The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2694 Scavenger of the Universe

( ) At this time, the explosion in the starry sky has not ended. On the contrary, it has just begun. For a battleship that embodies the crystallization of a civilization, there are many and extremely complicated things inside. For example, there are countless space things in it. Space stones, space wood, space vessels, personal space, large space...there are also various formations, especially energy-gathering formations. Under the pressure, many spaces could not withstand this level of impact and exploded one after another. The pressure caused by the exploding energy waves caused other spaces and formations to explode, causing the starry sky to suddenly fall into a series of chain explosions. Some of the small airships that were escaping were hit by explosives before they could escape. They bounced around in the wild explosion waves like rubber balls, and the flimsy ones also exploded. If you were lucky, you might find a way out. Escape...

However, crashing the battleship is only the first step in devouring the monster, and then it starts to feast!

"Swish, swish, swish—"

A wave of matter was swallowed up by it!


Another wave of matter was swallowed up by it!

And those soldiers who were overturned by the explosion could not escape the force field caused by its devouring power, and also entered its belly along with the devouring wave...

Seeing this scene, Liba Shan and Ship Ling were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes...

so amazing! too crazy! !

Others would have to chew carefully when swallowing, but this monster didn't seem to need to chew at all and just sucked it in without any intention of stopping. After swallowing one wave, it immediately started the next wave of devouring actions. It didn't take long, The starry sky filled with explosion waves and explosives was about to be cleared by it, and only some small airships escaped...

However, these small airships were quickly attacked and besieged by other swallowing monsters in the periphery. Only a few small airships that used the teleportation treasures escaped in a thrilling manner, and the others without treasures were overtaken and swallowed by the swallowing monsters. !

"Oh my God!!!" Libashan was completely stunned when he saw this scene!

It's really terrible!

These devouring monsters are extremely powerful, numerous in number, and cooperate with each other. How can anyone survive? !

"Commander, they did not swallow up our missing warships!" the ship spirit said suddenly.

"Oh?!" Li Bashan was startled.


The battleship of Gezhi Civilization was of a lower level than ours, but it could withstand it for a while, and it also caused an explosion wave when it was smashed. In the end, a few small airships even used the portal to escape from those devouring ships. Surrounded by monsters... This scene was extremely lively, but the result of our investigation was that it was silent. All the battleships disappeared without even making any abnormal noise! And no one could escape, which shows that what they encountered was not these devouring monsters..." Ship Spirit analyzed.

Hearing this, Li Bashan thought about it carefully and couldn't help but praise: "It makes sense! With the level of our battleships, it is impossible for them to be swallowed up by these devouring monsters. If they want to devour our battleships, they must knock them away." Okay, in that case, some of our soldiers will have a chance to escape, but the current situation is completely different from what we investigated. It can be seen that the reason for their disappearance should have nothing to do with these devouring monsters..."

"Yes! In addition to these devouring monsters, there should be another terrifying force existing in this starry sky. We are indeed in trouble!" The ship spirit sighed.

"This... just these devouring monsters are incredible. There is actually another force... Coupled with the death poison that our Yimi is suffering from, and the opposition from surrounding forces... It seems that our Yimi is really in trouble now. How difficult it is..." Liba Shan couldn't help but sigh.

The ship spirit was also speechless for a moment, feeling extremely troubled by the situation that Yi Mi was facing now...

But I saw that after swallowing the remaining matter in the starry sky, those devouring monsters began to wander again, and their direction turned towards the previous starry sky battlefield...

"No, they are really coming for us, Yi Mi..." When Li Bashan saw them, his expression changed drastically.

"Commander, our warships have all been recalled. Let the people on the soft and defensive side fight them first!" the ship spirit said gloatingly.

"Very good, but we must prepare as soon as possible. Now with the escape of a few people on the Gezhi Civilized Warship, the news of the appearance of the devouring monster should be known to Wanrou, so we can also report this news to Yi The secret territory is announced and we are asking for support!" Li Bashan said.

"What about the other force?" Ship Spirit asked.

"Currently, we haven't discovered the other force yet. We are just speculating, so it is not appropriate to make it public to avoid causing greater panic!" Libushan thought.

"The Commander-in-Chief is right! In fact, we can put the responsibility for the disappearance of the battleship on these devouring monsters first, so as to reduce the huge pressure that our First Force is facing now, and we can also confidently request support!" Ship Spirit suggested! .

Li Bashan's eyes lit up and he praised: "Just do it!"

"Yes! Commander!"

Shipling quickly sent the news back to Yimi Star, along with live video information. After the news was released by the First Power Association in various places, the whole of Yimi was shocked!

"Oh my God! There is such a monster?!"

"It's so scary! I eat everything!!!"

"No wonder our warships can't be found. It turns out they are causing trouble..."

"It is said that they are already flying towards our Yimi star..."

"How many are there?"

"I don't know. I heard there are many, so I can't count them..."

"It's over, it's over..."

The arrival of the devouring monster caused panic throughout the civilization. Many people were looking for ways to escape. They found that when facing such a monster, there were really not many ways to escape!

If we follow the past, we can still dig a hole in the ground and hide underground for a while, but these devouring monsters can be said to be capable of devouring everything. They can be called "cosmic scavengers" and have swallowed up all the matter in the starry sky. It can be seen that it is not safe to hide underground, because these monsters will definitely swallow a layer of the surface of Yimi Star!

If you can't dig a hole in the ground, you can only strengthen the defensive formation. However, from the information point of view, even those warships that condensed countless civilization achievements have been smashed and swallowed by them. Is it possible to defend it with the ground formation?

Moreover, the defense is too passive. Once trapped, there is no choice but to wait for death. No one wants to see that situation.

It seems that the only way to attack them is to take the initiative to attack them. However, the cannonballs on the battleship of Gezhi Civilization have no effect at all on devouring the monsters. Is there any way to blast away the hard shells of those monsters?

Regardless of whether they are ordinary people or high-level personnel of Yimi Civilization, after studying various solutions, they found that none of them worked, and they could not help but feel more and more desperate...

In a certain space in the core meeting hall of Yimi, many powerful people are gathering. These people are mainly from the Yilihui and the Doctors' Federation, and a small number are from the Zhishu Federation. The purpose of their gathering is to study the How to deal with the devouring monster you just discovered.

There are also many light screens here, which are playing some real-time information, all about the actions of those monsters. From the screen, you can see that the swallowing monsters seem to be gathering more and more. They come from all directions and are far away from the starry sky. The battlefield is getting closer and closer, starting to approach the fleet of Wan Rou and Xu Dun!

Many people are extremely interested in how Wan and Xu Dun deal with the devouring monsters, but they know that if Wan and Xu Dun are unable to deal with them, the Yi Mi fleet will face the same fate next. The Yimi star in the rear will be in an extremely dangerous situation, and no one can stay out of it!

In addition, with the ferocity and devouring speed of the devouring monsters, if Wanrou's side is defeated by them, it is estimated that they will soon march towards Yimi again, leaving the Yimi civilization a very short time to prepare and almost no room for maneuver...

The Great Lord was sitting in the upper seat, looking at those pictures, his mind was racing, and he was thinking hard...

These devouring monsters brought a real threat to the Yimi civilization, and this threat came faster and more violently than the poison of Death God Sixteen and the fleet of Wanrouxu Shield. This made the Great Lord feel extremely helpless. Unexpectedly, a wave of Before it calmed down, another wave arose, and this starry sky has evolved to the point where it is no longer a paradise, but a place full of dangers!

Why did the change happen so quickly? !

Is it because he and the Supreme Elders Council want to expand externally and improve the level of civilization?

Which civilization in the universe doesn't want to improve as quickly as possible and doesn't want to plunder the outside world? If you don't get stronger, why should you wait for others to get stronger to rob you?

The Great Lord does not think that he is wrong, but thinks that he has great ambitions, and his ultimate goal is for the benefit of the people of Yimi. However, the outcome of the evolution of things is far beyond his expectation. At present, the Yimi civilization is facing The real crisis!

"What should I do? What should I do?!" He kept asking himself.

Looking slightly, the palace is filled with elites from various fields in Yimi. With so many elites, there will always be someone who can figure out a way to deal with the devouring monster, right?

However, in order to let these people better understand the situation, he still asked Feng Yan, one of the vice-presidents of the Ichilihui, to come out and explain as planned.

Feng Yan was wearing a military uniform with a serious look on his face. He strode to the podium in front of him, saluted for a week, and started speaking!

"Everyone, regarding the Devouring Monsters, I believe you all have a pretty good understanding of their situation. I won't go into details about the general situation. Now I will focus on some of the arrangements our First Force will make against it!" Feng Yan said clearly at the beginning.

Everyone was refreshed and stared at Feng Yan, thinking, could it be possible that the Ichilihui already had a way to deal with the devouring monster?

This is amazing news!

However, as the representative of the military power of Yimi civilization, the Yilihui itself has gathered a large number of military geniuses. It is not surprising that they can come up with ways to deal with the devouring monsters...

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