The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2609 Death 16

( ) As time goes by, the information of a famous secret person begins to be established in the think tank. Their appearance, what kind of powers, what level, what kind of position they hold, what kind of battle uniform they are equipped with, and their combat power Levels, wisdom levels...are slowly being improved.

In addition, every short period of time, new Yimi people will arrive here in spaceships from the distant stars to join this huge operation. They will soon enter the field of vision of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and will be input immediately Among think tanks…

Without exception, in addition to the Yimi people, there were also countless foreigners who got off these Yimi spaceships. They were the races under the control of the Yimi people, and they were transported by them in spaceships to various places. The Star Territory participated in the mission to combat the indigenous people and assist in building a base.

The spaceships of the Yimi civilization have naturally become the focus of Xiaoxing's research. For the cosmic race, their spaceships are almost the crystallization of the core of their civilization. By studying their spaceships and everything in them, we can have a general understanding of the civilization. .

The existence of Xingyun Castle was unexpected by these Yimi people. In their view, this starry sky has long been under their control. Therefore, they are the kings here and they have no idea what kind of transformation they want to make here. People can stop them, but a recent incident has made the people of Yimi feel a little confused...

In the Red Mountain Star Territory, in the core area of ​​the main star Hongshan Star, there is a majestic and continuous red mountain range. This is the most famous Red Mountain Mountain Range in this starry sky!

The reason why there is such a large area of ​​strange red mountains is actually related to the rich mineral content here. The locals call it "red stone", which can be used to refine extremely high-grade mineral materials. It is the source of many people who refine weapons. favorite!

However, now this red stone mountain range has obviously fallen into the hands of the Yimi people. They were very happy after getting it and began to mine it on a large scale. They also used this place as their headquarters in this starry sky and created many appearances. Strange large-scale buildings, including a building that looks like a spaceship, have become their command center. Here, everything is full of the civilized atmosphere of the Yimi people...

Whether it is the architectural form, the items arranged inside, the living habits, work content, entertainment and leisure of Yimi people, etc., they all reveal a lot of information about Yimi civilization...

At this time, in one of the main halls, several people were watching the video message and discussing...

These people were all wearing white robes and tall, pointed black hats. Only their faces and hands were exposed, and they looked quite conservative.

Because the robe is too large, one can only vaguely see the size of his body, and it is difficult to judge other aspects.

One of them, a slightly taller man with a big beard, stared at the information on the video.

His face looked quite surprised...

A slightly thin man next to him said: "Master He, this is the information that just came from Yika Star. Our control network found that the Evian patient's condition was abnormal, and it seemed that he had received better treatment. …”

"Are you sure they are the same group of patients?" Master He asked.

"This... Master, wait a minute!" The thin man hurried out.

Another chubby man said: "Brother He, didn't we send Rommel there last time to confirm the situation? Did he send this?"

"No, Brother Pai doesn't know something. Rommel has just arrived and nothing has been found yet. This information was discovered and transmitted by our control network on its own!" Master He said.

"No wonder, it's really too blurry and I can't see anything..." the sect master suddenly said.

"Haha, the control network here can't be compared with the one we have there. It's so shoddy that I'm almost pissed off by it! However, we can still see some generalizations from the images. Obviously, if these patients are the same ones as before, Those who have fallen ill are now like this, which means the treatment is effective!" Master He said with a smile.

"Impossible! Our 'Death God Sixteen' is the latest development. It has not gone through enough individual tests, so we brought it here to try it. Even we ourselves can't cure it. How can people here cure it? ?!" Master Pai said suspiciously.

"Well, I don't think it's possible either. The Death God Sixteen shocked us all when he came out. No one can figure out a way to overcome it. It would be really strange if we really meet someone here who can overcome it. !" Master He nodded in agreement.

Master He is called He Minte, and Master Pai is called Pai Lan. Both of them are senior masters of medicine in the Yimi civilization. This poisoning operation was presided over by the two of them. With their identities and positions in the civilization, they will be Being sent here to preside over the operation shows that the Yimi people attach great importance to this operation.

The two were chatting. After a while, the thin man hurried in again and said loudly: "Master He and Master Pai, I just carefully checked the images of the people in front and behind the temple and found that they are really the same group of people. !”

"Oh?!" The two of them were startled and looked at each other.

"Two masters, let's see..."

The thin man took out two projection boxes like a magic trick, quickly started them, and projected the image on a curtain. Sure enough, the Evian clan temple appeared on the screen...

These pictures are not continuous, but intermittent, but after being put together by the thin man, the contrast between before and after becomes more obvious. The appearance of those patients is indeed slowly changing. The appearance of the skeleton gradually became less thin and more fleshy, and their mental state continued to improve. In the end, they seemed to have returned to their normal appearance. They were in excellent condition and were talking and laughing...

He Mint and Pai Lan stared blankly at this scene and felt bad!

"How is it possible?! Someone can actually cure our Death Sixteen?!" Pai Lan's little eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief.

He Minte was extremely shocked when he saw it, and the expression on his face was quite complicated. He was shocked, but also seemed to have hidden joy...

"Is it possible that there happens to be some kind of medicine there that can restrain Death Sixteen?" He Minte thought.

"Death Sixteen is a poison targeting cell molecules. They are closely connected with the cell molecules in the living body and mutually reinforcing each other. This is not something that ordinary drugs can reach to such a depth to suppress! Moreover, we know that the more restrained the patient is, the worse he will be. It's tragic, because their cell molecules will also be destroyed along with the poison, which is why they will turn into a pair of skeletons!" Pai Lan said.

"This... is indeed true. If they use anti-virus methods to treat it, the result will only become worse with more treatment..." He Minte agreed.

"Yes, then how can they be cured?" Pai Lan shouted.

"Brother Pai, don't worry, things always happen unexpectedly. Maybe there is some kind of accident that we don't know about. Now let's wait for Rommel to pass on the accurate news..." He Minte said.

"Brother He, I'm afraid it will take a long time for Rommel to find out the accurate information. I can't wait that long! Such a situation is a big deal for us. We must understand it as soon as possible. If we can get If there are any methods or medicines to treat Death Sixteen, then we can make a big fortune after we go back!" Pai Lan exclaimed excitedly.

"Brother Pai, you want to check it out yourself?" He Minte was startled.

"That's right! We can only understand this matter by checking it ourselves. Rommel doesn't understand medicine, what can he find out?" Pai Lan said.

"Well, that makes sense! But..."

"But what?!"

"Have you forgotten our code of conduct? Everything can only be done by the races under our command. Our people must not intervene in person?!" He Minte said.

"This... we are not intervening in the war between them, but just checking the whole story of an incident. Isn't this a foul?" Pai Lan said quickly.

"Let me think about it..."

"Oh, brother, what are you thinking about? After all, we will be invisible after we go there, and investigate in secret, without interfering with anyone or anything. Isn't that enough? No one will know that we have been there..." Pai Lan said.

"But the control network will have our information. This information cannot be deleted by us. If someone gets caught, wouldn't it be over?!"

"This... Brother He is so cautious, no wonder he can hold such a high position! I admire him, but he will take action when it is time to take action. Behind the Death God Sixteen is a huge market. If we get the method of restraint, even if we start over, You can quickly develop a huge force! Compared with the benefits, the risks here are almost negligible. Besides..."

"What else?"

"Brother He may not know that I have a special ability..."

"Oh? What's the special power of Brother Pai?!" He Minte asked urgently.

"Dark power! As long as I display it, no one will be able to detect my existence, let alone the crude control network..." Pai Lan said proudly.

"Wo..." He Minte and the thin man both exclaimed!

I didn’t expect Master Pai to have such a unique dark power. This is an extremely terrifying power in the legend. People with this kind of power are excellent candidates to become assassins and killers, because no one can know their arrival in advance. It is possible to notice them at the moment they activate, but by then it is already too late!

He Minte secretly broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he had a good relationship with Pai Lan on weekdays and there was no conflict of interest. Otherwise, he might have offended him and he might kill him secretly...

At this moment, he thought of many things, including some people in the force who died inexplicably. Could it be that Pai Lan was the one responsible?

But of course he now knows how to deal with Pai Lan. Although his current status is slightly higher than him, it is only a little higher. Therefore, he will need to have a good relationship with Pai Lan in the future to avoid getting into trouble...

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