The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2698 The transformation of monster tactics

Fortunately, the previous civilization masters and the captains of the warships all saw the information obtained from Yi Mi. Feng Yan's tactical demonstration was intuitive and vivid, allowing them to quickly understand the essence of this tactic. Therefore, at this time Although Wu Xu, Wood and others have not returned yet, they can form small battle fleets to deal with monsters...

"Whoosh whoosh" "Whoosh whoosh whoosh" "Whoosh whoosh whoosh"

"Boom boom boom" "boom boom boom" "boom boom boom"

The cold light is like lightning and the roar is like thunder. This planet that has been quiet for too long becomes extremely crazy at this moment. Everywhere looks like it has been cut open with a knife, stabbed with a gun, boiled with fire, and washed away with water. …

The devouring monsters did not notice the guerrilla tactics of these warships at first. They still wanted to use their extremely powerful impact force to smash open these spaceships, but unexpectedly they were often dodged by the warships when they were about to succeed, and ended up crashing into the surface of the planet. Go up and sink deep into the ground!

When the surrounding warships saw this opportunity, they immediately fired a cannonball to follow up, blasting the ground almost into powder and slowly collapsing...

Suddenly, all the captains heard Wu Xu's words and said: "Don't fire cannonballs, fire sharp weapons!!!"

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized.

Although the cannonballs are very lethal, they have little effect on those monsters. Only firing sharp weapons is the way to go!

As a result, all the warships immediately changed their tactics and focused on launching sharp weapons. Most of those sharp weapons were personal combat weapons of the soldiers, but now they were launched by the ballistics of the warships. Their impact and destructive power doubled, and the effect was really real. Not bad!

Moreover, each battleship will select a strike point in front of it when it launches and strike repeatedly. This makes the protective power of those monsters' shells greatly reduced under the impact of sharp weapons, becoming weaker and weaker, and one of them was directly broken!

"After breaking through, fire the cannonball in immediately!" Wu Xu ordered.

"Yes! Commander!!!" All the captains were in high spirits and immediately executed.

"Boom" "Boom boom" "Boom boom boom"

This monster was exploded under the powerful blow of the cannonball!

But the scene that appeared next stunned everyone!

I saw the energy waves that exploded as this monster continued to spread out,

Countless life forms and substances were also brought out from it. All kinds of life, all kinds of substances, and all kinds of indescribable energy waves made the entire area a mess...


"It actually swallowed so many lives?!"

"And material things!!!"

"What else is inside? I feel waves of energy coming, but I don't know what they are..."

"That's right..."

The captains communicated quickly, somewhat unprepared as to how to handle this situation.

"Don't worry about it! Keep an eye on the other monsters and kill them all first!!!" Wu Xu reminded loudly.

"Yes! Commander!!!" Everyone suddenly realized.

There were actually only six monsters that arrived in the early stage. After one was exploded, the remaining five were also shocked. This was the first time they suffered a failure since they embarked on the road of devouring!

They had been playing triumphant songs before, so they never thought that they would be beaten to death, so they were all a little confused for a moment...

At this time, the fleets of Wu Xu, Wood and others had also returned. They started fighting without saying a word. Their attacks were more precise and powerful. The five monsters were quickly disemboweled by them and exploded! ! !

"Wow..." Seeing this scene, everyone on the other side of Liba Mountain exclaimed, and couldn't help but feel refreshed.

That's right, before, Libushan had already felt that there were many crises and that he was overwhelmed but not strong enough. But after seeing the achievements of Wu Xu and others, his confidence suddenly increased!

I didn’t expect that the tactics Feng Yan mentioned were so effective. It’s really amazing!

Of course he didn't know that Feng Yan had already invested in Xingyun Castle, and this tactic was specially provided by Ling Daozi to let them deal with those who believed in the cave. Without Li Yun and Xiaoxing's research, what would Feng Yan do? Is it possible to come up with such targeted tactics?

Ling Daozi noticed the arrival of these belief travertines earlier than they did. Based on his familiarity with them, he quickly judged that the level of this group of belief travertines was not too high. In terms of individual ability, it was not as good as before. The faith travertine that appears in the Yika starry sky is of a high level, so it is not too difficult to deal with them.

He quickly designed a series of tactical plans based on the characteristics of these faith travertines and asked Feng Yan to demonstrate them in the meeting hall.

And he knew that there were people from Wanrou's side lurking in the hall, so they would definitely pass this information on to Wu Xu and the others.

In this way, both Yimi and Wanrou knew how to deal with this group of faith cave stones, and Ling Daozi was happy to have some leisure time...

However, he soon found that he was still busy, because after the faith travertine stones were exploded, the life forms inside were brought out. Some were killed directly, some were knocked unconscious, and some could still maintain a certain They woke up and ran away, but in the chaotic scene, these beings could not control their own destiny at all, and could only keep falling into the depths of the starry sky. Therefore, Ling Daozi quickly arranged the Star Fleet to rescue those people...

Libushan was inspired by Wanrou's achievements. While commanding the fleet to take the initiative, he passed the news to the headquarters of Yimi Star and asked Feng Yan and others to organize a reserve fleet to start fighting!

"Hoo" "Hoo ho" "Hoo ho ho"

Countless warships roared into the sky and began to intercept the devouring monsters. Battles continued in various areas of the starry sky, and the scene was extremely violent...


The people watching in the control space of Xingyun Castle were in an uproar. They were all excited and excited, wishing that they could join in such a huge starry sky battle!

"Hit! Hit hard!!!"

"Kill! Kill hard!!!"

"Run quickly! There's someone crashing over there!!!"

"It was too late, I was hit!"

"Hit one over there!"

"Wow...there are so many people inside?!!!"

"Oh my god..."

Gucheng, Chixia, Baiping, Sheyang, Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guohuan and Zhaojing were all screaming, as if they were on the battlefield, unable to restrain themselves...

However, the viewing conditions here are indeed the best. The scenes are spectacular and the details are clear, making people feel as if they are actually there. It is impossible not to be excited...

These people had seen the starry sky battle between the Yimi Fleet and the Wanrou Fleet before. That time opened their eyes and finally understood how wonderful the outside world is!

However, now seeing the scene of two fleets fighting against devouring monsters has once again refreshed their horizons and infinitely improved their perception of the starry sky in this universe. They can feel the thrill of the starry sky battle...

At this time, not only were they watching, but the people from the main star of Yi Mi and the seven satellites were also watching this unprecedented star battle. Since this battle was related to the fate of everyone here, they were even more immersed in watching it and screamed. It was even more sharp. Many people could not bear such a scene and fainted one after another. More people were praying non-stop and chanting hymns for the safety of the fleet...

The explosion of every monster will cause them to scream at the top of their lungs, and the fall of every battleship will also make them scream and cry...

The Devouring Monsters have encountered the most severe challenge since their debut. For them, it was the first time for them to see a companion being exploded by others, which was a huge psychological blow to them!

There was a huge contrast from the leisurely flight before to the current frenzy and violence. To be honest, they couldn't bear it. Therefore, within a period of time after the war started, their reaction was a little slow, resulting in heavy losses. Said it was a sap.

However, after all, they have extremely strong shells. After withstanding the first round of attacks from the battleships, many of the devouring monsters reacted. They formed combat teams one after another, began to deal with the fleet, and showed other tactics...

Suddenly, I saw several monsters slowly changing their appearance. They gradually sprouted heads, multiple legs and tails. Their mouths were covered with dense white teeth, their legs and limbs were covered with spikes and claws, and their tails were also covered with spikes. They started quickly and twisted around in the starry sky. A warship accidentally passed by them and was hooked by their tails, and it immediately stuck to the warship!

These monsters stuck to the outer shell of the battleship, trying desperately to penetrate, claw, tear, and bite. The light on the outer shell kept flashing. It was obvious that the energy shield was protecting the outer shell, but as they were destroyed, the battleship's energy shield was Dropped sharply and the luster became increasingly dull!


The monster became more and more excited as it tore apart, and a long red tongue came out of its mouth, making the soldiers in the battleship tremble with fear!

It's really troublesome to be stuck on a battleship by these monsters, because you can no longer fire sharp weapons at them. If you do, you will most likely miss them and hit the battleship instead, which will become suicide...

Li Bashan saw that it was not good, and quickly ordered the captain to immediately start the formation attack program, and use the power of all the soldiers' spiritual consciousness to attack them. It is a pity that these warships were designed without considering that such a thing would happen. The thing is, the energy shield mainly plays a protective role. There are very few offensive procedures in the formation, and even if there is any, it has no lethality.

The power of the consciousness of those soldiers is extremely scattered, and it is impossible to form a joint force to deal with the monsters. It is even less possible to use the Gathering Mountain like the Starship Ship to condense a force that is dozens or hundreds of times stronger. Therefore, for the monsters, it is just It's like scratching an itch, it doesn't have any decent effect.

"Chi la" "Chi la la" "Chi la la la"

Waves of cold light passed through the monsters' bodies like electric currents, making a numbing sound, making them look particularly ferocious in the starry sky, making people's hearts beat wildly and their whole bodies tremble...

"It's so miserable..."


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