The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2693 Brutal Attack

( ) "Could it be that... the missing battleship was actually swallowed by these devouring monsters?! But how does this explain that none of the soldiers died, and each of them has a strong soul lamp?" The Great Lord thought.

Such contradictory things are puzzling. However, the Great Elder and others sent a letter to warn them. I don’t know what the situation is now. Will those monsters attack the Yimi Starry Sky?

The Great Lord couldn't sit still, so he quickly contacted Li Bashan...

During this period of time, he has not put any pressure on Liba Mountain, which also shows his trust in Liba Mountain. However, for Liba Mountain, the Great Lord did not appear, and the lack of pressure is just an appearance. If If there is no result in searching for the missing warship, how can I explain it to the Great Lord?

Now he suddenly got a reminder from the ship spirit, saying that the Great Lord was coming to him. This made his heart suddenly lift, and he felt a little bad. It seemed that what was supposed to come was coming, and the Great Lord was finally coming to scold him. Myself...

He didn't wait for the Great Lord to speak, and immediately said: "Great Lord! Don't worry, I am stepping up my efforts to send people to search for those missing warships, and I think there will be results soon! I heard that they are making a big fuss, right? Wait for me Once we find the battleships and people, we can shut their mouths..."

The Great Lord was stunned for a moment, and when he heard Li Bashan still chattering, he interrupted him and said: "The Great Elder and the others found some devouring monsters in the periphery. They are extremely powerful. The fleet must be prepared for self-defense and counterattack! As for the disappearance The battleship must also be found out whether it was swallowed by those devouring monsters..."

After saying that, he passed the video message sent by the great elder and cut off the connection with a click!


Liba Shanqi screamed. Unexpectedly, the Great Lord did not even say a word of scolding, but provided a piece of information. He quickly watched and was shocked!

"Swallowing monsters?!!! Oh my god!!!" Libushan suddenly realized.

It seems right, it is precisely because of the appearance of these devouring monsters that the sunken battleships are missing. They are the culprits!

"Ship Spirit, why didn't our people discover these devouring monsters?!" Li Bashan asked angrily.

"Commander, these devouring monsters are of a very high level. I'm afraid that our spaceship may be swallowed by them when it encounters them, so that even the information cannot be transmitted back..." the ship spirit analyzed.

"Then why does the Great Lord have such a message?"

"This... great lord's ability is beyond our ability to estimate.

Since he has the ability to obtain such a piece of information, it means that this matter must be absolutely true, and we must pay attention to it! "Jian Ling said.

"Isn't this nonsense?! The devouring monsters have swallowed up our battleship, and we must get it back from them! Moreover, they are actually active near our Yimi starry sky. Who knows when they will come in? This hidden danger It must be eliminated!" Li Bashan said fiercely.

"Commander, I have an idea..."

"tell me the story…"

"Now Wanrou Xudun's side is also desperately searching for their missing warships, but they may not necessarily know the existence of those devouring monsters, so we can first recall our warships, set up protective formations, strengthen monitoring, and see if those devouring monsters are How to deal with them, so that we can be prepared..." Ship Spirit said.

"Well, not bad! Then hurry up and follow the plan, call the headquarters for spaceships and supplies, and at the same time send this news to the First Power Association in various places, so that they can explain it clearly to the people who gathered to make trouble!" Libushan thought.

"Commander, are you sure you want to announce this news? Will the other party learn about it?" Ship Spirit reminded.

"Yes... then it will be later, after the Wanrou fleet encounters the devouring monster..."

"Yes! Commander!"

Soon, the warships of the Yimi fleet that were searching the periphery retreated one after another, and denser monitors were deployed along the way to observe what was about to happen in the starry sky...

Each civilization has its own set of methods for arranging starry sky monitors, and they are usually extremely secretive, in order to prevent opponents from discovering their monitoring network.

Due to the vast range of the starry sky, the monitors may be as tiny as stardust particles, and they also have certain invisible functions, so they are difficult to detect unless they are specifically searched and removed.

This task is actually one of the wartime tasks of each fleet. There are specialized wrecking warships responsible for this task. Of course, how well the cleaning task is completed depends on its level. Generally speaking, the wrecking warship can find part of the Monitors, but it is impossible to discover and eliminate them all, unless your own level is one or several major levels higher than the other party...

This is because the monitor is one of the key projects of each civilization, and it embodies the highest technical capabilities of a civilization, so even if it is worse, it will not be too much.

Li Bashan carefully observed the light curtains that bounced off one after another, feeling a little excited. Things finally came to light, just like seeing a little light in the dark, it would appear particularly bright, even a little dazzling.

He had been worried about that mysterious cosmic force before. Since it was in an unknown state, he could not help imagining it to an extremely terrifying level. But now it seems that this mysterious cosmic force turned out to be some devouring monsters, which made him think... You have found a target to work on!

Although these devouring monsters look scary, as long as they are not hiding in the dark, but have shown their signs, they are not so scary...

"What are these monsters? It seems that I have never seen them before?" Libashan said while observing.

"Indeed not! We have never seen any records in our history!" Ship Spirit agreed.

"Looks like it looks like some kind of round insect with armor? It's very fast, very flexible, and has a huge appetite..." Li Bashan said.

"Commander, they are not bugs! They are more like big-bellied fish. The mouth is wider than our battleship. Although the belly is small, its internal space must be very large, otherwise it would be impossible to move those small interstellar materials All swallowed!" Ship Spirit analyzed.

"Well, they actually rushed into the planet to devour life! Do they belong to a certain life race? And devouring life and matter is a way of hunting for them?" Li Bashan said in surprise.

"The commander-in-chief is right! For beings that are good at devouring, they can be said to be able to devour everything! Even though the interstellar matter seems to be nothing, it contains a lot of starry sky energy, which will be used by them. , for example, it is used to strengthen the outer shell and internal structure, including their bones and marrow! As for swallowing other living beings, it is naturally to obtain their life energy to replenish oneself. This is one of the most familiar ways of energy replenishment. …”

When Li Bashan heard the analysis of the ship spirit, he couldn't help but said harshly: "They actually swallowed up our battleship. I'm afraid our soldiers are in the process of being digested by them and must rush to rescue!"

"Commander, don't worry! It's not that easy for them to digest our warships. The shells of our warships are not only protected by layers of protection, but they are also extremely hard. Moreover, our people must be trying to find ways to destroy them from the inside. Now we still observe first. Their situation, understand their weaknesses, and strive for a fatal blow!" Ship Spirit said.

"Well, let each fleet prepare for battle... Huh?! There's a fight over there!" Li Bashan was startled and shouted.

"Yes! A very civilized spaceship!" the ship spirit said excitedly.

I saw a light curtain being moved to the front and magnified, and what was playing on it was the scene of a battleship fighting a devouring monster...

The battleship may not have discovered the Devouring Monster at the beginning, but was damaged by its sudden attack. Now it seems that it is not very smart to mobilize in the starry sky, but it also discovered the existence of the Devouring Monster because of this damage.

The two sides soon started fighting fiercely!

The battleship's gunfire turned around and directed towards the monster, exploding into waves of energy that looked extremely dazzling in the starry sky!

But the monster didn't seem to be afraid of the bombardment of these artillery fires. It actually walked freely in the energy wave and even attacked the battleship. Its attack method was extremely simple and primitive. It actually used impact to attack the battleship at lightning speed. Hit it hard!

"Boom!" "Boom!!" "Boom!!!"

The impact wave was transmitted along with the energy wave, shaking the surrounding starry sky, leaving Libashan stunned...

Such a brutal and primitive attack method actually occurred in the starry sky battle, which greatly refreshed his horizons!

I saw that the outer shell of the Gezhi Civilized warship could no longer withstand such an impact. It could be seen that its outer energy shield was rapidly degrading, and its energy luster continued to become dimmer...

Finally, when a huge impact wave boomed again, the battleship's shell energy shield finally failed completely, exposing the shell itself!

At this time, the battleship saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly escaped, but it was too late. The devouring monster mercilessly hit the shell again, "Boom, boom, boom, boom -"

The swallowing monster actually crashed through the battleship at once, entering from one side and rushing out from the other side! ! !

"Wow!!!" Libashan screamed and stood up, shaking all over!

The destructive power of the devouring monster is really terrifying!

I saw the battleship of Gezhi Civilization seeming to be shaking in place. After a while, there was a "crash..." There were strange sounds, and the shell continued to burst open visible to the naked eye, breaking into pieces in the starry sky. Here comes a goddess scattering flowers...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Libashan's eyes were dull and he murmured...

I saw countless small airships suddenly flying out from the battleship and escaping into the distance. The soldiers on the battleship seemed to be prepared and had long been hiding in the small airships. When the battleship was destroyed, they hurriedly fled...



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