The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2691 6-dimensional space

( ) The conjecture about primary particles is Li Yun and Xiaoxing’s biggest conjecture so far!

If this conjecture is confirmed, then all the secrets about this universe seem to be about to be completely revealed...

However, it is not enough to just have a conjecture. It must also be proven, discovered, understood and utilized. For this, Li Yun and Xiaoxing are still very lacking in ability.

So far, they have only studied positive particles and dark matter molecules, but they have not yet reached the level of dark matter particles and dark matter particles, let alone this imaginary primary particle. As for whether the primary particles exist and where they are hidden, I don’t know anything about the characteristics and so on. That kind of depth may be difficult to achieve, or even never be achieved...

There may be opportunities, but even if the opportunity comes now, it is of no use to them because they cannot grasp it or understand it.

Only after they have thoroughly researched the dark pole particles will it be possible to further study the primary particles. Therefore, the most important task at present is to capture the spaceships of the dark universe people and conduct research on the dark system. Great strides forward!

Both of them understood this, so they dedicated a ray of consciousness to pay attention to them.

"Sir, looking at the status of those spaceships, it is estimated that there will be no movement for a while. We can still prepare for a while..." Xiaoxing said.

"Well, the longer the time, the better it is for us to decipher. It is best to understand what they are talking about..." Li Yun said.

"I hope so! Judging from their demeanor, they should cherish the opportunity here. It can be seen that this nebula is extremely important to them, and they will not leave in a short time! Moreover, the scope of this nebula is extremely large. Guang, the level should be extremely high. They have reached such a deep position, and it will take a lot of time to get out..."

"By the way, we know that there should be a black hole behind this nebula. They didn't really come from the black hole, right?" Li Yun suddenly thought of this.

"This... although we have not seen or come close to a real large black hole, but from our previous experience of exploring the Xuanling Sun, there should be many passages around the large black hole, and there may be things like Xuanling in these passages. Such a channel should be safe and can be used by spacecraft to pass through the eye channel of the Xuanling Sun! Therefore, it is not impossible to say that they may come out through the eye channel of the black hole, but the energy of a large black hole is much lower than that of the Xuanling Sun. How many times higher, therefore, even the eye channel may be extremely chaotic and unstable. It may take a lot of energy and mental strength to pass through such a channel, which can also explain why they are so tired and need to stay here. Recovering in a nebula..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Is it possible that it goes through the center of the black hole? We have discussed it before,

The black hole may be the highest level in the channel level. If it passes through the center of the black hole, it may take the shortest time and the fastest speed..." Li Yun thought.

"The center of the black hole may be just a small space with a very small diameter and extremely strong gravity. From the perspective of the large scale of the universe, this small space is actually a singularity. We don't know whether matter can safely pass through that small space, but It is highly unlikely, because a lot of matter has long been torn into pieces by the strong gravity when approaching the singularity of the black hole. Judging from the mass of these spacecraft, it is extremely unlikely that they will safely pass through the center of the black hole. , Unless there is some kind of protection mechanism in the central channel of the black hole, they can pass through safely..." Xiaoxing continued.

"Well, it is indeed too early to explore the black hole passage. However, the previous experiences of these spacecraft are extremely important to us. Maybe the answer lies with them! It seems that our research here must speed up..."


Stimulated by the major discovery of the dark spaceship, the two began to devote themselves to new actions...

The monitoring network is constantly expanding, the position of Xingyun Castle is gradually moving forward, and the speed of devouring dark energy and dark matter is also increasing!

In addition, as the capabilities of the monitoring network become stronger and stronger, it is possible to intercept in advance the dark matter and dark energy that is attracted from all directions. This kind of operation is safer and more reliable, because under normal circumstances it will not be noticed by possible nebular life forms.

Especially now that the core of this nebula is devouring positive matter and positive energy. The volume of this part of material energy is extremely large, close to dozens of large planets. Even an ordinary black hole would take a long time to achieve such a volume. Completed, and this nebula actually wants to swallow it for himself, which shows his huge appetite and strong desire!

This also successfully shifted its attention to the core position, basically ignoring the edge areas, and even ignored the few dark spaceships staying close to the core area...

Here, matter clouds are rolling wildly, and the clouds are filled with countless positive and dark matter and energy. They form vortices of different sizes, just like the eruption of fountains at the bottom of the ocean. They are messy, hazy, and breathtaking. Dizzying…

The diameters of some of these vortices are as large as planets, which are comparable to the surging air whirlpools on gaseous planets. It is not easy for the life in this nebula to swallow such a large-scale material and energy vortex. Escape is also possible. No wonder it will desperately attract more dark matter and dark energy from all directions to replenish it...

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for nebular life to discover that the unfused material energy in the edge area is cut off, and that the foreign dark matter and dark energy are trapped!

It can be said that this is a good opportunity for Xingyun Castle. Of course Xiaoxing will not be polite and speeds up to absorb and devour...

Li Yun carefully observed the core area, and then thought of the issue about primary particles discussed with Xiaoxing before, and said: "Now there are many phenomena of annihilation of positive and dark particles in the core area of ​​the nebula. This process can be said to be a living thing. What is happening before us is, if primary particles really exist, where will they be after they are annihilated?"

Xiaoxing said: "The level of primary particles is higher than that of positive and dark pole particles. Its vitality and energy determine that it must be very active, but we cannot feel it. Therefore, Xiaonu thought of a possibility..."

"What is it?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"They may exist in a higher dimensional space..." Little Star said in surprise.

"A higher dimensional space? That makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up!

"The dimension of space we are in now is three dimensions. Adding time makes it four dimensions. Adding the void dimension formed by the power of space makes it five dimensions. However, five-dimensional space is far from the limit of the universe. From this perspective, we can also see It turns out that cathode particles and dark pole particles should not be the limits of particles, but according to our current research results, the limit particles in the five-dimensional space are cathode particles and dark pole particles. Then, if primary particles are formed, there will only be six Only one dimensional space can accommodate it!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Six-dimensional space... Oh my god..." Li Yun exclaimed softly, feeling a little crazy...

In fact, after coming to this universe and coming into contact with dimensions such as time and void, he has been fascinated by the magic of this universe. But now, he discovered that this may not be the limit of this universe, because of the The dimensions are very likely to reach more than six dimensions!

What a magical universe is this?

The deeper he studied, the less he realized he knew. Li Yun couldn't help but feel a sense of awe in his heart, and paid the highest respect to the universe...

Xiaoxing continued: "The six-dimensional space may look peaceful, but it must be filled with countless high-energy particles. Ordinary people will definitely die if they enter. Even if super powers enter, they may be suppressed to death by the huge pressure. It is difficult to You can move... It's like ordinary mortals entering the fairy world. They can't adapt to it at all, and they can't breathe that kind of gas. So, for us, the six-dimensional space is a forbidden place. Even if it is open to us now, we can't Just run in without thinking!"

"From this perspective, do large black holes count as six-dimensional space?" Li Yun asked doubtfully.

"This is a good question, sir! With the strong gravity of a large black hole, it is certainly a forbidden area for us at present. Moreover, it is very likely to attract those primary particles. For example, the positive dark particles appear in the core of this nebula. The primary particles produced after the annihilation phenomenon may be attracted by it and run towards it..."

"Then, aren't there many primary particles in black holes?"

"This is very likely! In fact, if the black hole dies, the material energy it originally swallowed is very likely to be released again, but this release does not mean spitting them out intact, but after a round of A round of material and energy transformation turns into a large number of primary particles, and finally the primary particles achieve the purpose of releasing material energy! In other words, the process of the death of a black hole may actually be a process of re-creation of the primary particles. A black hole may create a new starry sky. If the scale of a black hole is infinite, then it is very likely to create a new universe!!!" Xiaoxing said again in shocking words.

"Wo..." Li Yun was dumbfounded and his imagination was wide open!

Xiaoxing's imagination is astonishing, but his imagination is not a random guess without any boundaries, but a conclusion reached after deducing over and over again on a rational and logical basis. Therefore, his Imagination is most likely reality!

Li Yun strongly agrees with this. The falling of a fruit is not death, but the beginning of new life. A piece of dead wood seems to be decayed, but who would have thought that there are new sprouts sprouting under it? A sun was exploded into powder by a supernova, but isn't there a new sun being nurtured in the stardust?

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