The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2699 New Type of Cannonball

The fate of this battleship affects the hearts of countless people. They understand that once the battleship is torn apart by monsters, the people inside will be horribly devoured. If they enter the belly of these monsters, they may never return!

Moreover, if the monster succeeds in this trick, other monsters will follow the same example and imitate a few of them to attach themselves to other battleships and attack directly. This seems to be their favorite trick, because this trick can play a role Taking advantage of the toughness of their bodies.

Although all the officers and men on the ship used their spiritual power, the cold light transformed by these powers was still unable to effectively attack the monsters. The energy shield protection level of the battleship's outer shell continued to decline, and soon fell below the minimum standard line, with part of the outer shell already exposed. !

"Wo..." Everyone screamed and were stunned!

Li Bashan no longer dared to hesitate and shouted loudly: "Superpower Warriors, prepare! Attack!"


Those soldiers with the ability to transform into sharp weapons were sent out of the ship and launched a fierce attack on the monsters!

These people are like little mosquitoes when facing huge monsters. Of course, their combat purpose cannot be to defeat them, but to harass and reduce part of their hardness. As long as they can give the battleships time to buffer, they will It can bring the energy of the protective shield back above the standard line.

Sure enough, the knives, guns, swords, halberds, needles, and thorns they transformed into were all directed at the monsters. Moreover, the tactics they imitated were the same as those of battleship strikes. They all found the same area to attack, making the monsters Unable to tolerate the disturbance, I used my tail to deal with these supernatural warriors...

This move is extremely powerful. The monster's tail is not only hard, but also very sharp. If it is hit by it, the consequences will be extremely serious. Even death is possible. However, in order to save the battleship and for Yimi, those supernatural warriors can no longer care about so much. …

Fortunately, they are extremely flexible, and because of the monster's huge size, its tail swing is a bit awkward, so it can be easily avoided. However, there are still some supernatural warriors who cannot avoid it, and are swept by it, screaming and falling into the depths of the starry sky. It made countless people cry...

But their sacrifice was worth it, because the monsters were harassed by them and could not concentrate on biting the battleship, which caused the battleship's energy shield level to rise again and protect the shell. This made the three monsters become violent and they roared. , rose into the sky and began to capture these transforming weapons. For a time, the starry sky was full of dangers, and countless people were worried about it...

"Retreat quickly! The other warships continue to attack!" Libushan ordered.

The supernatural warriors immediately dispersed.

Escape outside, and the battleships in the team began to attack these monsters, finally helping the previous battleship resolve the crisis.

This battle provided an example for other war groups. Attacks by deformed monsters were basically dealt with by using supernatural warriors to harass them. The effect was pretty good, but it was not effective every time. Some battleships had already been attacked by deformed monsters. He tore open the opening and rushed inside to devour and destroy like crazy...

The battle is becoming more and more fierce!

On the planet where the Wanrou fleet is located, the intensity of the battle is no less intense than on the Yimi star, because nearly half of the devouring monsters gathered on their side, greatly compressing the starry sky!

The Wanrou fleet was entangled by them and could not escape smoothly. They had to engage in battle. As the battle deepened, the battle continued to escalate. The monsters began to deform, stick, bite and pierce, forcing them to use the skills of super warriors to deal with them, resulting in casualties. The number is increasing dramatically…

Using supernatural warriors can be said to be the last resort. Everyone knows that after these people go out, there will definitely be fewer people who come back than those who went out...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Xu immediately ordered all warships to leave the battlefield as soon as they seize the opportunity, without having to fight the monsters to the death.

For them, this is still a great advantage, because they have no worries, unlike the Yimi fleet, which has no escape route, because if they lose, the Yimi star and the seven satellites will be mercilessly devoured by monsters...

However, Wu Xu underestimated the toughness and desire to fight of the devouring monsters. Once these monsters find their targets, they will not stop until they swallow them all. This is also a belief that the people of the dark universe have instilled in them!

Swallow everything, everything, even if you are finished for it...

This is the scariest thing about Faith Travertine!

At this moment, they discovered that the Wanrou fleet was showing signs of retreat, and immediately changed their fighting methods. They all dispersed and blocked all directions. They also used deformation tactics to transform their bodies into the shape of a multi-clawed fish, except for a round head. The other parts are long and thin legs, and there are suction cup-like organs on the legs. As long as it is grabbed by one of the legs, it can cling tightly to the battleship and start its destructive actions!

In addition, in addition to tearing and puncturing, they have another offensive method, which is to spray some unknown liquid from their mouths. Once these liquids hit the battleship's energy shield, they will cause a burst of smoke, which greatly consumes the energy protection power. It is obviously a highly corrosive venom!

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but scream.

Unexpectedly, these devouring monsters have more and more tricks and become more and more terrifying. Where do they come from? What secret is hidden in him?

This has actually aroused the suspicion of many people, because every time a monster is exploded, countless other lives and substances will swing out from it. The state of these lives is a bit strange. They all seem to be ignorant, and their mouths are full of confusion. While chanting something, they rarely struggled to survive after being thrown out. They all fell into the depths of the starry sky in a confused state...

Obviously, there should be a huge space inside these monsters to accommodate so many lives. In addition, the substances are also very strange. There are all kinds of things, and many of them look like daily necessities. , which means that these beings were not digested by the monster, but lived in the monster's body...

What's happening here? !

Could it be that these monsters devour all kinds of matter and life not to fill their stomachs, but to make it impossible for them to live in the space inside their bodies?

This seems to be similar to how a powerful person in the world of cultivation can build a world within his own body...

However, this situation is quite different for the people of Yimi and the surrounding civilizations. In Yimi and the surrounding civilizations, very few people can build a world inside their bodies because they have given up practicing cultivation a long time ago. His own body turned to the supernatural civilization!

The superpower civilization mainly relies on the power of medicine to develop superpowers and solidify them on itself, and can even inherit them through reproduction. This is obviously different from the cultivation civilization.

Because it has been so long, many people from Yi Mi and surrounding civilizations have almost forgotten about the inner world. In fact, they now rely more on external forces rather than relying on their own cultivation to improve their combat power. , so their body strength is not enough to support them to build the inner world.

Therefore, when they saw the situation after the monster was exploded, they were confused for a long time before finally thinking about the world inside the body!

"They actually have an internal world?! Oh my God!!!"

"It's possible when you think about it. Their shells are so strong that they can possess the power of the world..."

"It makes sense! No wonder so many life forms can live in their bodies. Maybe the people who were swallowed by them before did not die!"


Everyone was suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but feel refreshed!

That's right, if the purpose of these devouring monsters is not to fill their stomachs, but to keep them in the internal space world, then their lives will not be in danger.

As long as these monsters are captured or exploded, they can be rescued!

"Hit! Beat me hard!!!" Li Bashan ordered in a deep voice.

For these monsters, only by exploding them all can the people who were previously devoured by them be rescued. This quickly became the consensus of everyone, and thus, a wild explosion action started vigorously...

Moreover, at this time, the highly corrosive cannon jointly developed by the Doctors Federation and the Wisdom Federation was released. The development speed can be said to be extremely fast!

When Libashan heard the news, he was also greatly surprised. He didn't expect that this kind of artillery shell would come out in such a short period of time, and he didn't know how effective it would be...

Under his command, the warships in the fleet took turns returning to the main star to reload. Soon, the first batch of warships to reload came back. However, on the way, many warships broke through the interception network and flew to the main star of Yimi. Devouring the monster, he quickly stepped forward to intercept it.

"Swish swish - swish swish - swish swish -"

The new type of artillery shells fell on these monsters like raindrops, and they suddenly saw billowing yellow smoke rising from their bodies. They turned into an existence like wind, fire and thunder along with their flight trajectory, which was shocking to people.

After a while, these monsters started to feel bad!

Because they find that the strength of their shells is declining sharply, becoming weaker and weaker...

They quickly mobilized all their energy to replenish the strength of their shells. However, those corrosive substances were made of unknown materials. The corrosion rate was astonishing, and they continued to penetrate, causing their shell materials to fall off like powder...

The stone spirit inside was shocked and didn't know what to do. He quickly turned around and ran away!

Those warships were not willing to let them go so easily. They immediately fired their sharp weapons. However, within a few attempts, they easily penetrated the monster's shell and detonated it!

"Crash--" "Crash--" "Crash--"

These monsters seemed to fall apart. They were destroyed at once by the powerful power of the world inside and scattered!

Countless life forms and substances instantly filled the starry sky, many of which fell to the main star of Yimi, and some still fell into the depths of the starry sky. This scene can be clearly seen with the naked eye on the main star of Yimi. Let everyone cheer and jump with excitement...

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