The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2655 We are in big trouble

( ) After he came to this starry sky with great ambition, the change of situation caught him completely off guard!

The territory that the Yimi people have worked hard for many years has turned into a mess. Information cannot be communicated. None of the important people are missing. All the Yimi people and puppet races have been infected by Death Sixteen. Now there is a full-scale epidemic!

Yes, judging from the countless light screens in the space, all puppet races have begun to experience outbreaks due to virus infection, and no race is exempt.

Moreover, Yingsi knew that the people of Yimi, including himself, would join the ranks of the epidemic if they did not get Ling Daozi's detoxification pill. The crisis had already arrived!

This is a situation that Ince does not want to see, but he himself seems to have foreseen that this situation would be inevitable many years ago!

He has long believed that a civilization based on drugs will have big problems sooner or later, because drugs themselves are an extremely powerful double-edged sword. While giving people superpowers, they will also bring side effects, making Everyone's dependence on drugs will become deeper and deeper, and their resistance to the power of drugs will become greater and greater, so they will need to take more and more drugs. This is a vicious cycle...

Although the current epidemic is caused by the virus outbreak of Death XVI, Ince also believes that this event is actually within his expectation, because poison is essentially a kind of medicine, and medicine has two sides. This is the other side of medicine. Now, this uncontrolled other side has finally caused disaster!

The Yimi civilization will pay a heavy price because of this incident. It may wipe out all the previous achievements at once. The regression of civilization is a certainty...

This situation makes Ince feel extremely heartbroken, but it is beyond his control and solution, because he has long been excluded from this drug game, and after all, he is also one of the victims!

Now, with the opportunity provided by Ling Daozi, he can escape from this disaster and escape from Yimi, which is bound to collapse civilization. Why not?

Ince's thoughts have begun to change towards joining Xingyun Castle, but Rosen figured it out earlier than him. These days at Xingyun Castle, they had contact with Ling Daozi and discussed wisdom with him. Sen has long been deeply fascinated by Ling Daozi's wisdom!

He found that Ling Daozi was like a cosmologist. No matter what questions he asked, he could answer them. So far, all the questions he had asked had been answered well by Ling Daozi, which made him feel Benefited a lot!

In Rosen's view, the Xingyunbao civilization represented by Ling Daozi is simply too powerful, so powerful that it is unimaginable. Those intellectual problems that are simply unsolvable in the eyes of the Yimi people,

Put it here with Ling Daozi, and it seems to be solved effortlessly!

In addition to intellectual issues, the fact that Ling Daozi developed the detoxifying pill of Death Sixteen in a short period of time proves that his achievements in medicine far exceed those of the Yimi civilization...

"President, let's throw ourselves into Star Fortune Castle! Only in this way can the people of our Wisdom Federation be rescued, and the talents cultivated by the President over the years will not be completely wiped out!" Rosen said in a message.

"This...that's all we can do!" Ince sighed slightly.

"The president really agrees?! That's great!!" Rosen said in surprise.

"Can you disagree? Even if the two of us can get the antidote for free, so many people in the Wisdom Federation need treatment. They have been with us for so many years, and they have been suppressed for many years and are still so loyal. If we only consider ourselves Can that still be a human being?" Ince sighed.

"The president is right! Besides, joining Xingyun Castle is a good opportunity for those of us in the Intellectual Arts Federation. From Ling Daozi's words, I found that Xingyun Castle seems to be going in the direction of intelligence, and it has reached a level Incredible height, if we can get help from him, we will definitely make great progress!" Rosen said excitedly.

"I agree with this! In front of Ling Daozi, I feel like an apprentice who has just learned wisdom. His casual words and reminders can inspire me a lot!" Yingsi said.

"It turns out that the president thinks so too..." Rosen suddenly realized.

After the two discussed it, they quickly expressed their attitude to Ling Daozi and officially switched to Xingyun Castle!

He Minte and Pai Lan were overjoyed. It seemed that he had achieved great success as a lobbyist this time, and had attracted the entire Yimi Association of Wisdom and Magic to Xingyun Castle...

Ling Daozi smiled and said: "Welcome to the Xingyun Castle! This is definitely a wise choice!"

"It's hard for us to return home now, so we have to thank Xiaoling for taking us in!" Yingsi sighed.

"Oh? We are going to Yimi now. How about one of you stay here to take charge of building the base, and the other goes with us?" Ling Daozi asked.

"This is great!" The two were greatly surprised.

After discussing it immediately, I felt that it would be better for Yingsi to go back, because there were so many people in the Zhishu Federation, and Yingsi needed to take charge of the overall situation in order to successfully pull them all to the side of Xingyun Castle.

So, Ince quickly set off with the starship!

He never expected that he would come all the way to this starry sky with the intention of doing something great, but unexpectedly he would return with a new identity not long after he stayed. It was really unpredictable...

Rosen stayed here to preside over the construction of the base, but he and his men have actually become members of Star Luck Castle. In a sense, these bases have also become built for Star Luck Castle. In the process, He received Xiaoxing's guidance and made the base much better than the original design!

"Yimi No. 9 is back!" Xiaoxing reminded him.

"Is it them?" Rosen was startled, and then he remembered the existence of this group of people.

During this period of time, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to building the base, almost forgetting about Yimi No. 9, Xiguang Chongtai, Longmel, Fensen, and the Doga clan team...

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Yimi No. 9 came to the area where the original headquarters was located and discovered Rosen and others!

Rommel took Finsen and several followers out of Yimi No. 9 and came to Rosen's side.

"President Luo? General Jue? Are you here? When did you come?!" Rommel asked in surprise.

"I haven't seen you since I've been here for a while, and I can't contact you, so I had to build the formation myself first..." Rosen said with a smile.

"Where's President Ying? Didn't you say that he came too?" Rommel asked.

"The president will go check out the other main stars in the base himself. I'm afraid I won't be able to see him for a while!" Rosen said.

"I see…"

Jueba said loudly from the side: "Brother Long, I heard that you went to suppress bandits. I wonder what the result was?"

"The results of the battle... were not bad. Many space pirate nests were destroyed, but..."

"But what?"

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words!" Rommel sighed, his face filled with sorrow...

"What's going on? Can't even a few space pirates take care of it?!" Jueba asked curiously.

"No, it has something to do with space pirates! Now we are in big trouble!" Rommel shook his head.

"Big trouble? What kind of big trouble? In my opinion, the current Red Mountain Star is a big trouble, and the Shangtang Star and all the main stars are also in big trouble, right?" Jueba teased.

"This...Brother Jue also discovered it?" Rommel asked in a daze.

"Of course, we checked the Yika planet with the president and found that none of the aboriginal people there were infected with the Death God XVI, and everyone was alive and well. But when we came to Hongshan Planet, we found that it was a complete mess!" Jue Ba said carelessly.

"What?! They haven't been infected with Death Sixteen?!" Rommel said in shock.

He still doesn't know about this, because he returned to Hongshan Planet after evacuating from Yika Planet, and then went to fight space pirates. However, the information network has been in chaos recently, and Yimi No. 9 has not received any relevant information at all. information!

"What? You don't even know this?!" Jueba shouted in disbelief.

For Rommel, he now looks down on him from the bottom of his heart...

" is it possible? All the aboriginal people have been infected with Death Sixteen, and countless people have become ill, and many people have died! The information collected by our surveillance network can prove this!" Rommel shouted retorted.

Jueba looked at Rommel a little pitifully, shook his head and said: "This is what we have seen with our own eyes and testified with our own hands. President Ying and Vice President Luo have both experienced it!"

Rosen nodded and said: "That's true! We passed by Yika when we came here and found that the planet was full of vitality and did not look like it was infected with disease. So we went to check and found that not all of them were infected with the disease as the information said. The viruses in the residents’ bodies are all gone, and everyone is alive and well..."

"How is it possible? How is this possible...impossible! Who can cure Death Sixteen?!" Rommel murmured, feeling bad!

"Brother Long can retrieve the information from the surveillance network. The virus in the aborigines has indeed been cured!" Jueba said.

"We have made several copies of this information. General Long, please take a look!"

Rosen threw out a few pieces of information, and Rommel took them and quickly looked them up...

"It's over, it's over, there is really someone who can kill God XVI?! Who is this person?!" Rommel shouted in disbelief.

"Huh, he's not from Yimi anyway! This person saved those aboriginal people, and it's clear that he is our enemy!" Jueba said loudly.

"No matter who he is, we must find him!" Rommel shouted.

"Oh? This person dared to do something like this, and he was able to cure Death Sixteen, which shows that he is no ordinary person! You know, even our Yimi Medical Association has not been able to develop an antidote until now!" Jueba snorted.

"That's why we must find him no matter what!"

"But why?!"

"Because... everyone here has been infected by the Death God! Now a large number of people from the Doga and other races have fallen ill. We Yimi soldiers, including me, have also discovered the precursors of the virus outbreak... "

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