The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2610 Elite soldiers fighting

( ) and Min Te looked as if they were in a daze, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Brother Pai has this power, then we can consider the plan of going to Yika Star to investigate in person..."

"That's right! The control network can't detect us at all, so Brother He doesn't have to worry about any problems at all. As long as we get the method or medicine to treat Death Sixteen, we can make a big fortune after we go back!!!" Pai Lan puffed out her fat chest and said confidently.

"Okay! Then let's discuss the action plan..."

The three of them discussed secretly, and not long after, a small Yimi spaceship quietly flew out of the Red Mountain Star and headed towards the Yika Star...

This scene was quickly captured by the monitoring network, and both Li Yun and Xiaoxing were paying attention...

"Sir, they really took action!" Xiaoxing said.

"Very good... Pai Lan has dark powers, which should be similar to our dark spiritual roots. It seems that many abilities in the world of cultivation can actually be turned into abilities solidified in the living body through drugs. It's just that We don’t know how the Yimi civilization did it now, but it seems that this field is an aspect that we can greatly improve!" Li Yun thought.

"Yes! In fact, we have already achieved one thing, that is, we have used many drugs to transform Xuanshi into Soul Masters. These drugs have played a great role in improving their soul power, and even The most important thing! If we conduct research and experiments on various cultivation abilities on this basis, it will be possible to achieve one or more abilities like the Yimi Civilization, allowing everyone to have one or more abilities!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"This may take a long time. After all, the Yimi civilization has been researching and practicing in this area for an unknown period of time. We should learn from many aspects. Therefore, this small spaceship carrying He Min Te and Pai Lan Huge value to us…”

Li Yun looked at the small spaceship that flew out, and his mouth was almost watering...

You know, although this spaceship is small, it has two senior masters in the field of medicine from the Yimi Civilization, as well as many other medical personnel. These people alone are of great and immeasurable value!

Coupled with the various information stored in the spacecraft, which may involve countless information about the Yimi civilization, especially many secrets in the field of medicine, it is no wonder that Li Yun is simply salivating over this small spacecraft...

Little This matter may become a cold case for them..."

Li Yun smiled and said: "This is also thanks to the rules formulated by the Yimi civilization.

That is to say, the Yimi people do not participate in the wars between various races, and everything must be done by the hands of the races under their control. Because of this, they choose to act secretly, without even informing the people of their own race... "

"Hey, even the universe is going to help us!" Xiaoxing said happily.

They quickly formulated a fishing plan for the actions of this small craft...

The morale of the Doga tribe has been very strong recently. Although they encountered a small setback earlier, what they didn't expect was that this small setback actually attracted special attention from the superiors, and General Rommel and others were sent to guide military training. , for a time, all the tribesmen were full of energy, as if they were full of chicken blood, and they were training hard.

However, they soon discovered that this training was really not something ordinary people could bear. Many people could no longer persist under the high-intensity training. Many people fell down every short period of time, and the number of people in the team continued to increase. The land decreases…

But even so, Rommel and others will not stop their high-intensity training at all. Those who cannot keep up will be given up and concentrated in the injured area, while others will continue to persist...

Hassan and Bengden were no exception. They also had to train with their tribesmen. When they saw a large number of tribesmen falling down from time to time, they felt as if their hearts were bleeding. The excitement at the beginning had disappeared and was replaced by confusion. In their view, Rommel and his entourage were simply a group of sadists. Not to mention defeating the enemy with such military training, there might not even be people to fight!

After seeing nearly a thousand more people fall one after another and unable to participate in the military training, Hassan finally broke out and rushed to Rommel and shouted: "General Long, I demand that this military training be stopped immediately!!!"

"Take him aside!" Rommel snorted coldly.


The two followers responded and ducked over. I don't know what method was used to make Hassan unable to move at all. They had to lock his hands and feet with a pair of exaggerated-looking shackles and took him aside!

"Oh my god!!!" There was an uproar on the school grounds...

Everyone in the Duoga tribe was stunned. They did not expect that Hassan, the patriarch with the highest level of cultivation and the most profound skills in the tribe, was as weak as a grass in front of the people above him, with no ability to resist at all!

Seeing the Doga tribesmen shivering, Rommel sneered and said: "See? Your strength is so weak and humble. There is no difference between fighting in this state and dying! If you want to survive, , if you want to win, you must withstand the intensity of our military training. If you can't bear it, it's better not to go to the battlefield. What we need is not a large group of cowards, but a small group of elites!"

"This..." Everyone on the field was stunned!

Even Bengden was confused. Only now did he understand that the purpose of military training by Rommel and others was to eliminate the weak and keep the strong to form an elite team capable of fighting well!

This kind of combat concept is so different from ordinary racial combat that Bengden couldn't understand it for a while...

He couldn't help but feel dissatisfied and murmured: "General, what if only a few people go to fight and encounter the opponent's large army?!"

"Army?! Do you think the army can definitely win?" Rommel snorted.

"This... Generally speaking, if you fight ten against one, you can win almost without a fight! If you fight five against one, you can win at a relatively small cost! If you fight two against one, you can still gain something even if you pay a certain price. The ultimate victory..." Bengden said.

"Okay! Then how many of your armies can I fight with any of my followers? What will be the final result?" Rommel said.

"This is different. Your generals can move freely in our army, but what I'm talking about is fighting an army like the Evian tribe..." Bengden said.

"The principle is the same! Since my followers are all elite soldiers and generals, one of them can defeat the opponent's entire team! If you also have elite soldiers and generals, then a small number of teams can defeat the opponent's army!" Long Mei Er said.

"This..." Bengden was speechless, but his face was full of dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, although what Rommel said was reasonable, he ignored the huge gap between civilizations. The combat power of those followers was built according to the standards of the Yimi civilization. Each person was a mobile battle fortress. However, there is no such a big gap in combat power between the Doga tribe and the Eyun tribe. Therefore, the side that invests more troops in a battle can often gain a greater advantage...

Seeing Bengden's look, Rommel knew that it would be difficult to convince this old stubborn man, so he didn't care so much and ordered the military training to continue!

The Doga people did not dare to resist under the control of their clan leader, so they had no choice but to continue training hard under the command of Rommel's generals...

However, what made them feel a little relieved was that some of the tribesmen who had fallen before had returned to the training ground after receiving treatment from the doctors brought by Rommel, and they were in good condition and seemed to be more energetic than before. This made Bengden and Hassan feel a little relieved...

As time went on, many weak ones were eliminated one after another. Although the number of the remaining Doga people was reduced by nearly 70%, they were all extremely energetic, strong and powerful, and they all had certain attainments in wisdom...

Hassan and Bengden soon felt the change in the situation. For example, the overall combat speed of this elite soldier was more than three times higher than before!

What kind of concept is this?

In other words, what used to take one breath to do can now be done in one-third of the breath!

When charging into battle, it used to take one breath to run to the battlefield and contact the opponent's front troops, but now it takes one breath to rush to the opponent's logistics area!

This kind of impact is more like a sharp blade, which can completely cut apart the opponent's army and plunge it into passive chaos...

This is only the benefit brought by the improvement in speed. After the overall efficiency is improved, the cooperation between the various teams will be more precise. When they are required to arrive at the battlefield, they can arrive at the time they are required. There will no longer be punctuality in the past. situation arises.

For example, when ground troops enter the battlefield is a very particular matter. In the past, the Doga tribe almost always used ground troops to charge into battle, but now after military training, the entire combat strategy has completely changed, and it has become aerial. The fleet is the master!

With the help of Rommel and others, the Doga tribe's fleet capabilities have been greatly improved, and their combat capabilities are significantly higher than those of the Evian tribe. Therefore, a strategy focusing on air strikes was formulated. Through air strikes, the important strategic points of the Evian tribe can be quickly paralyzed. Once these key points are paralyzed, a large area around them will also collapse. At this time, the ground team will cut in to harvest. Victory is simply It's a sure thing, and the only losses are those shells, the loss of life is very, very little...

Only now has Hassan and Bengden fully understood the concept of elite warfare advocated by General Rommel. Yes, an elite army that is good at fighting is far more difficult to organize, manage, and procrastinate than a large group. , the army that is prone to stampede back and forth is much more powerful...

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