The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2600 His tea can cure diseases

( ) "I seem to have heard the general say last time that it is impossible for the Yika Star people to cure that kind of poison?" Bengden said suspiciously.

Rommel looked a little unhappy when he heard this. He was silent for a moment and said: "That is the assertion of our medical people. I just relayed their words. But now the facts prove that they did underestimate it." People from the Yika planet, however, judging from what has been discovered so far, in the entire Yika planet, only the Evian tribe has this situation. Other races are still unable to conquer this kind of poison. This is why we asked me to go there. The main reason for supervising the battle here!"

"So that's it..." Hassan, Bengden and others suddenly realized.

It seems that the superiors did not come to supervise because they lost the battle, but because they discovered that the Evian people were able to deal with their poison, so they sent people to check.

Bengden suddenly remembered the last discussion and asked quickly: "General, you said that if the poison cannot produce an effect, you will provide us with a series of cannons. Now..."

"Of course we can't say yet that our poison is ineffective. No one can cure a poison like this casually. It's normal for the condition to recur. So, don't even think about the serial bombardment for the time being. Come on, please find out more about the affairs in the Evian Clan Temple for me first!” Rommel snorted.

"This..." Bengden was startled, and looked at Hassan helplessly.

The serial cannons are in the hands of the superiors. They will give them to them if they want to, and there is nothing they can do if they don't.

"The most important task now is to thoroughly investigate the ins and outs of this matter. Everyone obeys the order!" Rommel said loudly.

"Yes! General!" Everyone responded in unison.

"The troops were divided into three groups. Kunze led people to sneak into the Eyun clan temple to investigate the treatment of the patients. Xian led people to trace the specific situation of the black market medicinal materials and be sure to collect all types of medicinal materials. Mu Lei was responsible for investigating in Songzi City. Information about the mysterious person who gave the key instructions, this person is extremely threatening to us!" Rommel ordered.

"This..." Kunze, Zion and Mu Lei were all stunned!

I didn't expect that Rommel would issue such a difficult task just after he arrived. Two of the tasks required going deep behind enemy lines to understand the situation. The other task was to track down the black market medicinal materials. The thieves did not know where they had gone. The medicinal materials He has been taken away long ago, how can he trace it?

"What? Why don't you go quickly?!" Rommel shouted.

"Yes! General!!!" The three people did not dare to hesitate any longer and responded quickly.

Quickly turned around and left the hall...

"You two also have missions,

Reorganize your troops immediately and train them again. You can no longer wait for the opponent to run out of troops to fight! " Rommel said.

"Yes! General!!!" Hassan and Bengden responded quickly.

"Here are the military training methods we have designed for you. My generals will lead you to train together!"

Rommel came up with another plan, leaving Hassan and Bengden dumbfounded. However, this time they were ecstatic because the military training method given above must be much more advanced than their own. This was quite Yu gave this tribe a high-end treasure, and this high-end treasure can benefit all the soldiers of this tribe. Such benefits will be long-term!

"Yes! Thank you, General!!!" the two shouted excitedly.

"Go quickly!" Rommel waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Yes! General!!!"

The two quickly took Rommel's generals with him to train the army...

The successive changes on the Duga tribe's side naturally fell into Ling Daozi's eyes. What surprised him was that the robbery of the medicinal materials developed in the end and attracted the civilization behind the Duoga tribe!

This is an unexpected gain, because the appearance of Rommel and others can provide him with an extremely huge amount of information!

These people all wore the special military uniforms that Hassan mentioned, which immediately became a key research target of Ling Daozi.

Their plan for training the Doga army is also a rare research object, because from it we can get a glimpse of some of the military achievements of this civilization.

In addition, the surveillance network they built covering the entire Yika planet, their language, the box that projects the video footage, and each of the accompanying generals and Rommel himself have all become the targets of Ling Daozi's research...

From their conversations and the pictures displayed, it can be found that the monitoring network deployed by this advanced civilization is still effective to a certain extent. It actually discovered the situation in the Evian clan temple, the picture of Shen Geng and others purchasing medicinal materials, and Although the quality of the scenes of discussions between Bao Can, Shou Qi, Ping Liang, Sha Kui and others is low and the information is intermittent, it is extremely rare to be able to monitor it to this extent, which is enough for them to make many correct judgments and decisions!

It can be seen that this person of advanced civilization is very clear that only by providing great help to the races under his command in terms of information can they better realize the mission instructions they have given. So far, they have done a good job, making these races under their command They can firmly suppress the target opponent, waiting for the poison to slowly spread and explode...

While Ling Daozi was controlling the operation of various systems of the Starship, he was also presiding over the task of treating patients. Spring and Autumn Divine Doctor and Xiang Mingge almost became his followers, helping him carry out various treatment measures...

Ling Daozi actually doesn't care about this treatment mission anymore, because he knows that Xingyun Castle is flying here at super-light speed and will arrive in a short time. With the ability of the main body Xiaoxing, I'm afraid it won't take a few minutes. Years of research efforts can be solved in just a few seconds, so there is no need to continue studying!

Because the spread of the poison has been controlled by himself, what he should do now is to set up an aerial monitoring network in this star field and collect information from all parties to counter the global monitoring network laid out by that advanced civilization.

In particular, one piece of information obtained last time is extremely important, that is, some mutations are taking place in the central high-energy area of ​​this star field. These changes are very likely to cause the surrounding star field to be affected by high-energy radiation, so that the advanced civilization He had to order his various races to speed up their attacks, kill or drive away the natives of each star field, in order to control the surrounding star fields as quickly as possible and build bases and facilities to limit the high-energy area and protect each star field...

Among those star regions, two star regions, Shangtang Star Region and Hongshan Star Region, have been captured and fell into the hands of that advanced civilization. As for the fate of the aborigines above, it is unknown...

Seeing Ling Daozi looking thoughtful while making tea, Xiang Mingge couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ling, what are you thinking about? Are you worried about the medicinal materials?"

"Medicine?" Ling Daozi was slightly startled.

"Yes, the medicinal materials here have been used up now. We are just waiting to see whether Bao Can and Shou Que can recover the medicinal materials that were robbed last time!" Xiang Mingge sighed.

"Elder Xiang, don't worry, they are already on their way back..." Ling Daozi casually revealed an important piece of information, only to realize that he had let it slip after he finished speaking.

"Really?! How did you know that?!" Xiang Mingge said in surprise.

"This... elder didn't receive Pingliang's message?" Ling Daozi asked.

"No! It turns out it was him who sent the message!" Xiang Mingge suddenly said.

"He was sent to the clan temple, but I received it first!"

"Okay! Great! Now I feel relieved..." Xiang Mingge said happily.

Ling Daozi looked at him with an ecstatic expression, and was teasing in his heart, the Duoga tribe is sharpening their knives, and you are still happy to treat the patients, but you don't know that it won't be long before the Duoga tribe's army may attack in large numbers. The patients have not yet recovered, how can they resist?

He was thinking about whether to reveal this information to Xiang Mingge, but then he thought that this would expose more of his secrets, so he simply didn't say it yet.

"Hehe, elders, feel free to enjoy the tea, I believe they will send medicinal materials soon..." Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"That's right! The tea made by Xiao Ling is really delicious!" Xiang Mingge turned to praise.

"You have to meet someone like the elder to taste the samadhi..."

"Haha, that's true. If it were any other ordinary cultivator, I'm afraid he could be knocked down by half a cup!" Xiang Mingge said with a proud smile.

The so-called expert can tell if there is anything when he reaches out his hand. Xiang Mingge did not praise the tea brewed by Ling Daozi casually, but sincerely. Not just anyone can afford to drink such tea, not because of it. Expensive, but because it contains too much energy and Taoism, ordinary people simply cannot afford it...

What Xiang Mingge didn't know was that this was tea brewed by Ling Daozi based on the level of energy molecules on Yika Star. If the level of neutrinos or cathode particles were used, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to drink it. Tao tea…

The figure flashed, and it was none other than the miracle doctor of Spring and Autumn. He said loudly: "Xiao Ling is rarely in the mood to make tea, how can you be without me?"

He reached out and picked up a cup of tea and tasted it carefully, "Tsk, tsk, this tea is so delicious! I wonder what kind of tea it is. Why have I never seen it before?"

"This is a variety from our hometown, called Dahongpao..." Ling Daozi said.

"Dahongpao? It's really apt. This tea soup is bright red in color, smooth in the mouth, mellow in aroma, ethereal and full of Taoism..." The Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor was full of praise for this tea.

"Thank you so much, the miracle doctor! I didn't expect that the miracle doctor is also an expert in the art of tea..."

"Haha, Xiao Ling, you don't know something now. Elder Chunqiu is indeed an expert in the tea ceremony, because his tea is not only delicious, but it can also cure diseases!" Xiang Mingge laughed.

"Oh? Cure?!" Ling Daozi was startled.

However, he soon realized that it is normal for tea soup to treat diseases. Different teas naturally have different effects. A well-prepared tea soup is definitely comparable to pill pills. Sometimes it is even easier to absorb than pill pills, and the effect will be better...

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