The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2684 We are about to create a miracle

( ) Ship Spirit said: "It is indeed the Great Lord who is personally commanding him! His voice, pitch, idioms, speaking speed...etc. are consistent with the data stored on our battleship, and he has also passed the inspection on the handsome ship. Marshal identity verification, except for the Great Lord, no other person can pass such a test!"

"This..." Li Bashan was completely stunned.

It is extremely difficult and cumbersome to pass the handsome ship's verification. Even he sometimes feels a little bored with the whole verification process. Sometimes he even fails to pass when his condition is not good. If this happens, It is necessary to conduct a naked examination on him, including appearance, body shape, blood draw, breath, internal scan, etc., in order to prevent him from being snatched or having any other accidents. After all, he is a commander-in-chief. The safety of the entire army is one of the core foundations of the entire Yimi civilization, and there is no room for any mistakes...

Libushan knew that after such a set of level tests, no more mistakes would be possible. Therefore, since the Great Lord passed the inspection of the handsome ship, then he must be the Great Lord himself!

However, he still noticed that there might be a problem in one of the links, so he asked: "The Great Lord is commanded by remote control. Does this mean that you did not verify his nakedness?"

"Indeed! But from a procedural point of view, he has passed all the previous verifications and does not need to undergo a naked inspection at all, so he is in compliance with the verification procedures! Commander, don't worry, the great lord commanding the battle is indeed him. If not, , will he still help us fight Wu Xu and the Wood brothers?" Ship Spirit said.

"Okay... you are right, maybe I am too cautious..."

"The command ability of the Great Lord is really beyond our expectation. Under his command, our warships in various battlefields seemed to come alive all of a sudden, beating the opponent to the point where they were unable to fight back. Wu Xu saw the situation It's not good, so we immediately recalled all the warships and evacuated hastily..." the ship spirit said excitedly.

"Is that so?!" Li Bashan's eyes were a little confused...

"Yes, if the Lord hadn't seen that the commander was still unconscious, he probably wouldn't have ordered us not to pursue him, otherwise we would have won a complete victory!!!" Ship Spirit said loudly.

Liba Shanfa was stunned for a while, then came to his senses and asked: "Who sent the detoxification pill?"

"Master An!"

"An Jing?"

"Yes!" Ship Spirit replied.

"Has our Medical Association already developed the antidote for Death Sixteen?" Libushan asked in surprise.

"No! Master An said that this antidote can only temporarily relieve the poison in the body.

The antidote that can truly completely cure the poison of Death God Sixteen and Yushan's Great Poison Pill is far from being developed. Even the amount of antidote given to the commander now is only a few doses, and even the five supreme elders have not yet given it. Didn’t get it! "Jian Ling said.

"I see…"

Li Bashan suddenly understood, and a warm feeling passed through his heart. It seemed that the Great Lord valued him the most. He didn't even give the antidote to the five supreme elders, but he gave it to himself first...

"By the way, what are our losses? What about the other party?" He asked again.

"We lost fifteen warships in the early stages of the war due to the incompetence of the sanitary workers. Later, under the command of the general, the two sides lost five warships during the battle. Later, three of the opponent's fleets penetrated deep into our rear and destroyed thirteen of our warships. Reserve warships, therefore, we lost a total of thirty-three warships! The opponent's early losses were almost the same as ours..." Ship Spirit said.

"This... what about when the Great Lord is commanding?" Li Bashan asked.

"No losses! All our warships were intact when the Great Lord commanded, and we also sank fifty-six of the opponent's warships!"

"What?!!!" Li Bashan was dumbfounded, and his heart was extremely shocked!

What kind of achievement is this? ! Our side suffered no losses and sank so many battleships of the other side, which was much more than the total number of battles we had defeated the other side!

Moreover, it can be said that Wu Xu gave up on his own initiative, fifteen of the battleships lost by Wanrou, and did not sink them through his own tactical command...

"It's precisely because our counterattack was so sharp that Wanrou's side couldn't resist it. It didn't take long for Wu Xu to retreat across the board, and we sunk so many warships in one round of pursuit!" Ship Spirit continued loudly.

"Great!!! What now? Have the battleships we lost been rescued? What about the other side's?" Li Bashan asked.

"This..." Ship Spirit was startled and muttered.

"What's wrong?" Liba Shanqi asked.

"Those lost warships are being searched for, but none of them have been recovered yet..."

"Not even one? How is that possible?!"

"That's true! I don't know what happened to those battleships. After they were sunk, even the ship spirits lost information and could not be contacted at all. Otherwise, they would have been found..."

"Have all the ship spirits lost information?" Li Bashan asked.


"Is this normal?" Li Bashan snorted.


"That's right! This kind of situation has almost never happened in the past. Even if the sunken battleship is severely damaged, the ship spirit can still maintain normal communication. But now not only can't communicate, but all ship spirits can't. This is definitely not true. It’s normal, we must check it out!”

"Yes! Commander!!!" Ship Spirit responded quickly.

Soon, Libashan reorganized the fleet and started searching on a large scale...

In another starry sky, Wu Xu and the Wood brothers were gathering together dejectedly, discussing the previous battle...

In that battle, they had a good chance to win in one fell swoop, because they had pushed the Yimi fleet to the limit, especially when Wu Xu sent the last five frigates to attack the opponent's handsome ship. The ship is swaying, almost losing all its capabilities, and may explode completely after a while...

At that time, the entire starry sky battlefield seemed to fall into silence all of a sudden. All the battleships were watching that scene, because everyone knew that that battle was related to the entire battle situation. If the handsome ship was exploded, then the Yimi fleet would After being defeated for thousands of miles, they were brutally slaughtered!

At that time, Wan Rou Xu Dun's fleet can march straight in, bloodbath the Yi Mi main star and the seven satellites, and achieve a complete reversal!

This just battle will have an extremely happy ending...


I don’t know what happened to that handsome ship, but when it was about to die, it suddenly regained its courage, nimbly dodged all the attacks, and sank five frigates in one fell swoop. Then, the entire battle situation took an unparalleled turn!

On all battlefields, the warships of the Yimi fleet were like divine help. I don't know how they were controlled. They suddenly became extremely powerful. They defeated the warships of Wanrou's side and were unable to fight back. One of the warships was sunk. One after another, one after another!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Xu decisively issued an evacuation order. All the warships fled the battlefield desperately and flew into the distance...

Fortunately for them, the Yimi fleet did not pursue it to the end. They stopped after shooting down a group of their own warships. This allowed most of their warships to escape and preserved their main combat power. …

Brothers Wu Xu and Wood were both puzzled by the huge transformation of that handsome ship. It stands to reason that if it really has such combat power, it will be very strong from the beginning, and it is impossible to let our side The fleet fought in such a miserable manner that it suffered heavy losses.

You know, every battleship is the crystallization of countless wealth. Losing one can sometimes be fatal to a small civilization!

Some small civilizations may devote the entire civilization's wealth and power to only build one or two battleships that can participate in the starry sky level.

This is true even for Yi Mi. The reason why the Yi Mi fleet is so powerful is due to its accumulation over countless years. Many high-end spaceships were built with great effort at different periods. If they are allowed to build a fleet in a short time, Fleet, that is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, for a commander in command of Star Wars, the highest goal is to do his best to protect every warship on the basis of defeating the enemy. However, this is often just a dream, and almost no one can do it in reality!


Such a thing actually appeared in front of Wu Xu and Wood!

The two of them knew very well that after the resurrection of the Yimi commander, they did not sink a single battleship of the other side on all battlefields. On the contrary, all their own warships were chased and beaten by the other side, and the other side's cannonballs were fired. Almost all the bullets were missed, and the blow was fatal. It seemed that all the weaknesses of our own warship were caught by the opponent, making it appear extremely weak...

In that short period of time, we lost fifty-six warships, accounting for 30% of the total number of warships!

How can we fight such a battle? Can I still fight? !

At that moment, Wu Xu finally had to admit defeat and admit the huge gap between him and Liba Mountain, so he withdrew the entire line and stayed away from the battlefield...

He carefully took inventory of the entire combat process and believed that all his commands before the opponent's handsome ship was resurrected were correct. Moreover, he had given full play to his advantages of having a good view of the overall situation, being good at making surprise moves, and daring to engage in psychological warfare. He might be only a few steps away from success. A little distance, however, after the handsome ship was resurrected, everything changed, and it changed so fast that he couldn't react at all. This had never happened before in his commanding career!

"Why was I powerless to fight back at that time? Why couldn't I fight back in time? Why did I let them slaughter our warships..." Wu Xu felt extremely painful when thinking of this, his eyes were red, and he hammered his head hard.

Wood quickly grabbed his hand and advised: "Things happened too fast. The opponent's attacks were all aimed at our weaknesses. How could we fight back under such circumstances? We are lucky to have escaped with so many battleships. …”

"Yes, Commander, we are close to defeating Yimi, we are about to create a miracle!"

"There is absolutely no problem with the commander's command. I have no objection!"

"Support the marshal!"

"Support the marshal..."

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