The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2656 Too cruel! It’s so cruel! ! !

( ) "What?!!!" Jueba was shocked by Rommel's words and was a little confused...

Rommel sighed: "Not only us, but also you, may have been infected with Death XVI! Because our military doctors are suspicious..."

"What are you doubting?!" Jueba asked urgently.

"The Death God Sixteen virus can be transmitted through the air and ordinary contact. If this were not the case, we would not be infected with it, because we are extremely careful every time we use it, but we are still infected..."

"Damn!!!" Jueba shouted angrily.

Just now he was ridiculing Rommel for his incompetence in doing things, but now that he was hit by this news, he was not in the mood to say those words. He quickly discussed with Rommel and the others how to find the person who could detoxify...

Rosen also pretended to discuss with them, but he was secretly happy in his heart. Seeing these people so anxious and panicked, he knew that he and Ince had made the right move before!

He asked deliberately: "Where is Marshal Xiguang? Why don't you see him? He should know about this, right?"

Rommel's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he sent a message: "Marshal... He has fallen ill with a virus! This news is now top secret and cannot be spread outside!"

"Is that so?!" Rosen said with a look of "shock" on his face.

"Yes! So now we must find that person as soon as possible to see if he can help us treat it? If so, we can agree to him no matter what the conditions are!" Rommel said fiercely.

"That's right! Let's find a way quickly. We don't have an antidote now. If we continue, everyone will die!" Rosen said anxiously.

"That's true..."

Several people discussed for a while, and finally decided that Rosen would continue to preside over the base construction here at the headquarters, while Jueba and Rommel went to find that person. Soon, after placing those who were sick, Yimi No. 9 led Back on the road with the mission...

Rosen looked at the cloud lines left behind by the departure of the spaceship and felt quite emotional. He wondered whether he should ask Ling Daozi to treat them. After all, although these people deserved their crimes, they were actually members of the Great Lord and the Supreme Elder Council. Tools must obey their orders because they have no right to choose...

The target of Yimi No. 9 is to first focus on the Yika planet, because that person was first discovered on the Yika planet. If you want to know his traces, you must find it from the source.

The spaceship flies at full speed,

It didn’t take long to arrive above the planet Yika…

"Eh?!" Rommel suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Jueba asked.

"It looks a little blurry here. It seems to be completely covered by a light fog?" Rommel asked suspiciously.

"Is this a change in the weather? It was sunny last time when President Ying and I came here." Jueba said.

"No, weather changes cannot affect the whole world..."

Rommel felt a little bad. The situation had taken a turn for the worse recently, and he could no longer bear any blow...

But I heard the ship spirit say: "That's right! This situation is very abnormal!"

"Can you see the reason?" Rommel asked urgently.

"It's better to check the surveillance Internet cafe here! Now the information sources in this starry sky are chaotic, and my ability is greatly restricted..."

Rommel quickly ordered to check the surveillance network first. This surveillance network was built based on all the small stars surrounding Ika. It monitored all directions without blind spots and played a great role in the early attack on the aborigines. .

The spacecraft arrived at the star where the core of the surveillance network was located. Shipling and Rommel carefully checked the information collected here, and found that this faint cloud had only formed recently, and it was spreading slowly, one by one. Until the end, the entire Yika Star was covered!

"This situation seems to be man-made!" Ship Spirit judged.

"What's going on? Who is he? Why do he do this?" Rommel quickly reacted, because if development proceeds according to changes in natural conditions, it cannot be so regular...

"The main purpose of doing this is to interfere with our surveillance network..." Ship Spirit said.

Jueba also noticed it and said loudly: "Could it be that person who did it?"

"Not bad! Seeing as this happened not long ago, maybe he is still here now!" Rommel nodded.

"Then go check it out quickly!"


The two of them couldn't wait to get into the spaceship and head towards the planet Yka...

Yimi No. 9 passed through the light clouds and mist, and what appeared in front of us was an unexpected and shocking picture...

Under the clouds and mist, I saw a deep land. I couldn't see anything on the land because it was so desolate!

However, the land where the puppet race was originally stationed has turned into a high isolated plain. Everyone stayed on this isolated plain and did not even know that great changes had taken place around them!

Ship Ling, Rommel and Jueba were almost dumbfounded...

Yimi No. 9 continued to fly downward, flying lower and lower. It had already passed the surface of the original Yika star and penetrated thousands of miles deep. Looking at those lonely plains, they were actually going straight up, and the surroundings were extremely smooth!

"Cut it down?!!!" The ship spirit shouted in disbelief.

"What?!" Rommel and Jueba shouted in shock.

"Can't you see it yet? Yika Star has shrunk by a full circle, and all its surface has been cut away!" Ship Spirit said.

"How is that possible?!!!" Jueba yelled, his mouth opened in a circle...

Rommel was shaking involuntarily. This scene was so shocking that he could not even imagine it in his dreams...

"Don't look any further. The entire aboriginal area of ​​Yika Star has been relocated. Only us and the puppet race are left here!" Ship Spirit sighed.

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed...

They had no idea that such a terrible secret was hidden under the clouds. If they hadn't come down to check it out in person today, they don't know how long they would have had to wait to find out about it!

"That person... that person... is so awesome!!!" Jueba exclaimed, he was so worshiped that he fell to the ground.

In his opinion, that person must have done this. His ability is so incredible!

Everyone else, including the ship spirit, had their hearts pounding and didn't know what to say...

Yimi-9 circled around the world of Yika and found that it was walking through the giant pillars. These pillars were the straight and lonely plains left after being cut by people, and the surface of the planet was no longer as vibrant as it was before. The surface has become a piece of unusually unfamiliar ground. These surfaces were originally buried deep underground, but are now cut and become new surfaces. Many of them are minerals, which show various colors and shapes under the sunlight. The brilliance is dizzying…

The ship spirit finally reacted and said: "That person is no longer here! Go to Xinyun Star and have a look..."

"Xin Yunxing? Isn't it the same over there?" Rommel shouted in excitement.

"Over there...this person's actions are ahead of us. It's possible as you said!" Ship Spirit agreed.

"Oh my God!"

Realizing this, Yimi-9 accelerated its speed and flew crazily to the next planet, Xinyun Star...

As everyone expected, when Yi Mi 9 arrived at Xin Yun Star, the scene it saw was almost the same as that of Yika Star. The entire Xin Yun Star had also shrunk by a large circle!

"It's over, it's over..." Everyone was thinking silently in their hearts.

They never imagined that the territory they had worked so hard for so many years would be harvested so easily!

Although the aboriginal people really disappeared as they wished, the key point is that they also disappeared with their land!

And after a planet is cut off in such a large circle, can a base be built on the remaining place? This question makes the ship spirit think hard and still can't figure it out...

If it works, it's not a bad thing, because that person's actions objectively help them clear the situation, but if it doesn't work, then all the previous investment of the Yimi people can be said to be in vain...

While Rommel, Jueba, Ship Ling and others were discussing this issue, they flew to Yuen Long Star, Yao Qing Star and Qiu Shui Star to check, and found that the situation on those three planets was also the same. Now it can be determined that that person It seems that they intend to solve the problem completely. They don't want the indigenous people to be harmed in any way, and they don't want to fight with the Yimi people and the puppet race. So they come to the bottom of the pot and simply remove all the indigenous people and their territory, so that the Yimi people will be eliminated. All plans and actions have come to nothing!

too harsh! It’s so cruel! ! !

This is how everyone feels now. Facing such a formidable enemy, even the ship spirit is rarely silent, not knowing what to do...

In the past, the Yimi people came to this starry sky as a high-level civilization and looked down at these lower races. They felt that they could turn their hands to make clouds, turn their hands to make rain, and do whatever they wanted!

And things did progress as they wished. All the indigenous people were trembling under their control, lying on the ground. Although they were struggling to death, they could only wait for the end of the world sadly...

Unexpectedly, after that person appeared, everything changed!

They have overcome poisons like the Death God XVI, and now they are pulling out all the stops and moving all the aboriginal areas away, leaving only five desolate planets for them...

"Where is he?! Where is he?!" Jueba roared hysterically.

For him, he doesn't care what happens to these planets, the most important thing is to find this person and ask him for the detoxification pill!

If there is no detoxification pill, everything is just talk!

Rommel also reacted and said: "Ship Spirit, where is this person?"

"I didn't find it. I should have left these five main stars!" The ship spirit sighed.

"What should we do? Even the aboriginal people are missing. Finding him is like looking for a needle in a haystack! If we can't find him, we are all doomed..."

"Calm down! It won't help if you are so anxious! I'm wondering about something right now..." Ship Spirit said.

"What's up?"

"Vice President Luo said before that President Ying was checking how to build a base on the five main stars, but we have checked these five main stars, but why didn't we see him?"

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