The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2690 Primary Particles

( ) Therefore, the two of them carefully adjusted the level of the monitoring network and carried out continuous observation and monitoring without missing any information, whether it was useful or useless...

It can be said that all the information about the dark universe strongly attracts Li Yun and Xiaoxing. They are extremely eager to understand the dark universe as soon as possible, because they know that the positive universe is only about a quarter of this big universe. , maybe not yet, and the rest is the world of the dark universe. The matter and energy level of the dark universe are several times higher than that of the normal universe. Therefore, "whoever wins the dark universe wins the world" should be correct!

Only by making major breakthroughs in the research of the dark universe can we have the qualifications and confidence to impact higher-level civilizations. There is no doubt about this!

"Their words sound quite unique. Can we decipher them?" Li Yun asked.

"The language of the dark universe is indeed a bit difficult to decipher, but fortunately we have faith in the cave world, so this problem is not difficult for Xiaonu!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Yes, the language there happens to correspond to our universe..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

"Exactly! In order to seduce the people of the positive universe, Faith Travertine has compiled almost all the languages ​​​​in it, in addition to the languages ​​​​of various races in the positive universe, there are also the languages ​​​​of countless races in the dark universe. These The contents of the languages ​​are all consistent. Through the correspondences they reveal, we can basically decipher the languages ​​​​of various races in the dark universe. Moreover, the Cave of Faith also stores a large amount of information from the dark universe, which is beneficial to us. Regarding the task of deciphering their language, in fact, we already know a lot about the dark universe!" Xiaoxing said.

"Great! It seems that the people from Dark Universe have laid a good foundation for us. It is really a huge task to collect and evolve so many language types..." Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"That's right! However, since the think tank has just deciphered part of it, a lot of information about the dark universe is still half-understood and unsystematic. After a while, there should be no problem!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Don't's quite difficult to achieve this level. On the other hand, the people in the dark universe may not be able to understand the positive universe as quickly as us, right?" Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty is right! They have been lurking in the positive universe for a long time, but we have only been exposed to the dark universe for a short time. However, with our ability, I believe we can catch up with them in a relatively short time. Fuck them..." Xiaoxing said ambitiously.

"What I'm talking about is not to be better than them, but to understand them well..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, no matter in terms of understanding or ability,

We will all surpass them soon! The current Star Fortune Castle's capabilities have increased by more than a thousand times compared to before, and this is the positive universe. I believe that no matter how strong the people or spacecraft they come are, they are unlikely to be our opponents! However, if we go to the dark universe, we should be more careful..."

"Of course! However, your self-confidence should not be too inflated. It should be noted that although the ability of Xingyun Castle has been increased a thousand times, can this ability be used to deal with the Tiangang Treasure Star? That is a matter of a sixth-level civilization. And it is very likely to reach the peak stage or the early stage of level seven, and belong to the boss-level civilization in the universe. We must have that kind of ability to have absolute confidence that we can defeat anyone in the dark universe!" Li Yun said.

"Well...I'm afraid our current level is almost the same...With the current strength of Xingyun Castle, there will definitely be no problem in the late sixth level, but whether we can deal with Tiangang Baoxing, I'm afraid we won't be able to make a concrete conclusion until we get to the scene, but..."

"But what?"

"If we make a major breakthrough in our research on the dark universe, our level will be greatly improved. By then, we will have no problem dealing with Tiangang Baoxing!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"you sure?"

"Very sure! Our research in the positive universe is close to the limit. We understand more and more about positive particles and use them more and more widely. In the future, we will definitely be able to turn both Xingyun Castle and Tianyun World into positive particle worlds. , then these two worlds will become two masses of extremely pure positive energy, but for the entire universe, positive energy only accounts for about a quarter. If you want to improve it, you must start from dark energy, dark matter and Starting from the dark universe, every improvement we make in the dark system can improve our overall capabilities. If we can study dark pole particles to the limit like positive pole particles, then our level can be greatly improved..."

"And after that?"

"There is still room for improvement in the future, because there is an annihilation effect between positive and dark particles. We are still not sure about this effect and cannot grasp it. If we can understand the reason, maybe we can also create something out of nothing. !" Xiaoxing said in shock.

"Create something out of nothing? You mean...we separated positive particles and dark particles in a void?" Li Yun was shocked and said in surprise.

"This possibility exists! Since positive and dark particles can annihilate each other in the invisible, it is not impossible to separate positive and dark particles from the invisible..."

"Wo..." Li Yun exclaimed softly, completely losing his composure!

Xiaoxing’s point of view is so genius, so genius!

If it can really be done, then one person can create a big world and a big universe out of nothingness. This is simply the rhythm of the Creator...

Could it be...that this is how the universe was created? !

Li Yun simply couldn't imagine this, but after carefully thinking about Xiaoxing's point of view, it seems that it is not impossible. Since there are positive universe and dark universe, positive energy and dark energy, positive matter and dark matter, There are positive particles and dark particles... This means that there are always two sides of the universe, one positive and one dark. They are both separated and merged. For example, at the level of black holes, it is the most powerful proof of the fusion of positive and dark!

Whether it is positive matter, dark matter, or positive energy, dark energy, when it comes to the black hole, it will merge into it and disappear...

This well illustrates the existence of the positive-dark annihilation effect!

So, what if the black hole dies?

You must know that no matter what it is, it will have its moment of death. If the black hole is really finished, then where will the positive matter, dark matter, positive energy and dark energy that it originally swallowed go?

Was it being released? Or is it possible to separate positive particles and dark particles from the invisible, and then regenerate new positive matter, dark matter, positive energy and dark energy?

If it is such a process, then it seems acceptable to go from invisible to positive and dark pole particles, and then to positive and dark matter and energy...

Li Yun's mind was racing, but it was still difficult to accept this view, and he thought: "The process of the positive and dark particles annihilating each other invisibly, and then re-separating the positive and dark particles from the invisible, seems too magical, maybe we have ignored it What…"

"Oh? What do you think we have overlooked, sir?" Xiaoxing asked.

"First of all, why is there annihilation, and why is there separation? There should be a starting mechanism here, which is the condition for occurrence. Under this condition, when positive and dark particles meet, mutual annihilation will occur, and the invisible separation will occur. The emergence of positive and dark particles..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Your Excellency is right. In fact, our think tank has begun to notice the problem of the conditions for the mutual annihilation of positive and dark particles... However, there are currently no clues about the conditions for the invisible separation of positive and dark particles..." Xiaoxing praised .

Li Yun suddenly realized that it seemed that Xiaoxing and the think tank's research was still one step ahead of him...

"Okay! Secondly, I think that the so-called intangible should not actually be truly intangible. Just like many people fail to recognize positive particles and dark particles, so they think that they are intangible from the molecule down, but we don't We know that there are microns, ultra-nanotrinos, and positive and dark pole particles below the molecule! Therefore, maybe after they annihilate each other, they do not disappear into nothing, but new and more subtle particles are generated, but we have not yet been able to Just recognize it..." Li Yun thought.

"This... this idea is very imaginative, sir!" Xiaoxing praised.

"Thank you..." Li Yun smiled.

"No! This idea should be proven! Just like the principle of survivor bias, although we don't see it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist! If we imagine that such a particle exists, then we can name it For 'native particles'!"

"Primary particles?!"

"Yes! They are the primary particles of the universe! Everything in the universe comes from its fission and evolution, and when all these annihilate each other, they will be re-synthesized into new primary particles!" Xiaoxing said.

"You mean, the resynthesized primary particles are not the same as the original primary particles?" Li Yun thought.

"Although we can't see this now, we know that when things evolve, the resynthesized things will always be somewhat different from the original ones. For example, those true blood beings are formed from the original chaotic state of true blood. Split and evolved into true-blood beings. These true-blood beings have practiced in various places and experienced different lives. When they have the opportunity to come back together, their cultivation and experience will be shared and integrated, and they will be reunited. The generated true blood life is already very different from the original! Even if they are the same primary particles, there should be slight differences between individuals, but they will be the same in large properties..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! It's like cathode particles. Although their main properties are the same, each individual particle cannot be the same. They all have their own personalities..."

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