The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2601 Great Wisdom and Little Cleverness

( ) I just heard the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor proudly say: "Elder Xiang was blown away for me! In front of Xiao Ling, there is no need to mention my little skills..."

"What the hell... The magic of miracle doctor sounds so miraculous, but you can't take it too seriously. I have to ask you for more advice!" Ling Daozi said quickly.

"Hey, what are you asking for? Since Xiaoling is interested, let's discuss it..."

The Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor couldn't wait to get ready, took out all his large set of tea-making treasures, filled the entire space, and quickly started making tea...

Sure enough, the tea soup he made was very unique. The ingredients used were mainly medicinal materials, but there were very few real tea leaves, and its main function was to bring out the flavor of tea.

Integrating the essence of medicinal materials into the tea soup to make it both delicious and curative is a manifestation of the benevolence of a doctor, which Ling Daozi greatly appreciated!

You know, the taste of many medicinal materials is really unflattering. Many people need great courage just to drink it. If they need to drink the decoction for a longer period of time, many people are afraid that they will lose the ability to continue treatment. confidence…

However, the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor must have realized the pain of his patients during his medical practice, so he devoted himself to studying the art of converting medicinal materials into tea soup. The benefits of this are obvious. Patients do not need to drink difficult-to-eat tea when treating diseases. Instead of medicinal soup, you will feel fragrant tea soup. Your mood will naturally become better, you will be more confident in treating diseases, and you will even have more fun treating diseases...

What is the benevolence of a doctor? Perhaps the Taoist skills that the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctors have painstakingly studied are one of the manifestations of this!

Following the tea ceremony demonstration by the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor, Ling Daozi has absorbed a lot of essence from it. Now he can brew medicinal tea just like the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor.

He happily began to brew his own medicinal tea soup, and discussed with the Spring and Autumn Miraculous Doctors happily...

"Boy, the medicinal materials are here!!!" Xiang Mingge suddenly rushed in and shouted loudly.

When the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor heard this, he was so excited that he jumped up and shouted, "Quick! Where is it?!"

"Xiao Liang and the others will move to the warehouse soon!"

"Have a look quickly..."

The three of them hurried to the warehouse...

Sure enough, the originally empty medicine warehouse was now filled with countless space stones!

These space stones are all large in size.

Each piece has a large internal space, but it is packed full of the most needed medicinal materials. This made the Spring and Autumn Miracle Doctor and Xiang Mingge overjoyed, and they quickly ordered people to start sorting and distributing them by category...

The news that Baocan, Shouqiu and Pingliang brought back this time made Shoutingzong, Xiang Mingge and others very excited, because inadvertently, Songzi City on the western front actually won a big victory. A rare victory since the alien war!

They even mentioned the mysterious person who gave key advice, which made Shou Tianzong and others even more happy!

From their perspective, it is not difficult to come up with the same evaluation as Ping Liang and others. They believe that this person is extremely important to the Evian tribe. The problem is how to find him...

After discussions, the Shoutian Sect quickly issued a clan order, requiring Songzi City and other cities in the frontline area to step up their search for this mysterious man. At the same time, they also asked cities in various places to take advantage of the momentum of Songzi City's victory to step up military training. , trying to expel the aliens from the land of the Evian tribe as soon as possible...

From this incident, Shou Tianzong, Xiang Mingge and others also saw clearly how important a high-level wise man is to this race war!

If all the front lines can be equipped with such wise men to command operations, I am afraid the situation will completely change!

Of course, they have not fully realized that the talents of wise men are only one aspect, and comprehensive and detailed information capabilities are another major factor. Now, Yika Star is monitored and blocked by the global surveillance network created by that advanced civilization. Information contact with the outside world has been interrupted, which is the main reason why they are completely passive in this ethnic war.

For a wise man, if there is no support from the information network and sufficient freedom of information, just like a clever woman cannot make a meal without straw, it will be difficult for her to fully display her talents...

"Elder Xiang, there are billions of people in our clan, can't we dig out some wise men among them?" Shou Tianzong asked.

"Patriarch, the growth path of a wise man is different from that of ordinary cultivators. Many people seem to be very smart and clever, and they seem to understand everything, but they are just little cleverness and cannot be taken seriously! So, although we There are billions of people in our race, and we have always emphasized teaching, cultivation and training. However, there are only a few who can stand out from hundreds of millions of people and become truly wise people. I believe this situation is true in every race. It’s all like this, even in a higher civilized world, we can’t escape from this law..." Xiang Mingge said.

"Oh? Why is it so difficult for smart people to grow into wise people?" Shou Tianzong asked suspiciously.

"That's a good question, Patriarch! There are countless smart people in the world. However, once a person is smart, he will often take the path of opportunism, because he only needs to be clever to achieve the goal he wants. !for example…"

"Like what?"

"Two people are learning skills from the master at the same time. Some people just immerse themselves in practice but make little progress, while smart people often seize some opportunities to please their brothers, sisters or masters. They can give them extra guidance. This difference It comes out very quickly, especially in the early stages of cultivation.”


"A smart person and a slightly stupid person start practicing at the same time. If other basic conditions are similar, then the smart person can be lazy for a while, because he will know how to improve his combat power, such as pleasing the master just mentioned The elders can learn some powerful moves, and they can also think of ways to make some money to buy high-quality weapons, or make things difficult for stupid people, and he can go up easily..." Xiang Mingge said.

"That's true..." Shou Tianzong agreed.

"This is only reflected in their cultivation. If it extends to their daily cultivation, then there will be more room for a smart person to perform. For example, if he is asked to perform a task, he may use this opportunity to do something personal in the middle. After the mission is completed, he may not tell the truth when he comes back, exaggerate the dangers, and exaggerate his own achievements, so as to have a chance to get greater rewards from the sect; when he goes hunting with the team or deals with powerful enemies, He may scream loudest, but he hides at the back. As a result, stupid people may be used as spearmen by him, seriously injured, or even die, but most of the credit may go to smart people..." Xiang Mingge continued.

Shou Tianzong was dumbfounded and was speechless for a long time...

Of course he knows very well that this kind of thing happens in almost all sects, and among the many forces of the Evian tribe, there are countless smart people like this...

"Smart people are not only good at making use of their own cleverness, so that they can progress faster than others even when they can be lazy, improve their combat power faster, and gain more and more appreciation from their masters and take advantage of them, but they are also good at Using external conditions, such as connections, resources, property, etc., they can achieve many personal goals in a short period of time and trample many stupider people underneath for them to drive and exploit... Under such circumstances , it will be difficult for a truly wise person to get ahead!" Xiang Mingge said.

"The elder is saying that the truly wise people are among the stupid people, not the smart ones?" Shou Tianzong asked.

"That's right! As I said just now, most people who act smart are not truly wise people!" Xiang Mingge said with certainty.

"But why? There must be some, right?"

"Well, even if there are, the number is very small! Because people who are good and clever are often delayed by their cleverness! Whether in the mortal world or the world of cultivation, cleverness will only make a person pursue opportunism. , intrigues, and speeding around corners, but it is difficult for a person to really settle down and do one thing well. Human energy is limited, and a smart person will often waste a lot of time and energy by trying too many things. Due to lack of energy and impetuousness, many things are often touched upon briefly and cannot be studied to an extremely advanced level!" Xiang Mingge analyzed.

After hearing this, Shou Tianzong couldn't help but nodded again, agreeing very much.

"Comparing great wisdom with small cleverness, if a person wants to become a person of great wisdom, he must first study extensively and read a lot of books. He must also travel hundreds of millions of miles and cultivate a billions of miles of mind. Only such people are qualified to talk about wisdom. Problem! But those smart people, those who are good at opportunism, often find it difficult to do these things, because they are too impetuous! It is impossible to pass the level of mind cultivation alone! And there are some people in the world who are as wise as they are foolish. People, they may seem stupid at the beginning, but they are the most calm and can study a problem for a long, long time. Even if there is no progress or gain, they can still study it with interest to the end. , Sometimes, it is this kind of research spirit that makes them suddenly enlightened one day and solve the problem at once!" Xiang Mingge continued to analyze.

"I seem to have heard of this situation before..."

"Yes! For example, my third disciple talked about Confucianism like this. The long-standing arithmetic problem in our clan was solved by him after studying it for ten years!" Xiang Mingge sighed.

The reason why he sighed was that ten years on Yika Star is actually an extremely long time, equivalent to ten thousand years in the Xuanling World. A person can concentrate on studying an arithmetic problem for ten thousand years, but his mind cannot be as still as water. It is impossible to be immune to external temptations…

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