The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2692 A devouring monster appears?

( ) Therefore, the death of a black hole may also mean the birth of a new life, and this new life may be a new starry sky or a new universe!

With the high-energy state of primary particles, it is not a miracle that they create such a world, but it is normal.

Perhaps, the current universe was transformed by the death of a super-large black hole!

Thinking of this, Li Yun's heart surged and it was difficult to calm down...

Looking at the starry sky, I feel that there are countless stories going on in the depths of the starry sky, waiting for me to reveal their secrets one by one. Moreover, it seems that there is a pair of eyes looking at me, with eyes full of challenges and teasing. means, as if asking yourself, can you understand all this?

Only when you understand all of this can you be qualified to come to me...

"Lord of the Universe?!" Li Yun was slightly startled.

"What?!" Xiaoxing was also stunned when he heard this!

"I seemed to have felt the presence of the Lord of the Universe just now..." Li Yun murmured.

"Wow...really?!" Xiaoxing said in shock.

"Well, maybe it's an illusion. However, the emergence of such an illusion at this time shows that we are approaching the core secret of the universe step by step. We must believe in ourselves!!!" Li Yun muttered.

"Your Excellency is right! Our strength is accelerating, but this is not the most important thing. Our understanding of the universe is getting deeper and deeper, more comprehensive, and getting closer to the essence of the universe. This is our greatest Capital, it is precisely because we have the potential to understand the essence of this universe that we have attracted the attention of the Lord of the Universe... However, for now, he may not be able to discover us. At most, he can lock on this starry sky..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"That makes sense! So we have to be more cautious when doing things. If we can't show up directly, we won't show up. If we can do things through others, let others do it. Our attention should be focused on studying the secrets of this universe..."

"Hey, that's right! If the Lord of the Universe can really sense that someone is approaching the secret of his universe, then he may take certain means to find out. No matter what his purpose is, currently we have We can't meet them, because the strength of both sides is definitely not at the same level, which is unfair to us!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Of course! If our previous conjecture is correct, then he may be overlooking and searching the entire universe in that six-dimensional space now, trying to dig us out! So it is best for us to communicate now through consciousness or idea,

Or in a think tank, so as to effectively avoid his induction! "Li Yun thought.

"Not bad!" Xiaoxing praised.

After such an episode, the two people no longer communicated aloud about the cognition of the universe. They all communicated accordingly in the evolution of the think tank. This is the most familiar communication method for the two, and it is also the best way to avoid problems. Through the way of induction from the Lord of the Universe...

While the two of them continued to study the dark energy nebula and the core secrets of the universe, Li Bashan and Wu Xu were going crazy in the Yimi starry sky!

It can be said that the two of them have tried their best to find those missing warships. Many of the warships responsible for the search have flown extremely far away, but they still have not discovered the boundary of the mysterious power of the universe.

What has actually happened?

They can't figure out the reason, but what they know is that they absolutely cannot bear this kind of loss, because the complete disappearance of so many warships involves a large amount of personnel, materials and financial resources, especially those personnel, they can say that they all They are the elites of various civilizations. I don't know how much resources and time it takes to train the soldiers on a battleship. Now they all disappear. This kind of blow is really too heavy!

They are simply unable to explain themselves to the civilized forces behind them.

Therefore, of course both of them suppressed this information, and then desperately increased their search efforts, trying to find those missing warships as soon as possible...

But paper cannot cover the fire. Behind each of the missing people, there are countless related people, and their fate involves the nerves of these people. Therefore, as time goes by, this news will inevitably be revealed. It exploded, first within the fleet, and then spread from the fleet to the outside. Now, not only people from the Yimi civilization and people from surrounding small and medium-sized civilizations have begun to learn about it, but it is also spreading rapidly, and has caused people from various civilizations to Strong reaction!

While the people were shocked and panicked by the mysterious disappearance of the battleship, they also put pressure on the fleet, demanding that they find the missing soldiers immediately, and they must see their bodies alive and dead...

Soon, senior leaders of various civilizations also joined in, accusing the fleet of being incompetent and ruthless. They have not been found after they have been missing for so long, and there seems to be no clue at all. Is this a responsible attitude?

For these senior officials, it is a common tactic to comply with public opinion and put pressure on the fleet. This can strengthen the control of the fleet and prevent it from getting out of control...

As a result, Libashan, Wuxu Wood and others faced even greater pressure. They now had no intention of fighting at all, and all they were thinking about was how to recover the missing warships and soldiers.

On the Yimi main star and the seven satellites, a large number of people gathered in front of the Yilihui. These people held up slogans and shouted slogans to express their indignation!

In the square in front of the Yilihui headquarters in the core area of ​​Yimi, there was a huge crowd. Many people related to the missing soldiers rushed to the front and used various methods to protest the inaction of the Yilihui...

For many people, the shadow of Death Sixteen is still lingering over their heads. Now there is a mysterious force in the universe that has kidnapped battleships. The pressure is too great. Why is survival so difficult?

Since neither the IPF nor the higher-ups have a clear explanation for this mysterious force, the discussions and speculations among the people about it have become more and more confusing and mysterious. For life, the most terrifying thing is not Known things, but unknown things, because no one knows what else this mysterious force of the universe will do? Will it threaten the security of the entire Yimi civilization? Will they further kidnap or devour Yimi's warships and soldiers? Will he go directly to the Yimi star to devour the Yimi people?

Rumors are so powerful that they spread more and more, so many people begin to believe them...

"Have you heard? That power has surrounded the starry sky around us!"

"More than just a siege? I heard that many of our warships have been devoured without even spitting out a bone..."

"Oh my seems like there is something wrong with the battleship we went to find the missing spaceship..."

"Really?! Could that power begin to invade?!"

"Does that need to be said? I haven't seen that everyone here is about to make a fuss, but Marshal Li didn't show up at all?"

"Yes... he should be leading the fleet to fight against it, right?"

"What if we lose? Where should we escape?"

"Where to escape? Where can I escape? We are all surrounded by it..."

"It's over, it's over..."

In addition to protesting, the people spread panic. Even middle-level and high-level people who did not know the truth began to feel that the situation was not good. Many people flocked to the meeting hall, begging to see the Great Lord and asking him to give an explanation...

What is the Great Lord doing at this time?

In fact, he didn't do anything. He just hid in his own space to cultivate himself while taking the medicine provided by Nan Yuan...

Of course, he is still waiting for the arrival of one person, the great elder who is responsible for exploring the truth about the mysterious power of the universe.

In his opinion, the person who kidnapped those missing battleships must be the person who took his place in commanding the fleet, and that person's purpose was just to save people, so there was nothing to worry about.

At the very least, every one of the soldiers who had soul lamps left in the Force had strong lights, and none of them had fallen. This fact had proved that his judgment was correct.

However, he has kept this news in hand for the time being and has not announced it to the public yet. He is waiting for the news after the Great Elder and the other four Supreme Elders go to investigate. It will not be too late to announce the news when it is confirmed.

"Where is the Great Elder? Why hasn't there been any news after so long?" The Great Lord was also a little suspicious.

They have been out investigating for a while, and logically they should be able to find out some results by now. Regardless of whether there is some mysterious force in the universe, there can always be some information, right?

Even worse, just announcing the investigation process can stop everyone from talking...

Just as he was thinking about it, a message suddenly came, and the Great Lord quickly read it with his spiritual consciousness. He couldn't help being startled by this sight, and he stood up in surprise!

"A mysterious devouring monster appears?!!!" The Great Lord turned blue and murmured.

This message was sent by the Great Elder and the others, but the content was quite astonishing. It said that during the process of detection and investigation, they discovered that several devouring monsters seemed to appear in the outer starry sky. They could swallow up some interstellar matter and Life either sneaks into small stars to devour life, or wanders in the starry sky and directly attacks some stray matter. Therefore, they suspect that the missing battleships may have been eaten by those devouring monsters!

The message is also accompanied by a video message of the Devouring Monster devouring matter and life. Its image is a bit weird, but overall it looks like a stone. Their abilities also appear to be extremely strong. Some small wandering interstellar matter has small hills. It was so big that it was swallowed by them in one bite! ! !

"What kind of monster is this? Why are there such monsters in the universe? Are they spaceships or lives?!" Countless thoughts passed through the Great Lord's mind, and he felt bad!

He was originally in a good mood, thinking that when the Great Elder and the others came back, he would announce to the public the news that all the missing soldiers were safe, but now the situation has taken a sharp turn, making him begin to doubt his previous guesses...

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