The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2683 Remote Control Command

( ) Yimi is a little confused!

Just now, they had the upper hand and were gradually taking control of the battle, but in the blink of an eye, they suffered the most violent counterattack. Such a situation was extremely rare even in the starry sky battlefield that changed a lot.

Libushan, who was at his peak, was keenly aware of the action intentions of those frigates. Wu Xu's command made him feel waves of excitement. His whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds and fog, and it was extremely refreshing...

"Come on! Come on! Let the storm come more violently!" Liba Yamakou murmured, his eyes fixed on the frigates, as if they were about to spit out fire!

He knows that success or failure depends on this!

These frigates are almost the last few shells Wu Xu can fire. They may become the last straw to crush him, or they may be successfully intercepted and destroyed by him. By then, the starry sky will be completely destroyed. This is the world of the people of Yimi...

In essence, he and Wu Xu are both gamblers, and the two sides are working together to stage a shocking gambling game. At present, Wu Xu has placed the last few bets, and of course he is not far behind. On top of the gambling game, when the results are revealed Before, no matter who it was, they would make themselves look more like a winner!

Those who dare not follow will lose first...

"Handsome ship, target, the opponent's five frigates!!!" Libushan ordered.

"What?! You must not do it!!!" the ship spirit shouted.

"Repeat, handsome ship, target, the opponent's five frigates!!!" Libushan remained unmoved and continued to order.

"This..." The ship spirit was stunned and immediately stopped objecting, but still did not take action.

"Repeat for the second time, handsome ship, target, the opponent's five frigates!!! If you don't do it, all authority of the ship spirit will be removed immediately!" Libushan ordered again.

"Yes! Marshal!!!" The ship spirit finally responded loudly.

The handsome ship of the Yimi fleet vibrated slightly. It was obvious that the formation inside the ship was in full swing. The energy gas was like silk, quickly filling the entire cabin. The abundant energy stimulated the mountain and shouted "ho ho", and the whole body was full of energy. Shaking, eyes blood red...

Suddenly, a strong stinging pain came out from all over his body. The terrible pain made him couldn't help but scream. It felt as if his head was hit hard by a huge force. He screamed and fell down. On the ground, unaware of human affairs...

I feel like a brave knight when I pull up the mountain.

Riding a white war horse, galloping in the vast starry sky, holding a long gun, he picked off an opponent's warship with one shot. Those shells that came at him were completely knocked away by him casually swinging them. He single-handedly picked them off. He flew all the opponent's warships that came to intercept them like toys to completely invisible places. Then he went straight to the opponent's handsome ship, and killed the opponent's most advanced warship with several consecutive shots, and finally caught him. The opponent’s coach!

"Haha, are you Wu Xu?! Why do you look so small?!"

Wu Xu raised his head and hummed: "I'm very young to begin with..."

"You dare to come against me at such a young age. You are really brave!"

"Haha, it's everyone's duty to protect the family and the land! Even the youngest child will stand up against you! Everyone wants to dig out your heart, peel off your skin, and eat your flesh!" Wu Xu laughed.

"Oh?! You hate me so much?!" Li Bashan was startled.

"Of course! Wherever you go, you rob homes, kill people, steal all the medicines, and force people to grow herbal medicine for you. You are human beings, aren't we human beings? Why do we have to lose our freedom and everything for you? Go grow herbs?!" Wu Xu yelled.

"This... we Yimi people are all poisoned, and we need a lot of medicinal herbs..." Libushan muttered.

"Hmph, the reason why you were poisoned is because you want to develop the poison of Death Sixteen to harm the surrounding civilizations. The purpose is to conquer others and satisfy your own selfish desires! God has mercy on you and allows you to reap the consequences. You are poisoned. Infecting yourself with the virus you developed is called self-inflicted retribution. You cannot blame others. This is not a reason for you to use others as a backstop!" Wu Xu sneered.

Libushan was speechless when Wu Xu retorted, so he could only say: "No matter what, we Yimi people are poisoned and naturally need to be treated. God can't watch so many of us being tortured by the virus. In the end, All die! So, as long as there is a glimmer of hope and a chance, we will seize it tightly and focus on saving the lives of all our Yimi people!"

"The lives of the people of Yimi are so important. Aren't we Wanrou people, Xudun people, Gezhi people, Letian people... not important? Although our civilization level is slightly lower, but together we are a powerful civilization, we will not How much worse than you! Just like this starry sky war, do you think you won?" Wu Xu said loudly.

"I've caught you now!" Li Bashan said with a proud smile.

"Wrong! You are just dreaming. You have been poisoned by Yushan's big poison erysipelas and cannot command this battle at all. Although your peak state is indeed very powerful, it also cost you a heavy price, because you have to pay a heavy price. Maintaining that state requires you to consume countless spiritual energy, and your body has long been weakened by the virus. When you are at your peak, they take the opportunity to invade. Therefore, you ordered the dispatch of handsome ships to resist. Those five frigates were your most correct order, but it was also your most incorrect order, because making such a decision must have consumed a lot of energy in your body, so the virus must have started at that time and knocked you down instantly. !" Wu Xu said coldly.

"What? Aren't I fine? How could I be knocked down by the virus?!" Li Bashan was stunned.

"Haha, do you think you are really riding on a white horse? Do you think the spear in your hand can really fly a warship? Do you think you really caught me?!"

Wu Xu laughed loudly and suddenly broke away from Libushan's hand. He spun rapidly in the air for several times like a ghost, spinning higher and higher. He punched out from a high place and hit Libushan hard with an astonishing force. On your body!


Liba Shan screamed miserably, and his whole body was shot away. He flew farther and farther, and flew deeper and deeper, seeming to have fallen into a bottomless abyss...

He kept screaming, screaming, screaming...

"Commander! Marshal!! Marshal!!!" Someone shouted in his ear urgently.

Libashan heard someone calling him, but he felt weak all over. It was difficult to even open his eyelids. He felt that his eyelids were as heavy as mountains. It was really difficult!

However, the good thing is that he feels that the downward trend seems to have stopped. There is a force holding him up, giving him something to rely on. Moreover, the power holding him up seems to be continuously inputting strength, and It quickly spread throughout his body...

A warm air traveled throughout his body, covering his skin, skeleton, bone marrow, meridians, blood vessels, organs, and star roots...

"It's so comfortable..." Liba Shan couldn't help but murmured. He hadn't experienced this refreshing feeling for a long time. After this warm current traveled through his body, his strength returned bit by bit. On your own body!

His eyes suddenly opened. Before that, his consciousness had scanned the surroundings and found that he was still in his handsome ship, but he was not in his familiar command seat, but lying in his own rest space. within!

He quickly remembered what happened before. When he was at the peak of his command state, a burst of severe pain hit him that he couldn't resist. He finally passed out from the pain. After that, he seemed to have a nightmare. It was impossible to know how long this nightmare lasted. I knew it, but I didn't know what the situation was, so I asked anxiously: "What's going on? Why am I here? How is the war outside?!"

"Commander, you finally woke up! It's so great!!" the voice of the ship spirit came.

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!" Libashan was really anxious!

At this moment, he has thought of countless possibilities, but almost every possibility is extremely detrimental to the Yimi civilization. Because without his own command, the battle situation on various battlefields will definitely reverse drastically. I am afraid that the current situation in Yimi Extremely bad…

"Commander, don't worry, all foreign civilization fleets have been repulsed, but because the commander is unconscious, we don't dare to pursue him outside, so we still stay here and wait for the commander to wake up..." the ship spirit said excitedly.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Li Bashan was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes! The commander-in-chief didn't know something. After you fell into coma, the great lord took over your position and directed the battles on various battlefields, repelling them all, and..."

"And what?!"

"He also sent someone to deliver an antidote. After the commander took it, he woke up quickly. I wonder how you feel now?" Ship Spirit asked.

"This... I feel very good now. The dull pain has disappeared... Wait, you mean the Great Lord sent someone to deliver an antidote?" Li Bashan said suspiciously.


"So, the Great Lord did not personally come to command the battle on my handsome ship?"

"Yes! He commanded it remotely from the rear..." Ship Spirit said.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Li Bashan said in shock.

In his opinion, it was too unbelievable to take over his position in the meeting hall in the rear, control the entire battlefield battle, and repel the opponent. In addition, the Great Lord was not engaged in military affairs. Genius, he knew this better than anyone else.

If there is anyone in Yimi who can fight against two brothers, Wood and Wu Xu, that person must be himself, and only himself. There can be no second person, including the Great Lord!

In such a chaotic and complex starry sky battlefield situation at that time, the Great Lord, who was not a military genius, was able to control the battle on the front line from the rear, and also repelled the alien civilization fleet commanded by the two brothers Wuchwood. This is absolutely nonsense...

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