sheyang almost forgot to continue talking, but fortunately Xiaoxing reminded him in time, so he continued: "Traditional sayings and conventional sayings are not necessarily correct. Many people have become accustomed to these traditional sayings because they have always heard them. Naturally, if you think that is correct, you are actually making an empiricist mistake! As people of the Zhenyang tribe, we must have the courage to challenge tradition and re-certify and answer these questions..."

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